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Challenges iM at ECE Ls Amanda Maris DEC mites Students’ Book | a Cee Ate ied ot Tey Wordss Covntees. Word Bulger Nstionalies Grammar: ke Hey Eaessone: Mowing people: Ue atabet ‘Yur fai ime & Wey wards: Nun ersiFa a op.) Key Wards: Casco tists Word Builder: Marl vans Pronunciation! 3777 and ry Gramanae Preps a poor fons Nunbere es Graenoir: Hemme adicties + 8 Your School ap. 10-161 Key Warde: Sige! Subject; iliag Le tre Grammars Kperat yrs weneuns Your aor in 12 ey Wards: ediwomsi¢e'onm. Geamatae es, tha, ne. chase Fur Pacts 01 ey Word: sppratence Grammar: Ailes Semtenen Builder: Smpleserierees aa aces elaine fed ‘ct Heady pps HIE, ey Words: ores evra lnatinsinieras. Speaking! WO inermls 1 rug ra lem Ke Wordle bites Grammars com alsmed yawns okople Pronunciation: con — wake Dp 1 EUMint Sentence wailder: not Speaks Your siti 2 Milter Lietap 11) Mord Buller: se-4 rou wlloaions Readings Aqusetiznnsite Listening: dr inten Grammar: Quen vets Speaking: Manes da Aussi te Pronunciation: duestins 3 the Hes Mees ey Mord: Usin’n ees ending ancl stoning: The Galenars Sry ‘ya 21 Key Expressions: Opinions wing: @ lan study Conner 1 [9725 Stuy Helps Yorabalry 00S (eet Ray fp 751 ey Words: Sr aed Esecse Lntening: fies aden ieey Wards: Avicaraner 2nd tIntles Reading: lesion Gesignrr Speaking GAM WRerd Builders Gon govna fers ‘ey Words: Fad an¢uriak feading and Listening: Yum ard det Grammari Countsevancwuntable —Spuakig: Howat ld eno drink suns some arom Bat pm specs cone ealng a6 Aisteninge The chatenges sce ‘np 20-28, Rey Caprassone: Sohn naw igeare Ming A xt merge Uneaed sports Gays stoning: eres listen closely: (wiactions Bromuncation: 5. Aeros Cultures 1499. 20-41) ne Suorksfavuies Project: 4 spore ster rudy durner2 (p21 ‘tut Help: Fee Biwionory Get Ready jo 3 sa ets Listening: denny its Speaking: Game 7s Baneraus ion el ending: | potetional july Pronunciation: end pa Grammars Pesoat inate 1 an?) Speaking: Sour neat Sentence Bilder: tw cauoes 8 Cohen Sales aa EPP) Hey Words) The teres Grammar Pane Spl) Semen Buller: Feprnsin with 2.07) ral Speaking: Routines The adienture tk Kes Winrdr Freling Stwtenee Wilder: Reading and Ustening: she shat: Sony key bxpresions: pp. 30-28 Sst pcferare > noamurverh = fy Prelasuisee Speaking AcIner ainey Writings rere Study Corner 39 4) Study Helps lassowun Leanna 9 ‘et Ready [a #1 Key Won: Hse Listening: Hee tne Speaking: Sour ree tant Reading an tistening: Teena actos ion of sdkerbs — Speakings te wor ameutdoor wr ndoar aeran? 410 Five Lime (pp. #2 11 AThip Back in Lim “aide crwth sone Reading and Ustewnge Jor Vikin Cents stein: Taunt po 48 45 seer Word cuilder: ulteporuers evarmationi& survey Speaking: a in yuu ree 12 ang Ou Key Words: Place Dicecont Reading and Listing: Ihe (2oeraes Stes fer Enpresions © Sentence Builder: ft an then for antgiong, directions Writing: & noi recon ding: Scie Wie _Ustening: a Grits koala felogeye Unliseee wants Lane) Prujedts Poster Our al eho day Sindy Commer #2 3 Study Help lsseoen Langu 2 ‘eres Cultures 2 (p3.SGoi ry Warde: [he Weatnee ey Ward: Santi ‘Word Buikler: Nouns'adiecves Srammar: rset tannin) Sentence Bulle: ty 3 Berane Srainniar Frese koncnuous Sentence Builder: Fa elerence 12 Ge Weather (np 52-5 14 Toms! ty 54-55) 15 whe County op. 26-871 Word Bunlder;Contencts Study Curmer 5p 5 Was sour COU Speaking: iderityzeme LUntening ear op Reding: Westhes updates Reading and tstening: ews aagrarane speaking: Gate ARending and isting: ah chaong sexy ey apres: Grup Weling A yestand sty Helps Loar wees set eat fs ay Warde: amen! Vk Spire Gotan yes G1) Key Wards: ute Grammar: ne Word Bley: sleeves AP Guay dren Srauanar: Paes Sie foc AB Thebroedisien fap 4 BS) Sentence Ruler: Pot fie eases Aes Cultures 3 bu 66-07) tay Corner 6p 984 Listening: Tee! Speakinge Garme Resding: The niernauul Space Slate Speaking Yost Reading and lsteatng Annan 49 Rrghtnn Pronunciation; ed ertnis Speaking Your holays Reading and Listening: Tis Chulenge Stary Key Eapressins: Sussestions Wetlag shart otc Reading: ckome to te UA" Listening: Inervew ikea gi in Sasi Unter elvely nation» Prommcalion: 0! 30/2 Fraject: punter ny Couey Stuy Help: Hiren ‘Ger Ready 19. inns n pnger typ. 30-7h 20 Change yas le Key Word: Heong Grammar: Exe Vile ‘Sentence leer: sah Grammar: Pas Sipe) ‘sentence Builder: then an por ‘Get Realy‘ 7 Key Words: TY Fromianmes 22 Loa greek en Grammar: (uvmataves snd syseatines inp 25 Word wuilder: ea snd ny a= ves 25 CHET Show ‘pp WE) Grammar: pine Sentence Guilder: Fuluie ne awe, 26. Pip Tw op. 22-08 Ace GuNUREE A Ip BLES) Ney Warder Celnratians Study Cora Bp 964 Stale A Aue iy 07 Salen tii. 2 Time vt pps 8) Blewe Dieienary pp. MOTI, er renenr triers Fal leaner bregater eee TEU reignite Seating: talking ae Resins: Local here ‘Speaking’ A cuetienmsire jon Readius itl dar Speaking: Your wechond Reading and Listening: Ts Chulenge Siary Key Expressions: ees Wein: a etal Sty Helps Casvinnea tnep.nge 4 stent TW pregrameess Speaking: § qurviones Treview Speaking: Comssring actos Roading and Usteing: she chaongs try ey eapressons: liclauinrs Weiting: Ae Reading: New Voor Gelebrainns Usteni etal Litem eloely Fapesieat Sipeaings New Year at Marne Project 4 porte Shdy Helps Revising for ens Warm-up 1. Look af the Key Words, Match the countries with the flags Key Words: Countries Argentina Australia Brevil Canada China Greece Italy Japan Poland Portugal Russia Spain Turkey the United Kingdom the United States 2. Copy and complete the Word Builder with the countries and natianality adjectives. Argenta Australian wrazilian Canadian Chinese Greek ttalisa | fapanese Polish Porlaguese Russian Spanish Turkish British ame Word Builder Avg ish ese others = eich > 3 Now listen and check your answers, Reading and Listening 4a 4 Rvad and listen to the dialogue, Complete the sentences with nationality adjectives. Alex Hello adam Hi. (nr Adam : Ewa And my siame’s Ewa, What's your mame? Alex lex Ewa Rice be seat sau. We'r at this schol Alex Me too! where are yau trom? adam we're from Warsar. alex On, youre Ewa Yes. and you! Are you Alex Nu, ro nct. 'm © fm rom Tarento. Are pum in Glass 2? Adam No, we aren'l. We're in Class 5. The teagher, Mr Gerracdl, is Alex Gh. nny teacher iy Miss Lewis, She isn't Australian, She's Ewa Qh, time for class. Ser you later Alex okay, bye. Grammar: to be ‘9 Look at the Key Expressions and complete the dialogue, 5 Look at the examples in the table. Key Expressions: Meeting people Hello, Hi My name's Ewa, What's your name? Nice ta mect you. Where are you from? 1 He/Shestt | from Rome You/We/They Ap Hioe B Helle ty _'s Bin. name? A Uiego.*# lo meel you. 57 are you Trame AD Argentina, and you? 1G B fim from Istanbul, in Turkey. | heyshuit american? | yourwe/they Your Turn {1 ('m not [am not) Hefshesit isn't (is not) ‘australian. | YouWeiThey | aren't fare nul) 10 invent a person and the informatio ilo Wark inieaity aaah) @ciaiogee ke the ome in Exercise 4. Yes. | am, | No I'm not ves. hersheit is. Yes. youlvetlhey ar No, helshesit Isat No, youfwelthey aren't + name * country and matiunality + where teachers are from: Questia (15) 71 Read and listen ta the alphabet. Then listen and write dawn five names. 1 Adan ‘What Is your name? {What's your name?! Where are you trom? | Wral nationality is she? Practice Cc Dd Ee Ff ie ae 6 complete the sentences about the people in Exercise 4. Use is, isn't, are or aren't. 1 Alex American. tle Canadian 2) Bya and Adam Russian, They Polish, Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr 3 Alex is in Class 7 Fiat ancl Adam in Class 7 They im Class 5. LU Seles Age Ae 6.4 40 Mr Gerrard Australian. Miss Lewis Austalian. she uritish 7 Use the words to write questions, 1 sf your name? f what What’ your vane? 2 youl / are f trom the Uk? 3 yous from? { are J where 12s ; pelling Quiz Work in pairs. Choase 4° yous asstudent? / are ew 5 are / nationality / your teachers? # what five words aud fest your warts, A Spall Rassin’ B Write true answers for the questions in Exercise 7. Bak Ode Hl. Atha yon stamane? My verte A Correct ©) Your Family Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words. Write the numbers in the correct arder. Then listen and check. 1 KeyWords: Numbers sixteen cighly tary eleven seven swtyfive ane hundred nineteen thirty five seventy ten sixty-thne four fifteen twelve seventern Iwo six thirty-nine fouricen nina one Sixt hres ight thirteen eighteen twenty fifty ninety thirty-eight bictionary page 190, Look at the Key Words. 18) Key Words: Family brother falher grandfather grandson. husband nephew son uncle aunt daughter granddaughter atandmather mother niece sister wile child/children cousin grandparents parcnly AL Look at the family tree. What are the relationships? 4 Mark/Rachel — Arebate! suf 2 Maggie/kelly 3 ented 4 Jamesied 5 MarkiVicky - Magale (39) 6 RachelEd 7 Frances,Kelly ay B Keliytd 9 KellyiVichy — _eevestas 5 work in pairs. ask and answer about the people in Exercise 4, A Hove ale is Magepie? B Shel thibdyeaine Kelly (13) Reading and Listening Ta & Read about the penple in Exercise 4. Who are they? 4 Fm sixty-three and my husband is sixty-fi 3 Our children’s names are James and Frances. Franees’s husband is called Leo. Their daughter's name is Vicky, 2 James is ry brother, His wite’s name is Maggie 4 She's Canadian, My niece and my daughter are bath thiriven and my nephew is fourteen 5) 2 Pronunciation Look at the Word Builder Listen to the numbers. Can you hear a} or b)? Word Builder === ease three 3 s}thirteen 13 bj thirty 40 four 4 aj fourteen 14 bj torty 40 live 5 ajfifteen 15 b)fifly 50 sik, G a) sixteen 16 bj sixty 60, seven 7 a}seventeen 17 bj seventy 70 eight 8 ajeighteen 1a bjeighty 80 nine 9 nineteen 19 b} ninety 90 Fronces £38) Vicky (131 My mum is Canadian and my dad i British, B grandparents’ names are Mark and Rachel, Their ding is very old — about fourteen. Ils name is Scoot. Mn Tourleen, 190, ‘iy cousins’ names are Kelly and Fi. Kelly fs thirteen and her brother is fourieen. Kelly is my favourite cousin, She's great. we are goad Iriends, en Grammar: Possessive adjectives/s 7 Look at the examples in the table. Possessive adjectives bly inum is fanadian Your family is gerai His wife's name is Maggie Her brallwe is fourteen Ws name is Seoot ‘Gur children’s names are James ang Frances Their dog is very old Possessive 's Singular nouns daughter's Singular noun with sending Frantes's Regular plural nouns grandparents’ tiregular plural nouns children’s 8 Match the sentences with the drawings. 1 My cousin’s mum is Polish 2° My cousins: mum is Polish, Practice D Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. Mn thirteen and 2) Ana and Pablo are Spanish. is Argentinian, 2 Magda andl bare cousins. yranemather is seventy-one 4 How old are you? And how ald is sister? 5 My aunt is from London. __ from Rew York 6 Me's my cousin. favourite uncle 7 My Frientl’s cal is yreal. Snowball brither is sixteen, mother husband is father is my name is 7 i 10 Add 's or s'to the underlined words, 1 Rachel is Frances + mother. 2° The children parents are from Turkey. 3 My sister — name is Kiera 4 Qurteacher names are Miss Clarke and Mr Da 5 Magda family is trom Poland, & Mytriend names are Robert and Jonna 7 Gurmother name is Lucy 11 Look at the key Words. Write the missing numbers. Then listen and check, Key Words: Ordinal Numbers second third fourth fifth sixth cighth ninth tenth cleventh Thirleentin sitcenty eighteenth Lwenty-secund twenty-third thirtieth thirty-first first seventh welfth Wwenlicth twenty-sixth 12 Lookat the Key Words. Order the months. Then listen and check. Key Words: Months May October November September August. February January July March April December June Listening ‘TB Listen to the people from the family in Exercise ¢ the correct names with [he dates. 5 ih Saptentue Your Turn 14 Draw your family tree and write a list of birthdays. Then work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your family. Hthat’ your dats nase? Bo Marcin owe os B Hes forty one When's his birthday? —B it5.00 the second afApril A A A ic Your Classroom Warm-up ‘T Work in pairs. Look at the Key Words. Match them with the objects (1-21). A thats member one tn Bngitsh? B Aste ia Key Words: Classroom Objects bag bin board book bookshelf CD player chair computer cupboard desk dictionary duo DVD player pen pencil plant poster ruler all watch window 2. Complete the Word Builder with plurals. Grammar: Prepositions of place nd ieee ——_——_ 7 Look at the examples, Plural Spelling rule books add +s. cupboard desk class add ves watch dictionary change +y to -ies ie Ex Aisnext ta, person pepe irregular man ancie woman secest : child 3. Pronunciation Listen to the sounds, Put the regular plurals fram the Word Builder in the correct groups. “1 bonks /sf 2 chairs /2/ | 3 classes /t2/) expbonrds Als between B and C. AL Mow listen and check. . Practice 5 What's in your classroom? Write a list Feongneter, 1S desks, # posters 8 Look at the picture on page 8 again. Complete the sentences with prepositions of place. Game Work in pairs. Play this memory game, 4 The watches are" the desks. in 2 the bagis the chair. f 3. The binis the cupboard Cee ci Nol 4 The dictionaries are the bookshelf A four beaks ane fie DVD players ane ten chairs 5 The board is the window and the cupboard. 6 The CD player is the cupboard. 7 the window is the plant. 8 The plant is the window. Your Turn 9 Game Think of an objcet inthe classsaom. The others ask questions and guess the object. A bei on the wall? B Ne dist c A {sid dh the eapbow ral? Yes, ibis, go 1) your schoo! sat Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words, Match them with th a ~ seéonee Key Words: School Subjects art Chinese Chelish peagraphy history Work in pairs. Ask and auiswer questions about the timetable A Wthad bine is dst Wee B ih ateleven obbek > y on day? IT information lechnalagyy maths musi¢ PE (physical education) 2. What are your (hrce favourile subjects? Tell the class. fence sure ave My favorite coe byeete ane yma seience Listening TE G Listen to the teacher. Number her instructions in the correct order. Open your books, Don't stand up. Sit down. Look at the phulos Don't loak at your books, Read [he dialogue. Close your books, Write the answers in your natebank Gramma mperatives Reading 7 tak at the sentences. 3. Look atthe timetable. Wiite these times. sai a) half past twelve ¢} quarter to twelve Affirmative af 250 A) ten tw four sit down, hb three o'clock gl eleven o'clock, quarter past tw hy) ten tm ten A) five past three 4 usten and repeat the times and days. ( Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday vou [engisn — ungiisn | science Chinese ratae tnelist maths | history z Negative | history Engin | geugraphy Don't sit down aio | tr " maths seieare | English 12.30 72.30 Luni nas [ir PE art reusic | PE 15.00 5.05 | science | PE an music PE Practice B Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box, daw't sneak don’t write listen tn: read speak walch weile your teacher in class. ‘your language in English lessons English in your partner in class. new words in your notebook. sentences in your Students’ Book. Use your notebook. stories in English at home. DVDs in English al home: 9 Game Listen and fullaw the instructions. You are OUT of the game when you make a mistake, 10 work in pairs. Give and follow elassroom instructions. Gen your book Reading ‘T1 Match the sentences (1-6) with the pictures ff}. Tall us the answer, please. « Listun lo me, please! sé her a question. Sit next to hi. Get your book. Open Rearl the sentences. § nolebuuk. on page 10. vrite them in your ‘Grammar: Object pronouns 12. Complete the tbl with wards fram Exercise 11 Subject pronouns Object pronouns I vou you | he she it we thoy you you Practice 13 Complete the sentences with the carrect object pronouns 11 My sister's favourite subject is maths. ask Jiee’ tor help. 2 Hel your teacher. Listen to 3. Read the story. Then answer questions about 4 We've from London. Tell about New York 5 Pm here. Sil next Ine 6 Repeat the words ancl match with the photos. 7 What's the answer? Check on page 120. 8 She's a tamtastic singer. Listen to 8 Your Room Warm-up 1. Picture Diclinnary page 102, Look at the Key Words, Write alist of the things in your bedroom iy Key Words: Bedrooms bed camet {Ds CD player computer curtains desk lamp magazine picture wardrobe a antinnenie Reading and Listening iti) 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. What's Kim's favourite colour? Whu's her Favourite singer? This is my new room Wow it’s really different. thal led is a fantastic colaur, Thanks, Purple is my favuurite colour, And those pictures on the wall are neve Yes, they're from my aunt in Canada, And what's that over there ime bux? Kim Oh, that’s my new Co player. Rani These CDs are great, Misty is my favourite Singer Kim She's my lavourite, ton, This magazine is about music and Misty is on page 20. Take it and read it at home, Great, thanks. Rai Grammar: this, that, these, those 3 Look at the examples in the table. Singur This magazine is abaut music That bed isa fantastic Thase pictures are rolour. new. Practice 4 camplete the sentences-with Ihis, that, these or those. 1 passme thet cD, please. The rap CD over there. 2 Came here and look at photos. 3 picture aver there is my farvauril 4 re your bags over there under the rlesk? 5. We're in Class 7. is our classroom here. Your Turn 5 Work in pairs, Ask and answer questions about colours in your bedroom ar classroom. Und colour are the walls your neem? They're goes. heat colour is that dow? 5 brown, pom> oe» — Warm-up T_ picture Dictionary page 101. Look at the Key Words and find the opposites. 1 Mey Words: Appearance big blond dark fat old short tall thin young small 2. Use the Key Words to describe the photos. Reading and Listening oy B Read and listen to the sentences 11-4), Match them with the phatos fad). 1 this isa photo af my dad and my uncle, My dad is the tall man in the photo, e's an art teacher 2 This isa friend trom school, she’s im the park behind my house 3. This is phota of my cousin. He's a basketball player and he’s the captain of the school basketball team 4 This is my mum. She's a doctor, She's with am id fady at the hyspital Grammar: Articles 4 Look at the examples in the table. a, an, the My enusin is a basketball player. He's the cagtain of the iiasketoall team. My dad is an art teacher, dad is the tall man in the photo. Practice 5. choose the correct word, «or on 4 I'ma /{@i) Fnglish student 2 He's.a/ am ald friend from Scotland 3 that’s a fan PolishFrgfish dictionary 4 You're a ¥ an goud Triend? 5 My sister is a / as actress a Complete the descriptions af photos with a, aa oF the. 1 Thisis ~_# _ photo o' photo, we are in__ af our house any family. In -kitehen 2 Ihisis photo of my sister with __ old fiend. hy sister is ___ girl wi and hair. 3 This is __ photo of my dass. ~ rall boy is Lucas. Hes _ actor uw. 4 inthis photo, Im with trend fram schonl, We're in house. park next to my 7 Look at the Sentence Builder. Use the wurds ta wrile sentences 1-4. Sentence Builder He isa boy, He is young, He isa young boy. He is from argentina He is a young hoy from Argentina. 1 my brother sity 2° he fcaptain / great fof the team. 3. she / singer / my favourite frarm the USA 4 he student / Brazilian f from Rio turlent J goad atuniv Module Talk about your abilities and interests. Read about talented ynung people. Complete a farm. Learn about can and questian wor e ® Listen to an interview. ® @ Get Ready Pitre bictione y pages 104—105. Look al the Key Words, ' Pa eevee aa ARE YOU READY FOR chess computers compuler games cycling fashion films horse riding music photography pottery reading singing swimming 2 Look at the photos. Match the people with their interests, Ryan compere ‘Aprogtamme for stucfents and young peepler Eh Go on ar expedition. 3 Read the poster. Match the examples © Start a new act. fa-d) with the activities (14). Ex Clean up your city a) Fun ) community 3) Holp peoale in your are. h) Achievement d)Chvironment | | a ‘Gome end take the FACE challenge! Sun chieventent “emmunity -nvireainent via & Listen again. Are the sentences [rue (I) oF False (FP 4 © Cyeling is Ryan's favourite thing. a Finily is in a swimming club, 2 Jake's grandparents are trom Argentina. 4 ~ fake’s lavourite thing is photography. 5 | Laura and her family are in Yurk fur a year. a 6 7) Laura's favourite animals are dogs, Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your interests, A What are your interests? B Aly interests are reaae,p raphy ae ls aq Young and Talented Warm-up Reading T. Picture Dictionary pages 104-105. Look at the 79) 2 Read the text. Match the peaple (14) with the Key Words andl circle your abilities, photos [2-1 3 Read the tex! again and answer these — questians. : les Key Words: Abi LS Senor “act cook dance draw paint playa musical instrument (e.g. piano/guitar! violin play chess ride a bike sing speak Chinese swim take photos use a computer write stories How old is Stefan? Where are Carolina's pictures? Where is Amy from? Is Charlie captain af the football team? Meet Stefan, Carolina, Amy and Charlie. 1 different 2 Stefan anes ie 12 Aled Tattle Pinkas [er cera tars in ein omly sven sears se te lat nnoan png eer ean: He Saal encase agrich gator 8 a0 rbot ee SP PAD! aaa ar carne cn an om the lnierar Brisa dhampea slave NS of “a Gomme UK. Hi: cat sh ut hea png nb he By teemas, foo? Yes, Nena! shies taneetee plyerand Rok captain othe ata 2 Cesoline Rata Is 0 pine yenrs old sruanaits. What ian ana te oe) abe out Amy Jian fream Unina. Be Amy i gt tact Tua sche ven al he play 2 Tae pitno, th phic musician D4 enc Grammar: can (ability) 4 Complete the table with can arean't, ae * walk. ‘Short Answers sing? Yes, | No, | can’t. what? eh yous hershey: do? wer hey <2 5) Pronunciation Listen to the sounds. 4 Akeen/ can 2 hand can 3 /Iecunt/ can't 6 Now listen to the sentences. Which sounds from Exercise $ can you hear: 1, 2 01 3? 2 Practice 7 Correct the sentences about the people in Exercise 2. 1 Stefan can play the guitar. Stefan case play the guitar, Plocan play 2 Carnlina cam driv 3 Army can ath 4 Charlie can walk. 8 Use the words to write questions about the people in Exercise 2. 1 Stefan / play / can J chess tay chess? an f English f Stefan Cane Ste 2 speak dc 3 paint { Carolina / can / pictures 4 acts Amys can 5 tennis / play é can ¢ Charlie Now answer the questions. qi E es, he cate, 10 Pair work Ask and answer questions about the people. J Student A ask about Jake and Enily, page 87. > Student B ask about Ryan and Laura, page 20. ( Jake | Emily | paint play the piano v use a compuler take photos play chess ride a bike | 11 Look at the Sentence Builder. Choose one person from Exercise 10 and say a sentence about him/her. Your partner guesses who it is. 4] ot — —— Sentence Builder ataaaneeaeemmr a She can play chess and she can ride a bike. She can play the piano hut she ean't paint. ‘_rnassiirnnnneisnenmenesnicenianiinemssas A He cave Bephotoe bate cape B Ryan! A Thad rightl Your Turn 12 work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about “your abilities. A Gas yoo soi Yes, Feu Gat AC Ne Faw’ e ru ply ches? (PWUEWUE p- Page a9, Exercise 1 EY skits for tite Warm-up 1 Copy and complete the Word Builder with the nouns in the box. [bike chess Chinese computer computer games English football the guitar a horse the Internet amnbile phone a motorbike the-piane social nchworking si Spat tennis Reading 2. Read the questionnaire. Match the sections (1-3) with the photos (a. e}. fan chievement Skills Questionnaire Personal information What's your mame? How old ave you? Where are you ‘who ‘6 your Ueacher? Computers What can you da? (| ad use the Invemet by write emails: aie walelesetr Bier, atic Aris ‘wirat can you do? Ta} pain ars daw 7) a) sina | op act Tel ptaye Leh danee TN take shot Languages How many languages can you speak? _| ‘what languages can you speak? Practical what can you do? 4) use a mobile ) wad a map 5) pul up a beat ko sical instrament Word Builder to verbs nouns | play the pinne ride use | speak eee tama he oe | ar iy a : \ Listening Lar 3 Liten to the interview with fake. Complete the questionnaire with his answers. Grammar: Question words 4) Match the questions (1.6) with the answers (af) 1 How old are you? a Her name's hrs Hil 2 What can you da? by) ne: English 3) What's yaur name? ¢} Ucn play the guitar, 4° Where are you trom? —d) Pm thirteen, 5 Who is your teacher? fe] Jake Samuels. 6 How many languages can) Pm frum York. ‘you speak? 3) S Pronunciation Listen and repeat the questions. Practice i 6 Complete the questions in the quiz. Tas van are the students on the Is thelr monitor's name? 1b) Helen ¢} Met 3 is Ryan? abi by 1a e) 15 4 Is Laura from? a) Portugal = b) Argentina) Sp 5 ean ride a horse In the group? a) Laura b) Ryan 6) Jake s can Emily do? a) ride ahorse 6) play an instrument e} sing acl de Sa Le 7 Now answer the questions, Check with a partner. The Chollenge: 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. A Howe many pegote are in caas? B fuendy-cight A Ne, tucndy-seven 1 Haw many people... iin your English classischoal? town/country) 2 Whe... ? fyour English teacher‘your head teacher? your hest friend) 3 Who in your class can (play an instrumenlisin gs painiJat ride a horse) 4 Where... [mime (Rye Cmily/your cousins, your grandparents} 5 What things ... ? din your agin your clasraerin yumi schon 6 How old 2. # {your mum your best friend!yaur dad} Your Turn 9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questians from Skills Questionn: page 18. Ca you se Facebook? Rory Blackwell from the UK can play 106 musical instruments Aawar on gays (HIMEOUTY > Page 89, Exercise 2 i The First Meeting Warm-up: 3 Look at the Key Words and classify them al, bj or c) 1 Look at the poster and the photo of Jake, Emily, Ryan and Laura. Guess their favourite activities on the programme. 18 Key Werds: Opinion Adjectives Reading and Listening boring brilliant cool great interesting nice not bad 2 Read and listen to the dialogue, Check your okay pretty silly guesses from Exercise 1. ue a HE Gs im ek fo me RE at acc 4. write the opinion adjectives from the Key programme for : Wards. Read the dialoguc again and check. Jake — wha'’s on the programme? L i aay Mel Sport, clubs, community work and a Emily | the programme drittiant 25-kilometre expeditinn! Fran Emily This programme is brilliant. What arc you ayan | musieclub interested in, Jake? camputer games | Jake Me? The film classes, And you? splat E Frin, the dance club, Loure_| computers = Ryan Boring! Music's nol bad but dance? Jake — Okay, Ryari, here’s one for you making computer games. Ryan Computer games? Co Emily Not again! You're mad about Lan / chievement Commun ity awironment computers. A programme for students and young people an Dont sey to my sister, Jake, Emily ws any brothers realy Try a new activity Jake cscs two Wehn’s that girl? Clubs/Classes aura, , dance + music ae as ba ai * making aon Ta: Sports Jake — she's relly pretty Emily Hey, Laura, Came and see this new activity programme. Laura Oh, hi. What activily programme? Ryan It's called FACE. and I'm Ryan. Are you into computer games? Laura Cr, no, I'm not, Camputers are akay but Vm really into horse rising, Jake Film classes are intresting. tr, my name's Jake. Hit Well, Pon interested in animals. cyclin * diving nniNg —* judo hicling laura Wier fa hy The Challenge Speaking Your Challenge 5 Look at the Key Expressions. Write six true i 4 sentences. Writing: A form | nt mma abvaed computer genes, Theyre really coe! Complete the form (1-7) with answers terested ir ark. its boring (a-al fine cl very a) Mr Walker Key Expressions; Opinions b) fourteen’ I can use a computer. | can play the piano What are you Pm into dance but | can’t take photos, into? It's brilliant, dd) British a ¢}_ Fin into swimming, singing and dance. Are yau into Yes. | am, f computer games? _| They're great. 2) Rei No, fm not. It's boring, ene a eee Are you interested | Yes, 1am. 11°. caol a FACE What are you I'm interested in the e interested in? | film classes, Hist name: Mm mad about computers Sueame: __ soe Ne + fburlecis G Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions to talk Matisnality a to your partner about these things, Cio == + computers chess + fashion ‘Stheat a zi + classical music « films + dancing leachar: z + photography * cooking + languages ea fe —— | geAbY FOR (Ee f 2 Copy and complete the form for you, Speaking: Interview ‘1 Imagine you are on the FACE programme. Think cf seven questions to ask new students. 2 Work in pairs. Invent a new identity. Act out the interview. A Bo My name’ Asa. 3 > Toll the class about your partner, fis name's Musa, Fes FWRI » Page 90, Exercise 3 | 2 | Study Corner 1 Language Check 1. Complete the words in the sentences. re = = 2 PLooe e 3. Hor favaurite thingis h ac “is my favourite game. 5 Myinterests ares _____ and muse. | 2 Complete the sentences, 6 she car _ the piano. 7 Vcan a bike. 8 the internet. 9 chess 1 Chinese. vocabulary 1/19 3 Order the wards in the sentences, 11 yous draw and pain? {can 12 cant! a qiobile phone / my grandma fuse 13 write {can | emails 14 your brother / speak / can / English? AS dort in what / can | 416 the pian? / she | can! play | 47 anovse /1/ ride can't I 418 languages / how many J speak? J you f can 19 sing / they sand ¢ dance /can 20 swim f but {he can'tride / he ean fa moloraike Feedback | © Listen and check your answers to the | Language Check, Write down your scores. © Loak at the table. Check where you made inistakes. Wrong answers: | Look again at: 13 ‘Get Ready — Key Words 6-10 Unit 2 ~ Ware! Builder 1120 Unit 1 = Grammar unit 2 Grammar 230 Unit 3 — Key Expressions © Now do the exercises in Language Check 1 of the Workbook. 4 complete the questions with question words. 21 ___is uur boother? He's fifteen: 22 is my dictionary? t's on the desk — your teacher? Kirs Jones 24 people are in your class? Iwenty tive, 25 is her name? Her name's Annapel, grammar 115 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box in interested A Are you #___ painting? B Notmaot wwe | Vm et in photography: Ar: you interested films? | A Yes, lam, they're ™ Ky Expressions Sturly Helfi: Vocabulary books j Make topic diagrams. 3 thse sng s hess Write this information for each word. CINTERE: GivraRe computer games ard | Translation + Nour ehoose a topic anc make a diagram. Then write information for each word. | Module ry Talk ahout exercise, food, appearance: Read about fashion in sport Listen to sports advice, © Write a text message. Learn about have gal and counlable/untountable nouns wilh semedany: inmate Get Ready ‘T Look at the photos, Are the activities: + boring? + -exciling? * funny? + silly? Tar 4 Listen and complete the advice. Be thirty minutes OF exercise every day 2 football, basketball KeyWords: Sport and Exercise or tennis. 2 icture Dictionary page 104-105. Look at the Key Words. do athletics/gymnastics/judo skateboarding play _baskethali:foothallitennis. cycle dance un yw walk 3 Work in pairs, Ask and answer questions about sport and exercise. A Gait yor fe gyaurastion? Bo Yes Down. watch hours. of Bort —_ computer games for hours. or cycle to school Use the stairs = cont the fi. Fit and Fashionable Warm-up 3 Match the words from the text. Are they one ar bwo words? 1 Picture Dictionary pages 100-101. Find examples of the Key Words in the photos. ! peat 1 agai i Key Words: Appearance and Clathes Word cuilder ——<——=——t black/blond/darktfair/red hair ja eenton el acente curlytlangishart/straight hair a = ponytail shaved head 2 blucybrownigreen eyes 3. tennis © player varring tattoo . i 4 hair ding boots cap dress hat jacket jeans 5 ear estar shirt shoes sharty skirt socks tracksuit trainers trousers T-shirt Reading 2 Read the Interview, Arc the sentences true (T} or false (FI? 1 Bella Nicholson is @ fashion model 5] Bella's clothes are for fashion and sport TI serena williams can play tennis and design clothes. 47 Balla is into tattoos Bella Nicholson TH, Bella, Uhis {4 gaur tir show in London, tion ny UIDs a here today? B fren modls at the sho 1 course. And I've also gol bracksuits, shvsts, 9 bags and baseball cas But you're a fashion de: stars Aave got fashion ‘top tennis player and a fashion st, Usaint Bott, tos on models Tm not ints them. Cristiano Ranaldo Ana Iwanovie revi Grammar: have got/has got A complete the table with have, has, haven't or hasn't. Wvowwesthoy 4 HefShestt z got bine eyes. | blond hair. lvounwesThey 3 al | HeyShestt Shao’ Bot ponytail, long hair. got 3 tattoo? gul a talloo? | Yes, Liyout Nu, Myoufweiliney € Yes, hevshe/rt has, Na, hefshesit 7 | What clothes | Haw inary models Vyou! gat? ____weithey ¢ at colour eyes Practice 5 took at the photos and the text agai Complete the sentences with have, has, haven't or hasn't Usain Holt #43 got long hai. Serena Williams and Usain Bolt fashion collection’, Cristiano Ronalda gata shaved head. Ana lvaninvie gota ponytail, Bella's models got tattoos, Ana Iwanovic got brown hair oo got O enew Write true short answers for these questions. Have you got fair hair? Have: you gol blue eyes? Has your best friend got brown eyes? Have your cousins got tattoos? Has your mum gal short hair? 7 Write questions with have gof or has got. Work in pairs. Then ask and answer the questions, 1) your cousin J fair hair? ‘tas your soasin got fair hav? Wa, ste hast 2 your best friend / a ponylail? 3. your teacher / curly hair? 4 your parents / brown eyes? B Look at the Sentence Builder. Use the words to make sentences 1-6, Sentence Builder He's got blue eyes. He's got fair hair. He's got blue eyes and he's-got fair hair. She is tall. She is slim. She is tall and shes slim, j 1 the baby J blond hair / a pretty face 20 omy dad! short / slim 3 he / a shaved head! / Lallaus A) omy eal / small j pretty 5 my cousin j tall thin 6 1 brown hair‘ green eyes Your Turn 9 Complete the sentences with have, has, haven’t or hasn't, Then ask and answer questions. A Have vost got a big funily? BAe dhavert ae got a big family 20 My mum got a computer. 3 My bes! Iriend gol a mabile phone. 4 My dad got a motorbike 51 gota guitar. 6 Gur school gota computer room. ‘10 Game Work in pairs. Think of a teacher oF student in your school, Ask five questions and guess who itis. sida shucdent? Yes, cf i, beth bay? ‘No st in Has she got leg hair? Jes, she has Has she got pmrem>oe p Page 90, Exercise 4 E T_ Picture Diclionary page 103. Find examples af the Key Words in the photos, lel Key Words: Food and Drink apples beans biscuits cheese chicken coffee ola crisps fish milk nuts pasta salad tea water i ed 2 Copy.and complete the table with the Key Words. Add more words to each list, Use the Picture Dictionary to help you, Wegelablis Drinks | Pruit Other Reading and Listening i) 3 Listen to a radio phone-in and complete the gaps. € Geren ean Saturday, Whot oon | eat before the game? _Seme pasta, some! chien ar fish, and \a salad, Eat some fuit, too. Drink some water in the morning but don't drink any tea, coffer ar # on 8 match day, € I'm inte running end ousling but I'm tired sail the tine. 'm a vegetarian and | can't zat meat or? Protein is impartant in yaur diet. Eat “some beans or quts every day, and eat same cheese three times a week. Drink two glasses of # every dau sweeks. Have you got any arlvine far me? Da some exeroise every day. Eat some “vegetables with every meal and an bran orenge for dessert. Don’t eat any crisas or © Get eight hours of sleep a night. wi is got 9 sparts fay at schieol in wo a a a @ Eg Bj H es 3 8 = % 4 8 2 Qa = | Ei uc SS if D 0 i 2 My friend is inta fashion and she's sgot same cesgner soorts clothes, But | haven't got any money far designer What eda | do? I'm a runner and | haven't got “ary designer trainers. Don't think about, : think about sport! alm from 2 small village and we shaven't got # suorts centre. What: exercise can | do? Here are some idees for you: walle te schoal, go” with your friends, argo running in the '*_ its great exervisel Grammar: Countable/uncountable nouns, some and any AL Read the rules about nouns, We can caunt countable nuuns: ane apple. wu apples, three apples. ‘We cannot count uncountable nouns: fruit, two freis, seas, 5 Copyand complete the table with the nouns in the box [me ‘Countable nouns biscuit yon cheese frit glass pasia_ vegetable waler Uncountable nouns aap frst 6 Look at the examples in the table. Courtable Uncountable nouns nouns Affirmative Fai an apple Drink some for dessert wales Drink two sglasses nt milk Cat some beans or nuts, Negative nn't eat Don't drink any tea or coffee. V haven't got any designer I navent got any maney. Questions Have you got any money? Lrainers? 7 choose the correct wards, a} With countable nouns we can f con't use 8, en or numbers, b) With uncountable nouns we cu / can't use a, 40 OF HuMbers, Practice 8 Chuose the correct wortls, Here, have (a)é same biscuit. B No, thanks, Ive got ony-/ some fruit here. Have you got any / some bruthers and sisters? Yes, I've gota fan bruther, > Have you gol a # any new clothes? Yes, I've gol d fsoare nice shoes ‘lum, have we got any / some biscuits? ‘No, we haven't llave a /@n apple m>ape 9 Complete the sentences with the words in the bax. I've got soe _ new trainers Cat fruit every day. Don't eat biscuits before lunch Pee gal apple tar dessert, Drink glasses of water every day | haven't got money for, mew clnt hes We've got reat sports teacher. 4} aan tour ene 10 Pairwork Ask and answer questions. 4 J Student A page #7 Sluilent B page 88 Your Turn ‘11 Work in pairs. Find out your partner's favourite food and drink, Then tell the class favorite foo i inna his feveite arin Fact or Fiction? Fresh vegetables are good (or you but trazen vegetables aren nave on pan Ml ms ee (NONE yp Page 91, Frercive 5 At the Sports Centre +b Warm-up Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue. Change the underlined words each time. How are things? ealjokaving! badlantast 1 Look at the photo. Match the people with their activity wee and haw are your mathsénglish lessons? They're fantastic/harrible/mol badd we Reading and Listening 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Write the correct names nrrible 4 Laura a} judo How is your guitaniiude class going? 2 yan) diving i's easyédifficultihard workgreat 3° Emily cj running V'm really tired hapa, s fade isn't with the. group. is interested in the group's spurts "sport is really difficul is happy with his new sport has gat a text snessaze. Mi, there. low are things? Laura Nut lu bad Mel And how is the sports challenge? Laura Okay, hut running is hard work. Give me my horse now please! Emily Running isn't hard work. W's eas. Laura But you're lucky, Crnily: You're very sporty It’s hard for Jake and for me. So how's your diving class going? Emily 1's horrible, | can’t da it. 'm a good savimimer, bul diving is really difficull, Mel Emily, you can do it. I's just practice. And how are your juida classes going, Ryan? Ryan They're great. Came here, Em. | ¢an teach you Emily Ow! Don’t be silly, Ryan. I'm not into judo. Laura Oh, I've got a text from Jake. Ryan Jake? What's it about? Laura Hal He’ nn his bike. He's lunny Ryan Yeah, really tunny Speaking 3 Look at the Key Expressions. Key Expressions: Asking how things are Haw are things? Not too bad. How's your diving It's really difficult class going? It’s easy, It's hard work. Is horrible. How are your judo They're great classes going? Your Challenge Writing: A text message 1 Look at the text abbreviations and read Jake's message. What is his new.spart for the challenge? 2 Write Jake’s message in complete sentences. Hit Ave yous olay? Text message abbreviations r= are us you gr = creat love (Gr = Inter += und 2 = t foday LOL thanks pls = please ur = your TB = lent me back ¥ = very soot = Kisses laugh out loud 3. Write a text message to another student about your present activities. 4. Read your partner's text message, MBS » Page 91, Exercise 6 Warm-up ‘1 Look at the photos of Sports Days in different countries, Ask and answer the questions. 1 fs sport important in your schowl? 2 Has your schuol gol a Sports Day? When is it? What sports can students do? 3 Sport és Smporta sin ny schol Orr Sports Day és tiff Shade ca ao atetes aa hy can play be Reading shot Sports Day in Jamaica the UK Japan Manth In Jamaica. athlotics s very popular anc 52 really important. Iisa higze ard Girls ath etc Champi ip | sports ts Day is sition called the Boys’ ~ ‘Champs’ for short it 2. Read the texts and complete the table. Other activities This can bea serious compel un, with ¢ » beams. Thy can ca athlete askerball and tenis, And 1 2ut in some sctinos Sports Day is teachers ane! parents In Japan. the secon! Monrlay ot Getose- Es Sports Oa (called Toy no Hiin jaoarese Iisa national ho ieay jot of schow's in the UK, Sports Da; cas cr oF races or sarc games all over lapan, Students cath gymnastics, and they can play dll gases. ithe js, for example the big ball rvilies, People car an isa aoe time for 3 Read the text again. are these sentences true (Hor talse (Fi? | A lot of peonle in Jamaica are into athletics ‘Only boys can be in the Champs compeiilion. aritish students can’t play hall games on ‘sports Day Students! mums and dads ean be in some ports days in the UK The Jananese Sports Day is at the weekend Sworts ay In Jagan is for child leenagers and parents. Listening 2 4 Listen to the interviews with three teenagers. Copy and complete the table with their answers. basketball swimming Andy Murray football gyusniastics ”ridget Sloan is cycling Alberto Contader running Favourite stars Anna gannastics Daniel Maddie Listen closely Write the number of words in each sentence. Contractions are twa words Pronunciation Listen to the two sounds {sf spe 2M she Now listen and repeat the wards. srience seven shaved shelf shies short six skateboarding skill skirt Spain special sport Speaking List your favourite sports and peuple. + sports + sports stars seam 9 Wark in pairs. Ask andl answer questions. a i? b yb NE Work in groups. make a poster about yaur favourite sport. Use the questions to help you Around the world + Where is it popular? The players/sports stars + Is ila team sport? How many players hive teams gul? + Who are your favourite players/spearts stars? Your country + Who are the tog players in your cauntey? + Is your national team good? Baseball is a team sport, with Cp ee Pus PR ese an Re ero eC My country hasn't got a national baseball team but people can Peas a Study Corner 2 Language Check 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs do or play. 4 Can you ___ judo? 2 leant basketball, 3 Don't____fontball in the garden. 4 thirty minutes of exercise a day. 5 She can __ gymnastics. 2. what type of food and drink can you see in the pictures? 3 Look at the photos an page 20. Match the names with these descriptions. a) Laure b) Ryan ¢) Emily d) Jake 42. blond hair / long hair { yellow Eshirt 43. dark hair é curly hair f blue and white shirt 14 hair blue T-shirt / blue trousers 15 black hair J green and white T-shirt vocanulary 15 Feedback [ag © Listen and check your answers to the Language Cheek, Write down your scores. * Look at the table, Check where you made mistakes. Wrong answers 1 Get Ready Key Words Unit 5 — Key Words Look again at: Unit 4 — Key Words Unit 4 — Grammar Uni 5 Grammar 27-30 Unit 6 — Key Expressians © Now do te exercises in Language Check 2 of Bg the Warkbook AL Write affirmat sentences |X} of question: ive sentences (7), negative Dl with ave got. Fred /a new Th Has Fred gota new J 16 Jim / a mobile phone {) 47 1 anew shirt 1B she / a tattoo on her arm 19 my brother / long hair (7) 20 you / blue eves (x) 21 he J dark hair (2) 5. complete the sentences with some or any 22, Have we got 23 Here are 24 Don't eat nuts oF crisps. 25 Iles got new clothes. 26 I haven't gol football boots G Complete cach gap with one word from the box, how difficult hard too A F____are things? B NoL™ bad A Hove are your guitar classes going? Bo Oh, they're ®. ‘work. And your Chinese class? A Horrible! It's really 2” Key Expressions 1/4 Study Help: Picture Dictionary You can find meanings of new words in the Picture Dictionary. You can use the Picture Dictionary to revise words, © Wark in pairs. Chaose a page in the Picture Dictionary. Cover the words and test your partner. 7 Module ©) | © Talk ab at jobs, routines and likesidislikes Read about a risky job, Listen to a survey about safety on the Internet. Write a short report Learn about the Present Siniplr Get Ready 1 Fic ary page 106, Find examples of 3 Choose adjectives from the Key Words for three the Key Words In the phatos jobs in Exercise 1. Key Words: Jobs actorjactress builder doctor electrician '31) 4 Listen to five people, What are their jobs? fire fighter model nurse pilot police officer racing driver scientist 1) 5 Listen again. Classify the jabs. teacher vet waiterfwaitress window cleaner 3 — very dangerous 2—sumelimes dangerous 1 not very dangerous 2 Lok at the Key Words. Match the opposites, 6 Game “3 Key Words: Adjectives ehdak of ais boring dangerous difficult easy + Mime it to the class interesting safe + the others guess the job. E gf A Dangerous Job Warm-up Reading 1 ori Dictionary page 107. Look al the Key 2 Cara Henderson is a professional jockey. Guess Words. What things are not part of yourd her daily routine routine? 3 Read the text and check your guesses in Exercise 2 ty the rend KeyWords: Routines brush your teeth do some exercise do the dishes do ymur homework do the houscwurk — empty the rubbish bins get up go shopping gp to be have a shower have brealdastyh make yaur bed play cardsiehess Tidy your room — Mash your lathes watch TW nchidinner eae tells us about asa Se ly! Lget up and havea 19:00 _kolly arives ~ she's my flatmate, We prepare shower but I don't have breakfast, dinner. [eat pasta or some chicken. Kelly eats steak 5 [arrive at the stables, Then Bill arrives ~ or pit he's my trainer, He doesn't ride now but he's very 19:30. Kelly does the dishes and then we read or ith horses, play COs, I check my equipment. Then I exercise 21:00 I do some oxercise or T watch a OVD of the the horses far about three howtss day's races, Kelly says that’s boring out Tm mad ebout 10:15 I'm hungry! E eat fait and nuts, ar a salad ry job! ays don’t eat vary much = its important to be 22:00 I go to bed after my fifteen-haur day! Kell stim doesn't go to bed early. Site watches DVDs and 10:45 All the jockeys check their weight ‘weekends she goes te a club. Then she goe: 11:30=12.30 The jockeys telk to thelr trainers, 1 at about 3 am! the track to prenare for the races, Horse racing can be da horses run at 7Okph. first race starts. 14,30=1.00 On a race day, Iride six or 47:30. The Last race finishes and then I tived but happy: 18:00 I make my bed ard tidy my room — I don't a have time in the morning! A ead the text again. are the sentences true {T] or false (F/2 1 Bill is a profe y. fara only has ane: race. Kelly doesn’t race horses. Grammar: Present Simple (1) 5 Complete the table with arrive or arrives. Alfirmative tou yentney | athe sabes 6 Put these verbs into the correct grou eats exercises finishes gets gues makes plays ready runs starts studies talks tidies watches bs checks Les ates consonant | y= jes enapice ‘ 2 3 4 vowel = y= Fs qs 7 Choose the correct word. Awe usc the: Present Simple to talk about abilifies { roulines £ paxsessions 8 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the verbs in Exeveise 6. Put thorn in the correct groups 1, Zor3. 1 gagamives 2 fs works 3 sad cheoses Practice 9 Complete the sentences about Cara’s routine ‘an a Sunday. Use the verbs in the box in the correct farm. dirivs get up {x2} go x3] have (x2) read wash watch a} We Jive [unch ina café in town, BI ing hair anid the __to bed al 10,00. Kelly co beg at midnight. ol at 7.00 in the moming, Kelly at 10.00, d) Al11.15, we uy int her car. ta the gym. Kelly ArT, we boreaktast in the afternoon, | magazines about bhorses and Kelly TV. 10 Now order the sentences {at} Grammar: Present Simple (2) ‘TL Complete the table with don’t or doesn’t. Negative lrvoulWerThey have breaklast. Heshelit watch Tv 12 Underline more examples af negatives in the text Practice ‘13 Correct the sentences about Cara and Kelly and their weekday routine. 30. 230, Gave gets ug at 5.50. sw get ce 2 Cara exercises the harses tar an hour, 3 The jockeys check the time. 4 The last race finishes at 17.001 6 Cara tides le room in the morning, Cara and Kelly eat the same food far dinner, 14 Look.at the Sentence Builder. Write true and talse sentences [affirmative and negative}. You can use ather verbs, times and days. tones Myrparrents dow t go to he einenca ost Sentence Bulder === get up | 1 play tennis [ateeletotdack, my parents [as hemework Jat weekends. on Fri | Mytriends Toop gamer yon Frida any brotner inthe morning. My sister Mats Pastetlall tin the alternuun, My cousin [085 sWimmiNg lin the evening, goes to bed | Your Turn 15 Wark in pairs. Say yaur sentences. Your parlacr guesses true ar alse! Atty brother goes to Besta ne otdak Bo Fate A Ng éruel Fact or Fiction?: The average weight of a tap jockeys about 50kg, Answsr en age SIRIERUNGE » Page 92, Exercise 7 £ Warm-up 3 Work in pairs, Read the questionnaire again, Chonse 1 Loo! simi chat delete lower rece save we Readi 226, 2 Lool ‘on the Internet, Listen Lo Vij irdl e7c no — las Key Words: The Internet Cyber Safety the best answers to he safe on the Internet, Check your kat the Key Words. Are any words answers on page 111. ilar in your language? A Look at the Sentence Builder. Write true sentences for you. use the Internet every ay - online —— 2h aa el Sentence Builder =a aneteaasnae ot an attachment: load music afile a photo use the interetv/a mobile z| day. anemail aniullachment afile an email an attachment 1) chat online every (ce play sport weekend a password a nickname | travel by car/bus | month, go skiing | year. ing and Listening ride a horseta bike | k at the questionnaire an safety jay and le his answers. 0. versal 5 Whar name do you Use onthe Intomel? 4G Acooi nickname) B My reoiname, Does your MySpace page give your regi nome and address? ayes races. B No, doesnt. Do your friends give your name and address to strangers ari ine Interne!? @ Yes, they co. b Noythey don! You receive on sinoil with an atta¢hment from a stranger. whal do you do? @ Spenil 1D Delete it © Saver Astrangering chatroem wants to meet you. What de you do? @ ielanacit b Agnes to ide © Agreeto meet bul foke citriend You receive an email with nasty comments aout another student. whl do you do? el anal b Sondiitroyouririends, < Delete | 4 Bo you dnd your tionds download music but not pay for iF? 1 Yes, wad. No, we dont ‘Whol do your parents khow abaut computers? a Alch Not vary mut € Nothing How often does your mun or dad check your compuler? fg Fvery vicck bb Everymonin Neve: Does your mum ar dad know your password? og Yes, ne/she Goes, B No, he/she doesn Grammar: Present Simple (3) ‘9. Game Use the words in the box to write questions. You 5 Complete the table with do, don't, does or doesn't, have got five minutes! oes yr daalplay tenuis a He rehomed? ‘be Liyoutwe/they download musie? z heesbefil know your password? go your teacher does Yes, ynufweytiney 2 No, Ifyou/we/they ' 2 yourdad = de your friend Yes, he/sherit No, hefshedit © what music when what you every day What riame Uyoulweithey | use? the trternet etnternet at the weekend How ulten | he/shetit check? — = your mim tennis use Practice what sporis exercise 6 taatch (1-5) with fae). amobite phone where 1 Does your al friends download music? play a musical instriment 2 What name does b) you send every day? 3 Do strangers ¢} friend know your password? 4 How many emails do d} send you emails? Pare] 5 questions: okay 5 Do your e] she use om the Internet? FS] 4-6 questions: good 7 Complete the questions with do or does, Pz] 9 questi: betta Be yau use a mobile phone every day? ___yuur friends gu swimming every week? What sports you play? What your friend dio at the weekend? Your Turn wher your mun work? Oe 10 Work in groups. ask and Wark in pairs, Ask and answer questions about your daly life answer questions from ee " feercise tal neo yon ge A Coe een , ay get up (lime? : tal lor breakfast (what?) Bis. tae emails you get how many do in the afternoon ishat?s acl home twhen?! do in The evening fwhal?) du yuur homework (when?) iF z 3 4 5 8 4 Bigot ap af seven vbleck F Zz 3 4 5 6 7 8 go ta bed (what time”) Breet a: Internet us Warm-up ‘1 Read the informatiun about Go Apet. What part of the park can you see in the photu? Have a great day out at the nigh-wire |) the Adventure Park aalventure park In Dalby Forest. Try aur ‘obstacle course with walkways, bridges and tu innels up Inthe trees. And test your nerve On z ewr'ziD Som long! Gan you face the cnallenge? 2 Picture pi and the photos. Guess the people’s feelings. pate os searve! Key Words: Feelings happy nervous relaxed hored ue scared unhappy Reading and Listening lo, 3 Read and listen ta the dialogue. Check your guesses from Exercise 2. Laura This is amazing. I'm really excited. Emily Win, | hive this place. 11's great when you complete the course. Ryan 1 like the slide, 17 my lavourite pact Jake Ws very hight! Emily Go you want to go first, Jake? Jake — Cr, no. | don't mind waiting, Ryan Okay, me firsl, Jake a pote, Jake. Look at me! Amazing! You next, Em. are you scared? Emily No, ru not. | don't mind heights. Fantastic! ‘Your turn, Jake, Jake Erm, wait a minute, Laura Are yau okay, Jake? You look nervous, Jake I'm scared. | hate heights. Ryan Come on, Jake! Ane yuu nervaus? Don't be a baby! It's easy. Jake | dow like being up here. | want to go down, Laura Dun'L worry, i's fine. Dn itor me Jake Okay, here 1 g0 HI done, Jake: Emily Yeah. fantastic! How de you feu! aenw? Jake — Brilliant, but | preter playing the drums! laura coity page 107. Look at the Key Wards Speaking 4. Look at the Koy Expressi Preferences Key Expression: | love this place. {like the slide. \ hate heights I don’t ming heights. Edon't like heing up here. 1 prefer playing the drums 5 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write six sentences about adventure parks. Sentence Builder silts cron Tike [don't like | preights 1 love going an stides. hate going to adventure parks. don't mind | EY G& Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions and the Sentence Builder to talk about these things. A hate Moneta os ? buhad abort fb adarct ciet hem. + Monday mornings + watching television ities * dancing * reading lnumework * sport + pop music ys salad © pizza + doi * geugrap Your Challenge Speaking: A class survey 11 Work in pairs. choose ane of these topics and think of five questions. + sport learmsfplaycest 2 Ask other students your questions. Write their answers Writing: A report ‘Find and cortect five mistakes in the report, Names ‘Ana Ruiz Class: Report: A dance survey 1 Ten people in our class loves daasing, Eive people like them but tice people! hats it! 128 ln dane classes, They uit 2. Seveu propl prefer ballel ani sireet dace, is cers ure Cerlos Acosta and Sil eh danseon TW ud Conclusions Duncingz and dance clesses ere papular in aur class. The favorite styles are halle our answers trom Speaking to write a report about your class. 3 Pass your reports around the class ar read them out, Are the results interesting oe surprising? FUMTSOO } Page 93, Exercise 9 Study Corner 3 Language Check 1. Complete the definitions. 4 Aw ___ works in 3 restaurant or a bar 2 Ap — flies avroplanes. 3 Ad ______ ivr you medicine ao Ato works in a sche 5 Ay __ helps animals 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box, go haw (ez) getup make 61 at seven w'clark. TI __a shower. BI my bed. 3 |_____ breakfast at hal past seven: 101 tu bed! al halt past ten. 3 nescribe the peaple’s feelings. La 14 | a gs | 13 __p Vorabulary 15 Feethaek [ia * Listen amd check your answers to the Language Cheek. Write dawn your scores | © Look at the lable, Check where you made iistakes, Wrong answers: | Look again at: Unit 7 = Grammar Unit 8 ~ Gran 26-30 Unit Key Expressions nia © Now do the exercises in Language Check 3 of the Workbonk. 4. Complete the: sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple, 16 My dad work) ina bank. 47 We [hol have} lunch at school 18 She {not play) chess very well 19 They [go] home at tive o’clock 20 He not like} football ; 5 Complete the dialogue. A ‘you play spart? B Yes Ida A do you play? B_ | olay fonthall a” uur Hiother play football? B No, he A What sport dors he ? Bile plays basketball. Grammar | 410 & Complete the sentences with doesn’t like. dacsn't mind, hates, likes ur doves, 26 Ne___ swimming 27 He dancing ae eo 29 Mle alls oe? Study Help: Classroom Language 1 | ‘Ask questions in English A How doyou pronounce Scientist 2 B Seinatist A How aly ENTS, © Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the spelling and pronunciation of | swords from Modules 1-3. J. Get Ready 1 Picture Dictionary page 108. Find exan the Key Words in the photos, es of Key Words: Places amusement park bowling alley cinema disco ive rink Internet ¢alé museum shop shopping centre skatepark snack har sparts centre swimming ool undur-16s! club water park 260 2 Listen to three dialogues. Where are the people? Talk about places and tree time, and give directions. Read about where teenagers ga, and a place to visit listen to a survey Write a note with directions, Learn about adverbs of frequency, there isttere are, some and any ‘Work in pairs, Ask and answer these questions, Where do you gos one ny alley every weekend JES greal There co you go in your free time? 109 you go with your patents or friends? where are your favourite places in town? ‘What places don't you like very much? AWNOs> Ww fi Free Time Warm-up 1 What do you do in your free time? Tell the class. ait aca play computer gaeres, Bone ly "ge marke r her Selo © doas't ay ninth, ns. Tit beng sex auniley Age" cll or in my SareEMes fo Ho the Gi is. Ther's gecat bursts very Amy, 13, Seat inv, eee [Tang ant muy ter the AM park. Ws ekey bul [cnr wa there altes 7 p.m. ye tall of seorlents ‘Ue heee und smoke, and they sometimes ireus Use egulpment. At hie weekends, the park is toe lame Kids 9291 pis ian Irieads: Eouses on they © it Juanita. 12, Mexice PL lve inva village anel the fies soreice tom. very good Lascdly ever go oar ater schoo! We Hemet gol x crea se ta DADs at home or ae m Siete’ breaker Oa Sucareays [go ro the lewal thas wh ory Tienes Sunday is a Gamily dy. We go ees chee cit al home, We newer gn Serdays. Adam, 14, Foland 3 Read the text again and write the carrcet names. Who: 1 stays at home alter sthool? _dative 2 says teenagers make problems in a local place? 3. haya lot of places to go to in their fret lime? 4 5245 the cost of going wul is @ problem? 5 spends time with their family at weekends? and & diese'i leave the arca around his house? Reading and Listening 2 Listen and complete the text with the verbs in the box. do drink ge go have ride surf visit watch turky fry joan Weve bowers ast i @ puns ceniee andl an ice risk. 1 to classes there a wevek. Cin Samcays, | alwags ply beslcetball ssl any frleacks. Tm usualy a home on 13, New Zealand > chan, from he skaebesrd We Lawes go. skatepark ancl so we skate st kes eet IL 16 acs tll bs + trinndle Aline Grammar; Adverbs (1) 4 Complete the table with wards from the text. Adverbs of frequency AUS On Saturdays, | "ney play basketball 80% 14 go to the shupping centec aller school 60% —13____wallgh DVD at home. 30% We '__go to the cinema at weekends Se 18 ger oul alter S¢fu00 os We" go shopping on Sundays, Practice 5 Use the words to make sentences, Are the sentences Lruc (1) or false (F) far you? 1 H arrives f always J ry Friend # lal 2 F71 sometiines / computer games 11) play 3) usualy with my trends (1 fon Saturdays / goout 4 |_| 30J often / to the cinema / my parents 5 H my friends / me? hardly ever J phone 6 Op breve ¢ my rane ¢ tidy Your Turn 6 Think about your answers to this questionnaire. Then lank at your score an page 111 ‘ayau go for walk? 7 Work in pairs. Compare your answers. 1 Reeel exer go fore wl, Wh ably? a) net } sometimes) often 2 vayuy sayin at weehent ane ply comuuler panes? a) ven} somet nos hardy ner ol] evar 3 cayou trya new spar fa] never] hardhvaver cl sometimes 1 oe 4 ca you gocamging? a) a | hee Oo] sometimes often cg yy sayin alloy anderateh VS? a] ofen MY somatives oO] ardyener 0] ter do you stay in and se your room? a] olen DY samatines ec] taraly aver} ater CE & Look at the sentence Builder, Sentence Builder =Stmmsmg soem mene go lo the shopping centre, play basketball with my friends. usually at home on Sundays. the park|is | always full of 16-yearolds, D Use the words in the boxes andl adverbs of frequency to write sentences. My ficaels caer listen te edaaviced Feonagars are usaly Ste fashion "Jamaican athletes Italian people are good skiers. aro into fashion. ave interacted in sport. 10 Workin pairs or groups. Read your sentences. On you agree? : A Stwisspptsarieebon goo ices B Thad dre but Canadas ave sual good shies, toe (RUBEN »- Page 94, exercise 10 Warm-up 1 Read the information anc match the photos correct part af the text the Began eta eon nero See erteg ar tented kus at work, in the market eee and hear their language ~ Old Norse. Talk to one pre etre ee eee Ore Oe tne ee Stern nay tent Scents 2 took at the Word Builder. Word r Find out about life in Viking times Talk to ane of our Viking guides, 3 Complete the sentences with these verbs from the text find out pul on sten to alk la get in sil down 1 _Palowr your coal, I's sold Please the car now 3 at the table and finish ‘your lunch 4 nl you about my homework. 5 Use a dictionary to the weaning of this ward. the interview and answer Reading and Listening 4 Read and listen to the conversation. Are these sentences true {I} or false (F) 1 [© You can park your ear at Jorvik 2 People with walking difficulties can visit Jorvik 3 [7 You can have a snack and a drink at jorvik. 4 [Its hard ta find a place for lunch near Jorvik. A Goad morning, can | help you? Yes, please. Id like same information about Jorsil Wiking Contre, What ac lvilies are there? A/ Well. there’s the Lour of the Viking cily ~ that's very popular. And there are same exhibitions al Viking life and an interactive gallery. B Great. | want to visit with a big group aw there any parking spaces al Jorsik A. No, there aren't any parking spaces at the renter but there's a car park Five minutes away. B_ Good. nd is there a litt tor visitors with ‘wheelchairs? A. Yes, there is, And there's wheelchair access Lo all parts of the centre. B Greal. One more question. Is there a restaurant? A. No, there isn'ta restaurant but there are lots af places to eat near jorvik Okay, thanks for your help. You're welcome, > Grammar: there is/there are with some and any 5. Read the dialogue again and complete the table with some or any. There's a car mark five minuls avy There are exhibitions of Viking life. There isn't a restaurant. There arent 2 centre, parking spaces al the Is there a lift? Uves, there is. | No, there isn’t Are there * Yes, there are. No, theve aren't. parking spaces? | Whal activities are there? Oe 6 Complete the sentences about Jorvik with 45, isn’t, are, some or any 1 There av eshibitinns of viking lite 2 there a restaurant? Na, there Practice 3. There arent parking spaces. 4 there sguitles? Yes, thare 5 __ great souvenirs in the 6 a restaurant 7 alin. ny 7 Listen to a survey. Put ticks (’} or crasses {x} in the boxes. ‘Town survey What places are there i your Put tek (f) ar cross (X) in each box (Eamuanentari Cee Dishops Lispocts centr [ [trowting alley 8 Now write sentences about the places in Enercise 7, Phere isn't ae amusement pack Your Turn 9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about ‘your partner's towntcity, As there an ie rink in your tows? Ne there cant Are there any good shops? o> o> Yes dherenre Fact or Fiction?. of Vikings inthe area around London oem SFIMEGUIEY p Page 94, Exercise 11 2 Going Out Warm-up T. Piclure Gietionary page 18. Look at the key Words. What words are similar in your language? Key Words: Places hank car park church hospital hole! police station post vltice raihvay station river theatre tounst information 2 wark in pairs, Find examples of the places from the Key Words.on the map. There ism car park Si sgeare At Reading and Listening ii 3 Readl and listen to the dialogue. Are the, ces true (7) or false (FP? senl |_| laura doesnt like York very {the group want to go shopping. l - Emily helps a tourist. A girl aves them dirertians. Jake $0, Laura, what do yon think of Yorkr Laura the history of the city is amasing. Emily Well, this street is called The Shambles. I's a shopping street now but it’s hundreds of years old, Jake Laura is interested in history, so what abuul yorvike? °C) earrek Laura Jurvike What's that? Sg See Ed cailony stain fg) lace SS Gam Gd Fast aE) et Jake 11' Hows ceasyy poop ar stunting neu the Baak? Payee. ies Mi furl BP anining? Na deo that's righ oO sFa eo Look at the Sentence Builder Sentence Builder om The tornado is twenty kilometres away. It The tamada is moving, | fast. | ————— 10 Use the Sentence Builder to change the words in italics in these sentences. 1 Karl is a reporter. Kar! is in Oklahoma He 2 Dana is in the studio, Karl is talking lo ane, 3 Karl is talking abou! (he tarmade. The tornado is twenty kin aay 4 Some people are leaving The people are driving to a sale: place: 5 Max is slaying in his hause His friends are with Max. 6 There area lot of tornadoes in the area, Max isn'l scared of the fornadloes, %, fF in the Country Warm-up 1 Look at the Ward Builder. What things can you see in the photos? es abolile of water lemonadi sun cream a packel af crisps biscuits chewing gum peanuts batteries acanul cola a carton of orange juice Reading and Listening (EE 2 Read and listen to the dialogues. Answer the questions, 4 What is Laura doing? 2 what do they need! Tram the shop? 3. what does the man ask for in the shop? Mel Okay, have we got everything? Emily I've gul the mans, Jake's gat the campass and Ryan's got the inches, Laura And I've got the bottle af sun cream: Mel Good. Laura im owriting same posteardy to my family. Ryan Have yu got any stamps, Laura? Laura Er, no but they sell them in the shen, JakefRyan |can gu for you! Mel You can both go. We need three bollies nf water and two packels ot batteries wil are you doing. Laura? Woman Can | help you? Man ves, Id like a £5 phone card, please Woman tesiainly Man Au boy much ae the packets ol chewing gum? Woman They're 304. Man Can | have two, please? Woman Yes, here yau are, That's £6 ot, please Man Oh, and have you got any torches? Woman Lr. they're in tlie stack room, | think, How many would you like? Man Iwo, please Ryan Jake, lnok at that guy, He's stealing the batteries Vehat do you think happens next? Talk about these answers. Then listen and check. a} Ryan andi Jake are scared and they say noihinng. calls the police, bh} Mel comes into the shop B ¢}_ Ryan and Jake tell the assistant about the shoplifter Speaking 4 Look at the Key Exprossians. Classify them: shop assistant ( oF customer {C. Key Expressions: Shopping tan I help you? s I'd like this/these ..., please. c Certainly. Haye you got any ..2 How mamy would you like? Haw much are. 7 They're Can Uhave ..., please? Okay, that’s ., please 0 Here you are. thank you 5 Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions and the nrices below to act outa shopping dialogue. S110 50p peanuts rep bivexits eon | lemonade 700 | cole, 05 sninenal water Grid) £22.00 (rma) 21.20, acne card oattertes Mr Your Challenge Writing: A postcard ‘1 Read Laura's postcard. Does she like Yorkshi We waF Le ring than Tone Deneth Sta, icp | Tagan dene Angenties Laue j Stra. 2 Imagine you are on holiday. Think of answers to these questions. Write nates, + Where are you? : What are you and your family ding? that is the weather like? + Du yiu like the place? 3 praw the back of a postcard. Write to a friend from your ald school. Weite his! ho address and draw a stamp. 1 Complete the words in the sentences. 41 In Uhe North Fast, it’s cold and 1 2 Wsaverys —___ arca, You can ga skiing. 3 Vcan‘t see the road. It's very f_ 40 Wsveryc__ and The sky is grey 5 Take your umbrifla, W's very Ww today. 6 Ht isn't very hol bul the weather is w F the colours in ther _—_____are Summer is my favourites In Curoge, ws few 1n February. 10 Tike Ltn colours of the wees ina vor 2° Complete the postcard with the verbs in the Present Continuous. wa Wels on retictiu Flr f i iy 0 Fra. We, =" eae | gira Ont a. ove ach fad ag ilo = fase te cg. we Ong act | fev inte reat bere i Einar one son Dan Feenhnek (Ga) Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scores. © Look at the lable. Check where you made mistakes Wrong answers: Look again at: I-10 Goel Ready, Linit 13 Koy words 20 unt 35 Unit 14 = Grammar 2630 Uni 15 ~ Key Expressions. © Now do Lhe exercises in Language Check 5 of the Workbook. 3 16 7 1B or) 20 4 2 22 2a Cumplete the sentences with the verbs in the bor Use the Present Continuous negative | play rain read walsh wear W's cvlal bul she a coat. The sky is cloudy but it . Turn off the TY because you il, ‘You can have this magazine, | ile they fnotball because the weather is badd ‘Write the questions. Use the Present Continuous. you f do your homewark? here the children # go? it snow? 25. Why | they / stop? 5 we mror Grariunar 1» ‘Complete the dialogue in the shop with the words in the box. certainly help like much please Hello, can | 7&__ you Yes, I'd 2. this magacine, please. Anu fro?" are the packets af peanuts? They're one pound fifty, Well, "like bwu, Key Exons Study Melp: Leaming words Read the advice. How do you learn words? + Draw piclures of : new words ad i + say the words aloud. i + Write words om pietcs cof paper. Put them on the walls at hon + Make.a ‘vocabulary bag’ for your elass + Write new words on pieces of paper i with 2 translation on the back + But the words into a 53g + Every week your teacher can take some words nut of the bag and test you —ceeneeenensmnmeneiomnmmnmeniicntninet! Module ke suggestions. Talk about trave vox Read about a space missin and an adventure, Listen to a travel survey Write a shurl note warn about the Fast Simple, a ba Is, ards w Vs Get Ready ‘1 Picture Dictionary page 109. Look at the Key 3 Complete the sentences abaut you, Tell the Words. What types of transport can you see in class. i the photas? 1 usually walk to schonl/go to school by i 2 {usually go on holiday by i Key Words: Transport 3. [don't like travelling by { balloon bus camel canoe car_ ferry Conte cae i le se ii See eres 4. Game Work in pairs. Imagine you are on an i Se a ene expedition, Ask and answer Yes!No questions, 1 <5 2. Listen te four people and complete the table. ‘Guess where your partner is, j oO het ht? | 1 4] - |B Hen cts : whe | A Anco ératng by eareco? How often eer | fa ued he Amazon ; j py feces B yes! j (How 2 J 6 Space Station Warm-up 1 Look at the Key Words. are any words similar in your language? i KeyWords: Seace DE re cue ee ee OE ee gat Peon tat astronaut crew earl equipment 0 erent experiment mission Muu exygen Poet b planet space station DRUG ECL ue lity - ~ St Reading eee a Poon Ti] 2 Readl about the International Space the int Station. Match the descriptions (1-3) with the information ja. é! 1 the start of the mission 2 the number of astronauts 3 preparing the station, building equipment and doing experiments 4° the number of days om the station 5 noisy a) three b} 41st Octuber 6} important jabs dune er the preblems on the station e} 156 ony ete March, 21 a — Grammar: was/were 3 Complete the table with wos, weee, wasn't or wenea'he Affirmative ander. UMetshelit | es the ¢ Your WeiThey back an arth These > a tot of work There * three men Negative WHetShet it very comfortable youjtwes they § hared rier 2 lot of room. There * any big problems. Yes/No Questions Short Answers Mtheisher successiul? Itheisherit was, eit wasn’t coflhcy were. No, youfwethey weren't, Were you!neithey all right? Was there a lat ot Yes, there was. work? Na there wasn't Yes, there were. No, there weren't " there any problems? Whe Questions who the astronauts? when the first expeditinn? 4 Weite the past forms am is are isn't aren Practice 5S Complete the sentences about Expedition One with was or were. Are they true IT} or false (F)? 1] it suas the first mission to the Moon. 2 2 william shepheed the commander. 3. 7] The start of the mission fon 31st March. 4 | The astronauts aan the space station for nearly four months. 5] The astronaurs bored. G Now correct the false sentences in Exercise 5 HE wasent Che frst mission to the Moon, df was # the dndeemationad Sauce Sbation. questions about the mission [1-8). Then match them with the answers ia) 1 when | the mission ¢ was swission? — H) Pod Miben was th J how many days / on the statian { were interested J peuple fawere / in the mission there J was / food far the three men iI 2 was | on the space slalinn J cumforlable nationality the men J what f were a) Russian and American. d) 136. b) Yes, they were. e] Yes, there was, No it wasn't 2000. Your Turn 8 Write true and false sentences about where yeu were at these limes yesterday, aan. = 71.00 am, 62.30 pm. + 7.00 pan, 9 Work in pairs. ask and answer questions. Guess the false information A Where were you ul haf oust seven? B fans is Hho btiohoe, B Yes, founs ie Bea! 10 Lonk al the Word Builder. Make adjectives fram the verbs. Find adjectives 2-5 in the leat. Word Builder Bann] T worry worried 2 excite 3 bore 4 tire 3 interest ‘11 Complete the sentences with words from the table. 1 lim very ree! because | can't tind my deg, 2 fim always really aller playing foulhall 3 Im Can we go ous now? 4 Ws his birthday today — he’s vary 5 She's in dance and music. Fact or Fiction? The Russian cosmonaut Musa Manaray was in space for five yea: Answer en (FOIE Page 96, Exercise 16 17] charity Adventure | Warm-up ‘ap 3. Listen to the text and check your answers ‘to Exercise 2, 1) Match 15 with ae. 1 raise mone The border ead the text again. Write the correct things! 2 goon equipment people, 3 say da journey Wha / What aoa a) tor charity 4 were interested in the girly jumrney? 3 el guudhye us renders aves abobograniers 2 was dang 3. was called sumething funny? 4 Reading and Listening vwere very friemlly? 2 Look al the map. Complete the text with were successfull on their journey? the names of the places in the box. Kazakhstan Barigkok Belgium China Brighton Poland In 2008 two Kans. Anonia Baliaghroke-Kent end Jo Musser, yanted fo raise nioney fer charts: They decided to 0 ur a journey fram al ol Thai von the gla, Aral 2 pink bakin called Ting Tong’ nore for eras! The aie stared mer in Bangsek on 28th Inlays Their Ferily ail ines svete hee? coulbs, Sots repos and phalugraphers - vece inlecestedtan thei vacstnkecawvied the pels ane! their equ’ pram vn Thailanet ine | ans andtshon inte ut the guards were wery tend tuk tok frien TT Grammar: Past Simple (1) Look at the information about Jo and Antunia’s trip. Complete the text with the verbs in the S Look at the examples in the table. Underline. box in the Past Simple. more examples in the text fe one ee ae troy hale Tike receive stay travel Past Simple regular verbs —— Bera ceey Meporeer do, Antonia and Ting Tong 2 They arrived in Brighton, cca ana Teen 3 They travelled through Germany. ‘acts and figur 4 Ihartied their equipment Number of countries: 1? Distance every day: 240.7 Speed: ep Acnight: Fetes as, pouale’s hoces 6 Pronunciation tisten to the -ed endings uf the three verbs. 1 /dfarived 2 /tdy stared 3 /1/ liked Presents: lunches, money, chozolate <7 Listen to the verbs in the box and classify the 48 food in China ‘endings [1-3]. Repeat the verbs. kb camels iin anakesta axked arvied crossed derided looked | loved raised travelled wanted Jo, Antonia and Ting Tong! ee calinrie out nay : Dad rave diy ot aepeee of aout 95 Practice kilometres an hour. At night they 1___ in. neces, tenes er people's houses. Poapie wore & complete the sentences with the verbs in the i very kina The gels 4 of presence Fast Simple lunches, money ae) chorelate, The load wa 1 Joand Antonia erie’ {carry all tel (iforest an each place, Thay “the food equipment on the tuk-tuk sum bur Srey the caret si in 2 Thee wash} their clothes and then Kazakstan, dvicd them on the side of the tule uk 3 They stopped every two hours and ichange! driver 10. Complete the text with the vorbs inthe Past 4 They love} the scenery around the Simple. : Great Wall of China Peante ts sl {rain all the time in the countries In the sun oto | panel travel ui Western Eurape No Nett Nate al ay Taig Wet, 6 [hey Ieryi when they arrived in ENTE e Lm Sete te ate ntayy ina hotel My sister +, {want} ta see the UK. i the Statue of Liberly so we © ‘decicles lo go there, We also * ‘sil he Cmpire State Building — il was my favourite place, Your Turn V1 Write true information about ane of your holidays. Towed travel lo... in We travelled to New Zeadaved ihe December 2011. 2 wed stayin 3° we J want to see 4 owes visit 5 my / favourite place was... 12. Tell a partner about your holiday, (HUME j» Page 96, bxereise 17 a The Expedition Warm-up 1 Look at the photo. who says these things? Guess the names. 1 ‘I've got some photos.” 2 “Don't hase Fm in the phota!” 3. ‘That was a bit silly, Laura.’ 4 ‘hiy foot really hurts Reading and Listening UIE 2 Read and listen in the dialngue. Check your sulesses from Evercise 1. Laura Hey. why don't we stop here? Jake ean lake some photos. Emily thal’s nol a very good ides | want to finish the walk beture: dark, Jake But it's early. We can stop tor tive minutes, Laura Let's have a group photo. Emily Mo, Ryan Dont have £m in the photn! We don’t want ta spoil the view’ ov, No, we haven't gol line Emily | don’t Laura emily, it vas uly a joke Emily Well, |awanl to go now. Jake Okay, I've got sure photos. Let's go ant In: be ins Tks photu anyway Jake Be careful here. there's a hig hole in the Laura Dw, my foal! Ryan Laura! Are yu ukay? Laura Yeah, but my foot really hurts, ke Oh, no. Laura, Can you walk? Jake no, Laura, Can you wal @a Enaily, ‘That was a bit silly, Laue these ansivers. Then listen and cheek. vole was right in front of Fe ee a a] Fmily, Jake and Ryan finish the expedition Ryan Em, don't say that wilful Laura. Emily Well, this expedition is impartant. | City, Jake and yan help Laura Lo finish the expedition, They call el for help, What de yeu think happens next? Talk about Laura 11'S okay. Why don't you go without me? You three can finish. 3° Answer the questions. Speaking 1. Why doesn't Emily sramt to step? 2 Does Emily think Ryan's joke is 5 Luokal the Key Expressions unny? 3. Who area bit worried about Laura? Key Expressions: Suggestions if fe tet dies Laue ages tere Let's have a group photo. That's a good idea, cccie ne Let's ga That's not a very good idea hy dantt we stap here? Right, let's do thal thy dan’t you go without me? we can't de that, © can stop for five minutes. No, not now: { No, we can’ Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions to make suggestions and reply to ther. Wy doar we pe the Na, ort ce pa ksice EB ery + open the window = listen lo some music + phone home + go to the cinema + gn homes + gu to the cafe Your Challenge Writing: A short note 1 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write four sentences about yu, your famity and friends, Sentence [tailed my maths test last week, My boytriend phones! yesterday, We walched @ good film last night. My sister cooked breakfast this morning. 2 write a shor note to a friend, + Tell himgher about a problem, e.g. you filed a Lesl, missed a friend's birthday. argued with your bes! friend, missed 3h important class, et + Say when it happened! + Ask lor suggestions, 3) Work in pairs. Read yur pariner’s note and write a short reply. Make suggestions. HUROIYE & Page 97, Exercise Find these adjectives in the texts, Are they positive f/), neutral | or negative (x) adjectives? _ ‘T. Answer these questions as a class. 11 Do you know any forcigm nougile in your courttey? Where are they Irum2 | te _ i é nee . cee 8 20 | riendly grea 2 Where do people from your cuuntry go? fei (rae Resa lastly warm ading ae aii) 2 Read the webpage. What things do the students miss about 4 what things can you describe with their country? the adjectives? ‘ + *Taod + people + th { family | trienos | weather | TW Tood oa nee ie calf ee | fred ~ toot bcs Daniel 5) Write four sentences about your country. Use the adjectives from a , Exercise 3 Over focead Seeger is enkicioves, e2c fi Weleewen What do you like about life in the UK? What do you miss. about your country? We asked SLOT WIMEMACe Ler ace a Jelena, 16, Croatia I miss my friend but I'm happy. The people hero are very friendly. ‘rtived lost year and my English wosh't very good, At Arst, (twas difficult at school but my teachers were nice. like the UK. !love the sea, There are some beautiful benches here. British School dinners core okay but | prefer my mum's cooking! Croatian food is really tasty! Daniel, 13, Argentina Ebru, 15, Turkey The Uk is wary different from my country. In Turkey the sky is Blue but here it's usually grey! On the first day of school, twas unhappy, Everything wos so different but nove l've got lots of friends. In the UK. boyscnd girls ff Usually gato the some school in Turkey thera weren't any bays in my school. There ore jats. of good things here. The T¥iis great — I'm 0 big fan of Eastenders! Burl miss rmy family in Turkey, especially ny graniparents, dnd | miss our delicious Turkish food! J arrived ia Newcastle from Loncion by us. We crossed the river ond | remember the bridges. | was sad, Now| think it's o fantastic city, The weather here is diferent ~ it's always cold nd rainy. | miss some of my favourite TV programmes in Argentina, Hike the UK ut want ta tive in Spain because they spaok Spanish there —and it’s worm! Listening 2) 6 Helen is a British girl rom Manchester but now she is living in Spain, Listen to the interview. Complete the table, (She misses Wee fra ] In Spain, she likes | 7 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T} or false (FP she doesn’t have any friends in spain, she lives near the heach now: = The weather was bad in Manchester D she doesn't like seafood, [7 She watches Spanish TY all the time, ly Listen to these sentences from the interview. Complete each gap with anc ward. 1 living Spain? 2 job 3 miss the UK? 4 miss Iriendy Manchester. 5 ke food? 6 usually British home & Naw listen again and repeat the sentences. 10 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the wards with a ‘th sound, fee three /O/ they Now listen and repeat these sentences They like the weather, The fog was thick, That's great, thanks. Take these thrce things I think his birthday ison the thineenth. Wark in groups. Make a paster about living, in your country, PECL ACN TT Aig ULES soa eee ub Para kaiel= 38 iyo ae ee ul acy ct thers dinates eM oe 4 Study Corner 6 Language Check 1 What type of transport can you see in the pictures? ‘a ae ® @ . A geen fom, 2 ~ 5 3 6 2° Cumplete the word in each senter 7 went to bed early because 1 vas really te 2 & Are ywui_ in history? 3 Isshee___ wibuut her party? 10. We were very w because we were lost vorahulary 110 Feedback 221 © Listen andl check your answers to the Language Check, Write down ynur scores, © Look al th: table. Check where you made mistakes. Wrong answers: Look again at: Get Ready ~ Key Words. Unit 16 ~ Word Guilder Units 16 and 17 - Grammar Unit 18 Key Croressions rs | © Now do the exercises in Language Check 6 of 3 Complete the text with the verbs in the Past simple. James Cook the} born in 17a in britain. He first (works in Canada and"! pruduce) maps of the St Laverenee River. then, in 1768, ne "1 {starl) an expedition ta the Pacific far tht Royal Society and 3 ratch) the planet venus wien il 7 _ {cross} in front of the Sun. (On the return journey. he (saill around Australia and New Zealand, Cank’s men were heallhy because they always *_ {receive} Iresh fruit and vegetables om his ship. In 1772, Cook ® (jravelt around Antarctica and # (discierty} many new Pacific islands. On his las! «expedition, Ie a _lwwant} to sail from Ii: Pali Ihe Atlantic akound North America but this 7 {nat be} possibile. He * (turn) south and #4 jarrivel in Hawaii January, 1779. 4 imunth later the local people {kill} him on the beach, Grammar 5 4 Complete the dialugue with the wards in the box. can idlea let's now why A don't we put up the (ents? E a 23 have some food first A , that'sa good *__. We? apen some tins, 8 Right, let's de thal Ker Fxpressions 5 Study Help: Homework Read this advice Plan your week leave some tree time. Don't start homework when you tt home from sthaot have a break’ + Find a quiet place ta work, Dun'l work very late. © For your English homework, use: + the Grammar Reference in the workbook the Picture Dictionary in the Students Book + a dictionary Get Ready ‘| Find examples of the Key Words in the photos. Key Words: Helping animals the environment the community recycle batrerles bottles paper save clectricily water tara off the Tights Uh: taps the computer hep plastic tins the TW = 2. Listen ta two boys and two girls. How do they help? Boy 1 Listen to @ description af animals in danger Weite an email Learn about the Past Simple 5 B_ Work in pairs, Ask and answer the questiuns Is your partner helpful? Check histher score on page 111 bybe g.alyeays 119 affthetapst 2) help wath the cooking? og, cleas the-art panes, plautic? o J) doother things? givean exemple! §) Animals in Danger Warm-up Listening 1 Picture bictionary page 110, Look at the map #34 3. Look at the photos and listen in descriptions of and read about animals in danger. four animals in dangee, What are they? 4 Lookat the Sentence Builder. Use the cucs ane write sentences using with, DORE Di me sy bee ee Sentence Builder =e Te a Is a large animal. I's got 2 small head Ws a large animal with a small head. small animal ¢ big ears large cat Ja long tal small butterfly f blue w large bird J colourful feathers small frog ! black and yellmw skin blue Fish! big eves 2. what animals are in danger in your country? What do peaple do to help? polar bear . Arctic Circle) American bald vaul {United States} gorilla West Arica! blue wehale [occa hina (Ateiea Reading tig 5 Read the text and choose the correct information. 1 There are now abaut 425,000 / 225,000 gorillas iw the world. 2 The bald eagle is / isn't in danger now. 3 There are now about 6,000 / 10,000 more chirms than in 1987. 4 Scientists were surprised at the revnber / facation of the Irrawaddy dolphins 5 It was ¢ wasn’t legal ta hunt tigers in Russia betore 1947. Many animals arein danger but there.are Cheese ats Gorillas In 2008, biologists went tothe Republic Cong They found anew group af gorilla in “therraintorests in the north of te country. They said there vsere about 125,000 garilas in the new group. This increased the marld population to about 225,000, _ Baldeagles Thebald eagles the symbol ofthe Uni nied States But in the 19605 there Were only OU B00 birds inthe wild. The government ~_ Leyati a protection pragramme for the bist avery aueeesfulandlthe agvernmenetook the bald eagle off the danger Rhinos For many years, hunters “and people bought their hom [hey thoughethe Hhgrngwere madieine In 1997, the Worle Wildlife “Fund began its Aftican Rhino Programme. In ten _years:the numberof rhings increased frost SOUR 40,000 ta mera than 18,000. Dolphins {n 2009, scientists found 6,000 Imawaddy dolphins on the coast of Bangladesh, ‘They-were very surprised. Before this, they thought there were only about 360 of these dolphins in the world. Tigers Inthe 1940s there were only 30 to- 40 Amur tigers in RUSSIa and China. In 1942, the Russlan governmemt gave the tigers full protection. ft became illegal to hunt them and SINC alos hak the gers ae Tals numbes Grammar: Past Simple (2) ‘6 Match the werbs in the box with the past Forms, have buy fall begin see make eat go say think become take give find, Past Sirnple irregular verbs ate became began bought fell found gave had made said saw thought took went > The Irregular Werbs list on page 111 Practice F Complete the text with the verbs in the Past Simple. Last month we "lc! _ {dot a wildlite project al school. Our teacher ? (give) us a lot of intarmatian about animals and plants in our area. We also 3 find} useful websites an the Internet. My favourite part * (bea trip ta local forest. We ® fineet} at midnight anid * imakel a video of the animals. It was amazing. The next day 17 {lake} shotus and & write) notes about lacal plants that are in danger, 1, Tarn) a lol and 11° have a -guudl ine, Lao, More fun than learning in the classroom! Your Turn 8 Use the cues and write true Past Simple sentences about your life. Then tell a partner + gota son © read a book aout animals + see a wildlife programme on TY + fin aut abuut an animal in danger + take 2 photo of an animal * have 3 pet ai cite woh Faves die Fact or Fiction?- There are only about 3,200 tigers left on Car fv op fl > Page 98, Exercise 19 Reading ‘T) Mateh the photos (1-3) with the words (a-t 2 3. Read the interview, Are these sentences true a) bullying (1) or false trl? bi vandalism 1 [7 Naseem started community work because titer he was bored. d) trallic 2 LL Naxcum’s wark helped children and a) grail teoriagers ‘ 3 | | Al the beginning of the project there 2 What problems in Exercise 1 are there in your weren't many people in the group. school or area? Are there any other problems? 4 (7) Naveem’s group met at weekends 3 Everyone in the group came ta every ethos big pb Naseem Khan - local hero Last tionth Nascem Khan, 24, won a prize for hls ummunity work, Fld out more in our iterview. 1 Why did yauntarl commonity woekt Ne Toemerd te slit shel 5 weekords, Lacy were ured ancl we had wswth vandal, xr and ins 1 Whet did you dot ‘We tidied up amazes by he sation, Tao pron elected ile and cen glass, The en repalre the erro lights utd null sms secs We lay tea or elildiea nl 2 spats acs for teemayers, We Is salsel mie lM 9 har par 1 Amaring! Did you buses Lot ot vslntsers at te shuri? N {hm the Rrstay, se oaly ad ahr fea poo idl juu have any problemast | eFespipsmenl Bat wewont tat, Yes well Some proglecante ast once ar the | i soked forbelp. We pot slot uf ue yung urn, Ani same penple cin cork ety barat peneral it nas 1 Aadhaw often did yoo mncet? dbvfernce tote an N Quer arvesk one Suny morning. We pul pepe int T Fantastic And goo nek with pour nest project, ra acy wuoheel on deve a, No dbauks ato. Grammar: Past Simple (3) 4 Complete the table wilh work, worked, have or had. Affirmative Negative IivousHe/Shesltiver —— WoutlleiSheiltWe! they an They didn’t 2 different areas. very hand wuillesShelivwer —(dYoutHeyShesliWes They ® alot They diein't of problems. aa place to gn. 5 Choose the carreet words in a} and bi ‘Yes/No Questions Short answers a Die Iryou/nesshetit? weithey hovered any we nunblems? No, L’yaudhersheritived they did't Wh- Questions 1h] Swhat dil lye ‘ve tidied up an area shetitiweithey dudit? tay Ihe station, & Underline the Past Simple negalives, questions and short answers in the interview Practice 7 Correct the sentences about Naseem and his work 1 Nascem wanted lo help animals inuseene ein eeu to Be av Fie yes people They had a lot wf prablems with bullying 2 3 The council repaired the traffic lights 4 Naseem had a lat of wolurteers on the first day 6 Naseem went iv local shups ta ask fr help. Naseem’s group met on a Sunday. & write questions and answers abnut Naseer and his work 1 he Fin fa prize? He eit Dia be sin prea? wwho / he / help? swhal nroblemn f young people { have? swhere in the tevin { Naseem J work? the council lclp # an the project? the group | have {a lot of equipment? they | get the same volunteers # owery weigh? ow long f thy { werk mn che area? we eueusun ork in p kxercise 6 s. Ask and answer the questions Your Turn 10 Write affirmative and negative sentences about ‘your weekend. Include ane false sentence. cd Mutt a vite taal go shoes ‘V1 Read the sentences ta your pariner. Guess the fake sentence A ile Bo Fut ed Mien ad fot 72. Work in pairs, Use the cucs to ask questians about yesterday. vile 5, flict Hew maaay day tants pester? tatoos seal? J send tet send any texts? thow many?) play computer games? [what games?) play any spart? fwhab spar watch TW? fehal programmes?) use the Informe? och) neat any Wiendls? Iwho2iwhen?) an shopping? (where2what?t sat ta bed early? Quhat time?) Sint GS sere ce SEAMED p> Page 98, Exercise 20 i E | Community Work | a Warm-up Speaking T Look al the photos, What problems can you 5 Look at the Key Expressions. see? What jobs is each person sing? Key Expressions: Requests Reading and Listening Cam you pass mea Surv. Here you are. plastic bag, please? Can you work with ‘Okay, just a secund. Emily, please? Okay, great. Can you hele me Sure, ne problem. clean this area? 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your answers to Exercise 1 Mel Thank you for coming today. We've gol alot to do, collecting litter and cleaning graffi, So, Laura, can you wark wilh Emily fan the litter? Can | collect same No, I'm sorry. you can't iter, please? Laura. Okay, great Mel And. Ryan, work an the graffiti with Jake Ful an you help me with these tins of paint, please? They're very b Ryan Okay. just a second Laura Can you pass me a plastic bag, please, Cmily? Emlly Sure. Here you are. Laura Thanks. Luak al all this litter. It's aveu! Why don't people woe the bins? Emily Idon't know | don't get 1. Mel 5a, can you help me clean this arca? Ryall Sure, no problem, Some of this grattiti is quite gow Mel Well, it can he quite artistic, but itis 3 problem for the city Jake Mel. | don't want to du this. can | collect some litler, please? No, fim surry, you can't, You ancl Ryan swotk on this, please Ryan This section is difficult to Jake timm, it was quite difficult to paint, too, hut cuit tell Riel Ryan What? You? Did you da this grattiti, Jake? n. c Lhe correct names, Who 3 41 fecls sae about the problems in the area? 2 asks lor help to carry something? 3 4 has a sorrel about their past? thinks some of the graltil is wants to change jobs? good? B Why did Jake da the graffiti? Talk about these answers. Then listen and check. aj He's a good artist b) Bullies made him da ib ay 3 eis 6 Wark in pairs, Use the Key Your Challenge expressions to make and reply to requests about these things. Writing: An email SE A Recta eel 1 Lookat the Sentence Builder. penyour dictionary’ 2 Cant have g sweetisome , emma Chotelatelsoene wore? Sentence Builder = Scale eee | got up and then | had breakfast pacerithat book! a sandwich? After breakfast, | played Ioatball 4 Can you help me with this exerciselary homewarktikis pile of bouks? 2 Complete the email with then or after. Quattach 1 arseHfst | ad ‘our manor explainad she it gun quel rend adlunc zirted he walls. ge> veal’y gale dark but with youre, 3 Think of ideas for a-day's community work. Answer these questions 4 Who was in your group? {he namey al your moniter and friends) 2 Where did you meet? (in a farestfat an animal centret ata children’s hare) 3° Whal was the weath 4° What did you do? ti tead to the children) 5. Whal was the work like? (interestinayhard work! baringefun) 6 When did you gel heme? {in the afternoon/stter 6 p.m.flate in the evening) like? (foggy! rainy!snowy? ipicleanfeed animal 4. use your ideas to write an email to. friend about yaur day. Speaking: Phone call 1 Work in pairs. Imagine you call a friend about yaur day ‘Ask and answer quiestions from Exercise 3. A Hi Magda, hose ave you? B share. dll lays conn ear seth off iter yesterday! ari of A Really? ve was ie your groge (HNTESUED » Page 98, exercise 21 4 Study Corner 7 Language Check 7) What are these animals? 3 2 Complete the word in each senience. 4 7 Bunt drop | in the street, please. In our house, wer glass ane paper 8 Valvays turn aff the fights and $_— Ulecirivity 9 We've gol a prablern with g ae in our city 10 | usually empty the rubbish b al hanes, ‘vucabulary w 3° write the Past Simple irregular forms Feedhnck ‘af © Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Write down your scares. © Look at the table. Check where you made mistakes. Wrong answers: Look again at: 110 Gel Realy and Units 19 and 20) = Uni 1) — Grammar ee Unit 20 Grammar 2b Unit 21 - Key Expressiuns © Nuv do the exercises in languaye Check 7 of the Workbouk 4 complete the sentences. 16 I watched TY but | fnol read my book 17 We went tu China but we — {nat see] any pandas 48 She wen! shopping but she {nol buy) ampthing. 19. | made a cake bul she (not eat) it 20 They played foatball bul they {rrot wi. S Complete the dialogue with Past simple questions. ae gn? 8 | went to Paris. a? travel? B We went by train aM see? B We saw the Eiffel Tower. a in B Wes, we veally enjoyed it a *%_______ come back? B Last weekend. Grammar 6 Complete the dialugues. Pat Can use your mobile, * Sue No, I'm you cantt Tim (an you ___me with my homeware? Rob Sure, no ™. Dan Can you pany ene the dlictianary? Pete Okay, just a key Expressions 1/5 Sturly Help: Classroom Language 3 1 Always try to make requests in Lnglish, i 1 Can you repeat thal, please? j 2 Can you write that on the board, please? 3 Can you explain that again, please? i 4 Can jun play the recording again, please? © Work in pairs, Practise making requests with these: + conrect hamewurk + check spelling + translale thal + open the window + spell that ioe Feeoshate ac 8 Yes ofewose ners 9 Talk akout TY and film star 9 Read a T¥ review and an interview with an actress t Len to TY programmes. © Write an invitation. Learn about comparatives and superlatives, and going to. Get Ready 1 Look at the Key Words, Whal are the 4. Read the questionnaire. Check your scare programmes in the photos? page 111, Are you a TV addict? Key Words: TV Programmes carloun chal show documentary en otek Wha de you de when you get up at the wookend? drama series film game show eae fi |) = what do you do on a summer evening when your work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. | favourite programme is on? vv fa) stay at home and ware What kinds of IY programmes do you like? B) Go out and meet your Fie What kinds of TY programmes don't you like? 4.8) Go out but record the programme: What are your three favuurile programmes at What would you like for your noxt birthday? the moment? screen TV far your bedroom 3 Listen to faur TV programmes. What are they? Lust Week on TV Warm-up ‘1 Copy and complete the table with information about the TY programmes you watched last week, Then tell the class. Lovatehertea Bla 0 Saleerelay eventing. d€ wes very Buel! number af huurs of 1 yuu watehed 2 a good programme Reading Tt 2 took at the phatos and read the TV review. Answer the questions, Where was the cycling competition? How much did the film Avatar cust? Who was Aimee? Where did the teenagers go an Challenge for Gharige?? me’ de tT 0 iit! twas aad weal for the England footbel team buta worse week for our tennis plays ‘ntl ett emus sramn our cyclists T hesthe a Uy lea ane they wencheser Avatar wazeme of the rast exnensioe isin the worl 15300 millon and one afthalengest so anda hf ours! But didn't enjoy it very much. The special efenis vere mating bur the 9 realy boring, Uthought i: 9a the worst jence fiction fimo! yest 3 a bad programme ct timesot rion the comeettion i 3 Complete the Word Builder with -ing adjectives. ‘rom the text. mar, Word Builder fetes amazed amazing rH bored | excited interested 4, Mite sentences with the ag adjectives from (he Word Builder about TV programmes you swaiched yesterday fect a fl abort pace last night dios This wack’ programme som alt Detter than last week “The aia were more exctang end the songs.we Interesting, toe The best singer an the shor andi didnt win butshe hue! a nizervoice than thewinner Ts was an interesting progrine about reenagers with problems, They went ann expedition across the desert and faced «ficult challenges. acchaend of the proqremme, they were all slimsmer. fitter and happier Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives 5) complete the table with comparatives and superlatives from the text, Superlative conesyllable Tast ‘the fastest tong = nice the nicest slim ‘the slimmest two syllables ending easy | casier ‘the easiest happy = # | the happi gehen rr “two or more syllables: ae boring mere boring | the miost baring expensive more expensive | 5 interesting | *, the most | interesting Tnegular good hotter =i hal poser’ the worst 6 Choose the correct words. a) We use comparatives to campare Ime / three people, places or things. 'We use that / than after a comparative adjective b) We use superlative adjectives to compare vo # three or more people, places or things. Practice 7 Complete the sentences with comparatives. 1 The second half of the ctl show was swore axferssténg interesting) than the first. 2 The young singer had 2 {nicej voice than the winner 3. The last documentary in the series was (good) than the: others, 4 Children ___ {young} than twelve can’t watch this herrar film, § The questions in the garne show were {easy} than in olher competitions 6 The new cartoun on Channel 6 was (had) than The Simpsons 8 Write questions with superlatives. Use the cates. 1 who / funny / actor fin films? tttho’s ihe ais ator i bas? 2 Who / good J European football Wann? 3. What / exciting f game shaw / on TY? 4) What / bad / TV channel J fur teenagers? 3. Who/ young / actress # in films? ‘ 9 What / popular J programme f on TV? Ask and answer the questions in Exercise & abou your country, Your Turn 10 Work in groups and compare actors. 1 Write the name of an actor/T¥ star on a pivee of paper and pul it an the desk 2 Choose lwa pieces of paper. Compare the penple using the adjectives in the box. e bad boring funny good ng old popular slim tall cer than fie Carre ‘TT What's your upinion? Complete the.senlences with superlatives, Then compare with & partner, __ (good) things on TW are citing) sport is opular singer in the wadd is —_ boring) programme on TY is expensive) city im Europe is {safe} form af transport {haul} song of this year {fast} animal in the world iction?. Ameritans watch an average of nine years (80,000 hours) of TW before they are 65 years mld Arwen page \RAORIDIN » Page 991 Exercise 22 FF) a chat Show Warm-up Reading T Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 3 Read the interview with Emma Watson, Are 4) Batmarbete chet eee irpur cause these sentences true (7, false (F} aris there nie 2 Da you like watching them? WhyrWhy nat? injermation, (a) 3. Who would you like to interview an a chal 1 (Emma is making another Harry Potter film. show? = Emma loved acting in the Harry Potter films, © People Tree wants to make life better for 2 took at the photo, What do you know about ppeuple in puor countries the acres? Tell the clase. 4-7) Peaple Tree isn’t very environmentally friendly 5 Frnma hasnt got any plans for after university Ena Watson ws tin the Fanny Rotter fins. a eres ee nee 6 Emma often sees the actor Daniel Radcliffe Interview with Emma Watson I Please welcome Emma Watsen! E Thank you, I So, Emma, first question - are you going to bo in anothor Harry Potter tim’? No, I'm not. All the Harry Potter films are finished. 1 But are you going to act agar’? I'm not sure. I'm not going ta make a film soon because of my studies. I'm going to go to university In the United States Inv also working with a clothes company called People Tree 1 Oh? That's | E People Tee Is a great company. It makes Fair Trade clothes. | helped with a range for tosnagers I So, are you going to be a fashion designer? E No, I'm net. But I'm interested in fashion and in Fair Trade, People Tree is going esting to help workers in Banglagesh, India and 1 a are ad What are you going Nepal. And the clothes aren't going to tale ed samage the environment. E I'm net sure. But Fm not going to worry 7 I That's briliant, And who is going to buy spout Tae the clothes? 1. Okay, and, serry but just one more Harry Young people wha ara into fashien! The Potter question ... what is Harry, er, Daniel clothes are comfortable and fun. We have Radelifle going to do next? rt with a Massage ‘Please don't E_ | don't know. Invite Danisl to the show aT- panic, I'm organic’! and find out! Grammar: going to AL Complete the table with am, is, isn't, are or aren't. Affirmative \ 1 aon HelShel goto Youre? university Thes Negative 1 1K Hersheiit* hae yours; solng ¥ They Yes/Na Questions Ain \ bea " hetshelic designer? a youlwer —-S0ing to they c designers? Short Answers Yes, Lam No, mm not Yes, neisheil i No. hershesit isn't Yes, juuwesthey are. No, youlwelthy aren't Wh. Questions am 1 " hershey vba — it going to ee youiwet . they Practice 5 Look at the eves, Write true sentences about the people inthe interview: Use ifisn't gning 10 oF avelaren’l gaing to. 1 Fmma Enna ts going be ew stastent Emma J gn tw university Emma J work é in fashion The wurkers look after | the environment Emma and Daniel f make anather film be a student the Uk 6 Write questions for these answers. Use the words in brackets. 1 I'm gning to study literature, Wei eve yose gotag to stay? 2 She's puing to go to University in the USA, Where) 3 No, I'm net going ta make a film soon. ‘Are / be ina new film) * 4 Yes, the owners of People Tree are going to apen a shop in Lanclon. (ire Fajen a ne shop} 5 I'm going to beat university fur four years. (Maw ona hal} Your Turn 7 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write five sentences about you and yaur Family, Sentence Builder ait sme smn enna She's guing to phone her mum tomorrow He's going to study at the weekend. We're gaing to do » project next week. They're going to g0 to Ilaly this summer. rm going to wateh the match tonight. 8 Copy and complete the table with your plans for the next schaol holidays. example | Your |Your Hi tilans | partner's + plans. Hehe | Whore ¢ ga? When Twho J gu with? ‘Where f slay? | on a hat \whatl dar [visit Ducbiie 9 Work im pairs. Ask and answer questions about your plans. Complete the table with your partner's plans A Where are yon going #30 B fin going fe go te reterel TO Tell the class about your partner’s holiday plans Yirlanatle’s gosieg to go be delve this suussmon, She's ree: og to go eth Her fan Sh gas Hotel net she's wasit Budi slay ft (FHIUISINRS p> Page 95, Exercise 23 Party Time Warm-up 1 What is important for a good party? Number these things [1 = most important). Then tell the class. food and drink good music your friends the place the time ot day 4 good DI 4 Gord neusic is the most inportant ing Reading and Listening 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Match the people with thelr plans for the summer. 1 Ryan and Emma a) stay with family ahead 2 Jake | go back Le Argentina 3 Laura ) stay with family in the US Emily 1 can'l believe its the end of the programme. Laura Oh, dont say that. I'm going to gu back to Argentina sonn. Emily When are you going to be back in York? Laura I dun'l kiiow, I'm going to miss all of you Ryan But you're going to miss me the most. Emily hat are yeu going to do in the summer? Laura I'm going to see my farnily, of course. But ‘ue surnmner is December, January and February. Fm going 10 be at home in winter! ‘Whal abuul you? Ryan tinily and | ave going ta stay with our cousin in Bristol Jake And I'm going to see my family in Jamaica, Mel — Lucky su! Can come, tao? all Oh hi, wel! Mel Hello, and congealulalions! You passed FAC shage 1! laura Why don't we celebrate next week? Ryan Yeoh, what about a trip to Londan? Would you fike to see the capital? Laura Ti lave to, Mel, do yeu want Ie came with us? Mel Sorry, I-can't. Im gaing tu be in meetings Laura Ob, ne. Mel Hut we can celebrate now, Let's have a grup photo. Jake Okay, sav ‘Cheese’ everyone, Nu, say "FACE a Mel Speaking 3 Look at the Key Expressions 4 Key Expressions: Invitations Would you like to see the capital? I'd love to. Do you want to come with us? Sorry, U can’t Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions to invite your partner to: play a new computer game at your house stay at your house for the weekene! go-to the cinema wwalch a DVD at-your house play basketball after school Your Challenge Writing: An invitation ‘1 Read the invitation and the reply. 800 a Jenes jieinetservcer’ Ki. tngoirg a birthday porty at the youth club next Saturday mat. Bo you want to come? Test or email me. Fram:Chris Taomas chrissnemat 2 an Invitation to a friend. Include the reply. . 3) Work in pairs. Exchange or email invitations and reply to them Speaking: A party roleplay 1 Work in pairs. Imagine you meet a person at a party. Do these things: + Say hello and give your name. 4, my stanne’ Adan, bas your anse? + Talk about plans for the holidays, ‘Where are you going to go in the holidays? Ask and answer questions ahout habbies A What are your hobbies avd interests? Bf bove fis + Invite the person to du a thing they are interested i (eg. go tu the cinemafalay foothall'ga dancing. come to the ainenaa on APART > Page 99, Exercise 24 cr 1 How many Key Words can you seein the photos? ag KeyWords: Celebrations bell cake decarations dragon fireworks grape lamp parade present Reading TH 2 Read the information. Which celebration is the most exciting? Why? Read the texts again. Answer the questions. When did 131 January become New Year in Rome? Why did Lhe date change? when is the Chinese New Year? What dance is part of the Chinese New Year? What du people put in their windows in Diwali? Where do Japanese pevpl put decoratians at New Year? Why du Japanese people laugh after midnight? Why de people in Spain eat grapes at New Year? Peaple wll wronnd the world celebrate the start of » neue year They do iLat different time: becouse their calenelays ave different The Romans celebroted New Yew on the st March, Then, in 488 the date mosed to {st Janusry when Julius Caesar changed the old Tunar ealenclar to 9 new salar calender. The Rornars pu inthe homes and gave presents, Slaves and! mosten ate Cogather The Chinase use 2 lunar eslenckor and their New Year isin January or February. Fame: put up paperdecorations at hame, have special meals and give presents. There ave fneworksand big parades in the sheets and pecple-cany big paper dragon in the formou ‘dragon lanes! Hindus celebrate Divveli: the New Year Festival of Lights after the ens! cf the mensgan in Ostober av November People light small im and put them in their veinclow, They wist their Ficnds and family ec! hi 2 cpecial real, Onthe night of Bill there are fireworks. The Japanese New Years onthe IstJomuary, People Euy decorations and put them on theirelvgn ond windows for good luck, Families make rice coke al give presents of moncy and clothes, Al midnight, Budahist press ring bells 108 times. Then Japenese pen ugh = brings them luck in Une: New Year [At midnighton the Sist Decemh, Spanish people cat torehve grapes = one grape for every montis of the new year. Every grepe brine geod luck, is Listening « 4 Listen to two descriptions of New Year's Eve Copy and complete the table. Weather | Special After dinner | dinner Scotland a Howe Australia description again. Comple with thesteswerds fag) he sentences a]. if more ae] wally love b) tt'swery f) itsmy with nur friends gh gond tun od) great tine 4 Well, ew Year 1 — cold! and it sometimes sows, 3 Bull think that _Tavourite time of year. 4° We usually have parties 5. aml haw 6 Here in Scotland Christmas really, 7 We havea impartant than G Listen again and repeat the sehitences, | 7 Pronunciation Listen and put the words in the correct column. adventure calendar celebrate fantastic. | February holide important January magazine musician November Octaber Purluguese teenayor (ymorrow sudendeare © & Listen again and check your answers. Then. listen and repeat the wards. Speaking 2 Think about New Year's Eve. Work in.pairs. Ack and answer questions about what you eat and what you do. A Whats the weather the? 105 vesealy cold What a you ave for dinner? Me have >a 25 5 Listen closely Listen to the first part of the > Work int groups. Make a poster about a festival in your country. Use the questions to help you. + When is it? Where is it? + What is it fur? + What events do people organise in your town + What traditions are the that do- ywur Family usually da aan the day? + What things do you like about the festival? Tet Ww! FESTIVS Bi Its af the end af Januaty every year, north of the Arctic Circle People build snow sculptures.and have a ‘ompetitian to Find the best ane, Families do inter sports and have a party in an igloo. ‘We usually go ice skating or watch reindeer races, ‘My favourite thing about the festival is the ice sculptures, 4 Study Corner 8 Language Check 1) Complete the words. They are all TV programmes, 1 Lowatched an interesting nalure de ~ about tigers 2) My fevnurile c_______ is The Simson 3. Did you see the nine weclock n 2 4 lady Gaga was an my Favourite ¢ 3 ____ last night. She's great! 5 My favourite» is Eastdaders, It’s about people in the: Fast «al Landon. 2 complete the sentences with -ed or -ing adjectives. § The special effects were really =a amaze, 7 The film wasn't very 8 | was very 9 Lam_ {interest hore). ~ in films and drama 10 She was very because she won 3 prize an the garm shu. {excite} Vocabulary | |/ 10 3 Pur the adjectives in the correct form - comparative or superlative. 11 [think Kirsten Dunst isa ____ tgvadt actress than Keira Knightley. 12 The new cinema is in a __ {nice} plage than the old cinema. 13 Johnny Depp is ane of (big) lars athe world, Feedinek 1) © Listen and check your answers to the Language Check. Wrile dovmn yaur scores © Look at the lable. Check where you made mistakes. Wrong answers: Laok again at: 15 Gul Ready Key Words. e10 Unit 22 - Word Builder Ww nit 22 Grammar “R25 Unit 23 = Grammar 26-30 4 Unit 24 Key Expressions. © Now do the exercises in Language Check 8 of cE ‘the Workbook. 414 The last programme was funny} in the series 15 The Hurry Potter books are __ interesting) than the films 16 Thal was {had} fil of the year 47 Science fictivn films are fexciliing) than comedies. . 4 Complete the sentences about plans. Use the words in brackets and going to- {you ¢ du) in the summer? inet F come) to the party ry hard for the 18 Whal 19 They _ ve J watch) a DVD tonight? (go) sightseeing in Lorulon this {not F go} te the beach tomurrowe 25 __fyou J see} Mark later? Grammar 5 Complete gach gap with one word, A you like to go to the cinema an 8 tw! © De you to go to the disco tomorrow? oe Teantt. But | Koy Exprescians TY 5 Study Help: Revising for exams Use the follawing from this book to help you * Grammar Tables + Key Words: + Word Builders.» Sentence Builders » Key Cxpressions « the Picture Dictionary © Naw do these things: + Find the most difficull text lar you read if again and cheek the yucabulary + Look at your writing. List your typical mistakes, + Luk al your scores from the Language Check. What grammar dy yaiu have prob nv? : __ ise ¢ stay) at home: this summer? | | | Student A Unit 1, Exercise 10, page 17 Unit 5, Exercise 10, page 27 fyan | Laure) Ask your parincr questions 1, 3. 5 and 7 and si peaple’s favourite food. What new word can y paint x ¥ hk ee 1) Kate — fruit? Soo Play the plane | 28. What cs Kote’ fs vcenrie fret? p I] A [use a computer vw 2 wike= vegetables? = Ta R|R[@ Ts take phutos ¢ v 3 Bub — fo lh ‘tx 4 Lucy meat? sitfefal« i f r a 5 James — drink? | = 6 Charles —breaklas? tlolals[r| 7 susan mea? | Unit 14, Exercise 8, page 55 @ Halen -Iruil? 7 Look at the picture for one minute, 2. Nowask and answer questions about the picture to test your partner's memory: Student B Unit 1, Exercise 10, page 17 Unit 5, Exercise 10, page 27 | fakes 7 Lenily Ask your partner questions 2, 4, 6 and 8 and write the = peaple’s favourite food. What new word can you tind? voo* ' 4 Kate — fruit? F ly a 2 Mike — vegetables? useacompucr | “| What are atibes fovourte ve lake photos rule 3 Bob — fin? elals|t mle 4 Lucy = meat? Pte 5 James drink? T 6 charles breakfast? 7 Susan - mal? clayife Unit 14, Exereise 8, page 55 & [een fru | 1 Wook at the picture tor one minute. 2 Now ask and answer questians about the picture to test your partner's memory. } Amazing but true What sentence is not true? 1 Felix, a cat from London, can play ‘the piano. 2 Penguins can swim at 27 kilometres per hour. 6 Ostricies cam run at 72 kilometres per hout. (C 6 Two monkeys at Columbia 4 Koka, @ gorits in University ean do simple California, can mathematics. understand 1,000 words, Bic Es The UK quiz Look at the map. ‘Complete the questions with these words. 8 Cinderella, a dog from Florida, can jump 4.67 metres. re / how old who / how many / what / whe countries are nthe United Kingdon? ‘b)four c} five d) six Cardiff? = a chin Scotland bj in Northern Ireland — dll in Wales: sone 19 the Capital af Scotland? a} London b} Cardiff cl Edinburgh) Belfast A eocsces 6 the man onthe map of Englend? a) Winstan Churchill c Wiliam Shakespeare bb} Charies Darwin} Tony Blair 5 is the city of London? al 1,060 years cld ¢) 2,000 years old 5}500 years aid) 200 years old STORY QUIZ Read the sentences about Ryan, Emily, Jake and Laura. Which three sentences are true? Jake is interested in chess Ryans fifteen, Laura can ride ahorse. Jango is interested in football 5. The FACE programme is for students and young nenple. 6 Ryan is into swintming and ceomquters, 7 Emily's interested in fashion. 5 8 Laurais trem Cansoa Look at Tim's sultease, What things has he got? Memorise the objects, You have got two minutes. Don't write down the objects 2 Close your book and write down the objects you can remember. 8 Look at the table. How good is your memory? Objects Memary 4-3. You have nat gota very pood memory. 4-8 Your memory Is okay F-10 You've got a vary good memory! 114 Your memory is famtastiot 6 Odd one out Look at the words. Circle the ‘odd a1 Exa 1 bPotatwessithe others are tit) 1 a) apples 4 ajboots c) socks bipotatees bananas b) tattoo () trousers 2 a)swimming c} football s ablond cre b) basketball 4 tennis b) brown d) green 3 a) ponytail c)long heir 6 a) water ©) Orange juico ») Shawed bead ¢ brown eyes b) pizza dj mit Look at words in the module. Write an one out’ ati Read the desoriptions of the people. Who are they? Use photos from Module 1 to help you. Henne a esis Rau ue nu ed DOPE UST rains eLearn Eig © Who am I? Jack Emma Simon | Karen Ali get up Ss breakfast © wl ay favourite subject S Be history | science art evening awe spect” bit a ‘oles and information in the table. Write the person's Mame in th, ¢ Bans, Re 2 My name is 1 { get up at half past seven 3 ‘have milk and toast for breakfast. My name is { play football in the evening. ay name is | get up at eight o’clock, I have cereal for breakast My favourite subject is science. 1 get up at eight o'clock My favourite lesson is art, I read in the evening, I watch TV in the evening, 4 My name is | get up at seven-thirty and have milk and toast for 5 6 ‘breakfast. I watch TV in the My nameis—__ 3 evening. At school my favourite My name is. I get up ateight and t have subject & science, | got up at half past seven cereal for breaklast. My favourite J read books in the evening. subject is PE. in the evening My favourite subject is history 1 play football. = Find the happy, scared, thin, tall, emer ald, small. 2 ea words a a a DANGEROUS | BAYQUNGS FOL OWNHE R = Find ong nine-letter word in the square: FRS S YEAS ¥ ] | br McA SAP CUT d CNA FHVPAH 7 u@G@teEoorvnti Make words from the loters ss Example dog LAL S&S RUN EN T A tO T SF 0s as, lio] Crossword a ee Sec 1 llove dancing ata wth iy friends. mystery word 2 My sister goes skating at the ice y E on Saturdays ; | 3 | sometimes play computer games in an Internet —_ 2 4 I goto lie shopping —__ wil my mum once a week We watch a new fl at the once @ month, We sometimes hawe a drink in the sneck He likes reading history He plays in the schiacl Saturdays. 9 | play tennis at the | Thursdays. lie | | LO ove: at parties, team on cents on GN Oke ee ere err ers [2 ANIMAL JoKEs! Match the questions (1-4) with the answers (a-d). 1 What i@ white and green and jumps? 2 What is lack and white ang goes up and dawn? 3 Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days? 4 What is a snake's favourite school subject? a) Because the kids play at home! b) A irng senciwich! c} Hiss tory! d) A penemin in a hift) Amazing Read the information. One thing but true is false — which one? 2 The Amazon rainforest 1 All polar bears are lefthanded! produces about 40% of 3 Dolphins sleea wi the Earth's oxygen! ane eye open! 4 The sea at the poles changes to ice at OC. 5 There are 700 types of tree in North America. But there are 10,000 different types of tree in tropical rainforests * ° ] ! 14 [Get it right! Look at the picture and read what the reporter is saying. Find five differences. Pe Vm standing in frant of the theatre, I's a lovely day. There are hunoreds of people hore. They're waiting for the stars. Some people are watehing trom windaws in the ‘bank. Aitd hare is the first car. People are moving. The police are stopping them. And here is Julia Palmar, the star ofthe film, She's wenring a long black dress .. beautiful, And she’s carrying some white flowers, I think. The photographers are taking photos and now | can see Jake fin York Every Saturday Jake goes to the town centre with He goes by bus. He al EN his friends. He takes £20. for lunch and he aby ~ aA has a ple7a ys buys a CD fer his collection. His friends like the Internet café M vusticket — GOP ~ it's £2 per hour, but Jake doesn use the £3.20 computers, He Ouys @ can of c es ‘0 to his friands, He always yels the 5 o' ee ae tus home, eB £894 . meteofé £2 How much has he got when he gets home? i Escape from 0 1 6 > Look at the picture on the right and read the story, Find six mistakes in the story. { was 7.45 in the morning on the Challenger. Commander Church was in bed, Engineer Datum was in the kitchen and Lieutenant Riker and Dr Novak were at the controls. There: Was a big explosion In the spaceship’s computer! There was a fire and the astronauts were searad. But the plane! Quark was rear. The journey to Quark was not aasy but the astronauts were safe. The planet wes strange but it was okey because there was oxygon. The plants were strango ~ there were big blue sactuses with red flowers. There were some big black snakes on the plants, The sky was yellow and there Were black clouds. It was very cold on the planet, Then thara was a signal on Dr Novak's radio, Thera was life on Quark! "| 7 > Read the story. Draw the astronauts’ route on the map. The astronauts wanted to find lite on the planet. They started thelr Journey to the west and crossed a desert with giant cactuses. On the journey there were some red and yellow zebras. The zebras ware fricndly and the astranauts decided to stay the night there. The next morning, thoy passed an oasis with fruit trees, Then they arrived ata big river. Thera were two boats so the astronauts sailed south. In the river there were SOME dolphins but they were nat friendly Thene killer dolphins attacked the boat but Lieutenant Riker killed them. The weather was wary bad and there was a big tornado but the astronalits were okay. Then they arrived at a beautitul bridge They travelled for two days. They were vory tired and seared, But then they walked into a spactacula modern palace. It was the palace of the Grand Emperor of Quark. This ‘emperor was famous - he was & ‘space pirate and he wasn't very friendly to visitors! Read the end of the story, 4 SDP order the parts of the story (a-f. Example te a “You ask ME for help?" the amperor shouted. ‘Take them ta the killer lizards! They are very hungry.’ “Emperor, please holp us!,’ replied Or Novak. “Okay, You've got one chance. Answer thre? questions about Quark. One wrang answer and yau are lunch for the lizards! Question ana. “What is this?" Ho pointed tahis helmet b Correct, Final question, What are those?! The emperor pointed st the walls. “They are not walls, answered Datum. ‘They are TV screens. The emperor can waten his planet on them, The emperor smiled. ‘That is right. You are lucky! Help these strange astronauts, Goodbye, © The astronauts were silent, Then Engineer Datum replied, ‘Itis the famous gold helmet of Quark. it was the first emperor’s winen he discovered Quark. ' ‘Carrect. Second question, ; ‘What is this?” The emperor pointed 4o his pet lizard. tothe Challenger and repaired the spaceship. Than the Challenger departad the planet Quark. ‘How lo you know about the planet Quark?! Dr Novak asked Datum. 'L studied the history of Quark at {Se 8 my rovot school! replied Datum. Ten aliens arrived and carrled the astronauts to the great hall of the palace. The emperor was there. "Why are yau hare?" he asked, “There wras an explosion an our spaceship, explained Commander Church. Can you help us?” f "That Is a young Quark lizard,’ replied Datum. "They eat meat and can fly at 97 kllomatres per hour. They ate very dangerous. OMANIMALSIN DANGER! § | | 9 Complete the quiz with the verbs in the Past Simple. Are the sentences true (T) ot false (F)? What do you know about animals in danger? 1 _] Three species of tiger (vecome) 4) Inthe 1950s, scientists. (rake} European bison eatinet inthe 20th century, from 2095 t0 live wild in the forests of France, 2 (J The United Rarions (nae) 2010 the _| Inthe 19805, scientists (thing) there were aly International fear of Biadhersty 3 1 The wold Who 20 the {lose} thee millon hedtates forests every year rom 2000 eo 2000 ~_ aa about 960 pandas in the wild. Burin 2004 they counted 1600. 6 7 Inthe 20th ony orarcu a r qlay cards: tidy your room wash your clothes watch TY Feelings nervous relaxed a b scared unhappy worried ner tourist infermatian tendor-t6e clubs wwater park eH. are or Directions opposite \ = turn eft lpn OF eZ ross [a bridge, street) xo past ia place! pn the corner fe on the [eft = Compass Points south west south g0 out of (a station, a shop! Transport bicycle (tke ballon canae hase plane sledge ~ iY Be 2 beat hird buffalo ie camel cheetany cow GEO> ™~ sc are dolphin , ae elephant falcon frog hippa (hippopotamus) lizard p jratte Tt] sate paces iguana ced kamoda ia e dragon \ a a, ostrich penguin e aE Questionnaire scores and answers Are you safe in cyberspace? Exercise 3, page 36 1a 2b 3b 4b 5a 6a 7b aa 9b Wa Are you an outdoor or indoor person? Exereise 6, page 43 Scores: a=Opoints b= 1 noint C= 2poinis d= 3 points Answers: 0-6 You live your life at home! Don't forget to enjay the outdoors sometimes! JAZ You have fun indnors and outdoors, That's great 4134-18 Yuu are never at home! Remember to vex with your family sometimes. Are you helpful? Exercise 3, page 68 ‘You get one point for al 'yes' answers! 8-10 you are really helpfull 3-7 you are helpful 0-2 you are not very helpful Are you a TV addict? Exercise 4, page 77 Scores: 1 4=0 points 3 points points b=3 points ¢=2 points b=Opoints c= 2 points b=Opoints c Answers O4 you are nala Taddict 5-7 yuu wateh a lot of TY. 210 you area TY addict! Fact or Fiction? Unit? page 19. fact Unit S page 2? fiction Unit? — page 35. Fact Unit@pageay fact Unit 11 page 45 fiction Unit 13 page 53 fact Unit 14 page 55. fiction (there are not a hundred tornadaes a year but there are over Uhinly reported.) Unit 18 page Gi fiction the was in space for 365 days, 34 minutes andl 47 secands} Unit 19° page 71 fact nil 22 page 79 fi Irregular Verbs Present | Past Present Past imple Simple | simple simple became became | learn - | kearnl | begin began | make made build built meet met buy bought put put come came say sald do did | see saw drink drank send sent eat ate sing sang | fall fell speak spoke | final found — | take took get got tell tok sive gave think | thought ao went win wan wrote hay had write | ~ Challenges New Challenges updates our blockbuster secondary course for teenagers. Now SU eee De ue RUE se te fore ee ees eee aay Pe acne Components for the Student ie Cad 3 Students’ Book Components for the Teacher ; f Challenges took with Teacher's urces UO Multi-RON Ineludes photocopier vielen ail Rue scrt ta UU aie Cm ACA aoe J Challenges a Warkook with audio ¢D civeTearh interactive whiteboard caltuare with teacher's resaurecs and ven 9 |i 25856 |

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