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A BFO beat frequency oscillator.

BIH Bureau Internationale de lHeure.
A amplitude; augmentation; away (altitude BIPM International Bureau of Weights and
intercept); Arctic/Antarctic (air mass). Measures.
a semimajor axis. bk broken.
a altitude intercept (Ho~Hc); altitude fac- bkw breakwater.
tor (change of altitude in 1 minute of time bl blue.
from meridian transit); assumed. BM bench mark.
ABAND abandoned. Bn beacon.
AC alternating current; altocumulus. Bpgc bearing per gyrocompass.
ACC Antarctic Circumpolar Current. br breakers.
addl additional. Brg. bearing (as distinguished from bearing
ADF automatic direction finder. angle).
ADIZ air defense identification zone. bu blue.
AEB acquisition exclusion boundary.
AERO aeronautical. C
AF audio frequency.
AFC automatic frequency control.
AGC automatic gain control. C Celsius (centigrade); chronometer time;
AISM Association Internationale de Signalisa- compass (direction); correction; course,
tion Maritime (International Association course angle; can; cylindrical; cove.
of Lighthouse Authorities). CALM catenary anchor leg mooring.
aL assumed latitude. CB compass bearing.
Al., Alt, alternating (light). CBDR constant bearing, decreasing range.
A.L.R.S. Admiralty List of Radio Signals. CC compass course; chronometer correction.
am amber. CCIR International Radio Consultative Com-
AM amplitude modulation. mittee.
AM ante meridian (before noon). CCU Consultative Committee for Units of the
AMVER Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel International Committee of Weights and
Rescue system. Measures (CIPM).
Anch anchorage. CCZ Coastal Confluence Zone.
ANMS Automated Notice to Mariners System. cd candela, candelas.
antilog antilogarithm. CD chart datum.
AP assumed position. CD-ROM compact disk-read only memory.
approx. approximate, approximately. CG Coast Guard.
ARPA automatic radar plotting aid. CE chronometer error- compass error.
ASAM anti-ship action message. CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
ASF Additional Secondary Phase Factor. cec centicycle.
AT atomic time. cel centilane.
AU astronomical unit. CEP circular probable error.
AUSREP Australian Ships Reporting System. CES coast earth station.
al assumed longitude. CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
CGPM General Conference of Weights and
B Measures.
CH compass heading.
B atmospheric pressure correction (alti- CIPM International Committee of Weights and
tude); bearing, bearing angle. Measures.
Bdy Mon boundary monument. Cl clearance.


cm centimeter(s). DMAHTC Defense Mapping Agency Hydrograph-

CMG course made good. ic/Topographic Center.
Cn course (as distinguished from course angle). DNC digital navigation chart.
co coral. dol dolphin.
co- the complement of (90 minus). DR dead reckoning; dead reckoning position.
COA course of advance. DRE dead reckoning equipment.
COE Committee on ECDIS (IHO). DRM direction of relative movement.
COG course over ground. DRT dead reckoning tracer.
coL colatitude. Ds dip short of horizon.
colog cologarithm. DSC digital selective calling.
corr. correction. DSD double second difference.
cos cosine. DSVL doppler sonar velocity log.
cot cotangent. dur. duration.
cov coversine. DW Deep Water Route.
CPA closest point of approach. DZ danger zone.
CPE circular probable error.
Cpgc course per gyrocompass. E
cps cycles per second.
Cpsc course per standard compass. E east.
Cp stg c course per steering compass. e base of Naperian logarithms; origin of
CPU central processing unit. own ships true vector.
crs course. e eccentricity.
CRT cathode-ray tube. EBL electronic bearing line.
csc cosecant. ECD envelope to cycle difference; envelope to
cup cupola. cycle discrepancy.
Cus Ho customs house. EC electronic chart.
ECDB electronic chart data base.
CW continuous wave.
ECDIS electronic chart display and information
CZn compass azimuth.
ED existence doubtful.
D EDD estimated date of departure.
EEZ exclusive economic zone.
D deviation; dip (of horizon); distance; de- EGC enhanced group calling.
stroyed. EHF extremely high frequency.
d declination (astronomical); altitude dif- E. Int. equal interval; isophase.
ference. EM electromagnetic (underwater log).
d declination change in 1 hour. em other ships true vector.
dA difference of longitude (time units). ENC electronic navigation chart.
DC direct current. ENCDB electronic navigation chart data base.
deg. degree(s). EP estimated position.
Dec. declination. EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio-
Dec. Inc. declination increment. beacon.
Dep. departure. EPROM erasable programmable read only memory.
destr destroyed. Eq.T equation of time.
Dev. deviation. er own ships true vector.
DG degaussing. ET Ephemeris Time.
DGPS differential global positioning system. ETA estimated time of arrival.
DHQ mean diurnal high water inequality. ETD estimated time of departure.
Dia diaphone. Exting extinguished.
diff. difference.
Dist. distance. F
D. Lat. difference of latitude.
DLo difference of longitude (arc units). F Fahrenheit; fast; longitude factor; phase
DLQ mean diurnal low water inequality. correction (altitude); fixed (light)
dm decimeters. f latitude factor.

f flattening or ellipticity. Ho observed altitude.

F.Fl. fixed and flashing. Hor horizontal.
Fl. flashing (light). Hor Cl horizontal clearance.
Fl. (2) group flashing (light). HP horizontal parallax.
Fl. (2+1) composite group flashing (light). Hp precomputed altitude.
fm(s) fathom(s). Hpgc heading per gyrocompass.
FM frequency modulation. Hpsc heading per standard compass.
Fog Det. fog detector. Hp stg c heading per steering compass.
Fog Sig. fog signal. hr rectified (apparent) altitude.
ft. foot, feet. hr. hour, hrs., hours.
FTC fast time constant. hs sextant altitude.
HSD high speed data.
G ht tabulated altitude.
HW high water.
G Greenwich; Greenwich meridian (upper H.W.F.&C. high water full and change.
branch); grid (direction); gravel; green. HWI high water interval, mean high water
g acceleration due to gravity; Greenwich lunitidal interval.
meridian (lower branch). HWQ tropic high water inequality.
GAT Greenwich apparent time. Hz Hertz.
GB grid bearing.
GC grid course. I
GCLWD Gulf Coast Low Water Datum.
GDOP geometric dilution of precision. I instrument correction.
GE gyro error.
i inclination (of satellite orbit).
GH grid heading.
IALA International Association of Lighthouse
GHA Greenwich hour angle. Authorities.
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety IAU International Astronomical Union.
IC index correction.
GMT Greenwich mean time.
ICW Intracoastal Waterway.
Gp. Fl. group flashing.
IGLD International Great Lakes Datum.
GP geographical position.
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau.
GPS Global Positioning System.
IHO International Hydrographic Organiza-
Gr. Greenwich. tion.
GRI group repetition interval. IMO International Maritime Organization.
GST Greenwich sidereal time.
in. inch, inches.
GV grid variation.
INM International Nautical Mile.
GZn grid azimuth.
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organi-
H INS inertial navigation system.
int. interval.
h altitude (astronomical); height above sea Int. Qk. Interrupted quick flashing.
level; hours. ION Institute of Navigation.
ha apparent altitude. I.Q. interrupted quick flashing.
Hc computed altitude. IR interference rejection.
Hdg. heading. IRP image-retaining panel.
HE heeling error; height of eye. ISLW Indian spring low water.
HF high frequency. ISO International Order of Standardization;
hf height above sea level in feet. isophase (light).
HHW higher high water. ITU International Telecommunications Union.
HHWI higher high water interval. IUGG International Union of Geodesy and Geo-
Hk hulk. physics.
HLW higher low water. I.U.Q. interrupted ultra quick flashing.
HLWI higher low water interval. I.V.Q. interrupted very quick flashing.
hm height above sea level in meters. IWW Intracoastal Waterway.

JKL mb millibar(s).
MC magnetic course.
mc megacycle, megacycles; megacycles per
J irradiation correction (altitude).
K Kelvin (temperature).
MC&G mapping, charting and geodesy.
kHz kilohertz.
MCPA minutes to closest point of approach.
km kilometer, kilometers.
Mer. Pass. meridian passage.
kn knot, knots.
MF medium frequency.
L latitude; lower limb correction for moon.
MGRS military grid reference system.
l difference of latitude; logarithm, loga-
MH magnetic heading.
MHHW mean higher high water.
LAN local apparent noon.
MHHWL mean higher high water line.
LANBY large automatic navigational buoy.
MHW mean high water.
LASH lighter aboard ship.
MHWI mean high water lunitidal interval.
LAT local apparent time.
MHWL mean high water line.
lat. latitude.
MHWN neap high water or high water neaps.
LF low frequency.
MHWS mean high water springs.
L.Fl. long flashing.
MHz megahertz.
LHA local hour angle.
mi. mile, miles.
LHW lower high water.
mid middle.
LHWI lower high water interval.
min. minute(s).
LL lower limb.
MLLW mean lower low water.
LLW lower low water.
MLLWL mean lower low water line.
LLWD lower low water datum.
MLW mean low water.
LLWI lower low water interval.
MLWI mean low water lunitidal interval.
Lm middle latitude; mean latitude.
MLWL mean low water line.
LMT local mean time.
MLWN neap low water or low water neaps.
LNB large navigational buoy.
MLWS mean low water springs.
LNG liquified natural gas.
mm millimeters.
LPG liquified petroleum gas.
Mn mean range of tide.
Log logarithm, logarithmic.
mo(s) month(s).
Loge natural logarithm (to the base e).
MODU mobile offshore drilling unit.
Log10 common logarithm (to the base 10).
Mon monument.
Long. longitude.
Mo.(U) Morse Uniform (light).
LOP line of position.
mph miles per hour.
LST local sidereal time.
MPP most probable position.
Lt. light.
MRI mean rise interval.
Lt Ho light house.
MRM miles of relative movement.
Lt V light vessel.
ms millisecond(s).
LW low water.
MSC Military Sealift Command.
LWD low water datum.
MSI maritime safety information.
LWI low water interval; mean low water
lunitidal interval. MSL mean sea level.
LWQ tropic low water inequality. MTI moving target indication.
MTL mean tide level.
MWL mean water level.
M MWLL mean water level line.
MZn magnetic azimuth.
M celestial body; meridian (upper branch);
magnetic (direction); meridional parts;
nautical mile, miles; other ship.
m meridian (lower branch); meridional dif-
ference; meter,(s); U.S. survey mile, N north; nun.
miles; end of other ships true vector; n natural (trigonometric function).
minutes. Na nadir.
mag. magnetic; magnitude. NAD North American Datum.
MARAD United States Maritime Administration. NASA National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
MB magnetic bearing. istration.

NAUTO nautophone. PPI plan position indicator.

NAVINFONET Navigation Information Network. PRF pulse repetition frequency.
NAVSAT Navy Navigation Satellite System. Priv private; privately.
NAVSSI navigation sensor system interface. PROHIB prohibited.
NBDP narrow band direct printing. PRR pulse repetition rate.
NBS National Bureau of Standards. Ps south pole; south celestial pole.
NCS network coordination station. psc per standard compass.
NESS National Earth Satellite Service. p stg c per steering compass.
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum. Pub. publication.
NLT not less than (used with danger bearing). PV prime vertical.
n. mi. nautical mile(s). Pyl pylon.
NM nautical mile, miles; notice to mariners.
NMEA National Marine Electronics Associa-
tion. Q
NMT not more than (used with danger bear-
ing). Q quick flashing.
NNSS Navy Navigation Satellite System. Q(3) group quick flashing (3 flashes).
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Q(6)+L.Fl. group quick flashing (6 flashes) plus a
ministration. long flash.
NOS National Ocean Service. Q Polaris correction.
NRML new relative movement line. QQ celestial equator.
NtM notice to mariners.
NWS National Weather Service.
r end of own ships true vector.
R Rankine (temperature); refraction; own
Obsc obscured. ship; red; rocky; coast radio station.
Obs Spot Observation spot. RA right ascension.
Obstr obstruction. RACON radar transponder beacon.
Oc. occulting. rad radian(s).
Oc.(2) group occulting. RB relative bearing.
Oc.(2+1) composite group occulting.
R Bn radiobeacon.
Occas occasional.
RCC Rescue Coordination Center.
ODAS oceanographic data acquisition systems.
RDF radio direction finder, RDF station.
Or orange.
Rep. reported.
OTC officer in tactical command.
rev. reversed.
OTSR Optimum Track Ship Routing.
RF (rf) radio frequency.
R Fix running fix.
P rk rock, rocky.
RLG ring laser gyro.
P atmospheric pressure; parallax; planet; rm relative DRM-SRM vector.
pole; pillar. R Mast radio mast.
p departure; polar distance. RORO roll-on/roll-off.
PA position approximate. RML relative movement line.
PC personal correction; personal computer.
RMS root mean square.
PD position doubtful.
RSS root sum square.
PCA polar cap absorption.
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Mari-
PCD polar cap disturbance.
time Services.
PCP potential point of collision.
RZn relative azimuth.
pgc per gyrocompass.
P in A parallax in altitude.
PM pulse modulation. S
PM post meridian (after noon).
Pn north pole; north celestial pole. s second(s).
PPC predicted propagation correction. S sea-air temperature difference correc-
PPDB point positioning data base. tion; slow; south; set; speed; sand.

SALM single anchor leg mooring. TD time difference (Loran C).

SAM system area monitor. Tel telephone; telegraph.
SAR search and rescue. TG time difference of groundwaves from
SART search and rescue radar transponder. master and secondary (slave) stations
SBM single buoy mooring. (Loran).
SD semidiameter; sounding doubtful. TGS time difference of groundwave from
sec secant. master and skywave from secondary
sec. second, seconds. (slave) station (Loran).
semidur. semiduration. TH true heading.
SENC system electronic navigation chart. TMG track made good.
SES ship earth station. TOD time of day (clock).
SF Secondary Phase Factor. Tk tank.
SH ships head (heading). TR track.
SHA sidereal hour angle. Tr transit; tower.
SHF super high frequency. Ts time difference of skywaves from master
SI International System of Units. and secondary (slave) stations (Loran).
SID sudden ionospheric disturbance. TSG time difference of skywave from master
sin sine. and groundwave from secondary (slave)
SINS Ships Inertial Navigation System. station (Loran).
SLD sea level datum. TSS traffic separation scheme.
SMG speed made good. TZn true azimuth.
SNR signal-to-noise ratio.
SOA speed of advance. U
SOG speed over ground.
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea Convention.
U upper limb correction for moon.
SP spire; spherical.
SPA sudden phase anomaly. UHF ultra high frequency.
SPM single point mooring. UL upper limb.
SRM speed of relative movement. Uncov uncovers.
SS signal station. UPS Universal Polar Stereographic.
U.S. Sur M U.S. Survey mile(s). U.Q. ultra quick flashing.
sub, subm submerged. USGS United States Geodetic Survey.
USWMS Uniform State Waterway Marking Sys-
UT Universal Time.
UT0 Universal Time 0.
T air temperature correction (altitude); ta-
UTl Universal Time 1.
ble; temperature; time; toward (altitude
intercept); true (direction). UT2 Universal Time 2.
t dry-bulb temperature; elapsed time; me- UTC Coordinated Universal Time.
ridian angle. UTM Universal Transverse Mercator.
t' wet-bulb temperature.
tab. table. V
TAI International Atomic Time.
tan tangent.
V variation; vertex.
TB true bearing; turning bearing; air temper-
v excess of GHA change from adopted val-
ature atmospheric pressure correction
ue for 1 hour.
TC true course. var. variation.
TCA time of satellite closest approach. vel velocity.
TCPA time to closest point of approach. Ver vertical.
TcHHW tropic higher high water. VHF very high frequency.
TcHHWI tropic higher high water interval. VHSD very high speed data.
TcHLW tropic higher low water. Vi violet.
TcLHW tropic lower high water. VLCC very large crude carrier.
TcLLW tropic lower low water. VLF very low frequency.
TcLLWI tropic lower low water interval. VPF vector product format.

vol volcano; volcanic. WT watch time.

VPF vector product format.
V.Q. very quick flashing.
V.Q.(3) group very quick flashing.
VRM variable range marker.
VTS vessel traffic service. X parallactic angle.
XMTR transmitter.
W y. yellow.
yd(s). yard(s).
W west; white. yr(s). year(s).
WARC World Administrative Radio Council. z zenith distance.
WE watch error. Z azimuth angle; zenith.
WGS World Geodetic System.
ZD zone description.
Wk wreck.
WMO World Meteorological Organization. Z Diff. azimuth angle difference.
WWNWS World Wide Navigational Warning Ser- Zn azimuth.
vice. Znpgc azimuth per gyrocompass.

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