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Everyone has stress.

Stress is not always bad, in fact, it is

normal! Stress is what makes us get out of bed in the morning because
we have things to do and people to see. Stress
makes us move through our morning routines
so we do not experience undesirable stress
like missing the bus! Stress makes us study
for a test and do our homework. If we are
concerned what others will think of us, stress
makes us brush our teeth and wear deodorant.

The problem we experience with stress happens when there is too

much of it. Then, we begin to react to the stress. It causes problems
for our body, such as, headaches, stomach aches, or not being able to
concentrate. In these cases stress can be good or bad.

For example, weddings are happy family events, but they can be
very stressful. People worry about money and paying for thing they
want, or not having enough money for those things. Family members
may disagree or cause arguments when together. Sometimes people
must travel great distances to attend a wedding and then they have to
make arrangements to eat and sleep. On the other hand, death is a sad
experience and it brings changes in families and friendships. There is
sadness and people have to deal with grief, financial changes, or even
Stress Test

Lets work on a self-assessment activity to see what stressors we are

experiencing today. Follow the directions for the Stress Test:
1) What was the date six months ago? Write the date here:

Six months ago the date was __________________.

We are going to rate the amount of stress we are experiencing

with a special test using the Holmes and Rahe Scale. Everything in life
gives us stress points from death in our family, moving to a new house,
or working on a school project. These events would have a lot of stress
points because they are very stressful. Having homework, going on a
vacation, or even the last day of school causes stress, but they have
fewer stress points.

2) Look at the list of events on the Stress Test. Underline the

events you have experienced only within the last six months from the
date you wrote down in #1. If the event happened before that date, do
not include it.

Stress Test
From the Holmes and Rahe Adjustment Scale

Events Scale of Impact

Death of a spouse 100
Divorce 73
Marital separation 65
Break-up with boy/girlfriend 65
Jail term 63
Death of close family member 63
Personal illness or injury 53
Fired at work 47
Health problem of family member 44
Gain of a family member 39
Change in financial state 38
Death of a close friend 37
Change to a different line of work 36
Many arguments at home 35
Mortgage 30
Foreclosure on a mortgage 30
Changes in responsibilities at work 29
Outstanding personal achievement 28
Spouse begins or stops work 26
Begin or end school 26
Change in living conditions 25
Change in residence 20
Change in schools 20
Change in recreation 19
Change in church activities 19
Change in social activities 18
Change in sleeping habits 15
Vacation 13
Christmas holidays 12
Minor violation of the law 11
3) Now add up your stress points. My total is ______________.

4) Use your total to check out your range of stress.

0-50 Are you being truthful? Remember, everyone has

stress. It is a normal part of life. Many times, students with strong
family support systems will report few stressors. If this is true for you,
you probably have parents who protect you from problems and they
probably do not share their personal problems with you, for example,
when their mortgage payment is late. You can be thankful for a strong
support system that your family has created.

50 150 This is a normal range of

stress points.
150 300 - Stress is affecting your
quality of life and may cause you to have stress
related symptoms and illnesses.
300 or more - People with many
stressors can have nervous breakdowns and high probability of serious
illnesses. Stress can take a toll on your body. Consider talking to your
parents or your counselor about your stress score. Sometimes students
do not consider boundaries so their score is high; do not add stress
points that belong to your parents or other people. Your counselor can
explain this to you.
Symptoms of Stress

Look at the following list of physical symptoms. Rate each

symptom using the following scale by circling your response.

5 Always 4 Most of the time 3 Sometimes

2 Not Much of the Time 1 - Never

Headaches 5 4 3 2 1
Stomach aches 5 4 3 2 1
Diarrhea 5 4 3 2 1
Constipation 5 4 3 2 1
Nausea 5 4 3 2 1
Heartburn 5 4 3 2 1
Urinating often 5 4 3 2 1
High blood pressure 5 4 3 2 1
Heart pounding 5 4 3 2 1
Pain in lower neck 5 4 3 2 1
Back pain 5 4 3 2 1
Jaw pain 5 4 3 2 1
Muscle tics/jerks 5 4 3 2 1
No appetite 5 4 3 2 1
Feeling full without eating 5 4 3 2 1
Unable to fall asleep 5 4 3 2 1
Waking in middle of night 5 4 3 2 1
Waking up too early 5 4 3 2 1
Fainting 5 4 3 2 1
Feeling tired 5 4 3 2 1
Short of breath 5 4 3 2 1
Dry throat or mouth 5 4 3 2 1
Teeth grinding 5 4 3 2 1
Unable to sit still 5 4 3 2 1
Extra energy 5 4 3 2 1
Stuttering 5 4 3 2 1
Uncontrollable crying 5 4 3 2 1
Not able to cry 5 4 3 2 1
Smoking 5 4 3 2 1
Use of alcohol 5 4 3 2 1
Use of drugs 5 4 3 2 1
Use of aspirin 5 4 3 2 1
Nervous feelings 5 4 3 2 1
Tenseness 5 4 3 2 1
Dizziness 5 4 3 2 1
Weakness 5 4 3 2 1
Irritable 5 4 3 2 1
Depressed 5 4 3 2 1
Easy to get angry 5 4 3 2 1

Count the number of symptoms of stress you marked with a 5 or 4.

How many did you have? _______
If you have 7 or more, you may want to consider talking about
your stressors with your parents or your counselor. There is an
appointment slip to see your counselor at the end of this booklet. Tear
it out and use it. If you made an appointment with your counselor what
do you think you would talk about?


Signs of Stress

Lets review some of the signs of stress in categories. The categories

divide the symptoms of stress into four groups: physical, intellectual,
emotional, and behavioral. This is your book, so you can write in it.
Underline or mark signs that may bother you.

Physical Stress Intellectual Stress

Headache Absentmindedness
Migraines Forgetfulness
Backache Inability to do simple math
Muscle cramps Lack of concentration
Stomach problems Loss of thought
Heart problems Mind spinning
High blood pressure Floating sensation
Shortness of breath
Often having colds

Emotional Stress Behavioral Stress

Anger that is sudden and Dependency on drugs, alcohol,
out of proportion smoking, food, exercise, etc.
Frustration Excessive dieting
Depression Excessive exercise
Feeling of being used Withdraw
Anxiety over everyday situations Talking too fast, too loud or too much
Self-pity Critical over many people and things
Loneliness Unnecessary aggressiveness
Annoyed over small matters Excessive passiveness
Repetitious behavior doing the
same things over and over
Sometimes these signs, which are called
symptoms, maybe related to a physical illness.
Your parents may want you to check with a doctor
if you think you are ill or if the symptoms do not
disappear after a reasonable period of time.
Here is some good news if you have a lot of
stress: There are ways to relieve stress! This
helps us to relax or reduce anxious feelings. We
can also categorize stress reducers into four
groups: physical, intellectual, emotional, and
behavioral. We sometimes call these stress snappers because they help
us snap back to the way we want to be.

Physical Stress Snappers

Often when a person experiences too much stress, he or she will

crave salty food. Do you feel stressed out? Do you crave salty foods?
Some students report eating salt, licking salt shakers, craving pickles
and eating them everyday, eating pizza, barbeque, potato chips, and or
drinking vinegar or pickle juice. It can cause high blood pressure,
headaches, inability to sweat, and problems with our kidneys and
Here are some ways we can relieve stress:

* eat properly; check your diet for too much salt or

sugary food
* eat fruits and vegetables everyday
* take vitamins
* have a sensible and routine exercise program
* cut down on smoking, drinking, and over the counter drugs
(example aspirin)
* play basketball
* jog
* roller blade
* do something to make yourself sweat
* get the proper amount of sleep teenagers need about 10
hours of sleep every night, your body grows while you are sleeping and
teens grow very fast!
* go bike riding
* go for a walk
* dance to your favorite music

Intellectual Stress Snappers

* read a book
* learn a new craft paint, crochet, knit, beading, models
* join a discussion group
* visit a museum
* practice an old skill
* learn to do something new
* join a club at school

Emotional Stress Snappers

* make positive goals or plans
* visit your counselor
* read your favorite poem
*read a book
*start a journal
* establish a support system
* clean your closet
* have a cup of tea
* forgive someone
* talk to your parents
* call someone on the phone
* write a note to someone

Behavioral Stress Snappers

* make a schedule
* pamper yourself
* take a bubble bath
* get a massage
* do something to have fun
* go window shopping
* buy something inexpensive and frivolous
* make a list of positive things about yourself
* make a plan to solve your problem
* ignore your problem
* meditate
* give a hug, get a hug
* do something nice for someone
* send someone a special note
* write a thank you note to someone

You can add many other ideas and interests to these lists. What ideas
are you thinking about?



The important thing is to do two stress snappers every day. Which two
will you do today?



Friendships change quickly for many

reasons. People move way, change schools, or
simply change their ways. Keeping old
friendships is important and making new friends
is just as important. Use this self-assessment to
rate how you are doing as a friend.

5 Always 4 Most of the time 3 Sometimes

2 Not Much of the Time 1 - Never

____ 1. I share my thoughts and ideas with my friends.

____ 2. I share my belongings with my friends.
____ 3. When I disagree with my friend, I listen to their side.
____ 4. I offer to help my friends when they have a problem.
____ 5. When my friend does something wrong, I tell the truth about it rather than
hide it.
____ 6. I am honest with my friends.
____ 7. I laugh when we are together, but I do not laugh at my friends.
____ 8. I do not tell the secrets my friends tell me.
____ 9. I tell my friends when I need help.
____ 10. I am not jealous or possessive when my friends have other friends.
____ 11. I do not stay mad with my friends or carry a grudge.
____12. I am cooperative with my friends. I tell my friends what is right and when
I know their behavior is wrong.

What do you need to do to be a better friend? _____________________________


What do you do that makes you a good friend? ____________________________

Who is a good friend to you? ___________________________________________

What makes that person a good friend? ___________________________________



Our family is with us through thick

and thin. What does this mean?

Rate yourself by the way you act

with family members at home.

5 Always 4 Most of the time 3 Sometimes

2 Not Much of the Time 1 Never

____ 1. I make fun of family members who do things differently from my way.
____ 2. I tease family members about things that embarrass them.
____ 3. I fight with other family members to get my way.
____ 4. I say I am sorry if I hurt another family members feelings.
____ 5. I listen to family members when they need someone to talk to.
____ 6. When I get mad at my brothers and sisters, I stop talking to them. They
have to guess why I am mad.
____ 7. I congratulate other family members when they do well.
____ 8. I call my family members bad names.
____ 9. I help out at home.
____10. I return things that I borrow in good shape and on time.
____ 11. I do nice things for family members.
____12. I do dun things with my family.
____13. When I criticize family members, I do so in a nice way.
____14. When I disagree with my parents, I try to see their side of the problem.

What areas do you need to improve?


What do you enjoy most about your family?


School Date Date Date

I am responsible.
I do all the work I am asked to do. Rating 5 4 3 2 1
I check to see that my work is best.
5 Always
I ask for help when I need it. 4 Most of the time
I follow the classroom rules. 3 Sometimes
2 Not much of the time
I follow the school rules.
1 Never
I bring my supplies everyday. (paper, pencil,
binders, etc.)
I turn in my homework on time.
I am motivated.
I believe learning is important.
I want to learn.
I am doing all I am able to do.
I care about doing my best.
I am self-confident.
I believe I can learn.
I know mistakes are a part of learning.
I can learn even if the work is hard.
I learn from my mistakes.
I can learn even if the work is hard.
I do not talk during quiet times in class.
I take notes when the teacher is talking.
I take notes when I read an assignment.
I listen to the teacher.
I get along with my classmates.
I am helpful and friendly.
I listen to others ideas.
I share and take turns.
I am courteous and polite.
I talk about problems with my friends.

What changes do you need to make? _____________________________________


What can you improve?


What are you doing to improve your grades?



Writing or reading poetry is a favorite activity for many students.

Writing down our thoughts and feelings help us cope with the daily
pressures and conflicts in life. Sometimes writing poetry or keeping a
journal helps us to think through our thoughts. Here is a favorite poem.

Dont Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road youre trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but dont you quit.

Life is strange with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Dont give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,

The sliver lining of the cloud of doubt,
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may seem near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when youre hardest hit,
Its when things seem worse that you must not quit.

-Author Unknown
Stress and Food

Sometimes when people feel empty inside,

they fill up on food to get rid of the empty feelings.
In such cases, they eat sugar and starchy food when
they are under stress. Do you find yourself turning
to food instead of turning to people? When do you
think someone would feel empty?

People eat for a lot of different reasons. First of all, our body
needs food to survive. We need food for nourishment and growth.
Second, we use food to celebrate. What would a birthday part be like
without food? Pretty boring! Think about the way we celebrate
Thanksgiving or other holidays around the dinner table. Food is

Third, we use food to occupy time. We gather together to watch a

football game and have finger foods right next to us. We sit down to
read a good book or watch a TV show and we have a plate of cookies,
bowl of chips and a drink. Fourth, food is comforting. It reinforces
habits and traditions. It makes us feel good. We like to have certain
foods at certain times of the year. Can you think of a favorite time of
the year that you associate with food?

Lastly, food can be used to help us feel good and get rid of
uncomfortable feelings. Instead of thinking about something painful, we
can turn to food. In a sense, it can numb our feelings.

So how is food related to stress? Eating affects our brain

chemistry. Being on a diet or under stress can cause a reaction in some
brain chemicals. Here are five different chemicals in our brain and what
they do:
1) Serotonin When you have a lot of stress, serotonin levels in
the brain drop. Serotonin is in the eating and sleeping part of the brain.
You want to have a lot of serotonin in your brain because it helps you
relax and feel peaceful.
2) Dopamine comforts us and helps us to feel good.
3) Endorphins This is another chemical that also helps us to
feel good. It is released into the brain when we eat sugary food.
4) Beta-endorphins This chemical makes us want to eat
more. When we have a lot of this chemical in our brain, it is hard to
stop eating.
5) Dynorphin When you have a lot of stress, this chemical
make you feel hungry or have empty feelings.

When we have a lot of stress our serotonin levels are low. Our
body foolishly tells us to eat sugar and starch so we can make more
serotonin fast. Serotonin is naturally made in our body when we eat
proteins and foods high in niacin, such as chicken, turkey, fish, nuts,
whole grains and beans. Exercise raises the levels of serotonin,
dopamine and endorphins in our brain. We need the chemicals in our
brain so we will feel good. The best way to feel good is to exercise and
eat right and that means eating healthy proteins, fruits, and vegetables
instead of getting a quick fix from sugars and starches which do not
make us feel so good in the long run.

What do you do for exercise every day? ______________________

What is your favorite snack food? ___________________________

Stress Quiz

1. The highest number of stress points happens with

A. Change in schools
B. Death of a spouse
C. Going to jail
D. Referral to the office

2. Which is not a symptom of stress?

A. Headache
B. Heartburn
C. Depression
D. Toothache

3. A healthy way to get rid of stress is to

A. Exercise
B. Eat comfort food
C. Smoke
D. Yell at friends

4. People eat for a lot of different reasons except

A. To survive
B. To celebrate
C. To increase anxiety
D. To mask pain

5. Short answer

Describe two ways to reduce stress and two effects reducing

stress would have on a persons life.



Appointment Slip

I would like an appointment with my counselor ________________________

counselors name

Name _______________________________ Date ______________________

Team _______________________________ Section/Homeroom __________

I would like to talk with my counselor about:

O stress O grades
O home O friends
O personal O high school

O other ________________________________
To Parents

Stressors of Teens
Stressors of teens are the things that teenagers worry about or that cause them to
have stress in their lives. All of us have healthy amounts of stress in our lives. When the
levels of stress become too high, we have problems functioning on a daily basis. Everyone
has problems, but when we have trouble dealing with those problems it is because of too
much stress in our lives. It is the way that we deal with our problems that makes the

Of a parent, relative, friend, classmate, war
Fear of death
Fear of car accident, dying at an early age, storms, hurricanes
Health problems
Of parents, siblings, friends, classmates
Remarriage, separation, divorce, death of a parent, prison, substance abuse,
Discipline, expectations, communication
Loss of a Relationship
Because of divorce, death, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, moving
Safety Concerns
Fear of harassment, stealing, violence in neighborhood or school, bullies, drugs,
Grades, teachers, parental expectations, illiteracy as a teen, test taking, post high
school plans, job, college, money, changing schools
Relationships with Parents or Authority
Abuse problems, conflict, fighting, expectations in school, sports, homework,
Relationships with Peers
Social concerns, lack of academic ability (reading and math skills), weight,
humiliation, acne, disability, money, financial problems of parents, drug abuse of
self or parents
Sexual problems
Getting AIDS, getting STD, getting pregnant, virginity, not having a significant
other, sexual identity, fear of parents finding out

G. Wilhelm
Dear Parents,

We have discussed stress reduction and management at

school. Students took home a booklet dealing with the causes
and symptoms of stress with some self-assessment activities
which we completed in class. We also discussed ways to relieve
stress (snappers), food and stress, and chemicals in our brain that
are associated with feeling good. The back of the booklet includes
FCAT type questioning for good test taking practice.

I am interested in your response to this lesson. If you

would, please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey
below and have your child return it to the guidance office. Thank


Mrs. Grace Wilhelm, MA


Circle One:

Yes No Not Yet My child told me about the lesson on stress.

Yes No Not Yet I have seen the stress workbook my child received.

Yes No I would like a copy of the stress workbook.

Yes No Not Yet I would be interested in attending a stress workshop

during a parent night.

Comments: _______________________________________________________


Name (Optional)______________________________ Phone___________

Students Name _______________________________

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