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Member definition

Member: simply supported beam (3200x500x200mm).

Overall thickness of slab =h=200 mm

Clear span= L=3200 m.

Width = B = 500mm.

Clear cover = Cc= 30mm.

Effective depth = d= 200-25-10=160 mm.

Load (from loading diagram of ground floor)

Superimposed dead load = 20 KN/m2

Live load =12 KN/m2.

Self wt of slab =0.2x25=5 KN/m2

Total DL = 25 KN/m2

LL = 12 KN/m2

Material properties

Concrete compressive strength = fc= 50 mpa.

Reinf .yield strength = fy= 420mpa.

Reinf modulus of elasticity = Es= 200000 mpa

Flexure strength reduction factor = =0.90(tension controlled section).

Concrete compressive strain = ec= 0.003.

Reinf. tensile strain = es=0.005.

Ultimate load combination

U.L =1.2DL+1.6LL.

U.L = 1.2*25+1.6*12

U.L = 49.2 KN/m2.

Max moment and shear force

Max ultimate moment =Mu = 49.2*3.2^2/8 = 63 KNm

Max ultimate shear force =Vu = 49.2*3.2/2 = 78.72 KN.

Single reinforced section

ec 0.003
Neutral axis depth =ct= ( ec+ ec )*d = ( 0.003+ 0.005 )*160= 60 mm.

Equivalent depth factor =1 = max {0.65, (0.85-0.05*(fc-28/7))}

= max {0.65, (0.85-0.05*(50-28/7))}

1 = 0.69.

Equivalent compression block strength = Ymax= 1*ct=0.69*60=41.4 mm.

Max resistance moment = Mur = {0.85*fc*B*Ymax [d-Ymax/2]}.

Mur = 0.9{0.85*50*500*41.4[160-41.4/2]}

Mur = 110 KNm

The applied moment (Mu=63KNm) is less then resisting moment (Mur=110 KNm).


Calculate required area of steel.

Equivalent compression block depth =y= d- dd (2Mu)/(0.85fcB)

26310 /(0.90.8550500)
y=160- 160160

y= 22 mm.

As (req) = 0.85*fc*B*y/fy= 0.85*50*500*22/420=1113.09 mm2.

Check maximum area of steel Amax= 0.04xBxd= 0.04x500x165=3300 mm2.

Provide tension reinforcement 3# 25mm .

Check for shear

Nominal shear strength required = Vn =Vu/0.75=78.72/0.75=104.96 KN.

Shear strength provided by concrete = Vc= fc *d/6= 50 *142/6= 167 KN.

Shear strength provided by reinforcement= Vs= 0 (assumed)

Shear capacity of section = V= Vc+Vs= 167+0= 167 KN.


Provide stirrups 2L-10 @ 150 mmc/c.

Design summary

Member is 200mm thick in 50 mpa concrete.

Tension steel provided = No 3- 25mm.

Compression steel provided = NO 3-25mm

Stirrups= 2L-10T @ 150mm c/c.

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