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Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based

on Light-Section Method Using Spheres

Yusuke Yachide, Makoto Ikeda and Kunihiro Asada

Abstract This paper shows a camera and projector calibration scheme based on
the light section method using spheres for multiple rangefinders. The proposed cal-
ibration fits the scanning data based on the light-section method to the shape of
each sphere. The procedure of the proposed calibration consists of two steps in
camera and projector calibration. First, the locations of spheres are estimated by
the projected spheres images in an image sensor. Second, the camera and projec-
tor parameters are obtained using the locations of spheres. We propose an objective
function with both of the locations and the shapes of spheres. The estimated location
of spheres only using a camera has an error. Therefore we calibrate all parameters
changing the ratio of the locations and shapes in the function. And also, we extend
the calibration method to the multiple-rangefinder system. The range accuracy is
similar to the other non-self calibration method. We calibrate the camera and pro-
jector parameter only using spheres without known position, which contributes low
cost calibration.

Keywords Calibration light-section method sphere multiple viewpoints

1 Introduction

Calibration is an essential factor for the accurate 3-D data reconstruction. Calibration
methods have been studied for camera, projector parameter acquisition. The
calibration parameters have an internal and external parameter. For example, in a
Yusuke Yachide
Department of Electronic Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
e-mail: yachide@silicon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Makoto Ikeda
Department of Electronic Engineering, VLSI Design and Education Center (VDEC),
The University of Tokyo, e-mail: ikeda@silicon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Kunihiro Asada
Department of Electronic Engineering, VLSI Design and Education Center (VDEC),
The University of Tokyo, e-mail: asada@silicon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

S.C. Mukhopadhyay, G.S. Gupta (eds.), Smart Sensors and Sensing Technology, 285

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
286 Y. Yachide et al.

camera, the internal parameters consist of focal length, the position of the optical
axis on an image sensor, a pixel aspect ratio and pixel scale. The external parameter
includes a rotation matrix and a parallel translation vector. High-accuracy calibra-
tion parameter acquisition is a key for the high-accuracy 3-D data reconstruction,
since the accuracy of the 3-D reconstruction depends on the accuracy of the calibra-
tion parameters.
The camera calibration method can be categorized into two classes:
self-calibration and non-self-calibration. The self calibration [1, 2, 3] does not use a
calibration target. Many images of a static scene are captured by a moving camera.
The internal parameters do not change during the camera moves in the scene. The
camera parameters are obtained by corresponding points in captured images. How-
ever, the accuracy strongly depends on the image noise. And also the solution in the
calibration is often unstable. It is feasible for flexible range-finding systems. How-
ever, it is not feasible for the high-accuracy range-finding. On the other hand, the
non-self calibration method [4, 5, 6, 7] uses a calibration target. It extracts calibra-
tion parameters using corresponding point between a point in targets coordinate and
a point in a cameras/projectors coordinate. The camera parameters can be obtained
stably and accurately compared with the self calibration. For example, the paper [8]
reported that about 13mm range error inside the measurement distance of around
8502450 mm can be achieved using the non-self calibration methods. However,
many corresponding points are required to obtain high-accuracy camera parameters
using a specific calibration target, which causes the high calibration cost. There are
trade-o between the accuracy and the calibration cost which mean the detection of
the corresponding points. Moreover the cost increases in case of a multiple-vision
system. The scalability of the calibration is important for the multiple-viewpoint
systems [9, 10].
The calibration method using spheres has been reported [11, 12] for low cost cal-
ibration. They calibrated the camera parameters utilizing the ellipticity of projected
spheres images. Their method estimates the imaged sphere center and the camera
parameters. They only captured the spheres images at various locations in target
space for the calibration. And the correspondences are not needed. Therefore, the
calibration using spheres is feasible for the calibration in multiple-viewpoint sys-
tem. However, the accuracy of the spheres locations and the camera parameters
depends on the noise of the sphere image. For example, there is large focal length
error of 120% in 0-2 pixel image noise. This error causes an increase in range er-
ror. Moreover, it only calibrates camera parameters (not projector calibration). Our
primary motivation is high-accuracy range-finding in a multiple-viewpoint system
with low calibration cost. Therefore, we employ the light-section method which has
a capability of high-accuracy range finding. The projector also has to be calibrated in
the light-section method. For the purpose, we propose the calibration method based
on light section method using spheres. Our method uses the many captured 3-D
positions without explicitly correspondences, which contributes the high-accuracy
calibration with low calibration costs.
In this paper, we present the calibration method using spheres for multiple
rangefinders each of which consists of cameras and projectors. Our method is
Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based on Light-Section Method 287

feasible for multiple-viewpoint range-finding system. Firstly we show the calibration

method for a rangefinder. In the calibration, we estimated location of each sphere
utilizing the ellipticity of imaged spheres. After the estimation, we calibrate the cam-
era and projector parameters fitting the shapes of spheres assisted by the estimated
spheres location. Secondly, we describe the extension of the multiple-viewpoint
calibration utilizing sphere locations which are captured in multiple viewpoints.

2 Light-Section Method

The light-section method is based on the triangulation method. Figure 1 shows the
principle of the light-section method. The 3-D position is detected by a range finder
which consists of a camera and a scanning sheet beam projector. The sheet beam
is projected on a target, and the camera detects the incident beam positions. The
distance between the projector and the camera is defined as d. The scanning mirror
in the projector provides the direction 1 of projected light. corresponds to the
angle between the X-Z plane and a point on the target while 2 is derived from the
projector position on the image sensor. When a target object is placed at m(Xi, Yi, Zi),
a position sensor detects a reflected beam at e(ui, vi) on the sensor plane. The target
position m is calculated by following equations,
d(tan 1 tan 2 )
Xi =
2(tan 1 + tan 2 )
d tan 1 tan 2
Yi = sin 
tan 1 + tan 2
d tan 1 tan 2
Zi = cos  (1)
tan 1 + tan 2

Fig. 1 Principle of the light-section method

288 Y. Yachide et al.

3 Calibration Method

We describe the proposed calibration method based on the light-section method

using spheres. First, we describe the calibration model. Secondly we show the cal-
ibration method. The proposed technique has two steps in the calibration process.
In the first step, the locations of spheres are estimated by the projected sphere im-
ages in an image sensor. In the second step, the camera and projector parameters
are obtained using the estimated location of spheres as the reference. We propose
an objective function with both of the locations and the shapes of spheres because
the estimated location of spheres only using a camera has an error. Therefore, we
calibrate all parameters changing the weighted ratio of the factors of the location
and sphericity in the function.

3.1 Calibration Model

Figure 2 shows the calibration model in the 3-D coordinate. We ignore the lens
distortion. In our calibration model, the origin of the 3-D coordinate is defined as the
center of the lens and X-, Y-axis are defined as the direction of the image sensors
row, column address, respectably. And Z-axis is also defined as the optical axis.
We list the definitions as below. And also the calibration method is based on the
assumptions described as below.
1. Origin: center of the lens
2. Defined X-, Y-axis in the direction of row and column of the image plane
3. Defined Z-axis as optical axis

Fig. 2 Calibration model based on light-section method

Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based on Light-Section Method 289

1. Lens is parallel to the image plane
2. Mirror rotation axis is same as the projected position on the mirror
The first assumption means that the Z-axis is vertical to the image plane since
the X-, Y-, Z-axis are at right angles to each other. The second assumption means
that the sheet beam is projected to the rotation axis of the mirror. Note that the pixel
scale (pitch) is known. And we listed the calibration parameters as below.
Camera parameters
1. (u0, v0): Optical axis position address on image sensor
2. f : Focal length
Projector parameters
3. k: Mirror angle gain of DA converter
4. l: Mirror angle oset
5. d: Baseline length
6. a: Baseline angle
Here, the projection angle is calculated with a first-order approximation using k
and l,
= k xpi + l (2)
where, xpi is a operational signal of the projection angle for DAC. The DAC controls
the projection mirror. The ith 3-D position (xi, yi, zi) is an intersection position of
the sheet beam and the incident light. The sheet beam is defined as a plane equation.
The incident light is defined as a line passing through the origin and a projected
position (ui, vi, f ) on the image sensor. The intersection position, which is the 3-D
position based on light-section position, is calculated by following equation,

ui (d cos sin d sin cos )

xi =
ui sin + f cos
vi (d cos sin d sin cos )
yi =
ui sin + f cos
f (d cos sin d sin cos )
zi = (3)
ui sin + f cos

3.2 Sphere Center Location Estimation (1st step)

We describe the first step of the spheres location estimation. The sphere is projected
as an ellipse on the image sensor in general. First, the image sensor captures a sphere
image and the binary image of the sphere is generated. After the generation of the
binary image, we estimate the location of the sphere. Figure 3 shows the projection
figure of the sphere on the image plane and 3-D space. The number of the pixels
290 Y. Yachide et al.

Fig. 3 Projected sphere image on an image sensor

is counted by searching all angles around the center (u0, v0). We decide the major
axis of the ellipse images according to the largest counted number of the pixels. The
edge pixels through the major axis of the ellipse are detected. The farthest pixel and
the nearest pixel are defined as (u f, v f ) and (un, vn), respectively. We can obtain the
angle using the focal length f and the farthest and the nearest pixels of the ellipse
by following equation,
( 2  2 (


+ + 0
1 u f u0 u f u0 (un u0 ) (un u )

= arctan
arctan (4)
2 f f

Note that, in general, the center of the sphere does not correspond to the center of
the ellipse as shown in Fig. 3. The location of the sphere center is estimated by
the angle and sphere radius r. The above step is processed in all pixels and focal
lengths. Note that we search around the focal length of the lens. Finally we decide
the location of the jth sphere center (xo j, yo j, zo j) minimizing the below function,
! M ! Nj ' 2
1  1   2  2  2

F i , yi , zi ; k, l, d, a) =
(x xo j xi + yo j yi + zo j zi r
M j=1 N j i=1
Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based on Light-Section Method 291

where, N j is the number of the scanning points in jth sphere, M is the number of
the spheres, r is the radius of the sphere.

3.3 Camera, Projector Calibration (2nd step)

Here, we show the camera and projector calibration using the estimated sphere cen-
ter location in 1st step. We assume that the estimated sphere center location con-
tains an error. Therefore, we calibrate the camera and projector parameters with the
sphericity around the estimated position. The estimated location of the sphere center
assists the calibration. We define the functions F, G, H(xi, yi, zi; u0, v0, f , k, l, d, a,
r, xoo j, yoo j, zoo j) (they are represented as F, G, H, respectively) for the calibration
! M ! Nj
1  1  ) 2  2  2 *
F= xoo j xo j + yoo j yo j + zoo j zo j
M j=1 N j i=1
! M ! Nj ' 2
1  1   2  2  2
+ (1 ) xoo j xi + yoo j yi + zoo j zi r (6)
M j=1 N j i=1
! Nj '
1   2  2  2
G= xoo j xi + yoo j yi + zoo j zi
N j i=1
! Nj
1   2 2 2
H= a + bi ci
N j i=1 i
ai = xi2 + y2i z2i
 2  2  2
bi = xoo j xi + yoo j yi + zoo j zi
ci = xoo 2 + y2 z2
j oo j oo j

where, M, N j are the number of the spheres and the number of the points in the jth
sphere, a is a weighted ratio of the function, (xoo j, yoo j, zoo j) is the location of the
sphere which is estimated in 2nd step, and (xo j, yo j, zo j) is the estimated location
of the sphere from the 1st step. The 3-D position (xi, yi, zi) is shown in (3). r is the
radius of the sphere. Note that the radius of all spheres is the same. The function
F is the main function for the calibration. The function G is defined as the average
of the length between the 3-D position (xi, yi, zi) and the center of the sphere (xoo j,
yoo j, zoo j). The function H is based on the Pythagorean theorem. We calibrate the
camera and projector parameters by minimizing the function F with the constraints
described below.
Minimize F
subject to G=r (7)
292 Y. Yachide et al.

The 1st constraint means that the average of the length between the 3-D position
(xi, yi, zi) and the center of the sphere (xooj, yooj, zooj) is equal to the spheres
radius. The second constraint means the average of the angle (which formed by the
intersection of A with B; A is the line passing through the 3-D position (xi, yi, zi)
and the center of the sphere (xooj, yooj, zooj), B is the line between the 3-D position
(xi, yi, zi) and the origin) based on the Pythagorean theorem is an acute angle. In this
function F, the calibration parameters are u0, v0, f , k, l, d, a, r, xooj, yooj, zooj.
They are calibrated minimizing the function F according to the weighted ratio a.

3.4 Multiple-Viewpoint Extension

The present calibration method has advantage of the scalability for multiple-range-
finder calibration. The present calibration can be applied to multiple-rangefinder
calibration simultaneously. For the multiple-viewpoint calibration, the relation bet-
ween the coordinates in each range finder is calibrated. The relation represents the
external parameter, which consists of the rotation parameter and the parallel transfer
for the coordinate transformation. In general the transformation (from a 3-D position
(xik , yki , zki ) in k coordinate to standard 3-D position (xis , yis , zis ) in coordinate s) can be
represented by following equation,
s k k
xi xi t x

y s = Rk yk + tk (8)
i i y
k k
zi zi tz

Here, (tkx , tyk , tzk ) is parallel transfer from the coordinate k to the standard coordinate
s and Rk is the general rotation matrix which is represented by the rotation angle
( x , y , z ) (from coordinate k to the standard coordinate s). The detail of the coor-
dinate transformation can be found in [13]. When a sphere is captured by multiple
rangefinders, the spheres locations in various directions are uniformed in world
coordinate. Multiple spheres which are captured by multiple rangefinders in each
position are respectively same. In the multiple-rangefinder calibration, we utilize
the relation between spheres positions. We defined the objective function F+ based
on the objective function F.

! M ! Nj ! L
1  1  1  ) k 2  2  2 *
F+ = xoo j xok j + ykoo j yko j + zkoo j zko j
M j=1 N j i=1 L k=1

! M ! Nj ! L ' 2
1  1  1   2  2  2
+ (1 ) xoo j xi + yoo j yi + zoo j zi r
M j=1 N j i=1 L k=1
Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based on Light-Section Method 293

where, k represents the index for k th rangefinder. We use the equation rotation as a
constraint for the multiple-viewpoint calibration further to the constraints of G, H.
We obtain the calibration parameters by minimizing the objective function F+ .

Minimize F+
subject to G=r (10)

4 Calibration Result

The proposed method has been implemented and tested on real data. We used ipopt
[14], which is a nonlinear optimization programming, for minimizing the functions
using the interior point method

4.1 Single-Rangefinder Calibration Result

The measurement distance is about from 300 to 600 mm. The width and height
of the measurement volume is 400 400 mm. The radius of the target sphere is
around 17.5 mm. We acquire 2-D images of 10 spheres, and scan them based on
light section method. We employed light-section-based image sensor [15] for the
camera. Figure 4 shows the results of 2-D images and sheet light scanning images

Fig. 4 Combined image of measured spheres

294 Y. Yachide et al.

Fig. 5 Convergence result of the average of mean radius error and objective function according to
the ratio

with VGA (640 480 pixel) resolution. The figure is the combined image of each
sphere image. The spheres are not obtained simultaneously. The lines represent the
detected sheet light. Figure 5 shows the calibrated radius error according to the ratio
. The X-axis corresponds to the weighted ratio and the Y-axis represents the
standard deviation to the calibrated radius of sphere and the value of the objective
function. The dashed line represents the value of the objective function F according
to the ratio. The solid line represents the standard deviation to the calibrated radius.
The standard deviation is minimized at 1% of the ratio . The calibrated radius of the
sphere is 18mm. We achieved 0.5 mm of the relative error to the radius (18 mm). The
relative error of each sphere, the center of the sphere obtained by the camera image,
and the center of the sphere obtained by the proposed method are summarized in
Table 1. Figure 6 shows the histogram of the measured radius in each position.
Figure 7 shows a sample of the reconstructed 3-D image of sphere by the proposed

Table 1 Calibrated result

Error1 %(mm) Center 12 Center 23

5.1(0.92) (161.9, 113.2, 406.3) (162.2, 111.7,409.4)

2.1(0.38) (96.9, 115.1, 373.7) (98.3, 114.2, 377.5)
2.2(0.4) (8.8, 121.4, 396.0) (9.4, 117.083,385.5)
2.2(0.4) ( 73.9, 119.1, 381.0) ( 74.6, 118.6, 380.5)
2.4(0.43) ( 51.7, 116.5, 317.1) ( 52.6, 118.3, 322.8)
1.5(0.27) (138.7, 30.1, 461.1) (140.0, 32.2, 466.5)
2.0(0.36) (35.8, 0, 503.6) (35.8, 4.9, 500.0)
2.6(0.47) ( 34.2, 19.8, 513.3) ( 35.3, 18.2, 512.2)
2.2(0.4) ( 106.2, 50.4, 515.9) ( 106.6, 50.8, 516.9)
1.8(0.32) (100.347, 0, 306.49) (99.7, 6.7, 302.4)
1 Relative error to calibrated radius of sphere.
2 (xoj, yoj, zoj) obtained by camera image.
3 (xooj, yooj, zooj) obtained by proposed calibration.
Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based on Light-Section Method 295

Fig. 6 Histogram of each radius error

Fig. 7 One of the reconstructed result with calibrated parameters

296 Y. Yachide et al.

calibration in case of 1% of the ratio . The dots represent the reconstructed 3-D
position using the calibrated parameters. The solid lines represent the reconstructed
spheres. We also measured a plane at the measurement distance of 1000 mm. The
error of measured plane is estimated by the least-square method. The error means
euclidean distance between measured points and the plane. The measured maximum
error is 2.1 mm. The result achieved the high-accuracy range-finding similar to the
non-self calibration result [8].

4.2 Multiple-Rangefinder Calibration Result

We also carried out the multiple-viewpoint calibration. We calibrate two rangefind-

ers with proposed multiple-viewpoint calibration using 10 spheres. Figure 8 shows
the calibration result which is the histogram of 5 samples of radius error. We also
measured a plane at the measurement distance of 700 mm. The error of measured
plane is estimated by the least-square method. The error means euclidean distance
between measured points and the plane. The measured maximum error is 1.9 mm.
Figure 8 shows the relation between the range error and the measurement distance.
Our result achieved the high-accuracy range finding similar to our previous multiple-
viewpoints rangefinding result [16] employing typical linear camera calibration. We
achieved the low calibration cost (only using spheres where the place is unknown)
and high-accuracy calibration in a multiple viewpoint system.

Fig. 8 Histogram of each radius error in multiple-viewpoint measurements

Multiple-Rangefinders Calibration Based on Light-Section Method 297

5 Conclusion

This paper shows camera and projector calibration method based on light section
method using spheres aimed for high-accuracy calibration with low calibration
cost. The proposed calibration method fits the scanning data based on light-section
method to the sphere shapes. We propose the objective function with both of the
locations and the shapes of spheres for the calibration. We measured a plane with
the maximum error of 2.1 mm around 1000 mm. The range error is similar to the
other non-self calibration result. And the method is feasible for multiple-viewpoint
rangefinder calibration. We also proposed and evaluated the multiple-viewpoint
rangefinder calibration. Our method has an advantage of only using spheres where
the place is unknown with high accuracy. We achieved the high-accuracy range


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