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Skeletal System Lab Report

Jose Cardona

This lab report addresses the Bone matrix, Pressure and force, and Homeostasis Imbalance-
osteoporosis the bone matrix tissue consists of widely separated cells surrounding by large
amounts of matrix the bone contains inorganic salts, primarily hydroxyapatite and some calcium
carbonate and collagen fibers. Bone matrix data table description had 3 different types of
chicken and we compared all 3 in how the collagen affected it and what happened to the salt.
The different types of chickens was cooked, fresh, and one of them was soaked in vinegar and
compared the differences between all of them how the texture felt.
The definition of pressure is the force per unit area. My independent variable was to walk once
barefooted on the scale and then walk with boots on the same scale so in total I had 2 trials. I
used the force plate to measure the total force that was applied.
Homeostasis imbalance can ruin your bones if they are not balanced well, they will end up not
functioning properly, you will feel weak. You need to have plenty of calcium to have strong
bones. If your bones become unbalanced osteoporosis and other conditions start to occur.
Figure 4 description- is the health of our bones and how they risk our lives if we dont take care
of ourselves to strengthen our bones and getting enough calcium.

Bone matrix lab -

Figure 1: bone histology slide description- Its a connective tissue that looks like the inside of
Table 1: Bone matrix data table
Collagen Salts

Cooked Chicken Hard, collagen removed Hard collagen is gone

when cooked.

Fresh Flexibility, Rubbery collagen Soft salts are present

is present.

Vinegar Soaked Squishy, only collagen is left. Squishy it's the inorganic
salts dissolving with the
Bone matrix data table description- Their was 3 different types of chicken and we compared all
3 in how the collagen affected it and what happened to the salt.

Bone force variances lab - Table 2 (pressures and forces data table)
Force of the Pressure of toes Force of heels Pressure of toes
heel on barefoot barefoot with boots in with boots

Trail one on 585 newtons 2.1pascals 654 newtons 3.0 pascals

force plate

Trail two on 675 newtons 1.27 pascals 702 newtons 3.2 pascals
force plate

Average of trails 596.8 newtons 1.15 pascals 610.5 newtons 3.3 pascals

Area cm 499 cm squared 280 cm squared

Table 2 (pressures and forces data table) description The table shows three trials of the force
plate both on barefoot and boots walking.
Figure 2 (bar graphs)description- The bar graph shows the force and pressure of my trails 1 & 2.
Figure 3 (at least one force graph, labeled)description- My procedure to this lab was to walk on
the scale one time barefooted and the other with my boots and compare and see my results.

Osteoporosis infographic-

Figure 4 description- The health of our bones and how they risk our lives if we dont take care of
ourselves to strengthen our bones and getting enough calcium.


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