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Metabolic signatures of human breast cancer

Prachi Mishra & Stefan Ambs

To cite this article: Prachi Mishra & Stefan Ambs (2015) Metabolic signatures of human breast
cancer, Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2:3, e992217, DOI: 10.4161/23723556.2014.992217

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Molecular & Cellular Oncology 2:3, e992217; July/August/September 2015; Published with license by Taylor & Francis

Metabolic signatures of human breast cancer

Prachi Mishra and Stefan Ambs*
Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis; Center of Cancer Research; National Cancer Institute (NCI); National Institutes of Health (NIH); Bethesda, MD USA

Keywords: biomarker, cancer, metabolism, prognosis, therapy

Abbreviations: ER, estrogen receptor; PC, phosphatidylcholine; LPA, lysophosphatidic acid; 2HG, 2-hydroxyglutarate; ROS, reactive
oxygen species; TCA, tricarboxylic acid.

Metabolomics has emerged as a new discovery tool with of tumors that might respond favorably to inhibitors of glutami-
the promise of identifying therapeutic targets in cancer. Recent nolysis.2,4 Recent research identified several key oncometabolites
discoveries have described essential metabolomic pathways in that are associated with cancer progression. In breast cancer, glu-
breast cancer and characterized oncometabolites that drive tamine (as a substrate) and lactate (as an end product) enhance
tumor growth and progression. Oncogenes like MYC and disease aggressiveness and constitute candidate targets for breast
tumor suppressor genes like TP53 prominently affect breast cancer therapy. Other studies suggest lipolytic enzymes as targets
cancer biology through regulation of cell metabolism and
for potential intervention because their activity leads to the
mitochondrial biogenesis. These ndings indicate that tumors
with dominant mutations could be susceptible to inhibitors of
release of oncogenic lipid messengers such as various lysolipids,
disease metabolism. Moreover, various preclinical and clinical lysophosphatidic acid, and eicosanoids that induce breast cancer
studies have linked tumor metabolism to therapeutic response metastasis. Additional findings revealed that ER-negative breast
and patient survival. Thus, recent advances suggest that tumors are commonly dependent on serine synthesis for tumor
metabolic proling provides new opportunities to improve growth. These and other tumors may also abnormally accumulate
outcomes in breast cancer. In this review we summarize some various phospholipids or the oncometabolite 2-hydroxygluratate.
of the identied roles of oncometabolites in breast cancer In this review, we will discuss in detail recent advances in our
biology and highlight their clinical utility. understanding of breast cancer metabolism and highlight the key
pathways of metabolic reprogramming. Furthermore, we will
describe how these pathways contribute to tumor biology and
can be therapeutically altered to improve outcomes.
Oncometabolites in Breast Cancer Biology
Malignant transformation induces reprogramming of cell
metabolism to support tumor growth, tissue remodeling, and Normal metabolism is required to maintain tissue homeostasis.
cancer metastasis. This switch is regulated by oncogenes and Changes in metabolism can either predispose to disease or can be
tumor suppressor genes and is influenced by the tumor microen- acquired during the process of disease development. Notably,
vironment. In turn, cancer cell metabolism can alter the function metabolism can greatly vary from person to person. These differ-
of stromal cells, induce tumor vascularization and inflammation, ences can have genetic causes and contribute to disease risk. They
inhibit the immune response, and reduce the efficacy of cancer may also affect the course of a disease or lead to an adverse drug
therapy. In breast cancer, large differences in tissue metabolite response. It has recently been shown that interindividual variations
profiles have been observed between estrogen receptor (ER)-posi- in blood metabolite levels can be linked to common germline
tive and ER-negative tumors, however these differences do not genetic variations.5,6 These variations may therefore constitute
appear to further classify tumors into the molecular subtypes that inherited risk factors, and they should be further studied in the
were described from gene expression profiling studies.13 Instead, context of complex diseases like cancer. On the other hand, some
oncogenic MYC and the TP53 tumor suppressor gene seem to metabolites that affect tumor biology may have a microbial origin.
have major effects on metabolism in breast tumors.2,3 Addition- Deoxycholate, which is synthesized by bacteria in the intestine,
ally, tumor glutamine and glutamate levels may describe subsets accumulates in human breast tissue and was found to promote
survival of breast cancer cells at low micromolar concentrations
Prachi Mishra and Stefan Ambs but induce apoptosis at higher concentrations.7
*Correspondence to: Stefan Ambs; Email: ambss@mail.nih.gov
Submitted: 10/10/2014; Revised: 11/21/2014; Accepted: 11/24/2014 Tumors acquire persistent changes in metabolism during dis-
http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/23723556.2014.992217 ease development and may become metabolite addicted, which
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative can be exploited in cancer therapy.8 For example, breast tumors
Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons. commonly develop a lipogenic phenotype and heavily rely on glu-
org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, cose and glutamine consumption for tumor growth. This reprog-
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is ramming of cell metabolism in breast cancer is facilitated by
properly cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.
oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes and both catalytic and

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immune responses and promotes can-
cer development. It also leads to upre-
gulation of important phase 1 and 2
metabolism enzymes that have key
functions in cancer drug metabolism.
Kynurenine is synthesized by the
indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase, a meta-
bolic enzyme and therapeutic target
with increased expression in various
cancers including breast cancer.17 2-
Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) accumu-
lates to high levels in tumors with
mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase
1 and 2 (IDH)18,19 and was also
found to be accumulated 50- to 200-
fold in a subset of human breast
tumors that do not harbor IDH
mutations.2,3 2HG affects cancer
biology at least in part as a competi-
tive inhibitor of a-ketoglutarate-
Figure 1. Examples of putative oncogenic metabolites (oncometabolites) in breast cancer. Increased dependent dioxygenases.20,21 Accu-
availability and aberrant accumulation of these metabolites can enhance tumor growth and metastasis. mulation of 2HG leads to aberrations
Shown are functional classes of oncometabolites and how they affect breast cancer biology. Most metabo-
lites are generated within breast tumors but some originate from distant organs and reach the breast tis-
in DNA and histone methylation that
sue through the blood supply (e.g., 27-hydroxycholesterol, glutamine, deoxycholate, tryptophan). cause a reversible dedifferentiation
Deoxycholate has a microbial origin. into a stem cell-like phenotype.19,21
Hence, changes in metabolite patterns
in breast tumors that have been
noncatalytic roles of enzymes. This process assigns important func- described in numerous investigations1,2,2226 may affect disease biol-
tions to a subset of metabolites, termed oncometabolites, in cancer ogy in complex ways. Furthermore, these oncometabolites may pro-
biology and disease progression. These oncometabolites can have mote tumorigenesis by changing the differentiation status of tumors
vital metabolic functions in normal cells but support malignant and inducing a metastatic phenotype, or by making tumors more
transformation through various mechanisms (Fig. 1). Most of viable in stress situations that arise with the excessive release of dele-
them support cell growth by providing building stones for the syn- terious oxygen and nitrogen radicals during hypoxia or therapy.
thesis of essential biomolecules, such as glucose and fatty acids.
Others have a key role in protecting cancer cells from excessive
damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as NADPH, cyste- The Basic Pathways
ine, glycine, and unsaturated fatty acids. Yet another class of
metabolites function as signal transduction molecules. Prostaglan- The metabolism of breast tumors, like that of most cancers,
dins constitute a class of well-known oncogenic lipid messengers heavily relies on the use of both aerobic glycolysis and glutamine
that link cyclooxygenase-2, a key enzyme in prostaglandin synthe- catabolism to support cancer cell growth.27,28 Both pathways are
sis that is aberrantly increased in breast tumors, to an aggressive prospective targets in breast cancer therapy.8,29 Aerobic glycolysis
disease phenotype.911 Recently, 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC) metabolizes glucose to provide cells with acetyl-CoA and
has been described as a novel estrogen receptor (ER) ligand that NADPH that are required for the synthesis of larger molecules
promotes cell-autonomous growth of ER-positive tumors.12,13 such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Moreover, acetyl-CoA
27HC is not aberrantly produced by the tumor itself but links induces cell growth by directly affecting acetylation of histones at
hypercholesterolemia to breast cancer pathophysiology. Lysophos- loci that encode growth-related genes, leading to increased tran-
phatidic acid (LPA) is the product of autotaxin, a lysophospholi- scription of these genes.30 Aerobic glycolysis bypasses mitochon-
pase that is known as an autocrine motility factor. LPA binds to drial oxidative phosphorylation to avoid an unbalanced and
G-protein-coupled surface receptors that are commonly upregu- detrimental overproduction of ATP and NADH.27 Aerobic gly-
lated in breast cancer.14 LPA-induced receptor signaling then colysis also produces large quantities of lactate to regenerate and
increases breast tumorigenesis, invasion, and metastasis. This path- maintain an essential NADC pool. Lactate is secreted into the
way is now being targeted by LPA receptor antagonists in an effort tumor microenvironment where it acidifies the extracellular
to abrogate the metastatic spread of breast cancer.15 space, increases angiogenesis, and modulates phenotypes of stro-
Kynurenine is a tryptophan metabolite and signaling molecule mal cells in support of continuous tumor growth.31
that was shown to be an endogenous ligand of the human aryl Like glucose, glutamine is taken up by cancer cells and has a
hydrocarbon receptor (AHR).16 AHR activation suppresses cellular crucial role in the replenishment of the mitochondrial citric acid

e992217-2 Molecular & Cellular Oncology Volume 2 Issue 3

carbon pool. Glutamine is converted into glutamate, which is a reduced PKM2 activity and TP53-dependent metabolic remodel-
precursor for glutathione. It is also a source for the synthesis of ing.40,41 PKM2 is a splice isoform of pyruvate kinase and the pre-
other amino acids and a-ketoglutarate, a tricarboxylic acid dominant isoform in cancer cells. It diverts glucose into aerobic
(TCA) cycle intermediate and substrate for various dioxygenases glycolysis but is also a sensor of oxidative stress that contributes
including prolyl hydroxylases, histone demethylases, and 5-meth- to the cellular antioxidant response and thereby protects cells
ylcytosine hydroxylases.28 Glutaminolysis may directly feed into from oxidative damage.27,42,43 In the MMTV-NeuT mouse
the TCA cycle but it can alternatively be used to feed into a pro- breast cancer model, an isoform switch from PKM1 to PKM2
cess termed reductive carboxylation of glutamine-derived a-keto- was shown to take place during tumorigenesis whereas inhibition
glutarate that constitutes a partial reverse of the TCA cycle to of PKM2 slowed the growth of breast cancer cells. These studies
support citrate and fatty acid synthesis in stress situations such as suggest that selective inhibition of PKM2 may have potential as a
hypoxia.32,33 In addition, mitochondrial glutamine may serve as therapeutic intervention in breast cancer.42 However, subsequent
a source for 2HG synthesis in breast tumors.2 Glutamine restric- research discovered that tumor development is not dependent on
tion slows the growth of most breast cancer cells and targeting PKM2 expression in a Brca1 loss-driven breast cancer model.44
the activity of mitochondrial glutaminase, a key enzyme in gluta- In this animal model with dual deletion of Pkm2 and Brca1 in
mine metabolism, induces growth arrest and apoptosis, especially the tumors, proliferating tumor cells tended to have low levels of
among breast cancer cells with the triple-negative pheno- PKM1, which in human tumors is achieved by the well-charac-
type.29,3436 However, the metabolic requirements for glutamine terized isoform switch in expression from PKM1 to PKM2 and
can vary substantially among breast cancer cell lines, and some by maintaining PKM2 in an inactive or low activity state.
do not depend on glutamine for mitochondrial respiration or Although data from the mouse model do not endorse inhibition
survival.35,36 Instead, inhibition of the cystine/glutamate of PKM2 enzyme activity as an anticancer therapy, PKM2 may
exchange activity by targeting the xCT antiporter in a subset of have undefined oncogenic functions in humans. For example, it
glutamine-reliant cells leads to inhibition of cell growth in triple- was shown to activate HIF1a by proteinprotein interactions.45
negative breast cancer cell lines.36 In such cases, glutamine con-
sumption is used for cystine uptake and glutathione synthesis
rather than fueling the TCA cycle and respiration. Lipid Metabolism is a Driver
of Disease Pathogenesis

A Central Role of Serine Metabolism Breast tumors, like most cancers, develop a lipogenic pheno-
in Tumor Growth type and show an aberrant pattern in the synthesis of fatty acids,
membrane phospholipids, and lysophospholipids.22,24,4648
Glutamine metabolism in breast tumors is linked to several Most evident is the fatty acid synthase (FASN)-driven lipogenesis
other common metabolic aberrations in breast cancer. A prime that provides fatty acid precursors for aberrant phospholipid syn-
example is the serine metabolism pathway. The enzyme phospho- thesis and altered membrane functions in tumors.41 Hence, inhi-
glycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH) is a novel oncogene that is bition of key enzymes in the lipid synthesis pathway (e.g., FASN)
frequently amplified in ER-negative breast tumors.37,38 Increased reduces cancer pathogenicity, and targeting this pathway may be
expression of PHGDH facilitates the diversion of glycolytic car- useful in the development of novel cancer therapeutics.46 Cancer
bon into serine and glycine metabolism. Alternatively, knock- cells depend on de novo lipogenesis for cell growth but there is
down of PHGDH inhibits cell growth, indicating that this evidence that dietary fat intake is linked to cell proliferation in
pathway is a candidate therapeutic target in breast cancer. An breast cancer because breast cancer cells have the ability to
increased serine pathway flux through PHGDH supports cell acquire fatty acids from the circulation through lipoprotein
growth partially because it provides a source for glycine synthesis, lipase-mediated lipolysis.48,49 While de novo lipogenesis is impor-
and glycine by itself has a significant role in enhancing cancer cell tant for cancer cell growth, upregulated lipolysisperhaps para-
proliferation.39 However, recent data indicate that maintaining a doxically at first glanceis another characteristic of cancer
replenished a-ketoglutarate pool in cancer cells is probably a key metabolism that is associated with disease aggressiveness. A key
function of PHGDH since knockdown of this enzyme causes a enzyme in cancer cell lipolysis is monoacyclglyerol lipase
large drop in a-ketoglutarate levels.37 Moreover, because the ser- (MAGL).50 Lipolysis catalyzed by MAGL not only increases the
ine synthesis pathway is functionally linked to the anaplerosis of intracellular fatty acid pool but also leads to a diversion of fatty
glutamine-derived carbon via the phosphoserine aminotransfer- acids into the synthesis of oncogenic lipid messengers such as
ase 1 reaction, an increased level of PHGDH has a major impact lysophospholipids, LPA, and eicosanoids.50 Pharmacological
on glutamine-derived a-ketoglutarate production and becomes a inhibition of MAGL was therefore investigated in cancer therapy
driver of a-ketoglutarate synthesis, mainly in ER-negative breast research and was found to decrease lipid messenger production
cancer.37 Thus, targeting PHGDH with enzyme-specific inhibi- and the metastatic potential of cancer cells. Alkylglyceronephos-
tors may slow disease progression by reducing the availability of phate synthase (AGPS) was recently described as another candi-
both glycine and glutamine-derived a-ketoglutarate. In addition, date pharmacological target for breast cancer therapy. Like
serine is a ligand of pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) and activates MAGL, this enzyme is upregulated in aggressive tumors, includ-
this key glycolytic enzyme whereas serine starvation leads to ing those in breast cancer, and increases cell motility and invasion

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through increased production of oncogenic lipid messengers.51 Metabolic Proles of the Molecular Subtypes in
Hence, both MAGL and AGPS modulate fatty acid utilization in Breast Cancer
breast cancer to favor synthesis of prometastatic signal molecules.
The level of phospholipid metabolism products is associ- Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease and breast tumors
ated with the tumor ER status. Although levels of phospholi- can be classified into several molecular subtypes with specific
pids (e.g., phosphatidylinositols, phosphatidylethanolamines, gene expression profiles.61,62 These molecular subtypes also
phosphatidylcholines) are increased in breast tumors in gen- show differences in their mutational spectra and DNA meth-
eral, their content is significantly higher in ER-negative than ylation patterns,63,64 indicating that they are distinct biologi-
ER-positive tumors and is positively associated with sur- cal entities whose response to therapy is very different. Of all
vival.24 Metabolism of the membrane phospholipids phospha- subtypes, basal-like tumors and HER2-positive, ER-negative
tidylcholine (PC) has been studied extensively in breast tumors tend to produce the most aggressive disease.65,66
cancer biology.5254 The activity of the enzyme glycerol-3- Basal-like tumors overlap largely with a group of tumors
phosphate acyltransferase is closely associated with tumor referred to as triple-negative, meaning they are negative for
phospholipid levels.55 The tumor content of PC and its pre- ER, HER2, and progesterone receptor expression.67 Recent
cursors shifts when tumors respond to therapy, and these metabolome studies have assessed the association of tumor
changes may have prognostic value in patients receiving che- metabolome patterns with these molecular subtypes and dis-
motherapy.56,57 The PC content may also indicate intrinsic ease outcome. Whereas most ER-negative tumors are sepa-
disease aggressiveness, and it was shown that the glycerophos- rated from ER-positive tumors on the basis of their markedly
phocholine to phosphocholine ratio is higher in basal-like different metabolite abundance profiles,1,2,24 further subclassi-
and luminal B breast tumors with poor prognosis than in fication into HER2-positive and HER2-negative tumors was
luminal A-type tumors.22,58 Previous studies have revealed not achieved in a recent publication that used a compendium
that the breakdown of PC is profoundly altered in breast can- of 296 known metabolites for classification.2 In the latter
cer; the level of phosphocholine and total choline-containing study, only luminal A tumors clearly separated from other
phospholipids increases with cell transformation, leading to a molecular subtypes. This observation is in agreement with
glycerophosphocholine to phosphocholine switch during the another study that observed a weak distinction between
immortalization of cell lines.5254 Enhanced choline transport HER2-negative and HER2-positive tumors in an analysis of
and increased synthesis of phosphocholine by choline kinase more than 500 lipids.24 A third study reported separation of
a, a known oncogene that is upregulated in breast cancer, breast tissues into 2 clusters based on the relative abundance
together with alterations in phospholipase activities, have of 379 metabolites.25 Cluster 1 contained mainly luminal-
been identified as the root cause of these observations. How- type tumors and non-cancerous tissues whereas cluster 2 was
ever, it remains to be seen whether this switch in choline enriched for ER-negative tumors and metastatic lesions, yet a
metabolism is truly a driver of disease aggressiveness or rather clear separation into molecular subtypes was not achieved.
a marker for transformation. On the other hand, there is sub- Very similar findings were obtained by another group.3 In
stantial evidence that the biologically active lipid messenger this study, an incomplete separation of normal tissues and
sphinosine 1-phosphate (S1P) contributes to disease progres- ER-positive tumors was observed, and some of the ER-posi-
sion in breast and other cancers.59,60 S1P is a product of tive tumors clustered with ER-negative tumors, indicating
phosphorylation of sphingosine by sphingosine kinase 1. overlapping phenotypes among these tumors based on metab-
Sphingosine is a proapoptotic molecule, therefore it has been olite abundance patterns. Since molecular subtypes defined by
hypothesized that the conversion of sphingosine into S1P is gene expression were not separated on the basis on their
oncogenic and enhances cancer cell survival.59 Consistent metabolism in these studies, it is possible that the tumor
with this hypothesis, pharmacological inhibition of sphingo- metabolome describes disease traits that are somewhat differ-
sine kinase 1 reduced metastasis in the 4T1 murine breast ent from those captured by gene expression analysis. Alterna-
cancer model.60 Together, these examples show that breast tively, perhaps a different compendium of metabolites must
tumors undergo broad changes in lipid metabolism that bal- be profiled to achieve a metabolite-based classification that
ance the need for increased lipogenesis to maintain cancer matches the gene expression-defined subtypes. Nonetheless,
cell growth with the need for lipolysis to maintain the supply like gene signatures, metabolite patterns may predict disease
of prosurvival and prometastatic lipid messengers. These outcomes. Both Hilvo et al. and Terunuma et al. observed
alterations create metabolic dependencies of tumors. For this that tumor metabolite levels are candidate prognostic
reason, enzymes involved in both lipogenesis and lipolysis are markers, while another research study showed that metabolite
valid pharmacological targets in breast cancer therapy. Alter- profiles in serum samples from breast cancer patients can pre-
natively, inhibitors of lipid messenger signaling may be used dict which patients might experience early disease recurrence
to treat patients because breast cancer metastasis is probably among surgically treated patients.2,24,68 Thus, large-scale
susceptible to small molecule-based receptor antagonists that assessment of metabolite patterns in tumor and blood sam-
block receptor activation by these messengers, as has been ples may assist in determining the aggressiveness of breast
shown for LPA and S1P signaling.15,60 tumors at the time of diagnosis.

e992217-4 Molecular & Cellular Oncology Volume 2 Issue 3

Links Between Tumor Metabolism and the efflux, and exerts a generally antilipogenic effect on cells. Lastly,
Mutational Landscape a specific connection between the tumor TP53 status and tumor
glycerophospholipid levels was shown to exist. A joint analysis
Although breast tumors acquire various mutations, somatic of metabolomics and genetics in human breast tumors revealed
mutations in genes directly linked to metabolism are rare.63 For that tumors with TP53 mutations have strongly reduced levels
example, only one study reported a mutation in the isocitrate of certain phospholipids.3
dehydrogenase 1 or 2 genes.69 Cancer genes with the highest Some of the effects of constitutive activation of the PI3K-
mutation frequency include TP53 and the PI3K subunit Akt-mTOR pathway as a result of mutations of PIK3CA or
encoded by PIK3CA, both of which are mutated in 3540% of other genes in this pathway on cancer metabolism are the same
all breast tumors.63 TP53 mutations are a dominant feature of as those caused by the frequent loss of TP53 function in
the HER2-enriched and basal-like molecular subtypes, in which HER2-enriched and basal-like tumors. In contrast to TP53
7080% of tumors harbor this mutation, indicating a close rela- mutations, however, PIK3CA mutations predict good, rather
tionship between loss of TP53 function and development of than poor, survival.77,78 PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling has a deci-
these subtypes. In contrast, mutations in genes that regulate the sive antiapoptotic effect and stimulates glycolysis, activates
PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway (e.g., PIK3CA, PIK3R1, PTEN, mTORC1 and protein synthesis, and enhances lipid production
AKT1) are more often found in luminal-type tumors (4050% and lactate efflux.79,80 Akt stimulates glycolysis through upregu-
have these mutations) and support constitutive activation of this lation of mitochondrial hexokinase 2 and mTORC1-mediated
pathway. Several studies have investigated the effect of a TP53 effects on HIFa expression, and increases fatty acid synthesis
mutation on cancer metabolism. Wild-type TP53 regulates the through inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3b (GSK3b),
balance between utilization of respiratory and glycolytic path- leading to increased SREBP1 stability and lipid metabolism.
ways, and loss of TP53 function leads to a metabolic switch Moreover, loss of the Akt signal was found to suppress oncogen-
toward glycolysis.70 Expression of synthesis of cytochrome c oxi- esis in an mTORC1-dependent manner.81 Because aberrant
dase-2 (SCO2), a target gene of wild-type TP53, enhances aero- PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway activation is so common in human
bic respiration whereas reduced expression of SCO2 in the breast tumors, pathway inhibitors have been developed for can-
presence of mutant TP53 leads to reduced respiration and cer therapy. These inhibitors alter tumor metabolism. A reduc-
increased glycolysis. A second TP53 target gene, TIGAR, has tion in lactate and an increase in phosphocholine levels were
another important role in this metabolic switch; TP53-inducible described as biomarkers for response to PI3K inhibition in
TIGAR inhibits glycolysis and decreases intracellular ROS while basal-like breast cancer.82 However, a certain heterogeneity in
restraining autophagy.71,72 In TP53 mutant/null cells, TIGAR pathway activation caused by PIK3CA mutations has been
expression is diminished while glycolysis and deleterious ROS reported for human breast tumors. These mutations are com-
production are increased. Mutant TP53 also increases the monly associated with a gene signature of PI3K-Akt pathway
expression of mevalonate pathway genes and the flux through activation but may not be associated with an increase in
this pathway, leading to disruption of normal mammary tissue mTORC1 signaling.78 They also promote cancer by Akt-inde-
architecture and the acquisition of a cancer phenotype.73 The pendent mechanisms.83 Nevertheless, PIK3CA mutant cells are
same increased pathway flux regulates YAP/TAZ proto-onco- sensitive to mTOR inhibitory drugs such as the dual PI3K/
gene function in mutant TP53 cells.74 In this context, mutant mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235.
p53 acts as a positive transcriptional cofactor of oncogenic sterol The amplification of distinct genomic regions is another hall-
regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs), leading to mark of breast cancer and causes overexpression of several key
SREBP-induced mevalonate synthesis and mevalonate-depen- oncogenes including the ERBB2 gene encoding the HER2 recep-
dent nuclear accumulation of YAP/TAZ, which subsequently tor. In basal-like breast cancer, the AKT1, PIK3CA, and MYC
increases cancer cell proliferation.74 In turn, sterol biosynthesis loci are commonly amplified and induce constitutive Akt and c-
intermediates were found to mimic the effects of mutant TP53 Myc pathway signaling.63,84 c-Myc activation has a particularly
whereas treatment with a statin, Simvastatin, could reverse strong effect on the cancer metabolome, partly because c-Myc
them.73 These findings are notable because statins were pre- stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis.85 This function of c-Myc
dicted to be effective agents in the treatment of basal-like breast may explain why the metabolic profile of ER-negative breast
tumors,75 which commonly harbor TP53 mutations. Statin- cancer describes tumors with a c-Myc activation signature as a
based inhibition of sterol synthesis could therefore be effective distinct disease subtype, as shown recently by Terunuma et al.2
not only in treating these aggressive TP53-mutant tumors but c-Myc expression leads to metabolic reprogramming and onco-
also in the therapy of luminal breast cancers in which sterol syn- genic stress in tumors, including glutamine addiction. Hence,
thesis is a key source of the ER ligand 27HC, as mentioned ear- aberrant c-Myc activation may lead to metabolic dependencies
lier in this review. Experiments based on cell culture and animal that provide tumor-specific targets for pharmacologic interven-
models further showed that wild-type TP53 inhibits the amino tion.86 Targets in c-Myc-driven tumors include glucose and
acid-sensing mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and the monocar- glutamine transporters, lactate dehydrogenase A, serine hydroxy-
boxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) while regulating the SREBP- methyltransferase, and mitochondrial glutaminase. To this end,
mevalonate axis.76 As a result, wild-type TP53 inhibits protein glutaminase inhibitors such as CB-83929 may impair the growth
synthesis and growth, reduces glycolysis by preventing lactate of tumors with constitutive c-Myc activation to a greater extent

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than other tumors because of their dependency on exogenous Although glycolysis is needed to maintain ATP synthesis in the
glutamine. absence of mitochondrial respiration, some of the endproducts of
glycolysis, like lactate and ketones, are now known to promote
Metabolic adaptation to stress metastasis in breast cancer. Lactate production is required for
The metabolism of tumors evolves with disease progression tumor progression and metastasis in animal models and elevated
and undergoes significant changes during adaptation to the stress tumor lactate levels predict poor survival in breast and other can-
that arises with oncogene addiction, hypoxia, metastasis, or can- cers.9497 The two lactate dehydrogenase isoforms, A and B, are
cer therapy. For example, mitochondrial ROS were shown to be both candidate targets for breast cancer therapy.98 In addition,
essential for K-Ras-induced tumorigenesis.87 In pancreatic can- studies have shown that lactate drives tumor angiogenesis, and
cer, this increased ROS production is counterbalanced by a K- elevated lactate and ketone concentrations have been associated
RASregulated metabolic pathway, in which glutamine-derived with the development of a cancer stem cell phenotype in breast
aspartate is transported into the cytoplasm where it is converted cancer.97,99 Thus, metabolic adaptation not only supports tumor
into malate and pyruvate to increase NADPH and maintain the growth, but also assures survival of metastatic lesions and can
cellular redox state.88This adaptation renders pancreatic cancer induce an aggressive phenotype such as increased metastatic
cells susceptible to inhibitors of glutamic-oxaloacetic transami- potential and resistance to therapy.
nases (GOT). Other oncogenes, including MYC, also increase
ROS production; these ROS, such as hydrogen peroxide, stimu-
late cancer cell proliferation.89 Malignancies in which dominant Metabolic Biomarkers for Prediction of Cancer
oncogenes facilitate growth are dependent on increased ROS for Progression and Therapy Response
both anchorage-independent survival and proliferation. This
increased ROS generation was shown to be fueled by mitochon- The assessment of tissue and serum/plasma metabolic
drial glutamine catabolism.87 Without ROS, K-Rasmediated markers holds great promise for the discovery of biomarkers of
tumorigenesis is blocked, indicating that inhibitors of either disease progression and response to therapy.100 Investigations of
mitochondrial function, glutamine catabolism, or downstream breast cancer metabolism showed marked differences between
targets of ROS, such as the ERK-MAPK signaling pathway, may ER-negative and ER-positive tumors; in particular, glutaminoly-
have antitumor effects in these oncogene-addicted tumors. Cell sis and the metabolism of certain lipids and serine are signifi-
survival during energy stress is further maintained through activa- cantly higher in ER-negative tumors.1,2,2426,91 These
tion of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, differences may guide therapies that target metabolic pathways.
which enhances NADPH generation in primary tumors through Moreover, phospholipids including lysophosphatidylcholine and
increased fatty acid oxidation.90 However, a bioenergetic adapta- phosphatidylcholine have been described as markers for disease
tion occurs when breast tumors become metastatic.91,92 As a aggressiveness, response to therapy, and patient sur-
result, metastatic cells decrease their proliferation rate because vival.24,56,57,82,91,101 Other metabolism-based biomarkers for
they metabolize NADPH to detoxified ROS instead of using it breast cancer include choline, lactate, and several amino
for fatty acid synthesis and cell growth. It has been argued that acids.5254 These markers have been described by various groups
this altered consumption of NADPH cannot support both rapid that investigated either tumor biology or biochemical changes
growth and protection against oxidative damage during metasta- induced by cancer therapeutics to test whether these changes
sis, leading to a shift of NADPH consumption into pathways can be used to develop predictive biomarkers. Such research
such as glutathione synthesis that counteract oxidative stress.91 showed that lactate may have an important role in taxol resis-
Accordingly, in late-stage breast tumors and metastatic lesions to tance and is also a marker of response to PI3K inhibition in
the brain, activity of the pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, basal-like breast cancer.82,102 Likewise, metabolites in the
and the TCA cycle is increased but their products are diverted pyrimidine pathway may predict tamoxifen resistance in breast
into ROS detoxification rather than fatty acid or nucleotide syn- cancer,103 and inhibition of this pathway may sensitize patients
thesis.91,92 This reprogramming can reduce the susceptibility of to tamoxifen. Others reported that a combination of 11 blood-
metastatic disease to standard cancer therapies whose cytotoxicity based metabolite markers can be used in a noninvasive test to
is interlinked with their ability to elicit oxidative stress, such as forecast disease recurrence in breast cancer, outperforming the
chemotherapeutics (e.g., doxorubicin), radiation, proteosome current clinical marker, CA 27.29.68 The same group also
inhibitors (e.g., PS341), or agents that induce glucose deprivation showed that the abundance of 4 metabolites, mainly amino
(e.g., 2-deoxy-D-glucose).92 A common stress factor in cancer is acids, in breast tumors can predict pathological response to
the hypoxia that develops when tumor growth exceeds blood sup- treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy.104 Although most of
ply. Hypoxia is a driver of cancer progression and triggers signifi- these observations require independent validation in larger
cant changes in cancer metabolism. Oxygen deficiency directly patient cohorts, the described nuclear magnetic resonance spec-
affects mitochondrial function but also alters the expression of trometry- and mass spectrometry-based approaches will
many genes including hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF1a), the undoubtedly advance the field of tissue and serum/plasma
key mediator of the hypoxia response.93 Hypoxia induces glycol- metabolomics and may lead to the development of robust prog-
ysis and reductive carboxylation of glutamine, thus maintaining nostic and predictive tests (Fig. 2). Finally, it should be men-
mitochondrial citrate synthesis under oxygen deficiency.32 tioned that resistance to therapy can be induced by metabolites

e992217-6 Molecular & Cellular Oncology Volume 2 Issue 3

that originate from bystander cells.
As one example, it was recently
shown that tumor-infiltrating mes-
enchymal stem cells induce resis-
tance to a cisplatin-based
chemotherapy through the release of
fatty acids.105 Future investigations
into the association of tissue and
serum metabolites with disease out-
come may have great implications
in cancer research.

Concluding Remarks

Advances in our knowledge of

breast cancer metabolism have led to
the discovery of metabolic alterations
and dependencies that can serve as
candidate biomarkers of diagnosis,
prognosis, and clinical intervention.
However, most of the biomarker
Figure 2. Metabolic proling to guide early detection, prognosis, and response to therapy. Various
studies completed to date have gen- approaches are being applied to develop metabolite-based tests for early disease detection and stratica-
erated preliminary observations that tion of patients for clinical management of the disease. LC-MS: liquid chromatographymass spectrome-
require validation in larger patient try; GC-MS: gas chromatographymass spectrometry; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
cohorts. Future research should
focus on the metabolic profiling of
blood and urine samples that have been obtained from patients for cancer therapy have only been evaluated in preclinical models.
prior to disease diagnosis, thus applying a noninvasive approach The transition into clinical trials is slow even though targeting
to identifying early disease markers. Other efforts should evaluate enzymes in the nucleic acid synthesis pathway has historically led
the metabolome in biofluids and tumors from patients at diagno- to the development of several approved anticancer drugs that are
sis to identify prognostic metabolites that predict metastasis and now widely used. In the case of breast cancer, the glutaminase
survival. These efforts should use integrated analysis of metabo- inhibitor CB-839 will be evaluated in patients with triple-nega-
lome, transcriptome, and genome level data to allow improved tive breast cancer (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT02071862),
characterization of the disease. The approach will require well- and one can only hope that other candidate drugs that inhibit
selected patient pools and independent validation in adequately cancer metabolism will soon follow this path.
powered studies. Equally important is the metabolic profiling of
patients before and after therapy. This research should yield pre-
dictive markers for therapy response and also allow assessment of Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
post-therapy metabolism for future treatment opportunities. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
Finally, agents targeting metabolic pathways and metabolism-
driven signal transduction pathways should be brought into the
clinic because they have potential to achieve therapeutic Funding
responses in tumors with oncogene addiction (e.g., Myc- and This research was supported by the Intramural Research Pro-
Ras-driven tumors) that cannot be achieved by current standard gram of the NIH, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer
therapies. Currently, most strategies to target metabolic enzymes Research, USA.

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e992217-10 Molecular & Cellular Oncology Volume 2 Issue 3

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