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How Shoots Eye Tree Grafting Rubber

at the moment there are some early stage grafting that should be done are:
Six Stages of Implementation Grafting

Trunk readiness Down

Wrap the stems of plants ranging from 5-7 cm measured at a height of 5 cm from ground level
Shoots end in a state of sleep or an old leaf

Making the window Grafting

Window-making activity stage grafting:
Rootstock cleaned of dirt / soil using a clean cloth
Rootstock already clean sliced vertical
parallel slices made two pieces of 25 rods with a size of 5-10 cm from ground level
The length of 5-7 cm slices
Width sliced 1/3 girth
Create a cross-section over a vertical slice opened a little earlier and ends to openings from
above and below a vertical slice of the openings from the bottom
Adherence eyes starting from the first bar and after completion of all, starting again make an
incision of 25 rods, and so on
Eye Shield manufacture Grafting

Stages activity of making the shield grafting is as follows:

Eye best to shield candidates grafting is an eye that is above the former axillary
Shield the eye is made by slicing wood grafting eyed entres good, with a width of 1 cm and a
length of 5-7 cm
For grafting window openings of the bags on wooden entres eye position facing upwards
For openings from below, the eye position on the timber facing downwards entres
penyayatan eyeshade grafting done by including a little piece of wood bark Remove the timber
carefully by pulling the timber section eyeshade should be sought not bruised, and the inside
klitnya can not be held or exposed to dirt
Shield grafting is a good eye eyeshade on the inner bark of a white point that stands out
If the perforated inner skin means his eyes behind the wooden parts and the shield should not
be attached to the rootstock

Eye Shield attachment Grafting

Adherence eyeshade rootstock grafting performed on grafting as soon as the window opened.
Stages of activity are as follows:
Once the eye shield grafting is prepared, as soon as the window opened and visor grafting put
in the window
grafting Window closed by pressing the end of the window, at the same end portion of the
shield is held cut off and discarded
Shield eyes do not move grafting cultivated so as not to damage the eye
Window grafting closed immediately wrapped
Wrapping (see photo)

Intended to create in order to shield the eyes of grafting really attached to the rootstock and
protected from water and dirt
Material untukn pads are plastic tape grafting
To lower the openings of the dressing starts from the bottom, and vice versa
Wrap done twice and exceeded about 2 cm at the top and bottom of the window grafting

The opening and inspection Grafting

After grafting aged 2-3 weeks, then bandage grafting can be opened to its success
Wrap opened by means of a plastic slicing grafting from the bottom up, right beside the
window grafting
Further grafting window is opened by cutting the tongue grafting window
The success of grafting can be determined by making cungkilan the eye shield grafting outside
eyes. When the green cungkilan means grafting declared successful
Grafting which was marked by tying former grafting plastic piece on the shaft
Revocation of grafting seedlings to be used as a sleeping eye stum can be done in two ways,
namely by using a hoe and seeds jack tool (pulling jack)

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