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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76 (2017) 257e263

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Origin of bonebeds in Quaternary tank deposits

Hermnio Ismael de Arajo-Jnior a, *, Kleberson de Oliveira Porpino b,
Llian Paglarelli Bergqvist c
Departamento de Estratigraa e Paleontologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 20550-013, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Departamento de Ci^ gicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, 59610-090, Mossoro
encias Biolo , RN, Brazil
Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de Geoci^
encias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21941-916, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tank deposits are an exceptional type of fossiliferous deposit and bear a remarkably fossil record of the
Received 22 December 2016 Pleistocene megafauna of South America, particularly of Brazil. The taphonomy of vertebrate remains
Received in revised form preserved in this type of environmental context was clearly driven by climate, similarly to most of the
24 March 2017
Quaternary continental fossil record. The formation of the vertebrates fossil record in tank deposits was
Accepted 24 March 2017
Available online 27 March 2017
inuenced by the climate seasonality typical of arid climate. The taphonomic history of most tank de-
posits is a consequence of this seasonality and, as a result, the paleoecological data preserved in their
fossil assemblages is reliable with respect to paleobiological and paleoenvironmental settings of the
Quaternary ecosystems of the Brazilian Intertropical Region (BIR). Other tank deposits experienced an
Tank deposits unusual taphonomic history that, besides climate, was affected by recurrent events of reworking pro-
Quaternary duced by the depositional agents dominant in the surrounding alluvial plains. The conclusions obtained
Megafauna here concerning the main taphonomic settings and formative processes that characterize fossil verte-
Taphonomy brate assemblages of tank deposits will help further studies aimed to recover information on the
Paleoecology paleoecology of Quaternary fauna collected in such deposits by allowing a better understanding of their
time and spatial resolutions and other potential biases.
2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2013a, 2015).

Tank deposits provide some of the best evidences for under-
Tank deposits e one of the most singular type of fossiliferous standing paleoenvironments and paleoecology of the Brazilian
deposit in South America e are small sedimentary bodies of Qua- Intertropical Region (BIR) during the Quaternary. However, these
ternary age that ll natural depressions (called natural tanks) on deposits have preserved different paleoecological snapshots from
basement rocks in northeastern Brazil (Arajo-Jnior et al., 2013a). ancient vertebrate communities and their associated ecosystems
These sedimentary bodies are usually stratied and fossiliferous, (Arajo-Jnior et al., 2011a), and these differences only began to be
preserving remains of diverse representatives of the Quaternary scrutinized in the last decade by taphonomy-based studies (Santos
megafauna, such as huge ground sloths, glyptodonts, mastodons, et al., 2002; Alves et al., 2007; Silva, 2008; Arajo-Jnior et al.,
toxodonts, saber-toothed cats and macraucheniids (Paula-Couto, 2013a, 2013b, 2015).
1980; Mabesoone et al., 1990; Bergqvist et al., 1997; Cartelle, Currently, tank deposits are the most taphonomically studied
1999). In some cases, megafaunal remains are associated with type of vertebrate-bearing deposit in Brazil, but some studies have
few fossils of small- to mid-sized mammals, crocodiles, lizards, revealed a wide range of variation in the preservational patterns in
birds and anurans (Arajo-Jnior and Moura, 2014). The genesis of their fossil concentrations (Arajo-Jnior et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2015;
these deposits has been interpreted as deposited in contexts of Arajo-Jnior and Moura, 2014). Therefore, a comparative tapho-
debris ows and ash oods (Mabesoone et al., 1990; Arajo-Jnior nomic analysis among tank deposits would be crucial to better
delineate the main taphonomic processes and pathways that led to
these perceived differences in the preservation of vertebrate re-
* Corresponding author. mains in such deposits.
E-mail addresses: herminio.ismael@yahoo.com.br (H.I. Arajo-Jnior), Here we present the results of a regional-scale taphonomic
kleporpino@yahoo.com.br (K.O. Porpino), bergqvist@geologia.ufrj.br
analysis seeking to describe and explain the variation in
(L.P. Bergqvist).

0895-9811/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
258 H.I. Arajo-Jnior et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76 (2017) 257e263

taphonomic and paleoecological signatures among tank deposits, NISP 118; LG NISP 230; JC NISP 556; JI NISP 1405). They are
shedding light on the origin of the bonebeds preserved in this housed at Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil, and Museu de
environmental context and its implications for the paleoecology of -histo
Pre  ria de Itapipoca, Itapipoca City, Brazil. Their faunal lists are
Quaternary of BIR. presented in Appendix A. All fossil specimens (NISP 2640)
recovered from those tank deposits were evaluated in order to
recognize and interpret taphonomic features, providing a consis-
2. Material and methods
tent background for comparative analyses and to infer the paleo-
environmental conditions related to their origin.
Fossil assemblages of tank deposits from ve paleontological
Fossil assemblages were evaluated following classical vertebrate
sites located at different sections of BIR (Fig. 1) were analyzed
taphonomy methods (Behrensmeyer, 1978, 1991; Shipman, 1981;
seeking for common patterns and distinctive features: (i) Jirau
Frison and Todd, 1986; Lyman, 1994; Rogers et al., 2007). Tapho-
Paleontological Site (JI; 3 2102300 S 39 420 2000 W); (ii) Joa ~o Cativo
nomic attributes evaluated were: (i) physical integrity (complete,
Paleontological Site (JC; 3 300 1700 S 39 400 2400 W); (iii) Campo Alegre
partial or fragment); (ii) degree of disarticulation (articulated or
Paleontological Site (CA; 715018.5500 S 36 440 26.3500 W); (iv) Curi-
disarticulated); (iii) desiccation marks (weathering stages of
mata ~s Paleontological Site (CM; 7 070 3600 S 36 0704800 W); and (v)
Behrensmeyer, 1978; from 0 to 5); (iv) degree of abrasion (ac-
Lage Grande Paleontological Site (LG; 8 250 2700 S 36 430 2000 W).
cording to Shipman, 1981; no abrasion, moderate abrasion, heavy
Although a large amount of tank deposits (approximately 36; see
abrasion); (v) tooth marks (presence/absence); (vi) trample marks
Fig. 1 of Arajo-Jnior, 2016) have been excavated in Brazil during
(presence/absence); (vii) anthropogenic signs (presence/absence);
the last 80 years, a few ones experienced a controlled excavation,
and (viii) bioclastic sorting according to the three groups of Fluvial
including those analyzed in this study.
Transport Index (FTI groups of Frison and Todd, 1986).
The material analyzed in this work consists of all identiable
Furthermore, correspondence and cluster analyses (Q- and R-
specimens recovered in previous excavations (CA NISP 331; CM

Fig. 1. Location map of the paleontological sites of Brazilian Intertropical Region evaluated in this study.
H.I. Arajo-Jnior et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76 (2017) 257e263 259

modes) of the ve tank deposits were carried out in order to assemblages as their background. According to Hammer (2013, pg.
identify both typical and atypical categories of taphonomic features 97), [] If your data are well behaved, taxa [in our case, paleon-
and taphonomic contexts of the deposits. We produced a data tological sites] typical for an association should plot in the vicinity of
matrix for the categories of taphonomic attributes listed above, that association []. In this study, the paleontological site(s)
which were scored using percentage values for each paleontolog- plotted out of the vicinity of the main clustering of sites, were
ical site (Appendix B). The resulting data matrix was submitted to considered to represent taphonomic outliers, indicating a possible
cluster analyses (Q-mode and R-mode) using the weighted pair exotic (time- or spatial-averaged) assemblage in comparison with
group method with simple arithmetic averages (UPGMA) and to a the remaining taphocoenoses, which represent the typical assem-
correspondence analysis. In all analyses, we used the Euclidean blages (see Hammer et al., 2001 and Hammer and Harper, 2006 for
distance. additional information on the application of correspondence
In the Q-mode cluster analysis, the paleontological sites were analysis to paleontological data).
clustered based on the similarity of their categories of taphonomic
signatures and this clustering was used to identify sites with similar
3. Comparative taphonomy
taphonomic contexts in the BIR. In the R-mode analysis, the cate-
gories of taphonomic signatures were clustered based on the sim-
Our taphonomic analysis reveals a wide array of taphonomic
ilarity of the percentages with which they occur among the
processes that have interacted during the genesis of tank assem-
paleontological sites. In both R- and Q-mode analyses, an ANOSIM
blages, such as disarticulation, weathering, transport, abrasion,
permutation test (one-way) was employed to evaluate the signi-
sorting and biogenic phenomena (Fig. 2A); the percentages of
cance of the differences between the groups obtained. This test
taphonomic signatures for each analyzed tank are presented in
provides an R statistics that varies from 1 to 1, where R values
Appendix B. The correspondence analysis allowed the identica-
equal to 1 are obtained only when all samples within the groups
tion of three main taphonomic settings for tank deposits (tapho-
are more similar to each other than to any sample of other groups
nomic settings A, B and C; Fig. 3).
(Clarke and Warwick, 2001). The signicance value (p) of the
The most common taphonomic signatures in tank deposits are
clusterings was also obtained from this test. All multivariate ana-
disarticulated and fragmented specimens, specimens with stage 1
lyses were performed using the software Paleontological Statistics
of weathering and with moderate abrasion, representing the
version 2.17 (PAST; Hammer et al., 2001).
taphonomic setting A and Group A (Fig. 3B and A, respectively).
The correspondence analysis species the Chi-squared distances
Disarticulation and fragmentation occur in a context of subaerial
(x2) between the paleontological sites of BIR, using the Chi-squared
exposure prior to burial (Hill and Behrensmeyer, 1984;
distances (x2) between the main taphonomic categories in the
Behrensmeyer, 1991) and, therefore, suggest that bones were

Fig. 2. Comparative taphonomic analysis of tank deposits; A. Taphogram showing of percentages of specimens according to taphonomic categories for each tank deposit; B. MN
3638-V, proximal end of right femur of Leopardus sp. (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) from Curimat~as Paleontological Site e note the high stage of fragmentation; C. MN 2819-V,
right hemimandible of Ozotocerus bezoarticus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae) from Joa~o Cativo Paleontological Site e note the aking of the bone surface which is placed in the
weathering stage 1; D. MN 3612-V, osteoderm of dorsal carapace of Panochthus sp. (Mammalia, Cingulata, Glyptodontidae) from Curimata ~s Paleontological Site e note the moderate
abrasion; E. MN 2853-V, diaphysis of right femur of Palaeolama major (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Camelidae) from Joa ~o Cativo Paleontological Site e in close-up, note the parallel and
v-shaped grooves on the surface; CA e Campo Alegre, CM e Curimata ~s, LG e Lage Grande, JI e Jirau, JC e Jo~ao Cativo; scale bar 2 cm.
260 H.I. Arajo-Jnior et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76 (2017) 257e263

Fig. 3. Multivariate analyses using percentages of specimens according to taphonomic categories for each tank deposit; A. UPGMA cluster analysis with measures of Euclidean
distances in Q-mode; B. Correspondence analysis with measures of Euclidean distances; C. UPGMA cluster analysis with measures of Euclidean distances in R-mode.

deposited inside natural tanks after a period of carcasses decay. This Curimata ~s and Lage Grande), that probably experienced some
is supported by the occurrence of weathered specimens with slight uvial inuence. Inversely, the second hypothesis explains the
modications, as any weathering occurs only in circumstances of fossil assemblage where the three FTI groups are represented (Joa ~o
subaerial exposure (Behrensmeyer, 1978). Cativo); probably, the thanatocoenoses from which this deposit
Moderate abrasion can be generated by hydraulic transport (i) derived were transported by a non-sorting agent, such as gravita-
during a moderate to long distance or (ii) during a moderate time tional ows or ash oods. Thus, two modes of hydraulic transport
interval but over a short distance (around and/or inside the tanks). may have occurred during the genesis of tank-deposit bonebeds.
Analysis of bioclast sorting e here employing analysis of Fluvial Only Jirau assemblage is uneven regarding the pattern of FTI groups
Transport Index (Frison and Todd, 1986) e is the most appropriate if compared to the other fossil assemblages. The rarity of FTI <75
mode of evaluating the transportation distance for Quaternary elements can be related to a spreading of the most transportable
large-sized mammals (see discussion in Arajo-Jnior et al., 2012), elements away from the tank, leaving only the lesser transportable
because sorting occurs only in context of moderate- to long-dis- ones (FTI 50e75 and FTI < 50 elements) inside it, regardless of
tance transport (Aslan and Behrensmeyer, 1996). Considering tank the transport agent. Considering that this particular tank deposit
assemblages, the rst hypothesis is plausible for those with large was likely formed under a debris-ows regime (Arajo-Jnior et al.,
amounts of bones placed into FTI >75 Group (Campo Alegre, 2013a), we suggest that the debris ows that transported the
H.I. Arajo-Jnior et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76 (2017) 257e263 261

specimens to the tank had such a high energy that the slighter el- bones experienced constant mobilization (e.g. by sporadic rain-
ements continued to be transported and scattered after passing by waters), reaching the stage of moderate abrasion (see Shipman,
the tank depression (i.e. they were not deposited inside the tank 1981). During rainfall seasons, the alluvial plains experienced
due to the high energy of the transport agent). gravitational ows and oods, which deposited peripheral ele-
Taphonomic settings B and C include the rarest taphonomic ments (sensu Arajo-Jnior, 2016) e the disarticulated, weathered
features of tank deposits: biogenic traces (trample, teeth and and abraded bones e inside the tanks, mixing them: (i) with newly
anthropogenic marks); specimens in weathering stages 3e5, and inputted remains into the thanatocoenoses and (ii) with in situ
non-abraded and heavy-abraded specimens (Fig. 3B). These cate- preserved remains (sensu Arajo-Jnior, 2016), like anurans, pro-
gories are distributed into two subgroups (B1 and B2) within Group ducing a mild spatial-mixing.
B (Fig. 3A). Teeth marks occur in few specimens from two assem- The fact that specimens with weathering stage 1 are over-
blages and were likely caused by a midsized canid scavenger represented in all tank assemblages suggests that the time span of
(Arajo-Jnior et al., 2011b). In the correspondence and cluster subaerial exposure for most elements was around a few years
analyses (Fig. 3), both teeth and trample marks were plotted near (according to Behrensmeyer and Miller, 2012), indicating seasonal
the highest weathering stages, suggesting that scavenging and burial of bones inside the tanks. As in present days, this deposi-
trampling occurred only in circumstances of prolonged subaerial tional seasonality can have occurred due to an alternation between
exposure. Therefore, it appears that, in tank bonebeds, the condi- dry and rainfall periods in an arid or semiarid climate, in which
tions allowing the origin of such marks took place only at low rates oods and gravitational ows are typical of rainfall events (Nichols,
of burial, probably during periods when rainfalls were very scarce. 2009). In fact, an arid/semiarid climate in a wide area of BIR is
Anthropogenic signs are rare in vertebrate fossils from the supported by isotopic studies of mammalian bones and teeth pre-
Quaternary of Brazil (Vilhena-Vialou and Vialou, 2008; Dantas et al., served in other Quaternary deposits in northeastern Brazil (Dantas
2012; Be lo and Oliveira, 2013; Mothe  et al., 2014). In this study, et al., 2013) and in speleothems of caves in Rio Grande do Norte and
anthropogenic marks were observed only in a single specimen of Bahia states (Wang et al., 2004; Cruz et al., 2009).
the camelid Palaeolama major (Fig. 2E). Like other biogenic signs, A taphonomic scenario characterized by low rates of sedimen-
anthropogenic modications of bones (by either scavenging activ- tation and high rates of reworking was suggested for both JI
ity by hunters-gatherers or hunting and processing the prey) in the (Arajo-Jnior et al. (2013a)) and JC (Arajo-Jnior et al., 2014),
thanatocoenoses is only possible in conditions of delayed burial. A based on fossildiagenetic analyses, and on evaluation of types of
detailed description and interpretation of this anthropogenic breakage. This scenario would explain the unusual features asso-
alteration is in progress elsewhere by some authors of this paper. ciated to Sites B: initially, vertebrate bones were subaerially
Based on the clustering of CA, CM and LG into the group Sites A exposed for a prolonged time span around the tanks prior to burial,
(Fig. 3C) and their plotting into the taphonomic setting A (Fig. 3B) e reaching the stages of weathering 3 to 5. Meanwhile, the bones
which comprises the commonest taphonomic features of tank de- were disarticulated and modied by other physical and biogenic
posits e we consider these assemblages as typical for tank deposits factors, such as trampling, scavenging and, eventually, human ac-
and their taphonomic signatures are the most diagnostic. On the tivity. These conditions were disrupted during eventual rainfall
other hand, JC and JI (Sites B in Fig. 3C) represent particular and increase periods, which established conditions of high energy that
unusual tank assemblages, produced when environments around transported new carcasses and reworked skeletal elements previ-
the tanks probably underwent variations in their rates of sedi- ously buried outside the tanks, to inside the tanks. It is also possible
mentation (decreasing), reworking (increasing) or biogenic activity that, during these episodes, some of the specimens already in the
(increasing) (see Arajo-Jnior et al., 2013a for a full interpretation taphocoenosis had also been reworked. Such events mixed
of the taphonomic history of the JI assemblage). different taphonomic settings into a single fossil assemblage,
Finally, despite the differences related to the physical integrity resulting in time-averaged and internally complex assemblages.
and the presence/absence of biogenic traces in the specimens, the This time-averaging is evidenced by the co-occurrence e in the
array of taphonomic processes seems to have been very similar assemblages of JC e JI sites e of several taphonomic signatures in
among the tank deposits evaluated (Fig. 2A), varying only in their markedly distinct states, such as: expressive variation in stages of
intensity. Therefore, despite possible minor differences in the age of fragmentation; very-weathered skeletal specimens together with
the deposits, the taphonomic processes identied were recurrent non-weathered ones; and non-abraded, moderate-abraded and
throughout the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in BIR. However, heavy-abraded specimens.
the cyclicity of such processes probably varied, as suggested by Considering that most taphonomic features observed in the tank
evidences pointing to variations in rates of subaerial exposure of deposits analyzed here occur in dryer conditions, the taphonomic-
the bioclasts in some tanks (see weathering stages and abrasion paleoenvironmental scenarios proposed herein may be associated
analyses in Fig. 2A). with the dry phases e between ~20 ky and ~12 ky e identied in
the northeastern Brazil by Cruz et al. (2009) through isotopic an-
4. Taphonomic-paleoenvironmental scenarios for the origin alyses of speleothems. Indeed, most of the dated tank assemblages
of tanks bonebeds include fossils from this time interval (Dantas et al., 2013, 2014;
Ribeiro et al., 2014). In this time span, the periods with relatively
We hypothesize the following taphonomic-paleoenvironmental more sedimentary supply led to a relatively short subaerial expo-
scenario to explain the features of the typical fossil assemblages of sure of the thanatocoenoses, as inferred for bonebeds of Sites A.
tank deposits, represented by Sites A: megamammals, small- Conversely, the cases in which the thanatocoenoses underwent a
sized mammals, reptiles and avians died in dry periods around much longer subaerial exposure (bonebeds of Sites B) may be
the tanks, which represented the last water reservoirs during these related to periods with relatively less sedimentary supply.
periods; in parallel, anurans died within the tank depressions
(Arajo-Jnior and Moura, 2014). After death, the carcasses un- 5. The quality of the paleoecological data in tank assemblages
derwent necrolysis followed by disarticulation. Later, bones un-
derwent slight weathering (weathering stage 1eBehrensmeyer, The different scenarios proposed for the studied assemblages
1978) in the dry periods, for a few years, resulting in a few super- imply differences in the quality of the fossil record in tank deposits.
cial longitudinal cracks on the bone surface. At the same time, Therefore, the paleoecological data preserved in tank bonebeds can
262 H.I. Arajo-Jnior et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76 (2017) 257e263

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