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2014 Product Development & Management Association

DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12149

The Impact of a Creativity-supporting Work Environment

on a Firms Product Innovation Performance*
Jan Dul and Canan Ceylan

Many scholars and practitioners have suggested that a creativity-supporting work environment contributes to a firms
product innovation performance. Although there is evidence that such an environment enhances innovative behavior at
individual level, very few studies address the effect of a creativity-supporting work environment on product innovation
performance at firm level, and the results are inconsistent.
This paper examines the relationship between a firms creativity-supporting work environment and a firms product
innovation performance in a sample of 103 firms. For measuring a firms creativity-supporting work environment, a
comprehensive and creativity-focused framework is used. The framework consists of 9 social-organizational and 12
physical work environment characteristics that are likely to enhance employee creativity. These characteristics
contribute to the firms overall work environment that supports creativity. The firms product innovation performance
is defined by two distinct concepts: new product productivity (NP productivity), which is the extent to which the firm
introduces new products to the market, and new product success (NP success), which is the percentage of the firms
sales from new products. In most firms, different knowledgeable informants provided the data for the variables.
The results show that firms with creativity-supporting work environments introduce more new products to the market
(NP productivity), and have more NP success in terms of new product sales (NP success). NP productivity partly
mediates the relationship between creativity-supporting work environment and NP success. The mediation model shows
that the two paths from a creativity-supporting work environment to NP success are about equally important: the direct
path between creativity-supporting work environment and NP success has a coefficient of .22, and the coefficient of the
indirect path via NP productivity is .23.
The creativity-supporting work environment framework can be used in managerial practice to enhance employee
creativity for product innovation. It allows applying a flexible and broad approach by influencing both social-
organizational and physical characteristics of the work environment.

Introduction A work environment1 that stimulates employee cre-

ativity is generally believed to be beneficial for a firms

rganizations must constantly develop new prod- new product performance. People working in a creativity-
ucts (goods and services) that are successful in supportive environment may generate ideas that are
the market to ensure their survival. A firms useful for product innovation. Creativity is considered as
product innovation success depends on many factors that an antecedent of innovation because all innovation
can at least be partly influenced by management. These begins with creative ideas (Amabile, Conti, Coon,
factors relate to the characteristics of new products, the Lazenby, and Herron, 1996, p. 1154). It is claimed that
firms product development process, its strategy, and creative ideas turn ordinary companies into market
its market (Henard and Szymanski, 2001). Successful leaders (Pitta, Wood, and Franzak, 2008, p. 137) and
product innovation also depends on organizational char- lack of creativity is considered a deficiency in the new
acteristics such as the firms organizational climate product process (Cooper and Kleinschmidt, 1991).
(Evanschitzky, Eisend, Calantone, and Jiang, 2012).
In the literature both the terms climate and work environment are
used to refer to the organizational context to support employees for showing
desired behaviors and performance. These terms are often used inter-
Address correspondence to: Jan Dul, Rotterdam School of Manage- changeably although climate is often used for employees perceptions of
ment, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA the context, and work environment for its objective reality, although
Rotterdam, the Netherlands. E-mail: jdul@rsm.nl. Tel: 10-408-1719. many exceptions exist (e.g., work environment for creativity, Amabile
* We are grateful to the Industrialists and Businessmens Association et al., 1996). In the present paper, the term work environment is used to
of Bursa (BUSIAD) and its member companies for their support during denote both meanings of supporting context. The paper does not address
data collection. We would also like to thank Jan van den Ende for his organizational culture defined as the firms shared values, beliefs, and
comments on earlier drafts of this paper. norms.

Companies such as Google, Apple, IDEO, and 3M invest (2009) studied the effect of a firms creativity-supporting
heavily in work environments to support the creativity of work environment on a firms new product cycle time
their employees (e.g., Brand, 1998; Kelley and Littman, performance, and confirm the link. Gumusluoglu and
2001; Kuntze and Matulich, 2010; Thomke and Feinberg, Ilsev (2009) studied the effect of a firms supporting work
2009; Zien and Buckler, 1997). environment on a firms success of product innovation,
Despite these strong beliefs, surprisingly little empiri- and reject this link. In a third study, okpekin and
cal evidence exists about the effect of a creativity- Knudsen (2012) found mixed results for the link between
supporting climate on a firms product innovation a firms creativity-supporting work environment and its
performance, and the few available studies show contra- new product introductions. Given these contradictions,
dictory results. Most studies focus on the effect of the first contribution of this paper is that more data and
creativity-supporting organizational climates on the cre- rigor are added to this relatively new field of research by
ative behavior of individual employees in different re-examining the relationship between a creativity-
departments, but do not address their impact on innova- supporting work environment at firm level and product
tion performance at firm level (okpekin and Knudsen, innovation performance at firm level.
(2012). These studies, primarily in the field of psychol- The second contribution relates to the elements of a
ogy and organizational behavior, examine the effect of creativity-enhancing work environment. Most studies
specific supporting elements of a work environment on an conceptualize such an environment as the firms overall
individuals creativity (for reviews, see Anderson, De creativity-supporting work environment consisting of dif-
Dreu, and Nijstad, 2004; Egan, 2005; George, 2008; ferent elements of creativity. Different elements in the
Hunter, Bedell, and Mumford, 2007; Rank, Pace, and environment are summed to provide an assessment of
Frese, 2004; Runco, 2004; Shalley and Gilson, 2004; overall work environment support (Pierce, Gardner,
Shalley, Zhou, and Oldham, 2004; Zhou and Shalley, Dunham, and Cummings, 1993, p. 278). Several frame-
2003). However, the generation of ideas (creativity) may works have been developed for combining different ele-
not necessarily lead to the implementation of ideas (inno- ments of creativity support (Mathisen and Einarsen,
vation). The link between a firms creativity-supporting 2004). Examples include KEYS (Amabile et al., 1996),
work environments and a firms innovation performance the Creative Climate Questionnaire (CCQ; Ekvall, 1996),
in terms of new product performance has only recently the similar Situational Outlook Questionnaire (SOQ;
become a topic of empirical research. The available Isaksen, Lauer, and Ekvall, 1999), and Scott and Bruces
studies at firm level are scarce and report contradictory (1994) Climate for Innovation measure. Examples of
findings. Parry, Song, Weerd-Nederhof, and Visscher creativity-enhancing elements include challenging work,
job autonomy, teamwork, leadership styles, and rewards.
Many scholars who focus on these and other social-
organizational aspects of the work environment have sug-
gested that physical aspects should also be part of the
Dr. Jan Dul is a professor of technology and human factors and chair of
creativity-supporting work environment (e.g., Amabile,
the Technology and Operations Management Department at the Rotter-
dam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands. He 2013; Amabile et al., 1996; George, 2008; Shalley and
received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, Gilson, 2004; Woodman, Sawyer, and Griffin, 1993).
USA. His research interests include designing work environments for However, the current frameworks consider only social-
employee performance, satisfaction, and creativity, and (case study)
research methodology. He has written more than 150 academic and
organizational aspects of the work environment, and do
professional publications and is the author of several books, including a not address the physical work environment (Hunter,
best-selling book on human factors/ergonomics. Bedell, and Mumford, 2005). Elements in the physical
Dr. Canan Ceylan is an assistant professor of management and organi- workplace that stimulate creativity include the presence
zation at the School of Social Sciences, Department of Business Admin- of plants (Shibata and Suzuki, 2002, 2004), a non-
istration at Uludag University in Bursa, Turkey. Dr. Ceylan received her crowded workspace (Aiello, DeRisi, Epstein, and Karlin,
Ph.D. from the same university. Her current research focuses on linking
human resource (HR) systems to innovation and firm performance, HR
1977), and window view (Stone and Irvine, 1994). Other
systems and organizational culture, and its relationship with employee physical elements such as color, sound, and odor have
behaviors, organizational culture and climate for supporting creativity also been included in an overall measure of the physical
and innovation, and the design of the work environments for employee
work environment to enhance employee creativity (Dul
creativity. Her research has been published in several peer-reviewed
journals, recently in Human Resource Management and The Interna- and Ceylan, 2011; McCoy and Evans, 2002). The second
tional Journal of Human Resource Management. contribution is that a comprehensive approach for a
creativity-supporting work environment is employed to

develop a framework that includes aspects of both the firm level (Griffin and Page, 1993). The concept of NP
social-organizational and the physical environment to productivity is based on the OECDs (2005) definition of
estimate the effect of a creativity-supporting work envi- product innovation: an innovative firm is one that has
ronment on product innovation at firm level. implemented a new or significantly improved product
The framework has managerial relevance as it consists during the period under review. The concept of NP
of 21 creativity-supportive elements of the work environ- success is the market success of new products in terms of
ment that can be readily influenced in management prac- the relative share of new products compared with total
tice. The framework allows applying a flexible and broad sales. NP success refers to the impact of innovations on
approach when managing the organizational climate firm performance. The conceptualization of product inno-
for creativity to enhance firm innovation performance: vation is more comprehensive compared with the three
managers can improve aspects of both the social- other studies in this domain of research that only use one
organizational and the physical work environment. This rather than both of these concepts of product innovation
usually requires involvement of several business func- (okpekin and Knudsen, 2012; Gumusluoglu and Ilsev,
tions such as research and development (R&D), human 2009; Parry et al., 2009).
resource management (HRM), operations, and facility A creativity-supporting work environment may have
management. separate effects on NP productivity and on NP success.
When considering NP productivity, people in a creativity-
supporting work environment may produce a larger
Theoretical Framework number of ideas such that more product ideas may enter
the innovation funnel (Wheelwright and Clark, 1992).
Creativity is required at all stages of the development Additionally, in such an environment, people that are
process, from the generation of new product ideas to their involved in the idea selection process may be more open
commercialization (Pitta et al., 2008). Because people at to novel ideas and risk taking, allowing more ideas to
any level in the organization have creative capabilities enter the implementation stage of the innovation process.
(Shalley and Gilson, 2004), they can contribute to inno- Eventually, more new products may exit the innovation
vation (Zien and Buckler, 1997), despite earlier claims funnel as new products in the market. Hence, a creativity-
that at the lower level of the organization the people can supporting work environment can result in more new
introduce fewer and less radical types of innovations products that are introduced to the market (NP produc-
(Knight, 1967, p. 490). All organizational members can tivity). This is reflected in the following hypothesis:
directly (e.g., as part of new product development [NPD]
team) or indirectly (not part of such a team) contribute H1: The more a firms overall work environment sup-
to product innovation. Especially in hierarchically ports creativity, the more the firm introduces new prod-
less structured organizations, the entire workforce is ucts to the market (NP productivity).
engaged in developing or improving products and ser-
vices (Thamhain, 2003, p. 301). If larger and more struc- When considering NP success, a creativity-supporting
tured organizations have NPD teams, members of these work environment may not only increase the number of
teams may interact with other members of the organiza- ideas, but also the quality of the ideas, as quantity breeds
tion who are not part of the NPD process, and their ideas quality (Osborn, 1963). High correlations have been
might be included in the NPD process as well. Therefore, found between the number of ideas and the number of
people in a company with a more creativity-supportive high-quality ideas (e.g., Diehl and Stroebe, 1987). In a
work environment are supposed to be more fluent in product innovation context, this would mean that there
generating novel ideas that can be useful in a NPD are more high-quality ideas for products, i.e., ideas that
process, and this may result in enhanced product innova- are more appropriate and are more meaningful to the
tion performance. market in a work environment that supports creativity
In this paper, product innovation performance is (Calantone, Chan, and Cui, 2006; Crespell and Hansen,
defined by two distinct concepts: new product productiv- 2008; Im and Workman, 2004; Patterson et al., 2005).
ity (NP productivity), which is the extent to which a firm Hence, new products that are developed in a creativity-
introduces new products to the market, and new product supporting work environment may be more successful in
success (NP success), which is the percentage of the the market and generate a higher percentage of sales from
firms sales from new products (Hansen, 1992). Both new products. Therefore, the following hypothesis is
concepts are product innovation performance measures at formulated:

H2: The more a firms overall work environment sup- is considered to be an important characteristic of a theory
ports creativity, the higher the firms percentage of sales because it keeps theories from becoming too complex
from new products (NP success). and incomprehensible (Wacker, 1998, p. 365), and par-
simonious models are easier to understand, and they gen-
When companies bring more new products to the market
eralize more reliably (Schwab, Abrahamson, Starbuck,
(NP productivity), at least some of these are likely to
and Fidler, 2011, p. 1047). More complexity (e.g., more
become successful, and increase the percentage of sales
independent variables) does not necessarily mean more
from new products (NP success). Davis and Daley (2008)
predictive accuracy or insight. In this paper, the model
suggest such a link between the number of new products
and related hypotheses are tested in a sample of 103
launched and the percentage of sales from new products.
Hence, the notion that quantity breeds quality, origi-
nally proposed for idea generation in teams (Osborn,
1963), may also apply to product innovation at firm Methodology
level: more new products breed more successful new
products. However, Barczak, Griffin, and Kahn (2009) Sample and Procedures
found that the best firms are not different than the
Two hundred seven firms that were at least four years old
rest in terms of the number of new products commer-
(because of the review period of three years, and a
cialized over the last five years. The best firms are those
start-up year, see below) were invited to participate in a
that simultaneously (1) are in the top one third of their
questionnaire survey. The firms were taken from the
industry, (2) have program success, (3) and have sales
membership list of the Bursa Industrialists and Business-
and profit success from new products. However, sales
mens Association. The Bursa region is one of the biggest
from new products is only one of the success indicators;
industrial areas in Turkey. A questionnaire was sent to
hence, a relationship between the number of new prod-
members who represent their firms, accompanied by an
ucts and sales of new products can still exist. In the
invitation letter from the president of the association.
common reflective indicators of a firms innovation per-
Useful responses were obtained from 103 firms (response
formance (e.g., Langerak, Hultink, and Robben, 2004),
rate 49.8%) from various industrial sectors: the automo-
both the number of new products and the percentage of
tive industry (29%), the textile industry (25%), the
sales from new products are included, which suggests
service industry (17%), the food industry (8%), and other
that NP productivity and NP success are positively cor-
industries (22%). About 56% of the companies were
related. Therefore, the third hypothesis is formulated as
small or medium sized with fewer than 250 employees
(range 3249); the rest were large companies (range 250
H3: The more a firm introduces new products to the 7500 employees). The mean company age was 26.9 years
market (NP productivity), the higher the firms percent- (range 483 years).
age of sales from new products (NP success). Similarly to others (e.g., okpekin and Knudsen,
2012; Crespell and Hansen, 2008; Parry et al., 2009;
As shown in Figure 1, these hypotheses imply that the
kerlavaj, Song, and Lee, 2010) in the present study, a
number of new products introduced to the market (NP
key informant approach was used to obtain information
productivity) partially mediates the relationship between
about the variables. All variables are defined at firm level,
a creativity-supporting work environment and the per-
and selected informants were supposedly knowledgeable
centage of sales from new products (NP success). This
about issues at firm level (Kumar, Stern, and Anderson,
theoretical model is simple but parsimonious. Parsimony
1993; Seidler, 1974). These were usually senior managers
or company owners in smaller companies and specialists
in larger companies. The company was asked to select a
Creativity- key informant such as human resource (HR) manager or
supporting NP NP success
H3 HR specialist who was knowledgeable about the compa-
environment nys HRM system, to provide information about the
firms creativity-supporting work environment. HR man-
H2 agers or specialists receive information about work envi-
ronments from a wide variety of staff at all levels and in
Figure 1. A Conceptual Model of the Relationships among
Creativity-supporting Work Environment, NP Productivity, all units of the firm, and are involved in HR policies and
and NP Success practices that can shape the firms climate and culture for

creativity (e.g., Dul, Ceylan, and Jaspers, 2011; Runco, 2004; Shalley and Gilson, 2004; Shalley et al.,
Mumford, 2000). Information about the extent to which 2004; Zhou and Shalley, 2003), nine characteristics that
new products were introduced to the market (NP produc- are likely to enhance employee creativity were selected:
tivity) were gathered from people knowledgeable about challenging job (the complexity of the job, and how
the firms innovation, such as R&D, production, market- demanding the job is), teamwork (working in a group of
ing or quality assurance managers or specialists in larger people toward a common goal, by having interactions
firms, or a senior manager or company owner in smaller with each other), task rotation (a schedule with a set of
firms. Information on the percentage of sales from new different tasks to be performed simultaneously), job
products (NP success) was collected from a firms finan- autonomy (decision latitude in the job, e.g., with respect
cial specialist in larger firms, or a senior manager or to deciding about the order of work tasks), coaching
company owner in smaller firms. It was verified whether supervisor (a supervisor who supports and encourages
the appropriate people answered the questions during a employees, builds mutual trust and commitment, and pro-
follow-up telephone interview with the company. If this vides positive feedback), time for thinking (the availabil-
was not the case, an appropriate informant was asked to ity of time for idea generation without the time pressure
re-answer specific parts of the questionnaire. of everyday work), creative goals (the situation that the
Common method variance appears to be not a major employee must produce new ideas according to goals,
problem because in most firms, different people answered and with the expectation of evaluation), recognition of
the questions about the independent variable (creativity- creative ideas (the recognition, e.g., praise, awards, of
supporting work environment) and the other main vari- new ideas), and incentives for creative results (possibility
ables (NP productivity, NP success). Harmans one-factor of rewards, e.g., pay raises, profit sharing, bonuses, pro-
test (Podsakoff and Organ, 1986) confirmed this: princi- motions, after reaching creative results).
pal component analysis with all items that make up the Next for the physical work environment empirical
main variables showed that the unrotated principal com- studies in ergonomics, environmental psychology,
ponents solution extracted six components with eigenval- architecture/indoor design, and other fields were
ues greater than 1, and that the first component accounted reviewed to find characteristics of the physical work envi-
for only 39% of the variance. ronment that are likely to support creativity. Studies on
the effect of physical characteristics on creative task per-
Measures formance and research on the effect of physical elements
of the environment on positive mood were included
Independent variable. Creativity-supporting work because a positive mood may facilitate the generation of
environment is defined as an overall work environment a large number of ideas (e.g., Amabile, Barsade, Mueller,
measure at firm level, consisting of several sources of and Staw, 2005; Davis, 2009; Isen, Daubman, and
creativity. Kuenzi and Schminke (2009) distinguish Nowicki, 1987). This resulted in the selection of 12
between general and specific conceptualizations of sup- creativity-supporting characteristics of the physical work
porting climate. In product innovation research, both con- environment: furniture in the workplace (e.g., chairs,
ceptualizations have been employed. For example, Wei tables, cupboards) (Ridoutt, Ball, and Killerby, 2002);
and Morgan (2004) formulate an organizations general natural plants or flowers in the workplace (Ceylan, Dul,
support in terms of social support (e.g., group spirit and and Aytac, 2008; Shibata and Suzuki, 2002, 2004); colors
management friendliness), whereas others (okpekin and that provide a relaxing experience (e.g., green, blue, or
Knudsen, 2012; Gumusluoglu and Ilsev, 2009; Parry blue violet) (Ceylan et al., 2008); colors that provide a
et al., 2009) use a more specific conceptualization focus- stimulating experience (e.g., yellow, orange, pink, red, or
ing on creativity and innovation. Because a supportive red violet) (McCoy and Evans, 2002; Stone, 2003);
work environment is a domain referenced phenomenon privacy (i.e., the possibility of being secluded from the
that should be defined according to the type of perfor- presence or view of others) (Aiello et al., 1977; Stokols,
mance that is desired (Hunter et al., 2007, p. 70), in the Clitheroe, and Zmuidzinas, 2002); window views to
present study, a work environment measure that specifi- nature, i.e., visual access from the work environment to
cally focuses on creativity is used. the outer natural environment (e.g., trees, plants) (McCoy
From several review studies that discuss creativity- and Evans, 2002); any window view (i.e., having visual
supporting characteristics of the social-organizational access from the work environment to any outer environ-
work environment (Anderson et al., 2004; Egan, 2005; ment) (Stone and Irvine, 1994); the amount of light in
George, 2008; Hunter et al., 2007; Rank et al., 2004; the work environment (Knez, 1995); the presence of

daylight, i.e., the light coming from the sun into the work Table 1. Creativity-supporting Elements That Are
environment (Ceylan et al., 2008); the physical climate Present (Realized) in the Firms Work Environment
(i.e., the temperature, velocity, humidity, and composi- According to Informants (Means, Standard Deviations,
and Factor Structure)
tion of the air in the work environment) (Hygge and
Knez, 2001); positive sounds (e.g., music, silence with Factors and Factor
absence of noise) (Alencar and Bruno-Faria, 1997; Loadingsa
Stokols et al., 2002); and positive odors (e.g., fresh air, Element M SD 1 2 3 4
absence of bad smell) (Knasko, 1992).
In the literature, two approaches are used to obtain a Challenging job 4.5 1.6 .73
Teamwork 5.4 1.3 .51
score at firm level. In the first approach, perceptions of Task rotation 4.3 1.7 .68
individual employees about the work environment are Job autonomy 4.2 1.7 .69
aggregated to the firm level (e.g., Gumusluoglu and Ilsev, Coaching supervisor 4.8 1.7 .51
2009). In the second approach, knowledgeable infor- Time for thinking 4.4 1.5 .58
mants provide the firm score (e.g., okpekin and Creative goals 4.5 1.7 .54 .61
Recognition of creative ideas 5.2 1.6 .79
Knudsen, 2012; Crespell and Hansen, 2008; Jung, Chow,
Incentives for creative results 4.7 1.8 .75
and Wu, 2003; Parry et al., 2009; kerlavaj et al., 2010; Furniture 4.7 1.8 .72
Wei and Morgan, 2004). The second approach was used Indoor plants/flowers 3.7 2.0 .53
because the work environment is defined in terms of Calming colors 3.6 1.9 .66
organizational sources, rather than psychological percep- Inspiring colors 3.1 1.8 .62
Privacy 4.3 1.8 .66
tions of employees about these sources (Baer and Frese,
Window view to nature 3.4 2.1 .83
2003; Glick, 1985). Managers and specialists can have a Any window view 3.7 2.1 .91
more direct influence on organizational sources than on Quantity of light 4.8 1.7 .56 .57
employee perceptions. The informant (e.g., the HR spe- Daylight 4.9 1.8 .55
cialist or managers, see above) was asked to indicate, on Indoor (physical) climate 5.0 1.6 .66
a 7-point scale (from very little to very much), the Sound (positive sound) 3.4 2.1 .86
Smell (positive smell) 3.5 2.0 .83
extent to which each of the 21 social-organizational and
physical work environment sources for employee creativ-
Factors with eigenvalues > 1 extracted by principal component analysis
with varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization. Only factor loadings
ity had been present (realized) in the company during the above .50 are shown.
last three calendar years under review. To ensure that the
informant focused on support for creativity when evalu-
ating the sources, questions about the supporting work work, whereas low mean scores indicate that the support-
environment for creativity were introduced as follows: ing element is commonly less present (e.g., inspiring
Employees in your firm may have been directly or indi- colors). However, the present paper considers only overall
rectly involved in the innovation activities of your firm. work environment support, as the focus is on the effect of
The work environment of these employees could have the overall work environment on product innovation per-
stimulated or hindered their creativity for innovation. formance. A higher-order construct is defined, which is
Employee creativity for innovation is the generation of formed by these 21 additive creativity-supporting sources
ideas for product, process, marketing, or organizational (Choi, 2004; Crespell and Hansen, 2008; Dul et al., 2011;
innovation. Employee creativity also refers to the genera- Isaksen and Akkermans, 2011). In the present study, the
tion of ideas for solving problems during innovation concept of a creativity-supporting work environment is
activities. The work environment refers to the social work therefore defined as a formative index consisting of the
environment, the organizational work environment, and sum of the scores of the separate elements (Pierce et al.,
the physical work environment. Subsequently, the ques- 1993). This index ranges from 21 (all separate sources
tion: During the last three calendar years, to which have value 1) to 147 (all separate sources have value 7).
extent were the following work environment elements The mean value in the sample is 90 (range 30145). A
present (realized) for stimulating employee creativity formative index differs from a traditional reflective scale
(1 = very little, 7 = very much) was asked. because the item scores cause the latent variable, whereas
Table 1 shows the mean scores, standard deviations, in a reflective scale, the item scores are caused by a latent
and factor structure of each source for creativity. variable (Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer, 2001).
High mean scores indicate that the given supporting Because the separate scores of a formative index do not
element is commonly present in this sample, e.g., team- need to correlate, common test methods for assessing

construct reliability do not apply (Rossiter, 2002). On the pendent, mediator, and dependent variables were
contrary, multicollinearity would mean that the elements included in each regression model. The hypothesized
do not represent distinctive aspects of the supporting work partial mediation was tested in two ways. In the first
environment. Multicollinearity was not a major problem approach, the traditional recommendations by Baron and
as the variance inflation factor (VIF) values of the items Kenny (1986) were followed: first, the independent vari-
were below the commonly recommended level of 10 (1.9 able (i.e., creativity-supporting work environment) is
6.7). The absence of a latent variable that causes multi- regressed on the dependent variable (i.e., NP success);
collinearity in a formative scale is also the reason that a second, the independent variable is regressed on the
factor analysis is not useful for identifying this latent mediator variable (i.e., NP productivity); and finally, the
variable. Such an analysis was performed only to illustrate mediator is regressed on the dependent variable, control-
that several elements are apparently simultaneously ling for the independent variable. Then for mediation, the
present (realized). For example, in organizations where following conditions must be met: (1) the independent
employees have more job autonomy, leaders also set more variable must have a significant effect on the dependent
creative goals. variable, (2) the independent variable must have a signifi-
cant effect on the mediator variable, and (3) the mediator
Mediator variable. NP productivity is defined as the
must have a significant effect on the dependent variable.
extent to which the firm has introduced new or signifi-
For partial mediation, the independent variable should
cantly improved products (goods and services) to the
have a significant effect on the dependent variable in the
market during the last three calendar years under review.
third regression. If not, then there is full mediation.
It is a formative index that includes two items: goods and
In the second approach, more recent recommendations
services. The related questions were based on the Com-
by Zhao, Lynch, and Chen (2010) were followed. They
munity Innovation Survey questionnaire 2008 (OECD,
suggest that Baron and Kennys approach is not conclu-
2005). The original dichotomous (yes/no) interval scale
sive for mediation effects, and propose an alternative:
was adapted into a more sensitive 5-point scale. The
first, test if there is an indirect effect using Preacher and
index was obtained by adding the two separate item
Hayess (2008) bootstrapping approach, and then classify
scores. The theoretical and observed range was 210 with
the mediation depending on the presence of a direct
an observed mean score of 6.5.
effect, and on the sign of that effect (positive or negative).
Dependent variable. NP success is defined as the per- If both the indirect and the direct effect are significant,
centage of the firms sales in the previous year from new and have the same sign, there is complementary media-
or significantly improved products (goods and services) tion (partial mediation).
introduced during the last three calendar years under
review. It is a formative index that includes two items: Results
percentage of sales from products that are new to the
market and percentage of sales from products that are Table 2 shows means, standard deviations, and correla-
new to the firm. The related questions were adapted from tions for all variables. The correlations among creativity-
the Community Innovation Survey questionnaire 2008 supporting work environment, NP productivity, and NP
(OECD, 2005). The index was obtained by adding the success are consistent with the hypotheses. Furthermore,
two percentages. The theoretical and observed range was the correlations show that older firms are larger than
0100% with an observed mean score of 53%. younger firms, and that younger firms have more NP
success than older firms.
Control variables. Firm age, firm size, and industrial
Table 3 shows the results of the regression analyses.
sector were included as control variables since prior
In model 1, creativity-supporting work environment is
studies have reported their relationship with innovation
regressed on NP productivity. The regression coefficient
(Evangelista and Mastrostefano, 2006; Gumusluoglu and
for creativity-supporting work environment differs sig-
Ilsev, 2009; Hitt, Hoskisson, and Kim, 1997; Jung et al.,
nificantly from zero. This means that there is a positive
2003). For firm age and firm size, the natural logarithm
effect of creativity-supporting work environment on NP
was used to reduce skewness of the distribution.
productivity (coefficient: .23 and p < .05). This result
Data Analysis confirms H1: The more a firms overall work environ-
ment supports creativity, the more the firm introduces
Several regression analyses were conducted to test the new products to the market. In model 3, creativity-
hypotheses. All control variables and a selection of inde- supporting work environment is regressed on NP success.

Table 2. Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations of the Study Measuresa

Variable M S.D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. NP success 52.70 29.70

2. Firm age 3.08 .70 .20*
3. Firm size 5.24 1.50 .04 .36**
4. Sector 1: Automotive versus textile .23 .42 .14 .02 .12
5. Sector 2: Automotive versus other .26 .44 .07 .02 .23* .33**
6. Sector 3: Automotive versus food .11 .31 .02 .07 .08 .19 .21*
7. Sector 4: Automotive versus services .13 .33 .04 .00 .31** .21* .23* .13
8. NP productivity 6.54 2.16 .42** .03 .12 .00 .10 .07 .14
9. Creativity-supporting work environment 90.00 25.20 .27** .05 .11 .01 .06 .06 .18 .26**
* p < .05, ** p < .01 (two-tailed).
n = 103.

The results show that creativity-supporting work environ- model 4 shows that NP productivity has a significant
ment has a positive effect on NP success (coefficient .31 effect on NP success controlled for the effect of
and p < .01). This confirms H2: The more a firms overall creativity-supporting work environment. This means that
work environment supports creativity, the higher the partial mediation is confirmed because the effect of
firms percentage of sales from new products. In model 2, creativity-supporting work environment is not absent in
NP productivity is regressed on NP success. It shows that model 4. Also Zhao et al.s (2010) approach for testing
NP productivity has a positive effect on NP success (coef- mediation confirms that NP productivity mediates the
ficient: .43 and p < .001). This result confirms H3: The relationship between creativity-supporting work environ-
more a firm introduces new products to the market, ment for creativity and NP success: the indirect and direct
the higher the firms percentage of sales from new effects of creativity-supporting work environment on NP
products. success are both significant and positive, indicating
According to Baron and Kennys (1986) mediation complementary mediation (5000 bootstrap samples, 95%
test, model 3 shows that the effect that may be medi- bootstrap confidence interval between .32 and 4.72). In
ated (i.e., the effect of creativity-supporting work envi- all, empirical support is found for the parsimonious
ronment on NP success) is significant. Furthermore, partial mediation model on the effect of a creativity-
model 1 shows that creativity-supporting work environ- supporting work environment on product innovation
ment has a significant effect on NP productivity, and performance.

Table 3. Results of Regression Analyses Predicting NP Productivity and NP Successa.b

NP Productivity NP Success

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

(H1) (H3) (H2) (H2, H3)

Firm age .02 .19* .19* .18*

Firm size .13 .06 .06 .11*
Sector 1: Automotive versus textile .04 .19* .23* .22*
Sector 2: Automotive versus other .07 .13 .19 .16
Sector 3: Automotive versus food .10 .01 .08 .04
Sector 4: Automotive versus services .10 .11 .13 .17
NP productivity .43*** .38***
Creativity-supporting work environment .23* .31** .22*
R2 10.3% 25.1% 16.1% 29.2%
Adjusted R2 3.7% 19.5% 9.9% 23.2%
Model F 1.56 4.54*** 2.60* 4.85***
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001.
n = 103.
Standardized regression coefficients are reported for a one-sided test.

Discussion interval scale as okpekin and Knudsen (2012) did, in the

present studies, it was adapted to a 5-point scale to make
The present study shows that a firm with a creativity- it more sensitive. okpekin and Knudsen (2012) found
supporting work environment introduces more new prod- substantial positive effects of a creativity-supporting
ucts to the market (NP productivity), and has more NP work environment on NP productivity for the dimensions
success in the market in terms of the percentage of sales organizational motivation (correlation coefficient .24),
from new products. The results also show that the number resources (correlation coefficient .30), and idea time
of new products partially mediates the relationship (correlation coefficient .27). The present study found
between creativity-supporting work environment and NP similar effect sizes for the effect of an overall creativity-
success. In other words, a work environment that sup- supporting work environment on NP productivity (corre-
ports creativity not only boosts product innovation, but lation coefficient .26). Parry et al. (2009) found support
also enhances the success of new products in the market. for their hypothesis that a creativity-supporting work
The first contribution is that new data and findings are environment helps companies to introduce new products
added to the relatively small body of existing knowledge to the market in a timely fashion (correlation coefficient
on the link between creativity-supporting work environ- .50). By combining the results of these three studies, it
ments and product innovation performance at firm level. can be concluded that firms with creativity-supporting
The present study can be compared with the three studies work environments introduce more new products to the
that consider the effect of a creativity-supporting work market.
environment on product innovation. okpekin and In the present study, also a substantial total effect
Knudsen (2012) and Parry et al. (2009) examined effects (correlation coefficient .27) of a creativity-supporting
on NP productivity, whereas Gumusluoglu and Ilsev work environment on NP success in terms of a firms
(2009) studied effects on NP success. Using a selection of market share of new products was found. Gumusluoglu
(adapted) items of the KEYS and CCQ/SSQ instruments, and Ilsev (2009) also studied this link with 43 small
okpekin and Knudsen (2012) analyzed the effect of software companies in Turkey. They aggregated
seven dimensions of a creativity-supporting social- employee scores of selected items from Scott and Bruces
organizational work environment on NP productivity in (1994) Innovation Climate Questionnaire to firm level
108 Danish small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and used one informant per firm (leader) to estimate
and Parry et al. (2009) studied the effect of an overall sales generated by new products. They rejected their
creativity-supporting social-organizational work environ- hypothesis as they found a small negative effect of a
ment on one specific aspect of new product introductions creativity-supporting work environment on innovation.
on the market: the degree to which new products were Gumusluoglu and Ilsev (2009) offer two interpretations
launched on time in 164 firms selected from the World for this result: (1) the effect of a creativity-supporting
Business Directory. By comparison, the present study work environment on employee innovative behavior may
used a sample of 103 Turkish companies, and a be overestimated in the literature, and (2) the effect may
creativity-supporting work environment is conceptual- have been obscured by another predictor of NP success in
ized as an overall social-organizational and physical con- their study: leadership style (which was the prime interest
struct. Two studies employed the key informant approach of their study) as they found a high correlation (correla-
to obtain measures of all study variables at firm level. tion coefficient .81) between the leadership style predic-
okpekin and Knudsen (2012) and Parry et al. (2009) tor and the supporting work environment predictor. The
used one key informant per firm (innovation manager, present study had only one organizational support predic-
chief executive officer, or manager involved in NPD) tor and found that it had a substantial positive effect on
whereas the present study used several informants with NP success, illustrated by the correlation coefficient of
different backgrounds (HR, financial, general manage- .27 and the standardized regression coefficient of .31 in
ment) to measure the main variables independently in model 3 of Table 3. It is concluded that firms with
order to avoid common method bias, as this may inflate creativity-supporting work environments have more NP
effect sizes. okpekin and Knudsens (2012) and the success in the market. The mediation model shows that
present study both used questions from the Organisation there are two paths from a creativity-supporting work
for Economic Co-operation and Development question- environment to this NP success that are about equally
naire (Community Innovation Survey) on product inno- important: a direct path between a creativity-supporting
vation (OECD, 2005) as the measure for NP productivity. work environment and NP success (standardized regres-
Instead of using the original dichotomous (yes/no) sion coefficient .22 in model 4), and an indirect path via

NP productivity (standardized regression coefficient .23 the link between a creativity-supporting work environ-
in model 1). ment (using an overall CCQ score) and overall imple-
The second contribution is the use of a comprehensive mentation of changes in eight firms in Malaysia. One of
and focused measure of a firms creativity-supporting the 15 firm changes dealt with the introduction of new
work environment that also includes physical elements products (NP productivity). The authors report that firms
and that is more focused on creativity support rather than with the highest scores for a creativity-supporting work
on general support. In particular, the inclusion of physical environment were the most innovation active. Porzse
elements is a valuable extension as creativity researchers et al. (2012) used a similar measure of a creativity-
have repeatedly suggested that the physical environment supporting work environment in two Hungarian firms.
can be a source of creativity (e.g., Amabile, 2013; They measured innovation activity, which includes
Amabile et al., 1996; George, 2008; Shalley and Gilson, both general innovation and NP productivity. When com-
2004; Woodman et al., 1993). Studies on the effect of paring the two firms, one with a high level of innovation
specific physical elements (Shibata and Suzuki, 2002, activity, the other with a low level of innovation activity,
2004; Stone, 2003; Stone and Irvine, 1994) and research they found that these companies did not differ with
into the effect of an overall supporting physical work respect to a creativity-supporting work environment. The
environment (Ceylan et al., 2008; McCoy and Evans, present study focuses on product innovation alone, and
2002) have shown that, at individual level, a supporting the expected relationship between a creativity-supporting
physical work environment can enhance employees cre- work environment and product innovation performance is
ative behavior. In the present study, 12 elements of the found.
physical environment and 9 elements of the social-
organizational environment were included for the con- Limitations and Future Research
ceptualization of an overall creativity-supporting work
environment at firm level. Overall or total supporting The present study has several limitations. First, the con-
environment is a useful theoretical concept to study orga- clusions are based on only one specific sample of firms.
nizational performance (e.g., DiLiello, Houghton, and Just like other single shot studies, further replication
Dawley, 2011; Pierce, Gardner, Cummings, and Dunham, studies are needed to check whether the results hold for
1989; Pierce et al., 1993). With this overall measure, evi- other firm populations as well, before any generalization
dence was found for the link between an overall can be made (Hak and Dul, 2010; Hubbard and
creativity-supporting work environment and product Armstrong, 1994). This is particularly true for this field of
innovation performance at firm level. Because of lack of research with very few studies at firm level. Second, only
statistical power, it was not possible to analyze separate one key informant per concept was used, which may have
contributions from the physical work environment and hampered measurement reliability. Data collection with
the social-organizational environment, nor from distinct multiple informants per concept can improve reliability
elements. This could be a topic for future research. (Kumar et al., 1993). On the other hand, several studies
This paper focuses specifically on product innovation, have found acceptable inter-rater reliability for similar
not on innovation in general. In studies with general constructs as in the present study (Baer and Frese, 2003;
innovation, product innovation is mixed with other types Wei and Morgan, 2004). Future studies could employ a
of innovation. For example, the concept of technical hybrid approach in which several informants per con-
innovation usually combines product innovation and struct per firm attempt to reach consensus on scoring
process innovation. Several studies have shown (e.g., the concept (Kumar et al., 1993). Other data collection
Ceylan, 2013; Gunday, Ulusoy, Kilic, and Alpkan, 2011) methods (e.g., observation, document analysis, inter-
that there is a complex interrelationship between product viewing) could also be considered. Third, despite efforts
innovation and other types of innovation. Therefore, high to find different informants to measure different concepts,
levels of general innovation performance may not neces- in several smaller firms, only one informant could answer
sarily mean high levels of product innovation perfor- all the questions. Therefore, single source bias cannot be
mance. Furthermore, okpekin and Knudsen (2012) excluded, although Harmans one-factor test did not indi-
found that work environments may have different effects cate that this was a problem. In future studies, further
on product innovation and on process innovation. Avail- attempts could be made to have different sources to
able studies on the effects of a creativity-supporting work measure the main study variables. Finally, the explained
environment on general innovation performance report variance of the regression models is up to about 25%.
mixed results. Mohamed and Rickards (1996) evaluated Although this is not uncommon in research about

multicausal phenomena, obviously many factors other ings can be found in Table 2, which shows that the cor-
than the creativity-supporting work environment affect relation coefficient between creativity-supporting work
product innovation performance. Future research could environment and NP success is .27. According to Cohens
include more factors such as strategic factors, develop- (possibly disputable) classification of small, medium, and
ment process factors, and market environment factors large effect sizes in the social sciences, such correlation
(Cooper and Kleinschmidt, 1995). To better understand can be considered as a medium large effect (Cohen,
the creativity-supporting role of the environment, future 1988). Hence, firms should offer a work environment that
research could employ large N studies (with a large supports creativity to people who are directly or indi-
number of firms) to study the effects of separate dimen- rectly involved in NPD.
sions of the creativity-supporting work environment (e.g., How can this be realized? Because the conceptualiza-
social-organizational, physical) or even separate elements tion of overall creativity-supporting work environment
within these dimensions, on product innovation perfor- consists of separate elements that add up, each single
mance. Such large N studies could also include more element could be manipulated separately by organiza-
details about product innovation performance, e.g., with tional design and management. The description of these
market, product, financial, customer acceptance, and elements in the Methods section provides a starting
timing measures (Langerak et al., 2004). point for possible practical actions. It is suggested that
firms make their work environments more creativity-
Practical Implications supporting by focusing both on social-organizational ele-
ments as well as on physical elements of the work
The present study shows that firms can enhance their environment. Although the effects of separate physical
product innovation performance by developing elements (e.g., plants, colors) may be smaller than the
creativity-supporting work environments. The hypoth- effects of specific social-organizational elements
eses about the effects of a creativity-supporting work (Amabile, 2013), changes of the physical work environ-
environment are not only confirmed, but the effect sizes ment are relatively easy and cost-effective with immedi-
also appear to have practical relevance (Cumming, 2012; ate visible results (Dul et al., 2011). Rather than just
Schwab et al., 2011). The effect of a creativity-supporting focusing on the creativity of specific individuals (e.g.,
work environment on NP success consists of a direct designers) or groups (e.g., NPD teams) that are directly
effect and an indirect effect via NP productivity, and the involved in the product innovation process, this approach
total effect can be considered to be substantial. In model focuses on the overall work environment that may affect
3, the standardized regression coefficient of creativity- people that are both directly and indirectly involved in
supporting work environment on NP success is .31. The this process. Such a work environment may not only help
corresponding unstandardized regression coefficient is to improve product innovation performance in the short
.36 (95% confidence interval [.13, .59]). This means that run, but may also help to shape longer lasting organiza-
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Appendix A 18. Daylight
Questionnaire 19. Indoor (physical) climate
20. Sound (positive sound)
Creativity-supporting Work Environment 21. Smell (positive smell)

Employees in your firm may have been directly or indi-

NP Productivity
rectly involved in the innovation activities of your firm.
The work environment of these employees could have 1. During [the last three calendar years], to which extent
stimulated or hindered their creativity for innovation. did your firm introduce new or significantly improved
Employee creativity for innovation is the generation of goods to the market? (1 = no extent, 5 = great extent)
ideas for product, process, marketing, or organizational 2. During [the last three calendar years], to which extent
innovation. Employee creativity also refers to the genera- did your firm introduce new or significantly improved
tion of ideas for solving problems during innovation services to the market? (1 = no extent, 5 = great
activities. The work environment refers to the social work extent)
environment, the organizational work environment, and
the physical work environment. NP Success
During the last three calendar years, to which extent
1. Indicate the percentage of your firms turnover in [the
were the following work environment elements present
last calendar year] from new or significantly improved
(realized) for stimulating employee creativity (1 = very
goods and services, introduced during [the last three
little, 7 = very much):
calendar years] that were new to your market.
1. Challenging job 2. Indicate the percentage of your firms turnover in [the
2. Teamwork last calendar year] from new or significantly improved
3. Task rotation goods and services, introduced during [the last three
4. Job autonomy calendar years] that were new to your firm.

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