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Chess Club

Day 1

Objectives: TSW identify different chess pieces and their respective moves.

Materials: Chess boards (one per two students), paper, pencil, dry erase board, dry erase markers,
projector, computer, connective equipment.

Bell Ringer: As students enter the class, TTW give each a piece of paper and a pencil. TSW write their
favorite game on paper, why they are in chess club, and their prior familiarity with chess. (2 minutes)

Set: TTW show a clip or montage from Searching for Bobby Fischer to introduce students to chess.
TSW write down the main idea from the clip below their bellwork. (5 minutes)

A. TTW discuss class rules and procedures, emphasizing that misuse of chess pieces will result in a
written chess activity (1 minute).
B. TSW move into pairs. TTW distribute a chess board to each pair. (1 minute)
C. TTW go through the names of the chess pieces and write them on the dry erase board. TSW be
cold called to determine recall of the names of chess pieces (4 minutes)
D. TTW model how to set up the chess board. TSW set up their chess boards in the same way.
Emphasis on how to tell which square the king goes on as opposed to the queen (4 minutes).
E. TTW demonstrate legal moves, omitting special cases. TSW follow along and practice moving
their pieces as the teacher models. (8 minutes)
F. TTW demonstrate how to perform basic capturing moves, omitting special cases. TSW follow
along and practice moving their pieces as the teacher models. (8 minutes)
G. TSW reset their boards and practice making legal moves and captures. TTW circulate to provide
assistance (15 minutes)

Closure: TTW cold call students to name pieces and to show how pieces move and capture on the
chessboard. (2 minutes)

Informal: TTW monitor students during independent practice to see if they can move chess pieces
correctly and talk to students to ensure they can correctly name pieces.
Formal: TSW play a tournament on days 8, 9, and 10 in which they must correctly move pieces in
the process of playing a full match.
Chess Club
Day 2

Objectives: TSW practice legal moves by playing a match with teacher assistance.

Materials: Chess boards (one per two students), paper, pencil, dry erase board, dry erase markers,
projector, computer, connective equipment.

Bell Ringer: As students enter the class, TTW give each a piece of paper and a pencil. TTW display a
picture of a chess board on the projector and identify a piece on the board. TSW write down the possible
legal moves for the piece. TSW discuss the answer with the teacher. (2 minutes)

Set: TTW point out two capture moves possible for one piece on one turn of a sample game displayed on
the projector. TSW write down which they would do and justify their choice. TTW tie the solution (take
the more powerful piece) with draft picks in the NBA or NFL, where teams try to get the best players. (5

A. TTW review class rules and procedures, emphasizing that misuse of chess pieces will result in a
written chess activity (1 minute).
B. TSW move to pairs. TTW distribute a chess board to each pair. (1 minute)
C. TTW cold call students to name the chess pieces, how they are set up, and how they move. (2
D. TSW set up their chess boards. TTW remind students how to tell which square the king goes on
as opposed to the queen (4 minutes).
E. TTW instruct the students to try to capture the opponents king. TSW play practice matches
against each other. TTW circulate to make sure that students are making legal moves and captures
only. (20 minutes)
F. TSW move desks to a semi-circle and two teachers will set up a sample game. (2 minutes)
G. TSW watch the teachers play a practice game. TTW cold call students to comment on what
moves should be made next. (11 minutes)

Closure: TSW move their desks back to rows. Student volunteers will explain how the pieces move and
any moves they made that happened to turn out well. TTW probe as to why the moves might have been
beneficial. (2 minutes)

Informal: TTW discuss potential moves with students during the practice game to see if they can
correctly identify possible moves.
Formal: TSW play a tournament on days 8, 9, and 10 in which they must correctly move pieces in
the process of playing a full match.
Chess Club

Day 3

Objectives: TSW recall special moves (e.g. castling, double pawn moves, queening, check, check mate).

Materials: Chess boards (one per two students), paper, pencil, dry erase board, dry erase markers,
projector, computer, connective equipment.

Bell Ringer: As students enter the class, TTW give each a piece of paper and a pencil. TTW display a
sample board configuration on the board. TSW write what move they would make and justify their
answer. (2 minutes)

Set: TTW show a clip of top basketball players using esoteric dribbling or shooting moves. TSW write
down their favorite scene from the clip. TTW tie special basketball moves to special scenarios in chess
that the class will cover today. (4 minutes)

A. TTW review class rules and procedures, emphasizing that misuse of chess pieces will result in a
written chess activity (1 minute).
B. TSW move to three groups with one teacher in each group. A student volunteer will set up a
chessboard in each group. (1 minute)
C. Within each group, the teacher will illustrate how to check, checkmate, castle, queen, move
pawns two spaces forward, and en passant. (4 minutes)
D. TSW practice how to perform the moves within their groups. (4 minutes)
E. TSW move into pairs and set up their boards. TTW write the names of the new moves on the
board as a reference for students. (2 minutes)
F. TSW play a practice game against each other. TTW circulate to check on student progress and
ensure that they are incorporating special moves when advisable. (30 minutes)

Closure: TTW cold call students to name special moves and explain when those moves can be made. (2

Informal: TTW monitor students during independent practice to see if they can play their practice
games with limited teacher assistance.
Formal: TSW play a tournament on days 8, 9, and 10 in which they must correctly move pieces in
the process of playing a full match.
Chess Club

Day 4

Objectives: TSW analyze basic opening strategies (e.g. play for the center, move a specific piece only
once); apply opening strategies in a match.

Materials: chessboard, chess pieces

Bellringer (4 minutes): TSW answer a question about moves a piece is allowed to make or a simple
tactics question. TTW retrieve chess materials and prepare to distribute them.

Anticipatory Set (3 minutes):

Script: Take a look at our challenge for today--what is the best move for white? Talk in your group to
decide; well share our answers in two minutes.

Procedures (40 minutes):

A. Direct Instruction. In that puzzle, we looked at some of the first moves a player would make in a
game. We call this the opening, and chess players memorize them so that theyll know the best
ways to start a game. Were going to look at some of the most popular openings. Two pairs of
teachers will set up boards to demonstrate the following tactics. of the students will be on each
teachers team, listening as the teacher explains her thinking about the coming move and asks
the students leading questions.
a. Opening with d or e pawn
i. Respond with another pawn
ii. Respond with knight
b. Opening with knight
i. Respond with pawn
ii. Respond with another knight
B. Designate student specific groups of two for chess playing
C. Arrange chairs to allow for appropriate spacing
D. Distribute chess materials
E. Students will play with their partner until one of them is victorious. Teachers will circulate to
adjudicate rules questions, enforce classroom rules, and advise players.
F. Arrange alternative groups once initial groups have completed initial game

Closure (3 minutes): Clean up all class materials.

Script: Who won a game today? What was your first move? How did your opening help you later in the
game? (Repeat this questioning process until the end of the period.)
Chess Club

Day 5

Objective: TSW demonstrate mastery of chess moves and strategies in a tournament.

Materials: Chess board, bellringer + set pictures, computer, powerpoint

Bellringer: TTW project a picture of a queen on the board and TSW color squares that the pawn may
move to. [5 minutes]

Set: TTW show a video of the NCAA tournament. TTW then tell students that they will be playing in a
tournament today. [3 minutes]

TTW give students a new handout indicating their progress in the tournament so far.
Designate student specific groups of two
Arrange chairs to allow for appropriate spacing of students and student-teacher groups
Distribute chess materials to the designated groups

Work Period (30 minutes):

- Play chess for the duration of the class work period. [If student finishes first tournament game,
they may observe other games]

Closure (3 minutes):
Clean up all class materials
TTW celebrate winners by giving them a piece of candy.

Informal - teacher circulates to make sure students are actively engaged in the tournament.
Formal - Students play in the tournament. TTW complete a checklist for each student during play
where the students get credit for making legal rules and employing basic tactics or justifying alternate
Chess Club
Day 6

Objective: TSW demonstrate mastery of chess moves and strategies in a tournament.

Materials: Chess board, bellringer + set pictures, computer, powerpoint

Bellringer: TTW project a picture of a queen on the board and TSW color squares that the pawn may
move to. [5 minutes]

Set: TTW show a video of the NCAA tournament. TTW then tell students that they will be playing in a
tournament today. [3 minutes]

TTW give students a new handout indicating their progress in the tournament so far.
Designate student specific groups of two, students who are limited.
Arrange chairs to allow for appropriate spacing of students and student-teacher groups
Distribute chess materials to the designated groups

Work Period (15 minutes):

- Play chess for the duration of the class work period. [If student finishes first tournament game,
they may observe other games]
-The entire class will watch a championship game.

Closure (3 minutes):
Clean up all class materials
TTW celebrate winners by giving them a piece of candy.

Informal - teacher circulates to make sure students are actively engaged in the tournament.
Formal - Students play in the tournament. TTW complete a checklist for each student during play
where the students get credit for making legal rules and employing basic tactics or justifying alternate

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