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JUNIO 2016








Por requerimientos y necesidades personales el Sr. Carlos Camacho Ruiz est planificando la
construccin deunconjuntohabitacional; para locual hacontratado los serviciosde consultora para
desarrollar mencionado proyecto; que est ubicado sobre el terreno de su propiedad ubicado en el
sector de S. Ana Mangahuant, parroquia de Puembo, cantn Quito, provincia de Pichincha. El Sr.
Camacho dueo del proyecto ha decidido contratar de manera voluntaria los servicios de consultora
para el anlisis y diseo estructural sismoresistente de la CASA TIPO 1, mediante convenio verbal, al

El presente documento tiene como propsito demostrar los criterios utilizados en el anlisis y diseo









sobre esta. Una malla electrosoldada se instala en la loseta de hormign. Los paneles de losa
estn asentados sobre viguetas de acero estructural. Estos se unen a las viguetas mediante
conectores de corte soldados entre el deck y las viguetas. Las viguetas de seccin transversal
Las vigas son de acero, con seccin transversal rectangular. Estas se unen a las columnas de
Las columnas son de seccin transversal rectangular. Estas se cimientan en pedestales de
La cimentacin consiste de zapatas aisladas de hormign armado, sustentadas sobre el suelo

Los prticos conformados por la unin viga columna forman nudos resistentes a momento y corte,


La cimentacin toma en cuenta la interaccin sueloestructura nicamente en funcin de las


Para una concepcin completa y global del sistema estructural es necesario referirse a los planos


HormignEstructural :fc=240kg/cm2
HormigndeContrapiso :fc=210kg/cm2
HormigndeReplantillo :fc=180kg/cm2
AcerodeRefuerzo :fy=4200kg/cm2
AceroEstructural :ASTMA36


DeckMetlico :ASTMA653
PernosdeAltaResistencia :ASTMA325Tipo1A490
PernosComunes :ASTMA307GradoAequivalente
TuercasdePernosdeAnclaje :ASTMA563GradoA


Se consideran cargas muertas a las acciones gravitacionales que actuarn permanentemente
sobre la estructura y no variarn con el tiempo, ms las acciones indirectas con carcter de

Carga muerta adicional: 180kg/m2 (mampostera: 90kg/m2 masillado de pisos: 35kg/m2
Carga muerta adicional: 90kg/m2 (mampostera: 55kg/m2 masillado de pisos: 35kg/m2)



La estructura ser sometida al diseo basado en fuerzas laterales tanto estticas como



ZonificacinSsmica: V
Z= 0.4
CaracterizacinPeligro= Alta

PerfildelSuelo: D
Fa= 1.20
Fd= 1.19


Fs= 1.28

Provincia: Sierra,EsmeraldasyGalpagos
= 2.48

To= 0.1269s
Tc= 0.6981s

Ct= 0.072
= 0.8
hn= 6.54m
T= 0.3234s


para0 T Tc
Sa= 1.1904


r= 1.00


NO PA=1.0
NO PA=1.0
NO PA=1.0
NO PB=1.0

P= 1.00


NO EA=1.0
NO EB=1.0
NO EB=1.0

E= 1.00


FactordeImportancia=I= 1
FactordeReduccin=R= 6


V= 0.1984W


Elstico Inelstico Elstico Inelstico
seg seg
0.00 1.1904 0.1984 2.50 0.3324 0.0554
0.10 1.1904 0.1984 2.60 0.3196 0.0533
0.20 1.1904 0.1984 2.70 0.3078 0.0513
0.30 1.1904 0.1984 2.80 0.2968 0.0495
0.40 1.1904 0.1984 2.90 0.2866 0.0478
0.50 1.1904 0.1984 3.00 0.2770 0.0462
0.60 1.1904 0.1984 3.10 0.2681 0.0447
0.6981 1.1904 0.1984 3.20 0.2597 0.0433
0.70 1.1872 0.1979 3.30 0.2518 0.0420
0.80 1.0388 0.1731 3.40 0.2444 0.0407
0.90 0.9234 0.1539 3.50 0.2374 0.0396
1.00 0.8311 0.1385 3.60 0.2308 0.0385
1.10 0.7555 0.1259 3.70 0.2246 0.0374
1.20 0.6925 0.1154 3.80 0.2187 0.0364
1.30 0.6393 0.1065 3.90 0.2131 0.0355
1.40 0.5936 0.0989 4.00 0.2078 0.0346
1.50 0.5540 0.0923 4.10 0.2027 0.0338
1.60 0.5194 0.0866 4.20 0.1979 0.0330
1.70 0.4889 0.0815 4.30 0.1933 0.0322
1.80 0.4617 0.0769 4.40 0.1889 0.0315
1.90 0.4374 0.0729 4.50 0.1847 0.0308
2.00 0.4155 0.0693 4.60 0.1807 0.0301
2.10 0.3957 0.0660 4.70 0.1768 0.0295
2.20 0.3778 0.0630 4.80 0.1731 0.0289
2.30 0.3613 0.0602 4.90 0.1696 0.0283
2.40 0.3463 0.0577 5.00 0.1662 0.0277









0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00






0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00


En la presente estructura no hay elementos estructurales que estn sometidos a cargas de

En la presente estructura no hay elementos estructurales que estn sometidos a cargas de


1. 1.4D
2. 1.2D+1.6L+0.5(LroSoR)


3. 1.2D+1.6(LrOSoR)+(Lo0.5W)
4. 1.2D+1.0W+L+0.5(LroSoR)
5. 1.2D+1.0E+L+0.2S
6. 0.9D+1.0W
7. 0.9D+1.0E


capacidad de los elementos estructurales propuestos en el prediseo y posterior diseo son los

sobrecargas accidentales, anlisis modal espectral). El anlisis y diseo estructural cumple con las

El empleo de programa de anlisis y diseo estructural (ETABS v.15.0) de carcter computacional,

en lo que respecta a los esfuerzos y desplazamientos de la estructura, previo al proceso de diseo




R= 6.00 0.75





determinan los momentos, esfuerzos cortantes y esfuerzos axiales en los elementos



El diseo de los elementos de hormign armado, se rige a la especificacin ACI 31814. Los

Item Valor
MultiResponseDesign StepbyStep All
SeismicDesignCategory D
#InteractionCurves 24
#InteractionPoints 11
MinimumEccentricity Yes
Phi(Tension) 0.9
Phi(CompressionTied) 0.65
Phi(Compression 0.75
Phi(ShearandTorsion) 0.85
Phi(ShearSeismic) 0.6
Phi(ShearJoint) 0.85
PatternLiveLoadFactor 0.75
D/CRatioLimit 1


El diseo de los elementos de acero estructural, se rige a la especificacin AISC36010. Los

Item Valor
Shored? No
MiddleRange% 70
PatternLiveLoadFactor 0.75
D/CRatioLimit 1
MinimumPCC% 25
MaximumPCC% 100
SingleSegment? No
Min.Long.Spacingmm 114.3
Max.Long.Spacingmm 914.4
Min.Trans.Spacingmm 76.2
Max.StudsPerRow 3
PositionofStuds WeakPosition
Camber? Yes
CamberDL% 80
Min.BeamDepthmm 342.9
Min.WebThick.mm 6.4
Min.BeamSpanmm 7315.2
Min.Camber,absmm 19.1
MinimumCamber,L/ 900


CamberAbs.MaxLimitmm 152.4
CamberMaxRatio 180
CamberIntervalmm 6.4
RoundCamberDown? Yes
PreCompDLRatio 0
SDL+LLRatio 240
LLRatio 360
NetRatio 240
IeffreductionFactor 0.75
VibrationCriterion Walking
OccupancyCategory 1
AccelerationLimit,a0/g 0.005
DampingRatio 0.025
OptimizePrice? Yes
SteelPrice($) 1
StudPrice 2
CamberPrice 0
b 0.9
bcpe 0.9
bcpp 0.9
v 0.9
ReactionFactor 1



Para el diseo de la cimentacin se tomaron los datos proporcionados en el estudio de suelos. La

(carga muerta + carga muerta adicional + carga viva) y una profundidad de desplante a 1.5m de




Table: Soil Pressures - Enveloping Summary
Panel OutputItem SurfPress OutputCase CaseType GlobalX GlobalY
kgf/cm2 cm cm
1 MaxPress -0.106 UDCONN2 Combination 0.000 410.000
1 MinPress -1.151 UDCONN2 Combination 250.000 410.000
2 MaxPress -0.119 UDCONN2 Combination 0.000 470.000
2 MinPress -1.117 UDCONN2 Combination 250.000 480.000
3 MaxPress -0.150 UDCONN2 Combination 0.000 870.000
3 MinPress -0.510 UDCONN2 Combination 260.000 1200.000
4 MaxPress -0.119 UDCONN2 Combination 760.000 60.000
4 MinPress -0.875 UDCONN2 Combination 320.000 410.000
5 MaxPress -0.316 UDCONN2 Combination 750.000 480.000
5 MinPress -0.845 UDCONN2 Combination 320.000 480.000
6 MaxPress -0.236 UDCONN2 Combination 320.000 870.000
6 MinPress -0.657 UDCONN2 Combination 320.000 1200.000
7 MaxPress -0.064 UDCONN2 Combination 1010.000 410.000
7 MinPress -0.891 UDCONN2 Combination 820.000 410.000
8 MaxPress -0.112 UDCONN2 Combination 1010.000 470.000
8 MinPress -0.861 UDCONN2 Combination 820.000 480.000
9 MaxPress -0.171 UDCONN2 Combination 1010.000 870.000
9 MinPress -0.492 UDCONN2 Combination 820.000 870.000

el mismo, para los diferentes estados de carga de servicio; son menores a 18.0 T/m2 para la








ETABS v15.0.0 Cargas Aplicadas Unidades: Kgf-m


CargaMuertaAdicional CargaMuertaAdicional
EntrePiso Cubierta

1|P g . A 1 1
ETABS v15.0.0 Cargas Aplicadas Unidades: Kgf-m



2|P g . A 1 1
ETABS v15.0.0 Cargas Aplicadas Unidades: Kgf-m


3|P g . A 1 1



ETABS v15.0.0 Anlisis Estructural Unidades: Tonf-m



CortanteBasalDinmicoenXCortanteBasalEstticoenX 99.97%>80.00%

CortanteBasalDinmicoenYCortanteBasalEstticoenY 100.00%>80.00%

1|P g . A 2 1
ETABS v15.0.0 Anlisis Estructural Unidades: Tonf-m



2|P g . A 2 1
ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case or load combination.

Input Data

Name Deriva en X - Sismo Esttico X

Display Type Max story drifts Story Range All Stories

Load Case SXE Top Story PA1

Output Type Not Applicable Bottom Story Base


Maximum Story Drifts



0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 E-3

Drift, Unitless

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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

PA1 6.54 Top 0.004325 0.000177
PB 3.36 Top 0.003068 0.000097
Base 0 Top 0 0

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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Story Response - Maximum Story Drifts

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case or load combination.

Input Data

Name Deriva en Y - Sismo Esttico Y

Display Type Max story drifts Story Range All Stories

Load Case SYE Top Story PA1

Output Type Not Applicable Bottom Story Base


Maximum Story Drifts



0.00 0.30 0.60 0.90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 E-3

Drift, Unitless

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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

PA1 6.54 Top 0.000451 0.002831
PB 3.36 Top 0.00016 0.001757
Base 0 Top 0 0

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ETABS v15.0.0 ACI 318-14 / AISC 360-10
Unidades: Kgf-cm


1|P g . A 3 1
ETABS v15.0.0 ACI 318-14 / AISC 360-10
Unidades: Kgf-cm


2|P g . A 3 1
ETABS v15.0.0 ACI 318-14 / AISC 360-10
Unidades: Kgf-cm



3|P g . A 3 1
ETABS v15.0.0 ACI 318-14 / AISC 360-10
Unidades: Kgf-cm


4|P g . A 3 1
ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

ETABS 2015 Steel Frame Design

AISC 360-10 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details

Level Element Location (m) Combo Element Type Section Classification

PB C59 0 DStlS11 Ordinary Moment Frame TR400X200.5 Compact

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit

3.36000 0.822 0.95

Analysis and Design Parameters

Provision Analysis 2nd Order Reduction

LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Order Tau-b Fixed

Stiffness Reduction Factors

P r /P y P r /P e b EA factor EI factor
0.058 0.014 1 0.8 0.8

Seismic Parameters

Ignore Seismic Ignore Special

Plug Welded? SDC I Rho S DS R 0 Cd
Code? EQ Load?
No No Yes D 1 1 0.5 8 3 5.5

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.75 0.9 1 1

Section Properties

A (m) J (m ) I 33 (m ) I 22 (m ) A v3 (m) A v2 (m)

0.0116 0.000189 0.000244 0.000082 0.0034 0.0074

Design Properties

S 33 (m) S 22 (m) Z 33 (m) Z 22 (m) r 33 (m) r 22 (m) C w (m )

0.001218 0.00082 0.001502 0.000922 0.14491 0.08407

Material Properties

E (tonf/m) f y (tonf/m) Ry
20389019.16 35153.48 1.1 NA

HSS Section Parameters

HSS Welding Reduce HSS Thickness?


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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) P u (tonf) M u33 (tonf-m) M u22 (tonf-m) V u2 (tonf) V u3 (tonf) T u (tonf-m)
0 -23.8423 0.7899 4.9766 0 0 -0.0396

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K1 K2 B1 B2 Cm
Major Bending 0.94 1 1 1 1 1
Minor Bending 0.94 1 1 1 1 1

Parameters for Lateral Torsion Buckling

L ltb K ltb Cb
0.94 1.714 2.97

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio Eqn.(H1-1b)

D/C Ratio = (P r /2P c ) + (M r33 /M c33 ) + (M r22 /M c22 )

0.225 = 0.038 + 0.017 + 0.171

Axial Force and Capacities

P u Force (tonf) P nc Capacity (tonf) P nt Capacity (tonf)

23.8423 316.0811 367.0023

Moments and Capacities

M u Moment (tonf-m) M n Capacity (tonf-m) M n No L TBD (tonf-m)

Major Bending 0.7899 47.5205 47.5205
Minor Bending 4.9766 29.1704

Torsion Moment and Capacities

T u Moment (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m)

Major Bending 0.7899 47.5205
-0.0396 31.177 28.0593

Shear Design

V u Force (tonf) V n Capacity (tonf) Stress Ratio

Major Shear 0 140.4733 0.002
Minor Shear 0 64.5418 0.034

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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

ETABS 2015 Steel Frame Design

AISC 360-10 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details

Level Element Location (m) Combo Element Type Section Classification

PB B23 4.76 DStlS12 Ordinary Moment Frame TR200X100.4 Seismic HD

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit

4.86000 1 0.95

Analysis and Design Parameters

Provision Analysis 2nd Order Reduction

LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Order Tau-b Fixed

Stiffness Reduction Factors

P r /P y P r /P e b EA factor EI factor
0 0 1 0.8 0.8

Seismic Parameters

Ignore Seismic Ignore Special

Plug Welded? SDC I Rho S DS R 0 Cd
Code? EQ Load?
No No Yes D 1 1 0.5 8 3 5.5

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.75 0.9 1 1

Section Properties

A (m) J (m ) I 33 (m ) I 22 (m ) A v3 (m) A v2 (m)

0.0045 0.000018 0.000023 0.000008 0.0012 0.0028

Design Properties

S 33 (m) S 22 (m) Z 33 (m) Z 22 (m) r 33 (m) r 22 (m) C w (m )

0.000231 0.000152 0.000289 0.000175 0.07124 0.04084

Material Properties

E (tonf/m) f y (tonf/m) Ry
20389019.16 35153.48 1.1 NA

HSS Section Parameters

HSS Welding Reduce HSS Thickness?


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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) P u (tonf) M u33 (tonf-m) M u22 (tonf-m) V u2 (tonf) V u3 (tonf) T u (tonf-m)
4.76 0 -2.0958 0 1.6823 0 0.0183

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K1 K2 B1 B2 Cm
Major Bending 0.938 1 1 1 1 1
Minor Bending 0.938 1 1 1 1 1

Parameters for Lateral Torsion Buckling

L ltb K ltb Cb
0.938 1 2.338

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio Eqn.(H1-1b)

D/C Ratio = (P r /2P c ) + (M r33 /M c33 ) + (M r22 /M c22 )

0.229 = 0 + 0.229 + 0

Axial Force and Capacities

P u Force (tonf) P nc Capacity (tonf) P nt Capacity (tonf)

0 57.7761 143.7637

Moments and Capacities

M u Moment (tonf-m) M n Capacity (tonf-m) M n No L TBD (tonf-m)

Major Bending 2.0958 9.1442 9.1442
Minor Bending 0 5.5501

Torsion Moment and Capacities

T u Moment (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m)

Major Bending 2.0958 9.1442
0.0183 5.9194 5.3275

Shear Design

V u Force (tonf) V n Capacity (tonf) Stress Ratio

Major Shear 1.6823 53.4558 0.031
Minor Shear 0 23.0832 0

End Reaction Major Shear Forces

Left End Reaction (tonf) Load Combo Right End Reaction (tonf) Load Combo
-2.7173 DStlS14 2.6272 DStlS14

Casa T1.EDB Page 2 of 2 20/06/2016

ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

ETABS 2015 Steel Frame Design

AISC 360-10 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details

Level Element Location (m) Combo Element Type Section Classification

PB C62 0 DStlS11 Ordinary Moment Frame TR400X200.5 Compact

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit

3.36000 0.771 0.95

Analysis and Design Parameters

Provision Analysis 2nd Order Reduction

LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Order Tau-b Fixed

Stiffness Reduction Factors

P r /P y P r /P e b EA factor EI factor
0.065 0.016 1 0.8 0.8

Seismic Parameters

Ignore Seismic Ignore Special

Plug Welded? SDC I Rho S DS R 0 Cd
Code? EQ Load?
No No Yes D 1 1 0.5 8 3 5.5

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.75 0.9 1 1

Section Properties

A (m) J (m ) I 33 (m ) I 22 (m ) A v3 (m) A v2 (m)

0.0116 0.000189 0.000244 0.000082 0.0034 0.0074

Design Properties

S 33 (m) S 22 (m) Z 33 (m) Z 22 (m) r 33 (m) r 22 (m) C w (m )

0.001218 0.00082 0.001502 0.000922 0.14491 0.08407

Material Properties

E (tonf/m) f y (tonf/m) Ry
20389019.16 35153.48 1.1 NA

HSS Section Parameters

HSS Welding Reduce HSS Thickness?


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ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) P u (tonf) M u33 (tonf-m) M u22 (tonf-m) V u2 (tonf) V u3 (tonf) T u (tonf-m)
0 -26.3467 -13.1106 0.2026 0 0 -0.0396

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K1 K2 B1 B2 Cm
Major Bending 0.94 1 1 1 1 1
Minor Bending 0.94 1 1 1 1 1

Parameters for Lateral Torsion Buckling

L ltb K ltb Cb
0.94 1.663 2.065

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio Eqn.(H1-1b)

D/C Ratio = (P r /2P c ) + (M r33 /M c33 ) + (M r22 /M c22 )

0.325 = 0.042 + 0.276 + 0.007

Axial Force and Capacities

P u Force (tonf) P nc Capacity (tonf) P nt Capacity (tonf)

26.3467 316.0811 367.0023

Moments and Capacities

M u Moment (tonf-m) M n Capacity (tonf-m) M n No L TBD (tonf-m)

Major Bending 13.1106 47.5205 47.5205
Minor Bending 0.2026 29.1704

Torsion Moment and Capacities

T u Moment (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m)

Major Bending 13.1106 47.5205
-0.0396 31.177 28.0593

Shear Design

V u Force (tonf) V n Capacity (tonf) Stress Ratio

Major Shear 0 140.4733 0.035
Minor Shear 0 64.5418 0.002

Casa T1.EDB Page 2 of 2 20/06/2016

ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

ETABS 2015 Steel Frame Design

AISC 360-10 Steel Section Check (Strength Summary)

Element Details

Level Element Location (m) Combo Element Type Section Classification

PB B31 0.1 DStlS11 Ordinary Moment Frame TR200X100.4 Seismic HD

LLRF and Demand/Capacity Ratio

L (m) LLRF Stress Ratio Limit

4.98500 0.988 0.95

Analysis and Design Parameters

Provision Analysis 2nd Order Reduction

LRFD Direct Analysis General 2nd Order Tau-b Fixed

Stiffness Reduction Factors

P r /P y P r /P e b EA factor EI factor
0 0 1 0.8 0.8

Seismic Parameters

Ignore Seismic Ignore Special

Plug Welded? SDC I Rho S DS R 0 Cd
Code? EQ Load?
No No Yes D 1 1 0.5 8 3 5.5

Design Code Parameters

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.75 0.9 1 1

Section Properties

A (m) J (m ) I 33 (m ) I 22 (m ) A v3 (m) A v2 (m)

0.0045 0.000018 0.000023 0.000008 0.0012 0.0028

Design Properties

S 33 (m) S 22 (m) Z 33 (m) Z 22 (m) r 33 (m) r 22 (m) C w (m )

0.000231 0.000152 0.000289 0.000175 0.07124 0.04084

Material Properties

E (tonf/m) f y (tonf/m) Ry
20389019.16 35153.48 1.1 NA

HSS Section Parameters

HSS Welding Reduce HSS Thickness?


Casa T1.EDB Page 1 of 2 20/06/2016

ETABS 2015 15.1.0 License #*1WZXBT9W75445AA

Stress Check forces and Moments

Location (m) P u (tonf) M u33 (tonf-m) M u22 (tonf-m) V u2 (tonf) V u3 (tonf) T u (tonf-m)
0.1 0 -6.4994 0 -6.1838 0 0.003

Axial Force & Biaxial Moment Design Factors (H1-1b)

L Factor K1 K2 B1 B2 Cm
Major Bending 0.94 1 1 1 1 1
Minor Bending 0.2 1 1 1 1 1

Parameters for Lateral Torsion Buckling

L ltb K ltb Cb
0.2 1 1.092

Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio Eqn.(H1-1b)

D/C Ratio = (P r /2P c ) + (M r33 /M c33 ) + (M r22 /M c22 )

0.711 = 0 + 0.711 + 0

Axial Force and Capacities

P u Force (tonf) P nc Capacity (tonf) P nt Capacity (tonf)

0 104.7872 143.7637

Moments and Capacities

M u Moment (tonf-m) M n Capacity (tonf-m) M n No L TBD (tonf-m)

Major Bending 6.4994 9.1442 9.1442
Minor Bending 0 5.5501

Torsion Moment and Capacities

T u Moment (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m) T n Capacity (tonf-m)

Major Bending 6.4994 9.1442
0.003 5.9194 5.3275

Shear Design

V u Force (tonf) V n Capacity (tonf) Stress Ratio

Major Shear 6.1838 53.4558 0.116
Minor Shear 0 23.0832 0

End Reaction Major Shear Forces

Left End Reaction (tonf) Load Combo Right End Reaction (tonf) Load Combo
-7.6322 DStlS14 7.8734 DStlS14

Casa T1.EDB Page 2 of 2 20/06/2016


SAFE v14 Cimentacin Esquema Grfico
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf/cm2


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SAFE v14 Cimentacin Esquema Grfico
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf/cm2


2|P g . A 4 1
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Table: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 2
Strip SpanID FTopCombo FTopMoment FTopArea FBotCombo FBotMoment
kgfcm cm2 kgfcm
CSA1 CantileverStart UDCONU5 167966.56 1.1806 UDCONU5 162895.45
CSA1 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSA1 CantileverStart UDCONU13 133864.05 1.0483 UDCONU5 639122.15
CSA1 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 133864.05 1.0483 UDCONU5 639122.15
CSA1 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSA1 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 147551.17 1.0455 UDCONU6 139232.12
CSB1 CantileverStart UDCONU3 135485.72 0.9990 UDCONU5 128867.33
CSB1 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB1 CantileverStart UDCONU12 97136.78 0.8458 UDCONU4 556117.82
CSB1 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 97136.78 0.8458 UDCONU4 556117.82
CSB1 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB1 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 146268.52 1.0787 UDCONU5 142072.84
CSB2 CantileverStart UDCONU3 123924.68 0.9136 UDCONU5 118111.79
CSB2 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB2 CantileverStart UDCONU11 93867.32 0.8008 UDCONU4 519690.28
CSB2 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 93867.32 0.8008 UDCONU4 519690.28
CSB2 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB2 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 136732.10 1.0083 UDCONU4 129139.22
CSB3 CantileverStart UDCONU3 147516.89 1.0880 UDCONU5 138808.72
CSB3 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB3 CantileverStart UDCONU12 53684.73 0.5167 UDCONU4 594683.74
CSB3 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 53684.73 0.5167 UDCONU4 594683.74
CSB3 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB3 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 156678.55 1.1557 UDCONU5 148093.87
CSB4 CantileverStart UDCONU3 134835.14 0.9942 UDCONU5 160520.08
CSB4 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB4 CantileverStart UDCONU3 259237.58 2.1796 UDCONU3 516483.31
CSB4 CantileverEnd UDCONU3 259237.58 2.1796 UDCONU3 516483.31
CSB4 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB4 CantileverEnd UDCONU5 127157.15 1.0934 UDCONU5 119267.31
CSB5 CantileverStart UDCONU13 79875.07 0.6551 UDCONU5 98870.16
CSB5 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB5 CantileverStart UDCONU11 144402.35 1.1465 UDCONU4 399924.99
CSB5 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 144402.35 1.1465 UDCONU4 399924.99
CSB5 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB5 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 104847.22 0.7727 UDCONU5 105905.03
CSB6 CantileverStart UDCONU14 76455.35 0.6486 UDCONU6 79786.12
CSB6 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB6 CantileverStart UDCONU12 117907.95 0.9345 UDCONU4 298949.69
CSB6 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 117907.95 0.9345 UDCONU4 298949.69
CSB6 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB6 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 77618.66 0.6163 UDCONU5 93789.60
CSB7 CantileverStart UDCONU13 82568.27 0.6724 UDCONU6 91300.03
CSB7 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB7 CantileverStart UDCONU11 203912.59 1.5999 UDCONU4 394678.04
CSB7 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 203912.59 1.5999 UDCONU4 394678.04
CSB7 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB7 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 103472.35 0.7662 UDCONU4 106053.25
CSB8 CantileverStart UDCONU3 114017.51 0.8404 UDCONU5 115153.38
CSB8 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB8 CantileverStart UDCONU12 193244.99 1.5729 UDCONU4 471599.58
CSB8 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 193244.99 1.5729 UDCONU4 471599.58

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SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Strip SpanID FTopCombo FTopMoment FTopArea FBotCombo FBotMoment

kgfcm cm2 kgfcm
CSB8 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB8 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 123530.09 0.9107 UDCONU5 131093.75
CSB9 CantileverStart UDCONU3 118112.05 0.8707 UDCONU5 123637.21
CSB9 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB9 CantileverStart UDCONU12 112206.70 0.9020 UDCONU3 449798.58
CSB9 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 112206.70 0.9020 UDCONU3 449798.58
CSB9 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB9 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 91282.85 0.7303 UDCONU5 110407.47
CSN2 CantileverStart UDCONU5 119846.02 0.8542 UDCONU5 127196.73
CSN2 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN2 CantileverStart UDCONU13 201321.10 1.5077 UDCONU5 452823.54
CSN2 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 201321.10 1.5077 UDCONU5 452823.54
CSN2 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN2 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 90794.73 0.6580 UDCONU4 92306.47
CSN3 CantileverStart UDCONU5 155605.69 1.0926 UDCONU5 148395.40
CSN3 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN3 CantileverStart UDCONU14 147979.90 1.1408 UDCONU5 591665.60
CSN3 CantileverEnd UDCONU14 147979.90 1.1408 UDCONU5 591665.60
CSN3 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN3 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 143488.65 1.0073 UDCONU6 139841.15
CSN4 CantileverStart UDCONU5 167081.26 1.1781 UDCONU5 151037.20
CSN4 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN4 CantileverStart UDCONU14 140804.55 1.1162 UDCONU6 682134.06
CSN4 CantileverEnd UDCONU14 140804.55 1.1162 UDCONU6 682134.06
CSN4 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN4 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 179311.93 1.2595 UDCONU6 172960.14
CSN5 CantileverStart UDCONU5 131506.90 0.9230 UDCONU5 135577.39
CSN5 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN5 CantileverStart UDCONU14 270579.93 2.0245 UDCONU6 502650.36
CSN5 CantileverEnd UDCONU14 270579.93 2.0245 UDCONU6 502650.36
CSN5 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN5 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 131427.40 0.9225 UDCONU6 142683.39
CSN6 CantileverStart UDCONU5 135757.89 0.9548 UDCONU5 144752.12
CSN6 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN6 CantileverStart UDCONU13 276214.62 2.0588 UDCONU6 524415.06
CSN6 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 276214.62 2.0588 UDCONU6 524415.06
CSN6 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN6 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 137355.95 0.9642 UDCONU6 143715.98
CSN7 CantileverStart UDCONU4 178976.06 1.4020 UDCONU4 236067.91
CSN7 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN7 CantileverStart UDCONU12 29594.21 0.2847 UDCONU4 583187.06
CSN7 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 29594.21 0.2847 UDCONU4 583187.06
CSN7 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN7 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 176838.72 1.3789 UDCONU4 234316.44
CSN8 CantileverStart UDCONU5 165176.00 1.1638 UDCONU5 158314.69
CSN8 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN8 CantileverStart UDCONU13 126694.85 0.9906 UDCONU5 628188.47
CSN8 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 126694.85 0.9906 UDCONU5 628188.47
CSN8 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN8 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 158349.56 1.1187 UDCONU6 148768.73
CSN9 CantileverStart UDCONU5 155243.80 1.0900 UDCONU5 144364.01
CSN9 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN9 CantileverStart UDCONU14 110466.09 0.8813 UDCONU6 590313.15
CSN9 CantileverEnd UDCONU14 110466.09 0.8813 UDCONU6 590313.15

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SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Strip SpanID FTopCombo FTopMoment FTopArea FBotCombo FBotMoment

kgfcm cm2 kgfcm
CSN9 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN9 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 155280.14 1.0903 UDCONU6 147404.12
CSB10 CantileverStart UDCONU5 89715.15 0.7337 UDCONU5 96267.52
CSB10 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB10 CantileverStart UDCONU12 109288.16 0.8504 UDCONU3 230415.96
CSB10 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 109288.16 0.8504 UDCONU3 230415.96
CSB10 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB10 CantileverEnd UDCONU5 90809.70 0.7132 UDCONU5 92874.35
CSB11 CantileverStart UDCONU5 83327.56 0.6989 UDCONU5 91965.82
CSB11 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB11 CantileverStart UDCONU11 99877.76 0.7767 UDCONU4 212840.84
CSB11 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 99877.76 0.7767 UDCONU4 212840.84
CSB11 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB11 CantileverEnd UDCONU5 85371.23 0.6564 UDCONU5 88723.98
CSB12 CantileverStart UDCONU3 254867.58 1.8830 UDCONU3 258908.06
CSB12 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB12 CantileverStart UDCONU12 430286.98 3.4500 UDCONU4 1055939.39
CSB12 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 430286.98 3.4500 UDCONU4 1055939.39
CSB12 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB12 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 276685.64 2.0450 UDCONU4 286963.30
CSB13 CantileverStart UDCONU3 138195.60 1.0191 UDCONU5 124468.11
CSB13 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB13 CantileverStart UDCONU12 82268.53 0.7345 UDCONU4 576380.68
CSB13 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 82268.53 0.7345 UDCONU4 576380.68
CSB13 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB13 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 151677.19 1.1187 UDCONU5 139756.51
CSB14 CantileverStart UDCONU3 142325.66 1.0496 UDCONU6 123251.69
CSB14 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB14 CantileverStart UDCONU11 65871.53 0.5994 UDCONU4 557840.78
CSB14 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 65871.53 0.5994 UDCONU4 557840.78
CSB14 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB14 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 146992.27 1.0841 UDCONU4 133800.57
CSB15 CantileverStart UDCONU3 89457.52 0.6591 UDCONU5 98816.56
CSB15 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB15 CantileverStart UDCONU11 127942.05 1.0207 UDCONU4 446407.60
CSB15 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 127942.05 1.0207 UDCONU4 446407.60
CSB15 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB15 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 117169.25 0.8637 UDCONU4 117031.47
CSB16 CantileverStart UDCONU5 81531.33 0.6904 UDCONU5 91722.04
CSB16 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB16 CantileverStart UDCONU12 171677.91 1.3863 UDCONU4 425583.31
CSB16 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 171677.91 1.3863 UDCONU4 425583.31
CSB16 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB16 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 111376.85 0.8209 UDCONU5 117127.62
CSB17 CantileverStart UDCONU3 133313.42 0.9830 UDCONU5 123136.02
CSB17 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB17 CantileverStart UDCONU11 77497.46 0.6774 UDCONU4 512077.90
CSB17 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 77497.46 0.6774 UDCONU4 512077.90
CSB17 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB17 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 134879.10 0.9946 UDCONU5 124539.88
CSB18 CantileverStart UDCONU3 151498.96 1.1300 UDCONU6 143848.29
CSB18 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB18 CantileverStart UDCONU12 33994.37 0.3618 UDCONU4 593825.63
CSB18 CantileverEnd UDCONU12 33994.37 0.3618 UDCONU4 593825.63

3|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Strip SpanID FTopCombo FTopMoment FTopArea FBotCombo FBotMoment

kgfcm cm2 kgfcm
CSB18 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB18 CantileverEnd UDCONU4 156558.54 1.1592 UDCONU6 143950.71
CSB19 CantileverStart UDCONU3 120352.51 0.8872 UDCONU6 126614.56
CSB19 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB19 CantileverStart UDCONU11 137254.27 1.1312 UDCONU3 458945.70
CSB19 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 137254.27 1.1312 UDCONU3 458945.70
CSB19 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB19 CantileverEnd UDCONU14 97234.54 0.7837 UDCONU6 106597.24
CSB20 CantileverStart UDCONU3 128958.44 0.9508 UDCONU6 134118.57
CSB20 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB20 CantileverStart UDCONU11 148319.66 1.2285 UDCONU3 492055.27
CSB20 CantileverEnd UDCONU11 148319.66 1.2285 UDCONU3 492055.27
CSB20 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSB20 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 99996.66 0.8085 UDCONU5 104878.13
CSN10 CantileverStart UDCONU5 123166.17 0.8682 UDCONU5 127363.85
CSN10 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN10 CantileverStart UDCONU13 183014.24 1.3760 UDCONU5 469986.25
CSN10 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 183014.24 1.3760 UDCONU5 469986.25
CSN10 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN10 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 112231.05 0.7938 UDCONU6 115236.43
CSN11 CantileverStart UDCONU5 116640.66 0.8185 UDCONU5 125514.16
CSN11 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN11 CantileverStart UDCONU13 219026.49 1.6373 UDCONU5 445909.98
CSN11 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 219026.49 1.6373 UDCONU5 445909.98
CSN11 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN11 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 102822.18 0.7264 UDCONU6 107754.31
CSN12 CantileverStart UDCONU5 146941.86 1.0316 UDCONU5 144570.43
CSN12 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN12 CantileverStart UDCONU13 148265.45 1.1370 UDCONU5 559469.51
CSN12 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 148265.45 1.1370 UDCONU5 559469.51
CSN12 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN12 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 141272.22 0.9917 UDCONU6 137044.11
CSN13 CantileverStart UDCONU5 181031.23 1.2716 UDCONU5 171509.87
CSN13 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN13 CantileverStart UDCONU13 115588.38 0.9200 UDCONU5 688151.45
CSN13 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 115588.38 0.9200 UDCONU5 688151.45
CSN13 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN13 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 166994.05 1.1762 UDCONU6 156368.96
CSN14 CantileverStart UDCONU5 152989.49 1.0868 UDCONU5 163967.97
CSN14 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN14 CantileverStart UDCONU13 344253.68 2.5881 UDCONU5 548720.93
CSN14 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 344253.68 2.5881 UDCONU5 548720.93
CSN14 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN14 CantileverEnd UDCONU5 126804.20 1.0554 UDCONU3 114387.62
CSN15 CantileverStart UDCONU5 133959.60 0.9403 UDCONU5 143220.90
CSN15 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN15 CantileverStart UDCONU13 249779.82 1.8628 UDCONU5 511962.75
CSN15 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 249779.82 1.8628 UDCONU5 511962.75
CSN15 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN15 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 127072.91 0.8919 UDCONU6 127636.99
CSN16 CantileverStart UDCONU5 143537.56 1.0106 UDCONU5 150177.84
CSN16 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN16 CantileverStart UDCONU13 217424.51 1.6393 UDCONU5 548015.02
CSN16 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 217424.51 1.6393 UDCONU5 548015.02

4|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Strip SpanID FTopCombo FTopMoment FTopArea FBotCombo FBotMoment

kgfcm cm2 kgfcm
CSN16 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN16 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 118874.80 0.8549 UDCONU6 114918.42
CSN17 CantileverStart UDCONU5 103158.57 0.7292 UDCONU5 115251.89
CSN17 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN17 CantileverStart UDCONU13 240903.23 1.7806 UDCONU6 405615.23
CSN17 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 240903.23 1.7806 UDCONU6 405615.23
CSN17 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN17 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 106025.97 0.7439 UDCONU6 115783.02
CSN18 CantileverStart UDCONU5 97895.15 0.6868 UDCONU5 110121.92
CSN18 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN18 CantileverStart UDCONU13 231979.63 1.7151 UDCONU5 375051.26
CSN18 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 231979.63 1.7151 UDCONU5 375051.26
CSN18 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN18 CantileverEnd UDCONU6 96363.10 0.6986 UDCONU6 105859.70
CSN19 CantileverStart UDCONU5 95040.51 0.6798 UDCONU5 111355.14
CSN19 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN19 CantileverStart UDCONU13 253546.71 1.8745 UDCONU5 364862.56
CSN19 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 253546.71 1.8745 UDCONU5 364862.56
CSN19 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN19 CantileverEnd UDCONU5 91398.78 0.7289 UDCONU14 88497.49
CSN20 CantileverStart UDCONU5 98431.38 0.6905 UDCONU5 116569.90
CSN20 CantileverStart 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN20 CantileverStart UDCONU13 273592.04 2.0196 UDCONU5 378051.11
CSN20 CantileverEnd UDCONU13 273592.04 2.0196 UDCONU5 378051.11
CSN20 CantileverEnd 0.00 0.0000 0.00
CSN20 CantileverEnd UDCONU5 98289.92 0.7639 UDCONU14 92479.70

Table: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 2
Table: ConcreteSlabDesignSummary01FlexuralAndShearData,Part2of2
Strip FBotArea VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
cm2 kgf cm2/cm
CSA1 1.1449 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSA1 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSA1 4.5218 UDCONU5 7964.11 0.0000 OK A
CSA1 4.5218 UDCONU5 7964.11 0.0000 OK A
CSA1 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSA1 0.9870 UDCONU6 7114.45 0.0000 OK A
CSB1 1.0338 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB1 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB1 4.1312 UDCONU3 6784.72 0.0000 OK B
CSB1 4.1312 UDCONU3 6784.72 0.0000 OK B
CSB1 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB1 1.0913 UDCONU4 7015.75 0.0000 OK B
CSB2 0.9319 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB2 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB2 3.8581 UDCONU3 5968.87 0.0000 OK B
CSB2 3.8581 UDCONU3 5968.87 0.0000 OK B
CSB2 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB2 0.9521 UDCONU4 6589.24 0.0000 OK B
CSB3 1.1002 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB3 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB3 4.4203 UDCONU3 7438.13 0.0000 OK B

5|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Table: ConcreteSlabDesignSummary01FlexuralAndShearData,Part2of2
Strip FBotArea VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
cm2 kgf cm2/cm
CSB3 4.4203 UDCONU3 7438.13 0.0000 OK B
CSB3 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB3 1.1364 UDCONU4 7699.47 0.0000 OK B
CSB4 1.2398 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB4 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB4 3.8358 UDCONU3 5769.35 0.0000 OK B
CSB4 3.8358 UDCONU3 5769.35 0.0000 OK B
CSB4 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB4 1.0352 UDCONU4 2484.96 0.0000 OK B
CSB5 0.7988 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB5 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB5 2.9633 UDCONU3 3813.81 0.0000 OK B
CSB5 2.9633 UDCONU3 3813.81 0.0000 OK B
CSB5 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB5 0.8207 UDCONU4 4793.80 0.0000 OK B
CSB6 0.6872 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB6 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB6 2.2113 UDCONU3 2652.13 0.0000 OK B
CSB6 2.2113 UDCONU3 2652.13 0.0000 OK B
CSB6 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB6 0.7384 UDCONU4 3503.01 0.0000 OK B
CSB7 0.7477 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB7 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB7 2.9242 UDCONU3 3051.80 0.0000 OK B
CSB7 2.9242 UDCONU3 3051.80 0.0000 OK B
CSB7 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB7 0.7852 UDCONU4 4731.43 0.0000 OK B
CSB8 0.9459 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB8 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB8 3.4990 UDCONU3 5603.07 0.0000 OK B
CSB8 3.4990 UDCONU3 5603.07 0.0000 OK B
CSB8 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB8 1.0135 UDCONU4 5573.15 0.0000 OK B
CSB9 0.9696 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB9 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB9 3.3356 UDCONU3 5531.91 0.0000 OK B
CSB9 3.3356 UDCONU3 5531.91 0.0000 OK B
CSB9 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB9 0.8837 UDCONU4 4432.19 0.0000 OK B
CSN2 0.9059 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN2 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN2 3.1951 UDCONU5 5239.80 0.0000 OK A
CSN2 3.1951 UDCONU5 5239.80 0.0000 OK A
CSN2 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN2 0.7260 UDCONU6 4082.49 0.0000 OK A
CSN3 1.0418 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN3 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN3 4.1826 UDCONU5 7454.96 0.0000 OK A
CSN3 4.1826 UDCONU5 7454.96 0.0000 OK A
CSN3 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN3 0.9817 UDCONU6 6782.53 0.0000 OK A
CSN4 1.0652 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN4 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A

6|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Table: ConcreteSlabDesignSummary01FlexuralAndShearData,Part2of2
Strip FBotArea VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
cm2 kgf cm2/cm
CSN4 4.8296 UDCONU5 8258.98 0.0000 OK A
CSN4 4.8296 UDCONU5 8258.98 0.0000 OK A
CSN4 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN4 1.2147 UDCONU6 8530.78 0.0000 OK A
CSN5 0.9517 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN5 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN5 3.5494 UDCONU5 5989.15 0.0000 OK A
CSN5 3.5494 UDCONU5 5989.15 0.0000 OK A
CSN5 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN5 1.0016 UDCONU6 5765.42 0.0000 OK A
CSN6 1.0181 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN6 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN6 3.7041 UDCONU5 5879.64 0.0000 OK A
CSN6 3.7041 UDCONU5 5879.64 0.0000 OK A
CSN6 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN6 1.0089 UDCONU6 6190.96 0.0000 OK A
CSN7 1.8042 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN7 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN7 4.1971 UDCONU5 7093.24 0.0000 OK A
CSN7 4.1971 UDCONU5 7093.24 0.0000 OK A
CSN7 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN7 1.7838 UDCONU6 7329.77 0.0000 OK A
CSN8 1.1155 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN8 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN8 4.4436 UDCONU5 7889.20 0.0000 OK A
CSN8 4.4436 UDCONU5 7889.20 0.0000 OK A
CSN8 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN8 1.0512 UDCONU6 7655.12 0.0000 OK A
CSN9 1.0135 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN9 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN9 4.1735 UDCONU5 7550.50 0.0000 OK A
CSN9 4.1735 UDCONU5 7550.50 0.0000 OK A
CSN9 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN9 1.0349 UDCONU6 7460.21 0.0000 OK A
CSB10 0.7820 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB10 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB10 1.7030 UDCONU3 2669.42 0.0000 OK B
CSB10 1.7030 UDCONU3 2669.42 0.0000 OK B
CSB10 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB10 0.7284 UDCONU4 2264.48 0.0000 OK B
CSB11 0.7627 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB11 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB11 1.5868 UDCONU3 2375.17 0.0000 OK B
CSB11 1.5868 UDCONU3 2375.17 0.0000 OK B
CSB11 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB11 0.6811 UDCONU4 2522.20 0.0000 OK B
CSB12 1.9130 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB12 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB12 7.9112 UDCONU3 11725.15 0.0000 OK B
CSB12 7.9112 UDCONU3 11725.15 0.0000 OK B
CSB12 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB12 2.1213 UDCONU4 12548.48 0.0000 OK B
CSB13 0.9940 0.00 0.0000 OK B

7|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Table: ConcreteSlabDesignSummary01FlexuralAndShearData,Part2of2
Strip FBotArea VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
cm2 kgf cm2/cm
CSB13 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB13 4.2831 UDCONU3 6940.44 0.0000 OK B
CSB13 4.2831 UDCONU3 6940.44 0.0000 OK B
CSB13 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB13 1.0652 UDCONU4 7329.97 0.0000 OK B
CSB14 0.9871 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB14 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB14 4.1437 UDCONU3 6970.29 0.0000 OK B
CSB14 4.1437 UDCONU3 6970.29 0.0000 OK B
CSB14 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB14 0.9866 UDCONU4 7237.68 0.0000 OK B
CSB15 0.7949 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB15 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB15 3.3102 UDCONU3 4182.58 0.0000 OK B
CSB15 3.3102 UDCONU3 4182.58 0.0000 OK B
CSB15 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB15 0.8627 UDCONU4 5451.46 0.0000 OK B
CSB16 0.7655 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB16 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB16 3.1551 UDCONU3 3414.48 0.0000 OK B
CSB16 3.1551 UDCONU3 3414.48 0.0000 OK B
CSB16 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB16 0.8876 UDCONU4 4955.51 0.0000 OK B
CSB17 0.9575 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB17 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB17 3.8008 UDCONU3 6464.15 0.0000 OK B
CSB17 3.8008 UDCONU3 6464.15 0.0000 OK B
CSB17 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB17 0.9546 UDCONU4 6603.58 0.0000 OK B
CSB18 1.1606 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB18 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB18 4.4137 UDCONU3 7571.38 0.0000 OK B
CSB18 4.4137 UDCONU3 7571.38 0.0000 OK B
CSB18 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB18 1.1336 UDCONU4 7767.20 0.0000 OK B
CSB19 1.0018 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB19 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB19 3.4042 UDCONU3 5524.94 0.0000 OK B
CSB19 3.4042 UDCONU3 5524.94 0.0000 OK B
CSB19 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB19 0.8698 UDCONU4 4110.79 0.0000 OK B
CSB20 1.0367 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB20 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB20 3.6520 UDCONU3 5866.84 0.0000 OK B
CSB20 3.6520 UDCONU3 5866.84 0.0000 OK B
CSB20 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK B
CSB20 0.8605 UDCONU4 3700.55 0.0000 OK B
CSN10 0.8977 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN10 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN10 3.3167 UDCONU5 5597.49 0.0000 OK A
CSN10 3.3167 UDCONU5 5597.49 0.0000 OK A
CSN10 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN10 0.8150 UDCONU6 5125.63 0.0000 OK A

8|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Table: ConcreteSlabDesignSummary01FlexuralAndShearData,Part2of2
Strip FBotArea VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
cm2 kgf cm2/cm
CSN11 0.8809 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN11 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN11 3.1458 UDCONU5 5150.94 0.0000 OK A
CSN11 3.1458 UDCONU5 5150.94 0.0000 OK A
CSN11 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN11 0.7611 UDCONU6 4629.20 0.0000 OK A
CSN12 1.0149 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN12 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN12 3.9533 UDCONU5 6904.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN12 3.9533 UDCONU5 6904.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN12 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN12 0.9620 UDCONU6 6697.27 0.0000 OK A
CSN13 1.2045 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN13 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN13 4.8721 UDCONU5 8707.77 0.0000 OK A
CSN13 4.8721 UDCONU5 8707.77 0.0000 OK A
CSN13 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN13 1.1014 UDCONU6 8088.98 0.0000 OK A
CSN14 1.1641 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN14 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN14 3.8781 UDCONU5 6013.29 0.0000 OK A
CSN14 3.8781 UDCONU5 6013.29 0.0000 OK A
CSN14 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN14 0.9474 UDCONU6 4752.69 0.0000 OK A
CSN15 1.0054 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN15 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN15 3.6154 UDCONU5 5944.22 0.0000 OK A
CSN15 3.6154 UDCONU5 5944.22 0.0000 OK A
CSN15 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN15 0.8958 UDCONU6 5890.39 0.0000 OK A
CSN16 1.0573 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN16 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN16 3.8723 UDCONU5 6469.77 0.0000 OK A
CSN16 3.8723 UDCONU5 6469.77 0.0000 OK A
CSN16 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN16 0.8271 UDCONU6 5647.68 0.0000 OK A
CSN17 0.8142 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN17 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN17 2.8600 UDCONU5 4425.55 0.0000 OK A
CSN17 2.8600 UDCONU5 4425.55 0.0000 OK A
CSN17 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN17 0.8125 UDCONU6 4630.40 0.0000 OK A
CSN18 0.7727 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN18 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN18 2.6430 UDCONU5 4176.76 0.0000 OK A
CSN18 2.6430 UDCONU5 4176.76 0.0000 OK A
CSN18 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN18 0.7653 UDCONU6 4189.14 0.0000 OK A
CSN19 0.7945 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN19 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN19 2.5712 UDCONU5 3918.87 0.0000 OK A
CSN19 2.5712 UDCONU5 3918.87 0.0000 OK A
CSN19 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A

9|P g . A 4 2
SAFE v2014 Elementos de Concreto Resumen de Diseo Cimentacin
ACI 318-14 Unidades: Kgf-cm

Table: ConcreteSlabDesignSummary01FlexuralAndShearData,Part2of2
Strip FBotArea VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
cm2 kgf cm2/cm
CSN19 0.6208 UDCONU6 3412.81 0.0000 OK A
CSN20 0.8180 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN20 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN20 2.6646 UDCONU5 4019.85 0.0000 OK A
CSN20 2.6646 UDCONU5 4019.85 0.0000 OK A
CSN20 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 OK A
CSN20 0.6487 UDCONU6 3436.54 0.0000 OK A

10|P g . A 4 2

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