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ISSN 2320 6101

Research Scholar www.researchscholar.co.in

An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations

DECEMBER 16, 2012

Dr. Nipun Chaudhary

Assistant Professor
Galgotias University
Greater Noida.
Uttar Pradesh, India

The wistful nightmares of the departed year

Have seen a vicious act creating fear
Its dirges have a sense of rejuvenated India
Reflections of which created an insignia
A hope that the so called cultural country
Will never revive the recent history
The impassive mind of the proprietors anyways
Which took it primarily as an ordinary case
Subsequently felt the rant and rave
Emerged a thought that the whole scenario gave
Is it essential to wake after desperados do wrong?
And again face the penalty of a death song
The felony strengthened Audens solution
That can also be taken as a New Year resolution
There is no such thing as the state
And no one exists alone
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police
We must love one another or die.
(- September 1, 1939)

Vol. I Issue II May, 2013


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