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What is homosexuality?

Homosexuality is one of the many controversial topics nowadays which

generally known as sexual or emotional spectacle to the person of same sex. Homosexuality also

considered being a sexual orientation along with heterosexuality, or a person is attracted by

different sex and bisexuality, or the potency for a person to lure a member of both sexes (Suggs

& Miracle, pp. 88-99, 2009). Homosexuality such as gay and lesbian can be caused by

environment, education indoctrination, chemical modification and etc. Among these stated

causes, the effects will definitely arise toward the society and the victim itself. Hence, this essay

focuses on two causes and two effects of homosexuality.

First, homosexuality can be caused by chemical modification to DNA. According to Balter

(2015), epigenetic effects are the chemical modification of the human genome that veers from

the activity if gene sustains the DNA sequence. These effects definitely cause major influence of

sexual orientation. In 1993, a team led by geneticist Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute

(2015) said that they discovered that Xq28, which is a region of the X chromosome that contains

mens sexual behavior has been resided by one or more gene for homosexuality. The methylation

patterns at 140,000 regions in the DNA of 37 pairs of male identical twins who were

incongruous, meaning to say that one who was gay and the rest were gay. As a result, DNA that

is chemically modificated in either long or short term period can cause homosexuality which

might be involved in every one of us.

Secondly, according to Steve (2009), pro-homosexual education is the easiest way to promote

homosexuality. As a form of indoctrination which begins at the kindergarten level,

homosexuality is treated as healthy and normal, with students at very impressionable ages.

Innocent child will be convinced that homosexuality is a behaviour that accepts by the society.

Such as, a modified biology textbook that being used by the primary student or even

kindergartner is justifying the acts of homosexuality. Through breaking the concept of family

relations. Homosexuality is taught in the class. At the early stage of childhood, the students may

not find out they have the attraction towards the same-sex. However, their subconscious has

accepted the idea of homosexuality is true and is their right to be a gay or a lesbian. In old days,

a gay may internalize homophobia echoing societys belief that gay relationships werent real

relationships but with the pro-homosexuality education nowadays, it could be the homosexual to

live in a world without gay shame or social pressure that given by the society (Diane, 2013).
One of the severe effect of homosexual is mental health problem and violence relationship.

According to the Journal of Interpersonal violence survey (n.d)clash of opposing force and

violence relationship. The research discover that 90%of the lesbians of one or more act of verbal

invasion from their close companion during the year. There slightly more than half of the

lesbians reported that they had been mistreating by a female lover or companion. The most

common indicated form of mistreat were verbal and physiological abuse. A national research of

lesbians publish in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychological (n.d) said that has a high

incidence of mental health problem among homosexual and lessbians.75%of the nearly 2000

respondent had advance psychological counseling of some kind, many for treatment of long time

dispirited or sadness. Among the sample as a whole, there was a tragic high general of life event

and behaviors related to mental health problem. Rates of depression ,anxiety,self-harm, alcohol

and drug were significantly higher.

Moreover, according to Cameron P, Cameron K and Proctor K (1989), homosexual are more

regularly bared themselves to biological jeopardy. They will likely access to engaging in orgies,

reported noticeably larger numbers of sexual partners. Homosexual sex is generally combined

with dangerous behaviour, which consists of the use of prohibited and harmful drugs.

Homosexual feelings can be fluid especially at young age but they would likely be imprinted

with gender identity struggles leading to a homosexual orientation once experienced

homosexuality. Furthermore, homosexual engaging in socially disruptive activities such as

criminality, shoplifting, tax cheating. Alpineski (2014) said that the negative effect is that

taxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be contrived to sponsor same-sex relationships if

homosexual were increased. Every public and private would be required to sponsor homosexual

relationships-including their higher health care costs. Besides, homosexual marriage would

eliminate the encouragement for propagation that is implicit in defining marriage as a male-

female union. There is already evidence of at least a correlation between same-sex marriage

and low birth and fertility rates in developing country. While some people still harbor outdated

fears about over-population, demographers now understand that declining birth rates harm

All in all, homosexuality has always been an arguable topic in this modern borderless world. It

can be caused by education indoctrination, as well as chemical modification of DNA and these

causes might have negative effects to society and also the victim itself. Undoubtedly, human

beings have their own choice to pursue what relationship they want in life, or try to conform to

someones idea of normality instead of being lesbian, gay, bisexual and straight. Perhaps sexual

preference can be altered, but no matter what kind of relationship they have especially

homosexual, we must respect and bless them because all human are deserved the right to engage

in either heterosexual or homosexual if they choose to do so.


Genetics and homosexuality (2009). Retrieved from



Homosexuality & Choice: Are Gay People Born This Way? (2012). Retrieved



Suggs & miracle, pp. 89-99 (2000), Perspectives on Human Sexuality. Retrieved






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