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Psychology 439

PSYC 439: Abnormal Psychology (SS Core)

Prerequisite: PSYC 121

Credit Hours: (3)

Study of abnormal psychology that emphasizes the history, major perspectives and Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual III-R categories. Fulfills one of the Social Sciences core requirements for
the psychology major and minor.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

I. Introduction and History of Abnormal Psychology

a. Definition of Abnormal Psychology

b. History of Abnormal Psychology
c. Definitions of Abnormality
d. Medical Model
e. Psychiatric Team-Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Social Worker, Psychiatric Nurse and
Psychiatric Aides

II. Psychodynamic Perspective

a. Freud and His Theory

b. Adler and Jung
c. Sullivan
d. Erickson

III. Behavioral Perspective

a. Pavlov-Classical Conditioning
b. Skinner-Operant Conditioning
c. Learning Theory
d. Maladaptive Behavior
e. Cognitive Behaviorism

IV. Humanistic-Existential Perspective

a. Main Assumptions
b. Rogers and Maslow
c. Frankl and Laing
V. Diagnosis and Assessment

a. Assumptions
c. Reliability and Validity
d. Interview
e. IQ Tests
f. Projective Tests
g. Objective Tests
h. Tests of Organicity

VI. Neurotic Conditions

a. Anxiety Disorders
b. Somatiform Disorders
c. Dissociative Disorders
d. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

VII. Psychological Stress and Physical Disorders

a. Ulcer
b. Obesity
c. Hypertension
d. Migraine
e. Asthma
f. Eczema
g. Insomnia

VIII. Affective Disorders

a. Mania
b. Depression
c. Suicide

IX. Schizophrenia

a. History
b. Symptoms of the Major Categories of Schizophrenia
c. Schizophreniform Disorders

X. Paranoid Disorders

a. Paranoia
b. Paranoia Personality

XI. Personality Disorders

a. Major Categories of Personality Disorders
b. Paranoid Personality
c. Histrionic Personality
d. Compulsive Personality
e. Passive-Aggressive Personality
f. Antisocial Personality

XII. Addictive Disorders

a. Alcoholism
b. Tobacco Abuse
c. Illegal Drugs

XIII. Sexual Disorders

a. Sexual Deviations
b. Sexual Dysfunctions

XIV. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

a. Issues
b. Eating Disorders
c. Sleep Disorders
d. Attention Deficit Disorders
e. Conduct Disorders

XV. Childhood Psychosis

a. Autism
b. Childhood Schizophrenia

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Involves a lecture class discussion format. Audio tapes, video tapes, and small group discussions
are used.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. The student develops a knowledge of the current diagnostic system.

2. The student develops a knowledge of the various psychotherapeutic and pharmacological
treatments currently available.
3. Students examine the problems of being psychologically disordered in this culture.

Assessment Measures
Class discussion, multiple choice and essay examination are used to evaluate student progress.

Other Course Information


Review and Approval

September 2001 Updated and put in new format Dr. Alastair V. E. Harris

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