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Table 1: List of Variables in the pennstate22017 Data

Variable Name Label General Type Specific Type Measurement
Gender Persons Gender Categorical Nominal N/A
Tattoo Does this person Categorical Nominal N/A
have tattoo(s)?
CDs Number of CDs Categorical Ordinal N/A
Height Height in inches Quantitative Interval/Ratio Inches
Ear Piercings Number of ear Quantitative Interval/Ratio Number of
piercings Piercings

The pennstate22017 data set gives the values of two categorical and three quantitative variables
from a sample of 205 students from Penn State University in the Spring semester of the year
2000. Table 1 displays the list of variables in the pennstate22017 data set along with the
variables descriptive label, general and specific variable type, and their units of measurement
(when applicable).

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics for Height and Ear Piercings

Table 2 displays the descriptive statistics for the two quantitative variables, height and ear
piercings, in the pennstate22017 data set. The minimum height is 60.00 inches and the maximum
height is 77.00 inches. The minimum number of ear piercings is 0.00 and the maximum number
of ear piercings is 13.00.
There is only a .03 difference in the mean (67.03 in.) and median (67.00 in.) for height,
which would suggesting a symmetric (normal) distribution. In regards to ear piercings, there is a
0.76 difference in the mean (2.76) and median (2.00), which suggests that the data is skewed to
the right because the median is less than the mean.
Table 3: Frequency Table for Gender
Gender Frequency Cumulative Percent Cumulative
Frequency Percent
Female 137.00 137.00 66.83% 66.83%
Male 68.00 205.00 33.17% 100.00%

Table 3 indicates that there are more females than males in the pennstate22017 data set.
Females represent 66.83 percent of all students in the data set. Therefore, female is the mode for
the variable Gender.
Table 4: Frequency Table for Tattoo
Tattoo Frequency Cumulative Percent Cumulative
Frequency Percent
No 174.00 174.00 84.88% 84.88%
Yes 31.00 205.00 15.12% 100.00%

Table 4 shows that there are more individuals without tattoos than have tattoos by
approximately six to one. Individuals who do not have a tattoo is the mode for this variable
Table 5: Frequency Table for CDs
CDs Frequency Cumulative Percent Cumulative
Frequency Percent
Above Average 60.00 60.00 29.27% 29.27%
(more than 80)
Average (31 to 88.00 148.00 42.93% 72.20%
Below Average 57.00 205.00 27.28% 100.00%
(0 to 30)

Table 5 represents the distribution of the amount of CDs an individual student owns by three
ordinal categories. These categories are above average (owns more than 80 CDs), average (owns
31 to 80 CDs), or below average (owns 0 to 30 CDs). As we can see in Figure 5, the average
category will represent the mode as it was the most frequently given response at 88.00 times,
which is 42.93% of the total responses given.

Table 6: Stratified Analysis of mean for Ear Piercings and Height by Gender
Mean # Ear Piercings Mean Height (inches)
Female 3.86 65.01
Male 0.54 71.09
Total 2.76 67.03

Table 6 displays the mean values of ear piercings and height by gender. The mean
number of ear piercings for females is 3.86 piercings while the mean for males is 0.54 piercings.
This comparison shows that females have approximately three more piercings than that of males
in this data set. We can also see that males have a mean height of 71.09 inches, where females
have a mean height of 65.01 inches. According to this data, males are taller than females by six
inches in this data set.
Table 7: Stratified Analysis for Number of CDs by Number of Ear Piercings
CDs Number of Ear Piercings Mean of Ear Piercings
Above Average 137.00 2.28
Average 257.00 2.92
Below Average 172.00 3.02
Total 566.00 2.76

Table 7 shows the total number of Ear Piercings within each group of CDs. It also provides the
mean for each group of CDs. It is my interpretation that the mean of piercings in each group
better represents the data in Table 7. This is because the count of students in each group of CDs
is not present so the mean takes into account the number of students in each group while the
number of piercings in the group of CDs does not.

Figure 5 is a bar chart for the ordinal variable CDs. Figure 6 is a pie chart for the same variable
CDs. While pie charts can be useful to display relative frequency for an ordinal variable, bar
charts tend to be a more effective representation for ordinal variables, as is the case here.
Table 8: Contingency Table of Tattoo by CDs
Tattoo Above Average Average Below Average Total
No 49 74 51 174
Yes 11 14 6 31
Total 60 88 57 205

Table 8 is a contingency table that is displaying the relationship between the variables Tattoo and
CDs. This shows that of the 205 total students, 74 of them do not have a tattoo and have an
average amount of CDs. This also shows that of the 205 students, the least represented group of
students is those who have tattoos and have a below average amount of CDs. This group has only
six students.
Table 9: Percent of Row of Tattoo by CDs
Tattoo Above Average Average Below Average Total
No 28.16% 42.53% 29.31% 100.00%
Yes 35.48% 45.16% 19.35% 100.00%
Total 29.27% 42.93% 27.80% 100.00%

Table 9 provides the percentage of rows. The percentages represent the groups of CDs with
relationship to whether the student has a tattoo or not. It is interesting that the Average group
represents the largest portion of both having a tattoo (45.16%) and not having a tattoo (42.53%).
The lowest representation at 19.35%, is again, the below average group that have a tattoo.
Table 10: Percent of Column of Tattoo by CDs
Tattoo Above Average Average Below Average Total
No 81.67% 84.09% 89.47% 84.88%
Yes 18.33% 15.91% 10.53% 15.12%
Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Table 10 gives the percentages of the columns. This shows the percentages of students with or
without a tattoo within the given group of CDs. Only 15.12% of the students have a tattoo.
89.47% of the group who have below average amount of CDs do not have a tattoo.
Table 11: Contingency Table of Percent of Total of Tattoo by CDs
Tattoo Above Average Average Below Average Total
No 23.90% 36.10% 24.88% 84.88%
Yes 5.37% 6.83% 2.93% 12.15%
Total 29.27% 42.93% 27.80% 100.00%
Table 11 is a contingency table in which we are given the percentages of all the students. It has
been consistent that the least amount of students have below average amount of CDs and have a
tattoo at 2.93%. The greatest amount of students represented at 36.10% is students without a
tattoo that have average amount of CDs.

Figure 7: Bar Chart of Tattoo and CDs Figure 8: 100% Stacked Bar Chart for Tattoo and CDs
200 100%

150 80%
BelowAvg BelowAvg
Frequency 100 Average
50 AboveAvg AboveAvg
0 0%
No Yes No Yes
Tattoo Tattoo

Figure 7 is a stacked bar chart showing the different categories for CDs and if the student had a
tattoo. This bar chart was generated by using counts. Figure 8 is a 100% stacked bar chart that
displays the same information but shows percentages of the amount of CDs owned with regard to
whether or not the student has a tattoo. In Figure 8, it is much easier to compare the relationships
of CDs with respect to tattoos.
8. In Table 12 (below) a random sample from pennstate22017 data set of 40 students has
been created to generate confidence intervals in 90%, 95%, and 99% intervals.
Table 12: Random Sample (n = 40)
Gende Heigh EarPr
r Tattoo CDs t c Random
Female Yes Average 61 5 0.01483856
Male No Average 72 0 0.01591209
Male No BelowAvg 71 0 1
Male No BelowAvg 69 0 5
Female No Average 68 2 5
Male No AboveAvg 69 0 9
Female No AboveAvg 67 2 5
Female No AboveAvg 66 13 0.05242261
Female No AboveAvg 69 4 1
Male No Average 67 0 8
Male No AboveAvg 74 0 9
Female Yes AboveAvg 61 4 9
Female No BelowAvg 66 9 6
Male No Average 77 0 4
Female No AboveAvg 66 2 9
Male No AboveAvg 72 0 3
Male No Average 73 0 6
Female No Average 67 7 6
Male No AboveAvg 68 0 3
Male No AboveAvg 66 2 6
Female No Average 64 2 9
Male No AboveAvg 71 0 0.10357937
Female No AboveAvg 66 8 3
Male No AboveAvg 70 0 6
Female No Average 63 4 0.111194155
Male No Average 71 0 0.11605842
Female No BelowAvg 67 0 9
Female No Average 65 4 5
Female No BelowAvg 61 2 0.12283567
Female No AboveAvg 65 4 5
Female No Average 65 2 1
Female No Average 61 5 0.13114185
Male No BelowAvg 75 0 8
Female No AboveAvg 61 0 7
Male No Average 72 0 2
Male No Average 71 2 9
Male No AboveAvg 68 0 1
Female No BelowAvg 63 6 8
Female No BelowAvg 67 4 9
Female Yes BelowAvg 68 6 2

Table 13: Descriptive Statistics for Random Sample (n = 40)

Height EarPrc

Mean 67.58 Mean 2.48

Standard Error 0.64 Standard Error 6
Median 67.00 Median 2
Mode 61.00 Mode 0
Standard Standard 3.07168
Deviation 4.04 Deviation 6
Range 16.00 Range 13
Minimum 61.00 Minimum 0
Maximum 77.00 Maximum 13
Sum 2703.00 Sum 99
Count 40.00 Count 40
Table 13 shows the descriptive statistics for the sample (n = 40). For the sample the mean height
is 67.58 inches and the mean number of ear piercings is 2.48 piercings. In Table 2, we see that
the mean height for the population is 67.03 inches and the mean number of ear piercings is 2.76
Table 14: 90%, 95%, and 99% Confidence Intervals for Height
Sample Confidenc Standard Margin of Lower Upper Confidenc
Mean e Level Deviation Error Bound Bound e Interval
67.58 90.00% 3.80 0.99 66.59 68.57 (66.59,
67.58 95.00% 3.80 1.18 66.40 68.76 (66.40,
67.58 99.00% 3.80 1.55 66.03 69.13 (66.03,

Based on our random sample of 40 students, we are 95.00% confident that the height for all
students in the pennstate22017 data set is between 66.40 and 68.76 inches.

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