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ME101: Supplementary notes for Division 2

Dr. Sangamesh Deepak R

January 2015
Chapter 1

Basic Principles: Static

equilibrium equation and
equivalent system of forces

1.1 Newtons laws of motion and rigid bodies

Newtons law deals with particles. We consider a rigid body as a collection
of particles.

1.2 Representation of a system of forces on a

rigid body
A set of forces f 1 , f 2 , ... , f n acting at points A1 , A2 , ... , An of a rigid body
is represented as {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} and is popularly called as a system
of forces. It is assumed that the forces are all acting at the same time. In a
diagram, as in figure (1.1), head or tail of the force vector is placed at the
point of action of the force. We will treat systems of forces as sets as per set
theory and set operations such as union are permissible on these systems.

1.3 Equations of static equilibrium for rigid

A rigid body is considered to be in a static condition if all the particles of the
rigid body have zero acceleration with respect to a intertial reference frame.
A system of forces {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} is incapable of disturbing the static

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Figure 1.1: A system of forces on a rigid body

condition of a rigid body if and only if

fi = 0 (1.1)
r Ai /O f i = 0 (1.2)

where r P/Q indicates the position vector of point P with respect to point
Q. Equation (1.1) is called force summation equation and equation (1.2) is
called moment summation equation about point O.
It appears that the equation of equilibrium has dependency on point O.
However, it can be proved that if a system of force satisfy static equilibrium
equation about point O then it will also satisfy static equilibrium equation
about a point O where O is distinct from point O. The proof follows as a
corollary to proposition 1.

1.4 Equivalent force systems

In the statics of rigid bodies we are concerned about the contribution of a
system of forces to the equilibrium equations (1.1 and 1.2). If a more con-
venient system of forces have the same contribution to equilibrium equation
as the former system, then from the point of view of analysis, it may prove
beneficial to replace the former system of forces by the latter system of forces.
We will now formally define this ability to replace one force system by other
as equivalence.

Definition 1. Two system of forces {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} and { g j , Bj |j =
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1, . . . , m} are equivalent about point O if

X m
fi = gj (1.3)
i=1 j=1
X Xm
r Ai /O f i = r Bj /O g j (1.4)
i=1 j=1

Proposition 1. If two system of forces {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} and { g j , Bj |j =
1, . . . , m} are equivalent about point O, then they are equivalent about any
point O.

Proof. It is given that

X m
fi = gj (1.5)
i=1 j=1
X Xm
r Ai /O f i = r Bj /O g j (1.6)
i=1 j=1

and we have to prove that

X m
r Ai /O f i = r Bj /O g j (1.7)
i=1 j=1

For any point P , we can write

r P/O = r P/O + r O/O


Using equation (1.8) in equation (1.7), we get

X n
X m
X m
r Ai /O f i + r O/O
fi = r Bj /O g j + r O/O
gj (1.9)
i=1 i=1 j=1 j=1

Substitution of equation (1.5) in equation (1.9) and further simplification

yields the required equation (1.7).
The implication of this proposition is that we can drop the phrase about
point O in the definition of equivalence.
If two system of forces A and B are equivalent, then we can symbolically
write the equivalence relation as A B. The following properties of the
equivalence relation may be noted. For any system of force A, B and C on a
rigid body, we have:
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Reflexive property: A A

Symmetric property: If A B, then B A

Transitive property: If A B and B C, then A C.

1.5 Couple
Definition 2. Basic form of a couple is defined as a system of two equal and
opposite forces acting at two distinct points of a rigid body.

Definition 3. A couple is either a union of disjoint basic forms of couple on

the same rigid body or an equivalent of such an union.

P the system of forces {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , 3} shown in

Example 1. Consider
figure (1.2) where 3i=1 f i = 0. Prove that the system of forces is a couple.

A3 f1


Figure 1.2: A system of forces on a rigid body

Proof. Pick a point P as shown in figure (1.3) and add a system of three
forces {(g i , P ) |i = 1, . . . , 3} at point P such that g iP
= f i forP
i = 1, . . . , 3.
g 1 , g 2 , and g 3 are acting on the same particle and i=1 f i = 3i=1 g i = 0.

Hence, the contribution of the system {(g i , P ) |i = 1, . . . , 3} to both force

summation equation and moment summation equation is zero. Therefore,
inspite of the addition of a new system, the system forces shown in figure
(1.3) is equivalent to the system of forces shown in figure (1.2), i. e.,

{(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , 3}
{(f 1 , A1 ) , (f 2 , A2 ) , (f 3 , A3 ) , (g 1 , P ) , (g 2 , P ) , (g 2 , P )} (1.10)
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P A3 f1

g1 f3


Figure 1.3: A system of forces on a rigid body


{(f 1 , A1 ) , (f 2 , A2 ) , (f 3 , A3 ) , (g 1 , P ) , (g 2 , P ) , (g 2 , P )} =
{(f 1 , A1 ) , (g 1 , P )} {(f 2 , A2 ) , (g 2 , P )} {(f 3 , A3 ) , (g 3 , P )} (1.11)

From relations (1.10) and (1.11), we have

{(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , 3}
{(f 1 , A1 ) , (g 1 , P )} {(f 2 , A2 ) , (g 2 , P )} {(f 3 , A3 ) , (g 3 , P )} (1.12)

In the relation (1.12), we see that the given system of forces is equivalent to
the union of three disjoint basic forms of couple. Hence the given system of
forces is a couple by definition 3.
Proposition 2. If a system of forces has zero contribution to force summa-
tion equation, then the system of forces is a couple
Proof. On the same lines as example 1.
Definition 4. If a system of forces is a couple, the contribution of system
of forces to moment summation equation about a point O is called couple
moment about O.
Proposition 3. For a system of forces that is a couple, couple moment about
where O and O
O is equal to couple moment about point O are any two points.

Proof. Proof was discussed in class

The implication of proposition 3 is that we can drop the phrase about
point O from the definition of couple moment.
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Definition 5. Shifting of a system of forces {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} on a rigid

body by a vector d means replacing the system by a new system {(f i , Bi ) |i =
1, . . . , n} acting on the same rigid body such that r Bi /Ai = d, i = 1, . . . , n.

Proposition 4. If a system of forces {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} on a rigid body

is a couple, then shifting of the system of by any vector d leaves its couple
moment unchanged.

Proof. Proof discussed in the class.

1.5.1 Specification of a couple

For describing a couple, one could describe the system of forces it represents.
However, for the sake of simplicity and the fact that we are eventually in-
terested in the contribution of the system to force and moment summation
equations, we can specify a couple merely by its couple moment. Further,
in the free-body diagram, instead of providing details of forces and points of
action, as in figure (1.2), one could merely use the symbol shown in figure
(1.4) with c being the couple moment associated with the couple. Further-
more, from proposition 4, it follows that the symbol can be placed anywhere
on the rigid body.

Figure 1.4: Simplified representation of a system of forces on a rigid body

that forms a couple

1.5.2 A system of forces and couples

So far we have made distinction between couple as a special system of forces
and couple moment as vector that is equal to the moment of the forces in the
system. However, it is not uncommon to see couple moment being referred as
couple itself. Instead of saying that a couple with couple moment 10k Nm
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is acting on a rigid body, one might simply say that a couple of 10k Nm
is acting on the body. Another word torque is also used in the similar
context. I will leave to the readers to judge whether these words mean a
system of forces or just couple moment vector. However, for the purpose of
remaining portion of the notes, I will use c to mean couple moment and hci
to mean the couple.
So far we have been speaking about a system of forces. However, it
is not uncommon to encounter situation where there are both forces and
couple/torque. The first tutorial sheet had such problems. In this context, I
would call a set of forces f i acting point Ai , for i = 1, . . . , n and set of couples
hc1 i, . . . , hcm i as a system of forces and couples if {(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n}
and the force system that hc1 i, . . . , hcm i represent are all mutually disjoint
sets. In other words, there should not be any common force among these
sets. We now generalize the principle of equivalence for a system of forces
and couples.
Definition 6. A system of forces and couples

{(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} hc1 i hcm i

is equivalent to another system of forces and couples

{ g j , Bj |j = 1, . . . , p} h
c1 i h
cq i

n p
fi = gj (1.13)
i=1 j=1
n m p q
X  X X  X
r Ai /O f i + ck = r Bj /O g j + cl (1.14)
i=1 k=1 j=1 l=1

1.6 Resultant of a system of forces and cou-

ples about a point
Definition 7. For a given system of forces and couples

{(f i , Ai ) |i = 1, . . . , n} hc1 i hcm i

its resultant about a point P is a new system of force and couple

{(f R , P )} hcR i
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fR = fi (1.15)
X Xm

cR = r Ai /O f i + ck (1.16)
i=1 k=1

Proposition 5. A given system of forces and couples is equivalent to its

resultant about any point.

Proof. I will leave this as an exercise for you.

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