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The Church has come into its' own. We can see it for what it truly is now. The sad,
empty frame of betrayal. Is there anyone that can actually read in a Bible: Slave obey
your master? his is in The New Testament. This is the edict given out in 1491, when
The Church, along with The Synagogue of Satan decided to declare Black people, The
Chosen of The Almighty 'Animals'. This is when White people overtly detoured and
deviated from the Almighty and The Word given to Enoch the Patriarch. In Enoch, we
learn as Black people that we are not to 'oppress' or enslave man. So, who are these
Jews and Catholics that do so and contort the Word of The Almighty to fit their schemes
of murder and oppression. If the book of Peter promotes slavery, we must question it.
The Jew say: goya and the Catholic say: animal. All and all they consider the
Black man that started civilization as their subject, as the fallen evil spirits and satans
considered Man beneath them. This is how we know that the spirit of Satan resides
within The Caucasian race of Jews and Catholic. Now, there exists many other Tribes of
White people as there exist Black people. However, through The Jews whom own
Hollywood and the banking industry, they control the minds of the masses through this
The Zionist actually control the indoctrination policies. They attempt to refer to it as
Education. Although we as Black people know it to be western civilization colonialism.
It is founded on Christopher Columbus and his murderous rampage to spread the evils of
the Catholic Church and The teachings of The Talmud. We can see this in the
homosexual cirriculum being thrusted upon The Black people in what they term Public
Education. We find that this which is called Public Education is nothing more than a
tool to re-enforce the programming being conducted by entertainment through the mode
of television. The leader of public teaching union is a zionist, brain washing Blacks.
The Television, Public Indoctrination Education program, along with War and The
industrial prison complex are vehicles to keep the Black man enslaved. Worst, White
Caucasians do not understand that they will be destroyed just as the Black people. It's
only a chipping away process. Jews actually pushed Jews into those furnaces. Jews
actually gave Hitler The arms and monies to finance his war against Jews. So, whom
are the antisemitic?
Mussolini didn't just March into Africa without the blessing of Their Pope. They
don't teach in school that Napoleon blew the face off of the statues because Black people
built them, along with the Pyramids. This, before one White person came from their
Why don't they teach in The public schools about the truth of the murders of Martin
Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and his brother and son. Why don't the media tell the
truth about the events surrounding September 11, 2001? Moreover, why do they not
report on the fact that most of the witnesses were murdered. These are what are referred
to as extra judicial or drone killings that the government term necessary to preserve the
lies of the United States Corporation.
Now, who owned and insured the Twin Towers and received the insurance payouts
after they blew them up? The Zionist Jews. This was a mass murder. Why did the
government of Rudolph Gulliani and Bush not accept the statements of the first
responders and survivors that: bombs where exploding from inside the building and
that building 7 was a controlled demolition. This offered by fire fighters on the scene.
if you think it is impossible or improbable; just refer to the attacks the Zionist Jews
conducted against The USS Liberty in 1967. Israel killed 34 American Naval Officers.
They intentionally murdered them and tried to blame it on someone else in an attempt to
lure the United States into the War against Palestine. Why is this not taught in school,
public or private that Israel intentionally murder people..
Why is it that Black people created Jazz, but the Jews own the music? Why is it that
before Will Smith can become a big screen actor, he has to image on screen defying The
Will of The Almighty by being a homosexual as an example to the Black Children.
Even better, Denzel Washington is given an award for being a corrupt cop, but not for
being Malcolm X.

WHY? Because the rule of satan is over upon the Earth. These are his last tricks.
Everything Will Be Reconciled. The Balances are before The Earth. REPENT!!!

Read: The Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews, along with William Cooper
Behold A Pale Horse

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