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Industrial (ederations of Trade Unions

$ federation of trade union that works within the jurisdiction of a particular industry is
referred to as an industrial federation. uch as federation, consisting of some unions
( two or more) belonging to a particular industry provides a common platforms and a
joint endeavor of workers employed in different enterprise or units of the industry.In
general an industrial federation formulates charter of demands, convey workers*
grievances to the authority or to the Amployees* $ssociation negotiates with the
authorities concerned, and takes necessary step contingent on the result of their
0ational (ederation of Trade Union
$ @ational federation is as ape organi+ation of trade unions within the country. o far
as all types of trdeunion organi+ations, including national unions and industrial
federations can be affiliated with any such federation of their choice. !he federations
units may take guidance from it for formulating characters of demands, organi+ing
strikes and conducting negotiations with the management. ';

Regional Coittee
!his committee is alternatively known as +onal committee and is formed in different
regions at the initiative of the central eecutive committee of the federation. !he central
committee may also determine its composition. It is constituted to ensure effective
communication between central committee and basic union. e on the basis of filed
information inform the central committee and this is very much essential at times of
Branch Coittee
9ranch 5ommittee is an organ of the central committees. !his committee helps collection
of subscription from units, which otherwise becomes a difficult risk.!he laws and policies
of a government for industrial relations in fact, reflect the attitude of the government
towards labour. 9angladesh has inherited most of her labour laws from the colonial
period. $t present there are as may as forty or above labour and industrial laws in
operation concerning the issues and problems of industrial relation. ome of these laws
have been designed in the light of the I>C convention ratified by the 9angladesh.
'!2 Corru*tion *ractices
5orruption and labour racketeering have long been present in trade unions of different
countries in different forms and degrees. Aconomic power, political power and an
unholylliance between might and trade union leaders provide opportunities for the
corruption of trade union leaders It also observed that corruption and racketing have
long been present in trade union leadership in 9angladesh. It is rightly asserted that the
strength of trade union and its leadership is synonymous. 5orruption and labour
racketing have long been present in trade unions of different countries in different forms
and degrees. Aconomic power or political power and an unholy alliance between
management and trade union leaders provide opportunities for the corruption of trade
union leaders. In general a corrupt union leader can get private payments from
employers or management in return for a substandard contract G a so called sweet
heart agreement G or in turns for settling or averting a strike would impose loss on the
firm. $lso employees sometimes assist in organi+ing such a union to forestall
organiosation by a legitimate union. '3

'!3 Trade Union +eadershi* Character

@ow a day, all trade unions have various weaknesses different countries. Bowever, the
followings are the weaknesses of !rade union leadership in 9angladesh.'.
Influence of Political Parties
5lose relationship of political parties with trade union also leads union leaders to be
bribed by political parties to serve their interest.
!Corru*tion *ractices
5orruption and labour racketeering have long been present in trade unions of different
countries in different forms and degrees. Aconomic power, political power and an
unholylliance between might and trade union leaders provide opportunities for the
corruption of trade union leaders.
%Interference by the .o$ernent
5onseuent upon the centrali+ation of management at the national level, there has also
been an attempt by the state to pre- empt industrial conflict by removing it force its place
of generation to the remoter area of government dominated administrative and judicial
procedures which are concentrated around government operated conciliation and
adjudication of industrial disputes.
,/ Concluding Rear4s

Te5t and References

$lan 2o, ('HH), 0Royal 5ommission on !rade &nions and Amployers6, $ssociation
Research apers.7.Industrial ociology and Industrial Relations, p.7.$run "onappa,
(4//'), Industrial Relations, !ata "c:raw-Bill ublishing 5ompany >imited, @ew
<elhi<unlop, ?.A.!., ('3=), 0Industrial Relations ystems, outhern Illinois & ,
5arbondale, <unlop applies systems theory to industrial relations. !he basis for much
subseuent theoretical work on industrial relations inha, .R.@., inha, 9.and hekhar,
. (4//;), Industrial Relations, !rade &nions, and >abour >egislation, earson Aducation,
p.'3H-331.?ackson, "ichael, ('=7) Industrial Relations (eds) a te t book second
edition p.'1-434.

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