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As far as I have understood the problem, some material quantity is to be inspected

at regular intervals (preferably days). The materials are not batch managed and
have no serialization.
The materials have stock in the warehouse. Pieces of material A are to be inspected
from warehouse to verify quality, and is to be inspected every 2 days for operational
efficiency for instance. If the inspection fails, it can no longer be used and must be
scrapped, and if found OK, it must be further inspected as per routine until it is
issued somewhere else. The material itself is a finished good, so it is not part of any
production or manufacturing process.
I guess there is some general tracking or traceability missing that can assist us in
inspection. We must provide some mechanism, either in form of batches or serials,
to identify it from other pieces of stock in inventory.
We can create manual inspection lots or use some exit or FM, but then stock can be
used by any external or in-house activity. We want the stock to be posted in QI
automatically and not be used unless allowed by quality department.

The Calibration Process:

1) We need to assign a serial profile (OIS2) in material master to maintain
equipments. As the stock is already there, we can create another serialized
material (USING MM01) and transfer the stock from one material to another
(USING 309 MOVEMENT). In this way, a track of old material is kept and
equipments are created (EQP CREATED IN MIGO SCREEN) depending on the
serial profile setting
2) Once we have serialized stock, we need setup inspection master data. We
can create equipment task list (USING IA01) or general task list (USING IA05)
with usage indicator as 4 (universal) and 300 inspection point type. We
maintain all result recording parameters with each work center operation
items also containing Master inspection characteristics (QS21). A separate
sampling procedure (QDV1) for plant maintenance must be created for the
task list characteristics to work. You can create a single task list for all
equipments so that they can be issued together at a later point.
3) Next we create a maintenance plan (calibration category) (IP41) and enter
details such as 1 day cycle/unit, order type (PM05; check configuration if
inspection type 14 is assigned), equipment, work center etc. Search the task
list against the equipment to assign it in the plan. Remember to assign the
inspection type 14 in the material master.
4) Now we schedule the maintenance plan (IP10) created, and enter the start of
the cycle. Once the target date is reached, a maintenance order is created
and released, with an inspection lot being created for the equipments in the
list. In SAP QM, you can separately inspect each unit or summarize the
inspection depending on your control indicators in your MIC. QM doesnt block
the equipment, but rather always the order to be marked technically
completed in usage decision. A status profile must be used to block inventory
that have not reached the TECO order status
The Batch Process:
1) Create a duplicate material, as the original material cant be managed as
stock already exist in the system. Transfer the stock via 309 movement and
assign it a batch then and there. For example, 2 different batches can be
created for the same material denoting different pieces of quantity. The new
material must have inspection type 9 recurring inspection assigned to it.
2) In the material master, we need to maintain minimum remaining shelf life
and total shelf life before performing material transfer. For instance, the it has
1 day minimum remaining shelf life. We need to make sure that batch status
management is active, as we need to restrict the stock movement. We
assume that the expiration date is one year in future and the inspection
interval to be defined in QM view is 2 days, so we can inspect the stock every
2 days.
3) We can check the batch master, for next inspection date. We run QA07
manually for creating lots. QA05 is used to schedule the job periodically. In
QA07, we define the initial run days as 3 from the current date, making the
next inspection date lie in the interval. Once executed correctly, an inspection
lot is created.
4) In QA07, we have an option of posting the stock in QI directly. This means
whenever, inspection date is reached, the stock will automatically be posted
in QI, to be inspected. Only the from QM the stock can be released. Based
upon the requirement, the shelf life date can be changed from usage decision
screen in QM. QA05 is scheduling of the QA07 transaction code using a user
defined variant. QA06 displays the logs for scheduling.
5) If any characteristics are to be inspected and their result transferred to batch,
batch classification must also be used, along with material specification in QM
using characteristic values.

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