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Metatron: The eighth, ninth and tenth Rays of Creation were very much
used in the creation process and the advanced states that Atlanteans took
for granted in their day-to-day life. They were neglectful in utilizing these
Ray energetics. They didnt remember to keep in their conscious
awareness the first six Rays. And because of that lapse in their conscious
awareness, many things were mis-created and there was a set of
energetics that was interjected that began to multiply and create
abnormalities. Consciousness began to Fall. Forgetfulness of Source and
the first six Rays occurred. Eventually Atlantis not only fell but was totally
destroyed by the energetics the Atlanteans used in the eighth, ninth and
tenth Rays. These are three very powerful frequency patterns. Once their
applications were learned, they were used quite readily and there was a
lack of integrity. The ego took precedence and humanity lapsed into a
state of forgetfulness in regards to unity, in regards to oneness with
Source. They really began to install separation and the ego became very
dominant in their creative process. So it is desired at this time that there
.be a balance present. And you are seeing some of that now

Jim: In numbers of the Mastering Alchemy students there is a level of guilt

that seems to go along with what you just described. Many of them
contributed to the Fall and they are having a hard time overcoming a very
.deep sadness

Metatron: Yes there is that part of their Soul remembrance that is in deep
grief. There is judgment, there is guilt that is very present. As they
continue to be in energetics of regret and in judgment of themselves over
what has transpired they set up an inability to access the higher
energetics and higher levels of consciousness. They are continually
sabotaging their frequencies through judgment and guilt. So there has to
be a level in which their consciousness can begin the forgiveness process.
They will then be able to access these higher frequency patterns. Some
energetic work has to be done in this regard. There has to be a piece of
work done to bring into their awareness how they are undermining access
to these higher frequency patterns because of the disruption they are
continually causing in their energetic system. Before they are able to
progress and anchor themselves further in higher states of consciousness
and be able to access the higher energy and applications, much work has
to be done in this realm. So having the awareness that they are in this
.state is very important

Now the next step is for them to release the judgment and the guilt and
begin to forgive. This will take accessing more of the first, second and
third Rays so a remembrance can begin to occur. A remembrance of
esoteric thought forms, their relationship with Source and elements of
love. A remembrance of themselves as a being of love who was created
and experienced certain events on Atlantis. We are now calling for a self-
forgiveness so that they can begin to remember the knowledge they
possess about using many higher frequency patterns to again produce and
manifest on this planet what they were very adept at in those Atlantean
times. With the change in their perspective through various lifetime
experiences, however, they bring that manifestation into balance and into
relationship with what you would call the First Cause or Source, which had
.been forgotten in their creative process in Atlantis

It would be very helpful for you to relay this information so that they can
begin that process. Then when this information is configured and brought
in they can utilize it and not sabotage their level and their ability to not
.only remember, but to utilize these higher frequency patterns


AA Metatron The Tenth Ray of Atlantian Knowledge

Through Jim Self
Metatron: The tenth Ray was created after the fall of Atlantis. It was
created to be an access point for knowledge that had been lost and was
necessary to evolve past third dimensional realities. The tenth Ray was
utilized by beings who have incarnated in service to the earth. And
because of the mass destruction that occurred on Atlantis, great segments
of knowledge were lost. This knowledge was readily available in those
Atlantian times and it was desired that it be preserved for access at a later
time from a third dimensional level. So the tenth Ray was created for
beings incarnating in service to third dimensional realities to bring about
more consciousness and higher realities. It was their service project to
uncover some of what was common knowledge on Atlantis. It was through
the utilization of this tenth Ray that this was a possibility. It was not so
much the scientific knowledge, although this was very much a
consideration, but it was more the philosophy. Once these beings
incarnated in the denseness of the third dimensional realities, they had to
have a way to access this knowledge from the denseness that was
These beings were of the consciousness, awareness and spiritual level that
they too could access the love, stability and light frequencies that were
available in the fourth, fifth and sixth Rays. It enabled them to access the
codes which enabled them to have conscious awareness of this ancient
The tenth Ray contains a library of sorts which is all in frequencies of light.
It is not in manuscripts or files, it is library of frequencies of light.
Configurations of light frequencies. It is similar to, but not the same as the
Akashic Records.

It is desired that these beings who come in service bring in this knowledge
for humanity; that humans might have a better perspective and access
higher awareness through this knowledge. This knowledge provides
freedom to think outside the box, so to speak; to access other realities,
other ways of thinking, broader spectrums, wider viewpoints. And this is
the purpose of the tenth Ray - to stimulate human intellect to be able to
embody broader spectrums of thought so that they might be more willing
to access higher thought forms. Thus raise the collective consciousness to
a higher perspective, which in turn will raise the planet itself. All of these
things are the purpose of the creation of the tenth Ray.

Not all beings have access to the tenth Ray. This Ray could be considered
a teachers Ray, or a way-showers Ray. At times it is accessed
unconsciously. This happens when teachers of a certain degree acquire
information that they know, but have not an understanding how they
know. And how they know is through this tenth Ray that they have
accessed at an unconscious level.

Now it would be quite helpful to access this Ray in a conscious state

because, when this occurs, much more information can be gleaned at a
conscious level. In times past, most beings who had access to the tenth
Ray, did so on an unconscious level. They had an idea, or inspiration or
they knew something and began to focus upon it,. The idea evolved. This
is how the tenth Ray was utilized in the early part of your history. Now with
the energetics such as they are, many will be able to start to access it on a
more conscious level again but it is still a very evolutionary process at this

It is important to know that when you have ideas, or intuitive urgings, that
you explore these. You are one of these beings who access this Ray on a
regular basis at an unconscious level. It is now desired that you come from
a space of a more conscious level of accessing this knowledge. It is
through beings such as yourself that many who would otherwise not be
able to access higher thought forms will begin to. The seed must be
planted in your consciousness first. I have done that, so as time
progresses, if you will pay attention and be more aware of your ideas and
your intuitive knowings, they will become more conscious. And you will
develop a process by which you might enter the library of the tenth Ray on
a more conscious level.
The Ninth Ray of Atlantian Knowledge
Metatron: Today we will touch again on the ninth Ray of Creation. As I said
before, this Ray is mainly concerned with sound frequencies, sound
currents, and vibratory rates. And it is a much higher frequency then are
the first six Rays. I will reiterate. In order to access this ninth Ray, you
must have had the ability and the knowledge and awareness of the fourth,
fifth and sixth Rays. Therefore it does take a high level of consciousness
before it can be utilized and accessed. But once that conscious awareness
is present, it is a very simple step to utilize it and then access the seventh
The ninth Ray was mainly designed and created to assist some avatars
and advanced beings who had been blocked from accessing the seventh
Ray. They were blocked because of the density and some of the
experiential levels.The ninth Ray was developed so that through the use of
sound currents they could access the higher frequencies, thus enabling
them to then access the seventh Ray, which was their desire - to
experience the direct pathway to Source while embodied in human form.

I must also discuss with you the fact that this ninth Ray, because of the
use of sound, vibrations and currents, could also be used in other
applications. One of which is something that you had brought up and we
discussed previously. This Ray has the possibility of generating, through
the cellular system, vibratory rates and currents that affect the cellular
system itself. It can be utilized by a practitioner to assist many in this
application, which would bring about not only physical healing to the body
itself, but a great step up in conscious awareness by installing this Ray, its
sound currents and vibratory rates within the human form.

The ninth Ray also can be used to effect change in Earth herself. You are
being given this information because of your desire to be of service. But
some of the things that you are being given are not to be publicly
discussed, as the whole of humanity is not of a consciousness that it would
benefit to have this as common knowledge.

In the past times of Atlantis, all of the intricacies of this ninth Ray were
common knowledge:. And as their evolution progressedor shall I say
digressed, or declinedthere was misuse, and much mis-creative results
occurred. It was through these sound currents that they were able to
affect weather patterns, change the course of rivers, and literally move

The Earth herself is a living being, and has a cellular system, as does the
human form. And in this cellular system there are impregnated many
frequencies and vibratory rates, as well as sound currents that carry these
vibrations and frequencies. And because of the high level of frequency
that this ninth Ray possesses, it is a very powerful frequency. It can affect
great change in the sound currents and sound waves within the Earth.

The Atlantians possessed the knowledge for using certain sounds and
sound frequencies. They altered weather patterns at will. They altered the
flow of waterways. Not only rivers, but also the ocean current. And all was
well as long as they remembered from whence all of this came, and were
aligned with Source. But as their system progressed, they forgot, and they
were so impressed with their power to utilize these sounds that they
began to utilize them in a manner that was not in alignment with Source,
and at times very detrimental to the whole of humanity.

As you see, now on your planet there is much greed for not only monetary
holdings, but there is much greed in the area of power and control, as was
the case in Atlantis. Your scientists have been studying weather patterns
and sound currents for some time, and they have discovered many
applications similar to those that were present in Atlantis. However, it has
not been public knowledge to the extent that these things are used at this
time. So it is important that I give you this information so that some of
these things can be corrected, and the applications of the frequencies of
the ninth Ray be aligned in a more spiritual venue to offset the energetics
that are now present.

Jim: Could the ninth Ray be used to neutralize some of these scientific
activities that are targeted for this intention?
Metatron: Yes. As a civilization grows and a consciousness arises, there is
always this propensity for mis-creation. Out of ignorance and a not-
knowing. And this occurs because of the denseness of the planet, which is
being changed. You are a planet in transitionin a transitory process
moving toward ascension to a higher dimensional reality. That of the fifth
dimension. This in itself can cause some problems, because the
manifestation process occurs much quicker than third dimensional
realities. So it is important when accessing the ninth Ray, and using sound
of any kind, that it be done with the proper intention.

Using the Rays to Create Health - A Conversation with Metatron

Metatron: Good afternoon! It is I, Metatron. Let us begin with a dialogue.
Do you have questions?
Jim: Yes. Could you please give me feedback on if Im understanding the
use of the ninth Ray correctly? Lets say I found a healthy cell in the body,
for example in the liver. If I then added the fourth, fifth and sixth Rays to
make it stable yet flexible and mobile, then tapped the cell so it would
begin to vibrate as a sound frequency, then used the ninth Ray to vibrate
it through all the cells of the liver to create health throughout it. Would
that be an application of the ninth Ray?
Metatron: Absolutely! You see, the purpose of all these Rays is one of
creation, and aligning that creation with Source directly. By impregnating
your cell with the energetics of the fourth, fifth and sixth Rays, and adding
the sound frequencies of the ninth Ray, it more fully provides an operative
schematic for the cellular system to come into full alignment with Source.
And the result would be healing because, if the cell had any disruptive
energetics, by using this process there would be then coherency. And you
would term it as healing.
Jim: In other words; by amplifying a healthy cell using these four Rays, that
healthy cell would start to vibrate at a level where it would affect all the
less healthy cells, and bring about an alignment?
Metatron: Yes, And if you used it on a healthy cell the result would be even
more coherency, which would then affect the entire organ, and then the
body, because there is a resonance that occurs with sound, and there are
sound currents within the human body. So when that resonance is
interjected into the human form, it affects vibrationally, the entire body.
Jim: If you took a new stem cell that had no identification as yet, and
vibrated it with the Rays, would that vibration, because of its lack of
identity, begin to move through all of the body?
Metatron: Yes. You see, when you are embodied for any length of time, you
begin to operate within limits, when in reality, there are no limits. It is
beautiful, is it not, the creative process that is so unlimited and far-
Jim: Its elegant.
Metatron: It is a beauty to behold.
This is an excerpt from a conversation between Metatron and Jim Self in
the development of the Mastering Alchemy Lightbody course.


Zadkiel: The first application that I would like to address is the eighth Ray
application of clearing. It is in this application that you are able to clear all
obstructions; all prior beliefs, thoughts, emotional patterns that restrict
you from obtaining a state of consciousness that will allow these
applications to be put into your realm of form. What has been taught to
you through your scientific community is what is thought to be the norm.
It takes a level of consciousness to go beyond the norm in order to use
some of the applications. In this clearing process you will begin to see
very clearly how you are creating those beginning applications, and
beginning patterns. Then it will be a very easy step to create other
patterns that are outside of the norm. From that state of consciousness
there will be no state of norm. It is just a state of creating certain patterns
.that will accomplish what it is that you desire to create
Jim: What I just heard you say is the eighth Ray, as a clearing mechanism
will neutralize, clear, the magnetic or adhesive connective-ness to those
?belief structures
Zadkiel: Correct. Im sure that on occasion you have worked with an issue
that you wish to clear and you have done certain ceremonies and certain
clearing processes. Then another portion of the issue or the same issue
reemerges in a different configuration and you wonder, What is that all
about.? The issue has previously been raised and looked at, but the
adhesion that holds it within your electromagnetic field has not been
removed. This issue will cycle. You may not have the same response to it
as before because of your new experiential level. You may not have the
same emotions tied to it or the thoughts tied to it. You may see it from a
different state of consciousness, but it will continue to cycle. The effect of
it will vary according to your state of consciousness. With working with
these patterns and these energetics, the energetics that adhere the issue
.to that form is removed so that it no longer can continue in that cycle

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Archangel Zadkiel and Jim

.Self in the development of the Mastering Alchemy Lightbody course




Zadkiel: The eighth Ray, as we have spoken of previously, was mainly

designed to stabilize and clear beings who were ready to leave the earth
atmosphere and dimensional reality and return to higher realms of
existence. These were avatars, teachers, and sometimes masters or
beings from the angelic realm, who had come into form for specific
purposes to assist or to give service; and who were compromised
energetically. They had become so because of events or because of taking
on higher than expected energetic, genetic material in the physical form.
And they could not return through the seventh Ray in this state. So it was
decided to create a Ray in which they could clear and reintegrate their
original energetic state of being. They might then be able to return to their
higher dimensional reality and not get caught in the karmic wheel that was
.very much installed on your planet for eons

This state of karmic energetics has been lifted to a great degree, and is
not so dense. Many who come now to give service in these end times are
not as apt to take on karmic action. The consciousness is such that even
though some are very much installed in third dimensional, linear ways of
thinking and being, there are enough beings who are of higher thought
systems. The eighth Ray is still used and needed, but not to the degree it
.was used in previous times

When those beings in previous times who were very compromised on

various levels of their being, wished to leave the earth plane, it was
required that they access the various energetics that are present in the
eighth Ray. These beings were guided to go into isolation in order to
access these energetics. Some of these beings even took on illnesslong
illnessesthat were perceived by many to be devastation, and the result
being death. The death of the body of these beings was perceived as the
.normal course of events, however, it was not

The typical form was released by these beings after such illness, or time of
integration, through the eighth Ray. They might have spent long periods in
states of sleep, or what you would term coma in order to allow them to
reintegrate higher energetics. So as the body was no longer needed, it was
allowed to fall away, or to die. Very few of these avatars or teachers who
came in this capacity were able to leave in a state of the physical body
being a vibrant vehicle. It was necessary for them to access this eighth
Ray in total isolation and shed any part of physical form before returning
.to their physical state

As the Christed realm is reinstalled and configured to its original state, this
process will not be necessary, and the use of the eighth Ray will change in
its configuration as some of the aspects will not be needed. Physical form
.will not have to deteriorate as in past times

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Zadkiel and Jim Self in the
.development of the Mastering Alchemy Lightbody course




Metatron: Now depending on the dimensional reality in which your

consciousness resides, the Rays of Creation can be used in many
configurations. They do not have to be used sequentially for your intention
and your purpose in your creative effort. So as we have said the seventh
Ray is a Ray that was given as a gift by Creator, by Source, by the All-That-
Is to those beings of light who were avatars or who were very elevated in
their consciousness so that when they were on a mission that brought
them into physical form, they would always have a pathway or a doorway
through which they could return to their present conscious awareness.
Many avatars, many beings of higher consciousness were caught, after the
Fall, in the denseness of form, especially in the third dimension. They were
unable to retain the level of consciousness that they had. They were
caught in the wheel of karma and had to experience many lifetimes to
.regain what they had lost. This was not desired

So the seventh Ray was created to alleviate this problem. A being had to
be able to first create in third dimensional reality with the fourth, fifth and
sixth Rays, to access the seventh. Once that access is available, they had
to be able to go through the time sequence between third and fourth
dimensions, and fourth and fifth dimensions. When that was possible they
were able to fully access the seventh Ray and they were then assured that
.their consciousness would be preserved

If they chose to remain in physical form in order to be of further service

they would also have the ability, through access of the eighth and ninth
Rays, to grow that consciousness to greater degrees. So the seventh Ray
is a juncture or an access point through which elevated beings come and
go from physical existence. And depending on their abilities and their
consciousness levels, the coming and going varies in many ways. They
can take on a life from birth to death. They can utilize a brief appearance
in a life, taking on physical form. They can share a physical form. They can
create a physical form for a specific time frame not utilizing the birth or
.death process. So there are many ways in which this Ray is used

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Metatron and Jim

Self in the development of the Mastering Alchemy Lightbody
course. Next week - more on the seventh Ray of Creation. Next
week - the Purpose of the Seventh Ray, Part Two




Metatron: The being you call St. Germaine was very adept at this process
and utilized the seventh Ray for hundreds of years on your planet. He was
very adept at creating and utilizing a body so he did not use the
birth/death sequence. He created what was needed for the application
that he was using. So this takes a little imagination to begin to get your
.physical intellect engaged

The seventh Ray was a great gift as it allowed more beings who would not
normally incarnate in third dimension to be of assistance. You are seeing
this more and more in this time sequence as the earth is being brought
more into a fifth dimensional reality. Many beings, many angelics are now
using this Ray and this doorway to be of assistance. In earlier stages the
decision to come and be embodied in third dimension was a very grave
decision because of the possibility of losing their state of consciousness.
Or that their state of consciousness become very compromised through
the birth/death experience in form. Once the seventh Ray was given and
utilized more beings experienced the benefits of that Ray. Many more
beings gave of their service to humanity on the earth plane so that they
too might gain higher conscious realities and be able to sustain that
.consciousness. So it was a very beneficial gift

The alignment to be able to utilize the seventh Ray is more important and
from your perspective much more complex but once that alignment is
made it is not complex. So more time will be spent in giving you
information so that you can access it, and the steps are a little complex.
There have been very many esoteric writings on your planet in regards to
these steps. They are perceived as initiations in some writings. So here
you might perceive in the seventh Ray there is a gap, a time sequential
gap, that is present and it is a hefty gap. It is my desire to have that be a
very flowing experience. So we may touch on this Ray briefly for a time
frame and then we will move on and then we will come back and re-look at

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Metatron and Jim

Self in the development of the Mastering Alchemy Lightbody




Metatron: We have somewhat discussed in the last session, time, and

how time is perceived in third, fourth and fifth dimensional realms. Now
you will note, I said perceived, as this is a subject that is very, very
complex, and to have total understanding at this time is an impossibility.
As you progress in your conscious awareness, you will see that time has
many elements and is used in many ways. So my suggestion to you would
be to just absorb the energy that is present in these conversations that we
will be having, and use the information as best you can, and allow the
.understanding to come forth. Now, let us proceed

I will touch very briefly on the third dimension again. And the reason this is
relevant is because, as we have talked about previously, the world in
which you live is still in a third dimensional reality. The collective
consciousness is anchored in this reality. However, there are many
changes taking place at this time, and that is about to change very
quickly. It is very important for you, as a teacher, to allow yourself to be
anchored in fifth dimensional reality, and spend more time in that reality.
This will enable you to teach others the importance of choosing their

We will also talk about present moment, as this time frame from which you
create your reality - you create everything that exists in this reality. You
have long since passed third dimension and the utilization of those
aspects. You have understanding that creating future events from past
events is not desirable, nor is it very dependable. The energetics, when
creating from this reality, are compromised, often times, and what is
manifested at a future time-frame is in most instances, not what is
.desired, not only from a Soul level, but from an ego level

However, when you are very invested and anchored in this reality, it is
almost impossible to create in any other way. A raise in consciousness and
awareness must come in the thinking process before a being, who is
inhabiting a third dimensional physical reality, can have any hope of
perceiving outside of that reality. But once the imagination is stimulated,
that awareness comes very quickly, and one is able to create between the
third and fourth dimensional reality. There is a state between these two
realities that enables those beings who have been stimulated, and who
have jostled their memory and their imagination, to transition between
third and fourth dimension. And here again, this transtionary time-frame is
.very swift, very quick, almost unnoticeable

Once the transition has been made from the fourth, there is a space
between fourth and fifth that one enters to gain more awareness and a
higher level of consciousness, Here one begins to use choice rather than
reaction, still not fully understanding the concepts or the intricacies of the
time element and the energetic configuration that they have been
utilizing. There is just an understanding that they must choose instead of
react. Now, most beings who are able to enter these two spaces (the
space between third and fourth and the space between fourth and fifth), it
will be quite some time before they can evolve more fully into fifth
dimension and become anchored there. It is almost impossible, for those
beings to be anchored fully in all the aspects of the fifth dimension
without assistance - either through teachings from someone in the
physical, such as yourself, or time spent in deep contemplation where
these awarenesses are given in the meditative state. It can be a very long
process for that being to fully absorb all of the concepts necessary for
them to be fully anchored in fifth dimension and utilizing all of the aspects
.of that dimension
There are many who have inhabited this planet, who have attained such
states of reality, but mostly these were advanced beings who came for a
specific purpose. They brought this awareness with them when they
incarnated. This process was a very valuable process in bringing along the
general population of the earth for a very long time. However, this is no
longer acceptable. The time-frame has collapsed so to speak, and it is
important that more beings be educated and begin to use the realities that
.are now more available to them

The denseness of third dimensional reality has dissipated greatly in the

last many years of your time, so it makes it easier for beings to accept
teachings concerning these realities. There is less fear concerning
alternative thought than there once was. However, there is still a great
portion of the collective consciousness that is anchored in this fear and will
continue to be anchored in this fear and denseness. However, the greater
portion of the collective is being brought along at a very swift pace and
will very shortly adopt what they consider to be alternative possibilities.
And even though they do not have the teachings on the exact
configurations and concepts of fourth and fifth dimensional realities, they
will absorb it almost as if by osmosis. And they will understand at a very
deep level of their being, that their thoughts and their feelings must be
taken charge of. They will see very clearly how they create their reality
and how previously what was created is not desirable, as the effects of
these creations have been not only undesirable but in many cases painful.
There will be a big portion of the collective consciousness who will be in
flux and be looking for ways to create and manifest their realities in
.different ways

This is an excerpt from a conversation between Metatron and Jim

Self in the development of the Mastering Alchemy Lightbody


The Way of Life in the 5th Dimension

The previous article compared the third and fourth dimensions. In this article we bring
in the fifth dimension. Lets briefly review the structures of the third and fourth

The third dimension operates with a specific set of rules and has certain
characteristics, aspects, boundaries, edges, mutations and structures. We see three
main structures sustaining this dimension.

Rigid Structures of the Third Dimension

Duality A dual mode of perception: right-wrong, positive-negative, good-bad,
should-shouldnt, up-down, black-white.
Linear Time The perception that time only moves in a straight line (one direction)
and is experienced as past, present and future.
Rational Mind The GPS of the third dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought
processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information,
calculate, and make determinations.

Flexible Structures of the Fourth Dimension

Now Time This is your point of power. Each now moment is a threshold to new
beginnings and fresh choices.

Choice The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.
Paradox Contradictory truths. Something that was true a moment ago but may not
be true in the next now moment.
Alignment / Balance A state of equilibrium which neutralizes opposing forces.

In the Fifth Dimension, 3-D Reaction and 4-D Response

Give Way to Integration
Reintegration When you attain fifth-dimensional consciousness you experience the
reintegration with your Higher Self. This reconnection with the higher parts of you
brings higher awareness and allows you to know yourself at the Soul level. You begin
to Be who you came here to be. Your innate spiritual abilities increase and reveal
themselves. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.

Access the Wisdom You Know Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you
are fully conscious again. You are aware of and can access the wisdom and
information available within your Being that resides in all the dimensions. There is no
separation. You are one with the All and All is you.

Experience Higher, Lighter Energy In 5D, you vibrate in feelings like reverence,
beauty and kindness. The coat you choose to wear each day bears no resemblance
to what you typically walk around wearing in 3D. And much of what you experience
is no longer expressed from the mind or in words (intellect/brain) but pours forth from
the heart and the feelings (the senses recombine forming a sixth sense). You achieve
a quiet knowingness.

Higher Mind In this level of living, when the mental and emotional bodies merge,
the union activates the Higher Mind and you operate from the mind of your Soul. You
begin to know what the Soul knows and make Soul-guided choices.

Simultaneous Time Living in 5D, you move into Simultaneous Time which allows
you to see the broader perspective of All That Is. All the answers to your questions lie
exactly where the question is asked and you are able to view all possibilities before
taking action.

So, why did we choose to leave this wonderful place where all is known and go to the
third dimension, anyway? When Creator wanted to know Himself/Herself better
He/She asked for volunteers, and guess who ran to the front of the line saying Pick
me, pick me! You did! Creator sent the brightest and the best (you) on this special
quest to explore the outermost regions of existence. It was, and is, a grand adventure
that only the biggest and most enthusiastic spirits signed up for.

Why did we choose the third dimension and not another? Duality does not exist in the
higher dimensions and duality is an important part of what we wanted to experience.
Our explorations took us many places but as we went deeper into density we
eventually found ourselves playing in the slower vibrations of the world of form
(matter). Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our
choices and actions. Here we had free will to explore the most divergent ranges of
frequencies (including fear, hate, anger, betrayal, etc). When we signed up for this
adventure we did not know that we would become immersed in it or that we would
forget who we are, where we came from, why we came, and how to get back Home.
We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.

The Long-Awaited Shift of the Ages is Upon Us

We have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. We have been

wildly successful at what we set out to accomplish and explore in this diverse, dense,
duality. A huge vibrational up-shift (on every level) is what the Earth and her
inhabitants are undergoing right now. You are a very important part of this Shift. You
are big, not small. You are significant, not insignificant. You make a difference and
your contribution is valued by all of humanity and by All That Is. Welcome the change
to a new way of life, dear friends, for together we have begun the process of bringing
Heaven to the Earth.
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information is distributed on a non-commercial
no charge basis.

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