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* Chinese Medicine Board of Australia

Here is the link to the registration board for Chinese medicine which sits under
the Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency (AHPRA). AHPRA is the
overseer body that underpins the national registration system for all registered
health and medical practitioner professions in Australia.

* Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA)

This is a link to Australia's largest professional association for practitioners
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. It is one of several associations availabl
e for practitioners of Chinese medicine and acupuncture who want to join an asso
ciation; an association is an advocacy group or lobby which includes social netw
orking for practitioners and may also organise continuing Professional Developme
nt activities such as conferences, newsletters and workshops. You can stay up-t
o-date on the happenings of the industry with student membership and receive ind
ustry related information so you remain informed. Importantly, their website pro
vides a practitioner search facility on the basis of the practitioner's practice
location. This would assist those individuals interested in undertaking extern
al clinic and locating a practitioner within their local area.

japanese acupuntcure

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