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January 1966 THE CLASSICAL WORLD 149

A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SPOKEN LATIN* ments and related studies: these teachers will
During recent years there has been a revival become acquainted with the great efforts being
of interest in using conversational Latin in the made in the Roman Catholic Church to revitalize
classroom. For public school teachers this has Latin studies. With the ferment going on in
been brought about by developments in linguis- classical circles it is important that all those
tics and by the efforts of such magazines as genuinely interested in the restoration of Latin
Latin Teaching in England and Vita Latina in join forces and supplement one another's efforts.
f France. Catholic school teachers have been stimu- After most of the items listed I have tried
lated particularly by the Apostolic Constitution, to make a few pertinent observations. Any text-
fl Veterum Sapientia, of Pope John XXIII, who book in the bibliography has obvious good points,
insisted that Latin must be restored as the but none of them is "perfect": most will be
international means of communication within the satisfactory in the hands of a good teacher. Ul-
Roman Catholic Church. timately, however, each teacher will have to de-
As a result of these divergent influences, termine the suitability of these books for himself
1! in many schools old procedures are being re- since he is t1 e one who determines his own
assessed, new programs are being inaugurated teaching objectives.
in order to produce more effective and pertinent I. "Veterum Sapientia" and related materials
Latin courses. Both teachers and administrators Constitutio Apostolica "Veterum Sapientia"
have been asking: "What textbooks and pedago- de Latinitatis Studio Provehendo et "Ordinatio-
gical aids are now available to get a good pro- nes" ad eam rite exsequendam. Rome: Sacra Con-
gram started?" gregatio de Seminariis et Studiorum Univer-
It is extremely important to know the wide sitatibus, 1963. Pp. 104.
range of materials now at hand to begin a sound
Latin program. The danger is that our enthu- The most convenient edition I have yet met with.
siasm will prompt us to select a text simply be- S. Alvarez-Menendez, 0.P., "Brevis expositio
cause it has been on the market for some time praecedentis Apostolicae Constitutionis (Vet.
and the publisher's "hoopla" has exceeded that Sap.) ," Angelicum 39 (fasc. 1-2, 1962) 12-39.
of his competitors. Furthermore, Latin depart- C. J. Grady, C.P.S., "The `Veterum Sapien-
ments may at first be forced to choose a basic tia'," CO 40, no. 6 (Feb. 1963) 61-62.
text which carries the burden of the course by
extensively elaborated drills and tapes ; this is C. J. Grady, C,P.S., " `Veterum Sapientia'
necessary because the teachers themselves are Its Implementation," CO 40, no. 7 (Mar. 1963)
not adequately trained in spoken Latin. After 78-79.
a few years, however, the teachers will want R. Jacoangeli, "Adnotationes in Litteris Apos-
to change because they are more at home with tolicis Studia Latinitatis," Monitor Ecclesiasticus
the language and can handle their material more 89:3 (1964) 351-395.
expeditiously. Very likely there will be this A fine summary of papal documents on Latin
"built-in obsolescence" in any new program. with an extended commentary on Pope Paul VI's
All of these reasons have prompted the establishment of the new Pontifical Institute for
elaboration of the following bibliography. If the Advanced Latin.
reader finds here generous reference to papal J. F. Kobler, C.P., "Is the Old Education
documents, the author craves his indulgence Really Ended?," Catholic Educator 33 (Mar.
since this bibliography was originally compiled 1963) 589-590, 602.
for Catholic seminary professors. There is, how- J. F. Kobler, C.P., "Latin in the Vortex of
ever, an important benefit to be gleaned by the Vatican II," Catholic Educator 35 (Nov. 1964)
public school teacher from perusing these docu- 279-281, 320.
*Father Kobler's article originally appeared under J. M. Mir, C.M.F., "De Latina Lingua Rite
the title "What's New in Spoken Latin: An An- Excolenda," Commentarium Pro Religiosis et
notated Bibliography" in Seminary Newsletter
(Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Educational Missionariis 38 (1959-1960) 94-111.
Association), Vol. 6, No. 3 (June 1965), pp. 2-12. This article by the well-known editor of the
We are indebted to Fr. Kobler; to Rev. William L. Latin magazine, Palaestra Latina, is included here
Watson, O.M.I., St. Anthony's Junior Seminary, because it represents the mentality which shaped
San Antonio, Tex., who first brought the paper to
our attention; and to NCEA (c/o Mr. John C. Cer- the directives of Veterum Sapientiae.
mak, Seminary Departments) for kind permission U. Navarrete, S.J., "Commentarium Historico-
to bring this valuable bibliography to a wider
audience.En. Juridicum in Const. Apost. Teterum Sapientia',"
150 THE CLASSICAL WORLD January 1966

Periodica de Re Mora li, Canonica, Liturgica 51 J. F. Kobler, C.P., "On Teaching Latin,"
(fact. III, 1962) 318-402. Rome: Pontificia Uni- Catholic Educator 33 (Sept. 1962) 61-62.
versitas Gregoriana, 1962. R. Lado, Language Teaching: A Scientific
D. Staffa, Allocutio de Apostolica Consti- Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. Pp.
tutione "Veterum Sapientia" atque Ordinationi- 224. $5.95 (cloth) ; $3.95 (soft cover).
bus ad eam rite exsequendam spectantibus. Apud "A clear discussion of the theory and applica-
Universitatem Catholicam Americae habita tion of structural linguistics for the teacher of
Washingtonii, a. d. VII Idus Julias, A.S. 1962. foreign languages and of English as a foreign lang-
uage. The first text to incorporate in one volume
A sane and humane commentary by a member a modern tneory of second language learning"
of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries on the (publisher's notice). Dr. Lado is always superb!
interpretation of these documents.
R. Lado, Language Testing: The Construc-
II. Language Teaching and Latin tion and Use of Foreign Language Tests. New
Congres International pour le Latin Vivant. York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1965. Pp. 416.
Avignon, France: Edouard Aubanel, Editeur. $6.00.
These are the printed proceedings. Three inter- "A complete treatment of all aspects of testing
national congresses have been held to date : 1956, language skills. Discusses basic theories, treats in
1959, 1963. detail testing the production of sound segments,
grammatical structures, and vocabulary, and an-
Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis: alyzes the complex problems of testing the inte-
Studiorum Ordines et Cursus. Rome: Pontificium grated skills: auditory and reading comprehension,
Athenaeum Salesianum, 1964. speaking, writing, and translation" (publisher's
This is the catalogue of the new Pontifical Latin
Institute founded by Paul VI. For copies write to: F. Marty, Language Laboratory Learning.
Segreteria del "Pontificium Institutum Altioris Wellesley, Mass.: Audio-Visual Publications, Box
Latinitatis," Via dell' Ateneo Salesiano, Rome, Italy. 185.
Reports of Surveys and Studies in the Teach- Helpful for those working with or planning to
ing of Modern Foreign Languages, Modern Lan- work with a language lab.
guage Association of America, 1959-1961. Mod- R. L. Plancke and J. Veremans, Documenta
ern Language Association Foreign Language Didactica Classica. I-V (1962- ). Ghent, Bel-
Research Center, 70 Fifth Ave., New York 11, gium, Blandijnberg 2. (Cf. CW 59 (1965-66) 99,
N.Y. Price $1.00 (to members) ; $4.00 (to non- 175.)
The best concise bibliography on European
It is very instructive to see the general techni- source materials for all aspects of Latin.
ques and objectives of modern foreign language
teachers who desire to educate their students totally G. Stolz, Approach to Oral Latin. South
in a given language. According to papal directives Woodstock, Conn.: Annhurst College, n.d. Mimeo-
Latin in the Roman Catholic Church is a "modern" graphed.
language, i.e., it is a vehicle to discuss and write
about contemporary ideas. Reading this type of This fine short brochure treats of most of the
literature is helpful in shaking up our thinking basic problems met with in spoken Latin from the
on the subject of Latin, particularly if we are pro- elementary to the advanced level. Although brief,
ducts of the so-called "traditional method." it also serves as a quick introduction to the best
pedagogues of the past and their techniques. Copies
P. F. Distler, S.J., Teach the Latin, I Pray obtainable from the author, 520 W. 114th St., New
You. Chicago: Loyola U. Press, 1962. Pp. viii, York 25, N.Y.
254. C. Towey, C.P., "You, Too, Can Speak Latin,"
This is the best book on the market today for Bulletin of the National Catholic Educational
practical teaching suggestions. Unfortunately Fr. Association: Proceedings and Addresses, 60th
Distler assumes that the primary purpose of teach- Annual Meeting, August 1963, pp. 117-123.
ing Latin is to impart to the students a reading
knowledge of the language; he also abstracts from III. Introductory Textbooks on the Market
any papal documents on the subject. With this (largely for first and second year)
reservation I heartily recommend the volume.
J. N. Bitar, S.V.D., The Girard Latin Course.
J. F. Kobler, C.P., "Latin in a Contempo- Books I and II. Techny, Ill.: Divine Word Publi-
rary Frame," Bulletin of the National Catholic cations, 1963- .
Education Association: Proceedings and Addres- This well-organized course is orientated largely
ses, 60th Annual Meeting, August 1963, pp. 110- around Christian Latin and develops grammar func-
116. tionally. The over-all approach is easily understand-
purposes of spoken Latin. In the past Sr. M. Co-
able by the traditionally trained teacher. Book II lumba, S.C.L., has conducted summer workshops
for the second year authors.with
continues readings from on Fr. Most's materials a.. isSt.part
Mary's College,
Christian and classical For further infor- Xavier, Kansas; spoken Latin of the course.
mation write to the publishers or to Fr. Bitar,
S. V. D. Manor, 2000 No. La Brea Terrace,Holly- R. J. O'Brien, S.J., and N. J. Twombly, S.J.,
wood 46, Calif. A Basic Course in Latin and An Intermediate
M. A. Burns, R. F. Sherburne, S.J., and C. Course in Latin. Chicago, Loyola U. Press, c1962.
J. Medicus, Lingua Latina: Liber Primus and Another series that needs no introduction; it is
Liber Secundus. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Bruce Pub- its structural analysis.
perhaps the most refined for
(For a technical critique cf. A. R. Keiler's review
lishing Co., 1964- . Learning 13, nos. 3 & 4
to the first course in of the book in Language Georgetown University offers a
"A linguistic approach [1963] 269-276.) teachers interested in using
Latin emphasizing drill directed toward the de- 'summer course for presents a brief accountthis
in basic grammar skills
and linguistic structure, text. Volume Two Numerous
velopment of reading comprehension" (publisher's Rome's history to the fall of the Empire.
notice). Tapes are available for the first book. "quaesita" and "exercitationes"; new words defined
G. A. Crawford, C. W. Ashley, J. M. Infield, in Latin.
F. F. Kempner, Elementary Latin: The Mich.: Basic H. II Oerberg, Lingua Latina secundumDen- na-
Structures. Parts I and II. Ann Arbor, turae rationem explicata. Charlottenlund,
University of Michigan Press, 1963. mark : The Nature Method Centre, Raadhusvej
This first year text is interesting in that it is 24, 1962. 15 fasc.; 53 chapters.
a blend of Dr. Sweet's techniques and that of the This very fine course was originally
course for adults,
although it
"traditional" method. as a correspondence schools in Europe. While the
P. F. Dist ler, S.J., Latin 1: Beginning Latin is now used in many Latin, each fascicle is ac-
textbook is entirely in
and Latin 2: Progress in Reading. Chicago: companied by an English explanation ofthe the gram-
Loyola U. Press, c1962. mar involved. It is a judicious blend of
tural approach" and the "direct method." Because
Although this text is essentially gearedspeaking
to read- there is nothing like it at present on the American
ing Latin, it can easily be adapted to the examined for helpful
of Latin. Fr. Dist ler has elaborated copious avoids drills market, it should be at least
suggestions. The English notes are currently being
and exercises on a structural basis, but he
readings of the second adapted for high school students.
technical terminology. The
volume are based on a Latin prose versioncopious of the W. L. Paine and C. L. Mainwaring, Primus
Iliad and portions of Caesar. There are also Annus. Oxford: Clarendon Press, c1912.
drills, etc.
H. A. Gardocki, S.J., Adventure in Language thing One of the original "direct method" texts: every-
is in Latin. The book'sis very theme is entirely
through Latin. 2 vols.: "First Adventure: Open- classical. Unless the teacher capable, the
ing the Door: Reader. Introduction and Unit I." book would be rather difficult to teach.
Private printing. Cleveland, Ohio : St. Ignatius
High School, c1965. C. W. E. Peckett and A. R. Munday, Principia
grammar school stu- (Part I) and Pseudolus Noster (Part II) : A
This text was written for few books which views Beginner's Latin Course. Shrewsbury: Wilding
dents and is one of themodern conversations. For and Son, c1949, 1950.
Latin as a vehicle of Gardociti's text has been
the past. two years Fr. This is perhaps the best "direct method" text
of Catholic University
used by the Campus SchoolEducational originally developed
of America. Cf. 'Catholic Review 62, produced in England. It was
twelve years of age. A
no. 8 (Nov. 1964) 550. for children of eleven or
good class could cover both volumes in one year.
P. Goggi, Res et Verba. 3 vols. Rome: Cura
Instituti Superioris Paedagogiae (P. A. S.), V. A. L. Savio, Tulliolus Romanorum Nepos.
Marsala 42, c1962. Turin : Societa Editrice Internazionale, c1964.
This fine text has been issued under the auspices A good introductory text for functionally
grammar school
of the Salesian Fathers, who are in charge of the students. It develops its syntax
new Pontifical Latin Institute in Rome. It is writ- stories. Some of the text and the teacher's manual
ten entirely in Latin (even close for the grammatical is in Italian, but it has good applied pedagogy and
explanations) and is rather in some details format.
to the "directives" of Veterum Sapientia for ele-
mentary Latin. There are two workbooks for vo- W. E. Sweet, Latin: A Structural Approach.
cabulary with the set. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, c1957.
W. G. Most, Latin by the Natural Method. This book pioneered the structural approach,
3 vols. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., c1957, 1958, and is well-known. Dr. Sweet is now working on
1961. the programmed instruction of Latin; this will be
This well-known series can be adapted to the mentioned later in the
152 THE CLASSICAL WORLD January 1966
C. Towey, C.P., Sermo Latinus: An Elemen- R. T. Brown, (Title unknown). Mimeograph-
tary Course in Communication Latin. Warrenton, ed notes. No date.
Mo.: Mother of Good Counsel Seminary, c1963. Years ago Fr. Brown was well-known in Cali-
Pp. xi, 82. fornia as a proponent of spoken Latin. His intro-
The primary objective of this compact course ductory course is a good example of "Church Latin"
is to teach spoken Latin. Its basic pedagogy is to as it is used colloquially. A very practical course,
cover the complete granimer of Latin in a general but hard to get copies of.
but adequate way as quickly as possible. Then the . M. Stephenson, A Brief Yet Complete La-
student is introduced to dialogues. There is an ac- tin Grammar and Classical Everyday Latin Con-
companying workbook, Pensa (pp. iv, 97), a Teach-
er's Manual (pp. vi, 48), and a well-written, op- versations With a Latin Vocabulary of Modern
tional pampl.get entitled The Philosophy of Sermo Terms. Dayton, Ohio, c1935, 1936. Pp. 103, 75.
Latinus and its Pedagogy (pp. iv, 34).
Fr. Stephenson is of the same general school
C. Towey, C.P., and S. Akielaszek, Lingua as Avellanus and was one of the pioneers of the
Latina Viva: A First Year Course in Communi- "direct method" in America. His books are still
cation Latin. Educational Resources Corp., 9 suggestive of ideas and pedagogy.
Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10020. Twelve S. M. Stephenson, Stylistic or Critical Antho-
Units. logy covering the whole of Latin Literature.1
This is a vastly expanded and modified develop- Private printing, c1939. Pp. xiv, 400.
ment of C. Towey's Sermo Latin= (e.g., the ori-
ginal product weighed about one pound; this pilot This book would be appropriate for second year
edition weighs about nine pounds!). There is a students. It was meant to follow the author's gram-
workbook of student exercises and a teacher's man- mar, mentioned previously. The contents contain
ual. Tapes axe available. I understand a revised brief selections from the beginnings of Latin litera-
version of tnis text is to be brought out in early ture to Pius XI. The format is also interesting.
1966 by McGraw-Hill. Each page is divided into four quarters. The top
left-hand quarter contains the actual text of the
IV. Introductory Texts (worthy of special men- author being studied; the top right-hand quarter
tion, but ncw out of print) gives Fr. Stephenson's "normalized" Latin version
of the text being studied, as an aid to acquire
A. Avellanus, Palaestra: being a primer of correct style. The lower left-hand quarter contains
the Tusculan System of learning and teaching the necessary Latin vocabulary for the text studied.
Latin, to speak; for Class use and for Self-in- The lower right-hand quarter gives an English
translation e the assigned text.
struction. 3rd edition. In Two Parts. Pp. 546.
Williamstown, Mass., P. 0. Box 714, c1917. V. Some Supplementary Books, helpful at the
Arcadius Avellanus is the pseudonym of Arcade introductory level
Mogyorossy (1851-1935) whose life and works are W. Busch, Fabellae Pueriles, ab Hugone Paoli
very interestingly sketched by Goodwin Beach in Latinis versibus redactae. New York : Noble and
CJ 42 (1946-47) 505-510. Avellanus is "facile prin- Noble, c1960, Pp. 153.
ceps" among teachers of spoken Latin, and he pro-
moted the language as an auxiliary international E. C. Hadas, Ferdinandus Taurus: A Latin
language. This work, Palaestra, was contemplated Version of the Story of Ferdinand by Munro
in three parts, but apparently the third part was Leaf. New York : David McKay Co., c1962.
never published. The book is a gold-mine of peda-
gogical suggestions.i I mention this type of "picture-book" since it
1. Other introductory texts by the same author: lends itself to the making of transparencies for
the overhead projector. While the pictures are be-
A. Avellanus, Palaestra, h. e., Ratio prorsus ing shown, the teacher or one of the students can
nova Linguam Latinam vivae vocis adminiculo, sive read the simple Latin text. Questions and conver-
in ludis sive extra eosdem, facile iucundeque docendi sation can be developed on the basis of the rather
et discendi; Pars Curriculi Tusculani Prima. Editio humorous pictures.
secunda. Philadelphiae: Typis Praeconis Latini ex-
scripta, c1896. Pp. 67. S. W. Wilby, Epitome Historiae Sacrae, auc-
A. Avellanus, Arena Pala,estarwm, h. e., Libellus tore Lhomond. Baltimore: John Murphy Co.,
ad sermonem Latinum legendo, scribendo et Zo- n. d. Pp. 219.
quendo exercendum et utilis et Wound/us, praesertim
iis, qui prima initia Latinitatis adminiculo palae- Lhomond's book comes in several editions and
strae fecerint; Pars Curriculi Tusculani secwnda. provides simple but progressive readings for be-
Editio secunda. Philadelphiae: Typis Preli Prae- ginners. These stories can be taped for aural ex-
conis Latini exscripta, c1900. Pp. ii, 163. (Praeco ercises; or, if the stores are used for oral exercises,
Latinus was a Latin magazine edited by Avellanus.) they can be made a vehicle for simple discussions
A. Avellanus, Fabulae Tusculcvnae ad suppeditan- in Latin on a fairly familiar topic.
dam praeceptoribus studiosisque materiam Latinum
sermonem vivae vocis adminiculo docendi et dis- Language Teacher's NotebookLatin Edition
cendi. Vol. I, fast. 1-4. Pp. 80. 27 (No. 1, Fall, 1964), p. 3, announces that Dr.
January 1966 THE CLASSICAL WORLD 153

Gertrude Drake will edit two new paperbacks Arcadius Avellanus. New York : Parmalee Pren-
for first and second year students. The new tice, 37 Wall St., c1914. Pp. vi, 336.
books, Latin Readings and More Latin Readings, Vol. II. Mons Spes et Novenae aline. Ex
will present a variety of selections from Catullus Anglica narratione variorum auctorum Latine
to Christopher Columbus. For information write interpretatus est Arcadius Avellanus. Prostat
to : Scott, Foresman and Co., 433 East Erie apud E. Parmalee Prentice, 37 Wall St., New
St., Chicago 60611. York, N.Y., c1918. Pp. vi, 264.
VI. Intermediate Latin Textbooks ( for late 2nd, Vol. III. Mysterium Arcae Boule. Opus ("The
.3rd or 4th years) Mystery of the Boule Cabinet") Anglice scripsit
Any texts of the series previously mentioned Burton E. Stevenson, Latine interpretatus est
that have 2, 3, or 4 volumes, e.g., Bitar, Distler, Arcadius Avellanus. New York : E. Parmalee
etc., in Introductory Materials (Sect. III). Prentice, c1916. Pp. 320.
U. Carlotti, Mirabilia Urbis Romae. Roma: Vol. IV. Fabulae Divales. Ex narratione An-
Angelo Berlardetti Editore, c1960, Pp. 83. glica Herae Heriberti Strang Latine interpreta-
The sights of modern Rome, in good Latin. tus est Arcadius Avellanus. His accedit Faoula
Amor et Psyche e Libris Metamorphoseon Lucii
E. Maffacini, Pinoculus. English notes and Apulei Madaurensis Philosophi Platonici cum
vocabulary by Olga Ragusa. New York : S. F. notis et animadversionibus ejusdem Interpretis.
Vanni, c1953. Pp. viii, 162. Prostat apud E. Parmalee Prentice, 37 Wall St.,
The Latin style is good; the topic is generally New York, N.Y., c1918. Pp. 214.
familiar to most students so they can concentrate
on the Latin. Audio-visual aids are easily obtained Vol. V. Insula Thesauraria. Ab auctore Ro-
or can be made. Good sample of dialogue and berto Ludovico Stevenson, Latine Interpretatus
humor. est Arcadius Avellanus. Prostat apud E. Parma-
A. A. Milne, Winnie Ille Pu. Translated by lee Prentice, 37 Wall St., New York, N.Y., c1922.
Alexander Lenard. New York : E. P. Dutton and Pp. lxiii, 361.
Co., c1960. Vol. VI. Vita Discriminaque Robinsonis Cru-
H. H. Paoli, Ciceronis Filius; puerilis narratio soei. Ab auctore Daniele De Foe Anglo,. Inter-
ad domesticos Romanorum mores illustrandos in pretatus Latine est Arcadius Avellanus. Vol. T.
usum scholarum redacta. New York : Noble and Prostat apud E. Parmalee Prentice, 15 Broad
Noble, c1960. Pp. 91. Street, New York, N.Y., c1928. Pp. 304.
For those teachers who are going to teach the soei, Vol. VII. Vita Discriminaque Robinsonis Cru-
classics by the third year, this would be a relatively etc. Vol. II. Prostat apud E. Parmalee Pren-
painless introduction. The Latin is go,od; there are tice, 15 Broad Street, N.Y., c1928. Pp. 384.
plenty of drawings; antiquities are presented in a
fictional context. Audio-visual aids could be made Except for occasional footnotes there is no vo-
without too much trouble. cabulary given in the seven volumes of the Mount
Hope Classics. A school edition of these works
L. R. Strangeways, P. Ovidi Nasonis Elegiaca. would be extremely helpful.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, c1915. Pp. vi, 75. J. Kleutgen, S.J., Ars Dicendi priscorum
A good. simple introduction to classical poetry. potissimum praeceptis et exemplis illustrata. 5th
All comments in the book and its vocabulary are edition. Turin: Marietti, c. 1868.
in Latin.
This book provides a relatively simple introduc-
W. E. Sweet, The Latin Workshop's Experi- tion to Latin rhetoric. It might be profitably in-
mental Materials: Book II. Ann Arbor: Univer- troduced at the end of the intermediate level, as
sity of Michigan Press. a preparation for an intensive course in the classics
or as an introduction to Latin rhetoric.
I believe this book is still available. It is a
collection of Latin prose and poetry from 20 cen- VIII. Advanced Latin texts now available (for
turies as a substitute for. "Caesar." about late 4th year or college)

VII. Intermediate texts worthy of mention, but tiones, A. Bacci, Varia Latinitatis Scripta. Inscrip-
now out of print Orationes, Epistulae eorumque Lexicon
vocabulorum quae difficilius latine redduntur.
The Mount Hope Classics. 7 vois: (Vol. I of the "Varia Latinitatis Scripta" series.)
Vol. I. Pericla Navarchi Magonis sive Ex- Rorriae: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, c1944. Pp.
peditio Phoenicia annis ante Christum mille. 471.
Opus Francice scripsit Leo Cahun, in Anglicum A. Bacci, Inscriptiones, Orationes, Epistulae.
vertit Helena E. Frewer, Latine interpretatus est (Vol. II of the "Varia Latinitatis Scripta" se-
154 THE CLASSICAL WORLD January 1966
ries.) 3rd edition. Romae: Societas Libraria phine edition of Vergil. In my opinion the teacher,
"Studium," ex Officina Typ. Vaticana edidit, and more especially the student, must have such
c1960. paraphrases if they hope to discuss the classics
in Latin.
A. D'Elia, S.J., Latinarum Litterarum His-
toria. II editio. Neapoli: M. D'Auria, c1952. Pp. IX. Conversational Materials to Promote Speak-
xi, 293. ing Latin
This is a history of Latin literature from the A. Elementary Level:
beginnings to about the 6th century A.D. It is writ- Quomodo Dicitur? : 300 expressions in 30
ten in a somewhat ponderous style and has virtually lessons (50c) ; Dic Mihi Latine: modern sub-
no selections from the authors discussed. No vocab- ject matter, special vocabularies (50c) ; Via Lat-
ulary. A high school student of average intelligence ina: the 25 sermones of Dic Mihi Latine with
would find it "heavy reading."
English and Latin text in parallel page arrange-
A. Springhetti, S.J., Selecta Latinitatis Scrip- ment (75c).
ta auctorum recentium (saec. XV-XX). (Vol.
Very simple Latin. Write to Via Latina, 153
I of the "Latinitas Perennis" Series.) Romae: Jefferson St., Tiffin, Ohio.
Apud Pontificiam Unhersitatem Gregorianam,
c1951. Pp. xi, 775. G. Beach and F. L. Battles, Locutionum
This book contains selections (generally a page Cotidianarum Glossarium: A Guide to Latin
or two in length) from topics dealing with the Conversation. Hartford, Conn.: Hartford Semin-
Latin language, history, hagiography, philosophy, ary Press, c1961.
etc. The authors are selected for their Latin style.
An average high school student would find this While this book is primarily a glossary, it gives
very heavy reading, but the book does exemplify names of many modern items which are difficult
various genres. No vocabulary. to find. The vocabulary is listed according to cate-
gories, e.g., "Greetings, Thanks, Human Body," etc.
A. Springhetti, S.J., Institutiones Stili Latini. Index in English.
(Vol. II of the "Latinitas Perennis" Series.) R. T. Brown, Modern Latin Conversation.
Romae: In Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana, BosLon: D. C. Heath and Co., c1943. Pp. vi, 58.
c1954. Pp. xii, 348.
This brief booklet is written in a simple, collo-
A very advanced text for Latin rhetoric. quial style on pertinent topics. It also has a vocab-
A. Springhetti, S.J., Exercitationes Variae
Stili Latini. (Vol. III of the "Latinitas Perennis" R. F. Gorman, Via Media I and II. Chicago:
Series.) Rornae: Apud Pontificiam Universitatem Loyola U. Press, c1938, 1936.
Gregorianam, c1956. Pp. vii, 490. Colloquial style. Teacher's manual for each vol-
This is a Latin-Italian-English-French version ume.
of the first eight chapters of Alessandro Manzoni's V. Meyer, Sing Along in Latin. Gregorian
I Promessi Sposi. It is intended as an aid to the Institute of America, 2132 Jefferson Ave., Toledo
teaching of Latin rhetoric to multi-language groups
at the Gregorian University. 2, Ohio. Voice edition, No. G-1008A, $1.00 each;
The following volumes of the "Latinitas Peren- accompaniment, No. G-1008, $1.50.
nis" Series are still in preparation: Vol. IV, Lingua
Latina Medii Aevi (collectio historica-grammatica) ; I leave it to each one to form his own opinion
Vol V, Selecta Latinitatis Scripta Medii Aevi. of the Latin used for these songs. Songs do, how-
ever, aid the students' memories to retain phrases
W. E. Sweet, Vergil's Aeneid: A Structural and sentence units. Other Latin translations
Approach. Vol. I: The Aeneid, Books I-II, with of modern songs (without accompaniment) can be
a Latin interpretation and selected notes from found in the various issues of Auxilium Latinum,
as everyone knows.
Servius. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press, c1960. Pp. vi, 163. J. M. Mir. C.M.F., Nova et Vetera seu Libellus
Explica-6 Picturas Auxiliares "Delmas". Graficas
This is the first volume of a projected four- Clei et, Lauria 5, Barcelona, Spain. No date.
volume series on the first two books of Vergil!
Volume II is a workbook incorporating techniques he author is a well-known Spanish teacher of
similar to those found in Latin: A Structural Ap- Latin and editor of Palaestra Latina. His book con-
proach by Dr. Sweet. Vol. III (in prepat ation) will sists of Latin descriptions of twenty-one pictures
be a lexicon o1 the words in this poi tion of the of daily life, e.g., school, human body, public holi-
Aeneiddefined in Latin. Vol. IV (in preparation) days, etc. The pictures involve scenes typical of
will be a commentary on the Aeneid. There will France or Spain at the turn of the century, so the
also be a teacher's manual. This book is of value format and descriptions would hardly be congenial
to the extent that it calls attention to the Latin to the modern student. There are some dialogues
paraphrases of Carolus Ruaeus, found in the Del- in the book, which assumes that the student has

January 1966 THE CLASSICAL WORLD 155

covered all his basic Latin grammar. This book, Ecclesiastique et Monastique. Paris 1897. Re-
however, is very good for vocabulary and ideas. printed, 1964, by Gregg Press Ltd., 37, Catherine
G. Stolz, Latinum Per Quaestiunculas et Per Place, London, S. W. 1, England.
Soliloquia. Mimeographed edition, New York, R. J. Deferrari, A Latin-English Dictionary
c1962. of St. Thomas Aquinas. Abridged edition. Daugh-
A good, practical guide to the teacher on the ters of St. Paul, St. Paul's Place, Jamaica Plain,
use of Latin questions to stimulate conversation Boston 30, Mass.
and on the every-day opportunities to use Latin.
Write to the author, 520 W. 114th St., New York De Raze, De Lachaud, and Fladrin, S.J., Con-
25, N.Y. cordantiarum SS. Scripturae Manuale. Barcelona :
B. Intermediate Level: Editorial Libreria Religiosa, 1943.
G. Capellanus, Modern Latin Conversation. 'W. Diamond, Dictionary of Liturgical Latin.
Translated by B. F. Kraus. Milwaukee : Bruce Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., c1961.
Publishing Co., c1930. Pp. xi, 162. Contains 11,000 words gathered from Scriptures,
E. Curotto, Colloquii e Motti Latini con New Latin Psalter, Breviary, Missal, etc. Good, but
versione Italiana ad use della scuole medie. 2nd brief.
ed. Turin : Societa Editrice Internazionale, Corso C. Egger, Lexicon Nominum Virorum et
Regina Margherita, 176. Pp. 158. Mulierum. Romae : Societas Libraria "Studium"
A. Freire, S.J., Conversactio Latina. Porto ex Officina Typ. Vaticana Edidit, c1957.
(Portugal) : Livraria da Inprensa, Rua da Boa- A. Forcellinus, Totius Latinitatis Lexicon.
vista 591. Pp. 194. Prati (Italy) 1858-75. 6 vols. Microcard or micro-
Very good, but unfortunately the translations fiche edition. International Documentation Cen-
are in Portugese. tre AB, Hagelby House, Tumba, Sweden.
C. Meissner, Latin Phrase-Book. Translated J. G. T. Graesse, Orbis Latinus; oder, Ver-
by H. W. Auden. London : Macmillan and Co., zeichnis der Wichtigsten lateinischen Orts- and
Ltd., c1952. Pp. xi, 338. Landernamen. 3d ed. by F. Benedict. Berlin : R.
This book is largely intended for classical prose C. Schmidt, 1922. (Out of print.)
composition. The vocabulary and phrases are ar-
ranged according to categories, e.g., "World and W. J. Konus, Dictionary of the New Latin
Nature," "Space and Time," "Parts of the Body," Psalter of Pope Pius XII. Westminister, Md. :
etc. There are also alphabetical indices for the Newman Press, c1959. Pp. xi, 132.
Latin and English entries; the book is interleaved
with blank sheets for the students' own entries. A. Pflierger, Liturgicae Orationis Concorclan-
S. W. Wilby, Guide to Latin Conversation. tia, V erbalia. Prima pars: Missale Romanum.
Baltimore : John Murphy Co., c:1892, pp. 513. Rome: Herder, c1964.
This out of print book is somewhat hard `,-) J. E. Riddle and T. Kerchever, A Copious and
find. It is however, very useful since it offers Critical English-Latin Lexicon. 1st Am. edition,
typical conversations of colloquial style. revised by Charles Anthon. New York : Harper
C. Advanced Level: and Bros., c1849. (Out of print.)
G. Schwieder, Latine Loquor. Romae : ex W. Smith, A Smaller English-Latin Diction-
Officina Libraria Herderiana, Piazza Monteci- ary. 30th impression, 1956. London : John Mur-
torio 117, c1953. Pp. 355. ray, Ablemarle St., W. Pp. viii, 720.
These somewhat artificial conversations would This dictionary is perhaps the best one avail-
probably be useful if put on tape to train the stu- able in manual form. It has been abridged from
dents' ear. The dialogues are, however, rather long Smith and Hall's A Copious and Critical English-
and complicated for the ordinary student. Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper and Bros.,
1871. (Out of Print.)
X. Dictionaries to aid the course A. Souter, A Glossary of Later Latin to 600
A. Bacci, Lexicon eorum vocabulorum quae A. D. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1964.
difficilius Latine redduntur. 4th edition. Romae : A. Springhetti, S.J., Lexicon Linguisticae et
Societas Libraria "Studium" ex Officina Typ. Philologiae. (Vol. VI of the "Latinitas Perennis"
Vaticana, c1963. Pp. 846. Series.) Romae: Apud Pontificiam Universitatem
M. l'Abbe Chevin, Dictionnaire Latin-Fran- Gregorianam, c1962.
cais des Nome Propres de Lieux ayant une cer- All definitions, etc., are in Latin. Very compre-
taine notoriete principalement au point de vue hensive.


156 THE CLASSICAL WORLD January 1966

R. Stephanus, Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. ing these broadcasts in your area, perhaps some
Basel edition (1740-43). 4 vols. Reprinted 1963 local ham operator will be able to give you the
necessary information. For additional information
by Culture et Civilisation, 115, Avenue Gabriel write to: Rev. Peter Ovecka, S.J., Radio Vatican,
Lebon, Bruxelles, 16, Belgium. Vatican City, Italy.
H. Tondini and Th. Mariucci, Lexicon Novo- Radio Televisione Italiana. The Italian Cen-
rum, V ocabulorum. Rome: Desclee & Co., 1964. ter of Foreign Journalists has mentioned in The
A dictionary of modern Latin terms which have Italian Scene 8-9 (1962) 10-11 that elementary
appeared in Latinitas for the past ten years. Latin is being taught successfully over Radio
XI. Magazines Promoting Spoken and Written Televisione
gram is
Italiana. A consultant for this pro-
Rev. Germano Proverbio, Pontificio
Latin Ateneo Salesiano, Via Marsala 42, Rome, Italy.
A. Elementary Level.
Acta Diurna. Published by the British Orbi- XIII. Latin Grammars
Han Society. Centaur Books Ltd., 284 High At present there appears to be no Latin
Street, Slough, Bucks, England. Grammar of recent date written in Latin. Such
books are necessary if both teachers and stu-
The British Orbilian Society and its helpful pub- dents are to have acceptable norms for discuss-
lications are amply discussed in CO 41, no. 2 (Oct.
1963) 17-18. ing grammatical details in Latin. The grammar
which I use for this purpose is A. T. Panken,
Auxilium Latinum: National Classroom La- Syntaxis Linguae Latinae, Gestel St. Michaelis,
tin Magazine. Dr. A. E. Wars ley, editor. P.O.B. ex Typographia diocesis Buscoducensis, in In-
501, Elizabeth, N.J. 4 issues a year. stituto Surdo-Mutorum, 1885, pp. vi, 332. The
A history of the magazine and its success is Pius XII Memorial Library of St. Louis Uni- II

found in Harpers Magazine 226 (no. 1356; May versity has a copy of this book. It costs about
1963) 28-32: "Auxilium Latinum," by C. M. Wilson. $17.00 to have it run off on Xerox.
Foreign Language Review. Published quarter- Occasionally such periodicals as Palaestra La-
ly by Foreign Language Review, Inc., 200 Park tina, Vita Latina, and Latinitas discuss grammar
Avenue, South, New York, 10003. in Latin. Special research in this line is being
done by Vita Latina (Association pour la Diffu-
This magazine is published in English, French, sion et L'usage de la Langue Latine ; Secretariat :
Spanish, German and Latin. Fr. John D. Donohue,
formerly a teacher at St. Joseph's Seminary, Yon- 31 Avenue de Paris, Versailles [Seine-et-Oise],
kers, N.Y., writes the news items. Mr. Robert G. France). At the Third International Congress
Russo of Fordham University writes the original for Living Latin, Avignon, Sept. 2-4, 1963, a
articles in Latin. Foreign Language Newsrecords brief mimeographed Epitoma Grammaticae La-
in Latin are prepared for each issue of the maga-
zine. The records contain a spoken version of news tinae was distributed. For further information
items from the magazine and are done by care- on this write to the author: M. Auguste Haury,
fully selected speakers. Professeur a l'Universite de Bordeaux, 100, rue
B. Intermediate Level Chevalier, Bordeaux, France.
Palaestra Latina: Trimestres Latinitatis Com- A number of the more progressive textbooks
mentarii. Address: Lauria 5, Barcinone, Spain. incorporate Latin grammatical explanations into
Vita Latina. Three issues annually. Address: their format: e. g., Goggi, Res et Verba, Oer-
7, Place Saint-Pierre, Avignon, France. berg, Lingua Latina secundum naturae rationem
explicata, etc.
C. Advanced Level
XIV. Programmed Teaching of Latin.
Latinitas: Commentarii Li .oguae Latinae Ex- W. E. Sweet, "Programmed Learning," Lan-
colendae quarto quoque mente ex Of ficina Libra-
ria V aticana providentes. guage Learning 11 (no. 3-4) 5-9; id., "A Pro-
gram on Poetry," a revision of the Latin pro-
Articles are written in a lofty literary style. gram, printed in the Reports of the Working
The topics largely deal with classical or t ektaissance
Committees, 1962 Northeast Conference on the
Teaching of Foreign Languages, pp. 24-30.
XII. Latin Radio and T. V. Programs Dr. Sweet has been working on a programmed
Vatican Radio. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and text for several years. For further information
Saturdays Vatican Radio broadcasts Latin programs write to: Mr. Raymond P. Kroggel, Encyclopaedia
at the following Greenwich Mean Times (G.M.T.) : Britannica Films, Inc., Wilmette, Ill.
11:30, 16:30, 21:15. I am not familiar with the cur-
rent wave-length, but if you are capable of receiv- C. S. Wilson, A Program in Beginning Latin.
January 1966 THE CLASSICAL WOR.,D 157
The Center for Programmed Instruction, Inc.,
365 West End Ave., New York 24.
For further information write to the publisher.
XV. Catalogues of Latin Audio-visual aids
Education Audio Visual, Inc., Pleasantville, Ocn
N.Y. Catalog LC632 (Fall 1963) deals with Latin
materials. Catalog FA622 on fine arts slides
includes many classical subjects. rT1
Jo les Products, Inc., 33 Union Square West, c..n

N.Y. 10003. Four items offered: Latin Multi-

lingua Course, Basic Latin 24 Lesson Multi-
lingua Course, Latin Comes Alive, and Latin
Lives Today.
I am not personally familiar with these ma-
Folkways Records, 165 W. 46th St., N.Y.
10036. Catalogue of Long-Playing Language Re-
cordings (Latin : p. 4.).
Wible Language Institute, 24 So. 8th St.,
Allentown, Pa. 18105. Foreign Language Re.;
source Guide (Latin, pp. LRG 28-29).
R. L. Plancke and J. Veremans, Documenta-
tio Didactica Classica. Seminaries voor Algemene
en Bijzondere Methodiek H. S. O., Rijksuniversi-
teit, Blandijnberg, 2, Ghent, Belgium.
The coverage given et the end of each issue to
audio-visual aids fairly well presents the European
offerings in this area. (Cf. supra, p. 150.)
It was recently announced in Latinitas 13
(July 1965) 239 that the editors would soon

make available to subscribers a series of Latin

recordings on morphology and grammar.
Kampen Classical Maps. Latin text. K84:
Ancient Greece. K90: Roman
Empire. K91: Clas-
sical Italy. K93: Ancient Gaul.
Co., 5235 Ravenswood Ave., Denoyer-Geppert
Chicago 40, Ill.
I have seen pictures of
but have never been able tomodern maps in Latin,
lishers. trace down the pub-
* * *
A great deal of ferment is taking place today
in the field of Latin teaching, and more
is to be expected. Last Fall the new ferment
Latin Institute was to open in Rome.2 Pontifical
will not only train teachers This school
ing the tradition of living capable of continu-
edit a series of new textbooks to but will also
purpose. These will be called the "Veterum this U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION
Sapientia" Series. So, rather than say our biblio- OFFICE OF EDUCATION
graphy is ending, let's say it's just 1

2. Cf. J. F. Kobler, C.P., "The PERSON OR ORGANIZATION
New Papal Latin. In-
stitute," CO 43, No. 1 (Sept. 1965) ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR
Pontifical Institute for Advanced 1-2; id., "The STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT
Educator 36, No. 3 (Nov. 1965) Latin," Catholic

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