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Di amrika serikat penyakit jantung koroner adalah penyebab nomor satu

kematian untuk pria dan wanita penyakit jantung koroner adalah penyakit
dimana lilin yang zat yang disebut plak menumpuk didalam arteri koroner yang
memasok darah yang kaya oksigen ke jantung anda. Penumpukkan plak lembur
menyebabkan pengerasan dan penyempitan pembuluh darah disebut
arterosklerosis. Arterosklerosis dapat menyebabkan masalah serius termasuk
serangan jantung, stroke bahkan kematian. Arteri yang sehat kuat dan elastis
mereka menjadi menyempit antara detak jantung dan mereka membantu
menjaga tekanan darah anda konsisten ini membantu bergerak darah melalui
tubuh dan plak arterosklerosis akan menumpuk didalam arteri hitam yang terdiri
dari kalsium, kolesterol lemak dan zat lain yang ditemukan dalam darah dari
waktu ke waktu. Mengeras di menympit arteri koroner anda penumpukan batas
plakaliran darah yang kaya oksigen ke jantung anda yang dapat menyebabkan
nyeri dada atau ketidaknyamanan disebut angina akhirnya daerah plak dapat
pecah atau membuka. Jika plak pecah, gumpalan darah di forum pada
permukaan bekuan darah besar sebagian atau seluruhnya dapat memblokir
aliran darah melalui arteri koroner yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung
pada arterosklerosis adalah masalah kesehatan umum .pengobatan utama untuk
artero sklerosis adalah perubahan gaya hidup seperti mengikuti diet sehat
berhenti merokok dan aktif secara fisik anda juga mungkin perlu obat-obatan
dan prosedur medis perawatan ini bersama dengan yang sdang berlangsung
medis. Perawatan dapat membantu anda menjalani hidup sehat untuk informasi
lebih lanjut ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Video 1

As a sign of breast cancer. Arteriolosclerosis so the last arteriosclerosis category

well talk about is arteriolosclerosis . arteriolosclerosis is a category of blood
vessel hardening diseases the affect small blood vessels and is caused by high-
blood pressure and diabetes. Hyaline arteriolosclerosis is one type of
arteriolosclerosis where instead of a builup of plaque on the walls of the arteries,
the high-pressured blood flowing through the blood vessels caused proteins
floating around in the blood to leak into the blood vessels walls. Overtime these
youll see these wall begin to build up a lot of these proteins, making the blood
vessels stiffer. When you look at a blood vessel through a microscope, youll see
a pink hyaline material that is making the blood vessel very thick. Thick wall
mean that the lumen of the vessel start to get narrower. This basically reduces
blood flow to the organs that are supplied blood through these vessels, and the
organs get starved of oxygen. This is ussually seen in the kidneys where not
enough blood is supplying the small glomeruli blood vessels and the glomerulus
itself, causing the glomerulus to scar (summed up nicely by the term
arteriolonephrosclerosis) if we dont do something to stop it, well see scarring
occur to enough glomeruli that a person develops chronic renal failure. People
with diabetes can have hyaline arteriolosclerosis through a different mechanism.
Chronic exposure to high blood sugar directly damage the endothelium, likely by
altering carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which in turn damages the basement
membrane of the blood vessels. Another type of arteriolosclerosis is called
hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis, which also happens due to thickening of the small
blood vessels wall, and occurs when a person has extreme hypertension. The
blood vessels compensate for this high blood pressure by adding additional
layers of smooth muscle and basement membrane, to the blood vessels wall,
making the blood vessel stronger . the downside is this extra muscle is that it
decreases the space in the lumen for blood to pass through. If you look at these
hyperplastic blood vessels under a microscope, you can see the rings of smooth
muscle wit a small lumen. Which kind of looks like an onion. Just like in hyaline
arteriolosclerosis, hyperplastics arteriolosclerosis can then cause ischemia in the
organs it supplies. Also just like hyaline arteriolosclerosis, hyperplastics
arteriolosclerosis typically affects the arteriole walls of the kidney. The high blood
pressure destroys the blood vessels in the kidneys, causing renal ischemia.
Whats unique in hyperplastics arteriolosclerosis is the kidneys themselves will
look a bit like they have insect bites everywhere. And thats because the high-
blood pressure ruptures the weakened renal blood vessel walls, causing small
hemorrhages all over the kidneys. These small blood vessel hemorrhages give
the kidney tissue the appearance that they have been bitten by insects.

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