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Act of Teaching Chapter 7


1. Discussion: Learning through Informative Interaction

What Is a Discussion?
Purposes and Characteristics of Discussion
Good Discussion Leaders
Good Discussions
When Discussions Should Be Used
Research on Discussion
Limitations of Discussions
Summary on Discussion

2. Independent Study: Teaching as Giving and Guiding Seatwork and Homework

What Is Independent Study?
Purpose and Characteristics of Independent Study
Good Independent Study Leaders
Good Independent Study
When Independent Study Should Be Used
Limitations of Independent Study
Making Good Homework Assignments
Summary on Independent Study

3. Individualized or Differentiated Instruction: Tailoring Teaching

What Is Individualized Instruction?
Purpose and Characteristics of Individualized Instruction
Types of Individualized Instruction
Good Users of Individualized Instruction
Good Individualized Education Programs
When Individualized Instruction Should Be Used
Limitations of Individualized Instruction
Summary on Individualized Instruction
4. Matching Instructional Alternatives to Learners
4. Overview of 31 Instructional Alternatives
4. Using Technology in Teaching
Selecting Quality Software and Websites
Utilizing Digital Content
Get Better Prepared for the Digital Age

Discussion: Learning through Informative Interaction

What Is a Discussion?
o A discussion is a situation wherein students, or students and a teacher,
converse to share information, ideas, or opinions or work to resolve a
o Mutual interaction between the teacher and students
Purposes and Characteristics of Discussion
o To review what students have learned, encourage students to reflect on
their ideas o r opinions, explore an issue, resolve a problem, o r improve
face-to-face communication skills
o A discussion can also be held when the purpose is to have students
examine their ideas or opinions.
Good Discussion Leaders
o Four Beliefs:
1. Intrapersonal skills
2. Review and extension of what was already learned
3. Examination of ideas and opinions
4. Problem solving
Good Discussions
o Preparation: this will include the purpose of the discussion
o Delivery
o Closure: make sure that the teacher somehow summarizes and covers the
important content of the discussion.
When Discussions Should Be Used
1. Review information
2. Examine ideas and problems
3. Improve oral communication skills
Research on Discussion
o It promotes knowledge retention, higher-order thinking, positive attitude
change, enhanced moral reasoning, and increased motivation.
Limitations of Discussions
o Dependence on student knowledge and participation
Summary on Discussion
o They serve the four purposes stated above

Independent Study: Teaching as Giving and Guiding Seatwork and Homework

What Is Independent Study?
o Basically any assignment the students complete on their own: reading,
writing, rehearsing, etc.
Purpose and Characteristics of Independent Study
1. When you want to be certain that your learners gain specific knowledge or
2. Encourage students to acquire study skills that will serve them throughout
life .
Good Independent Study Leaders
o Confidence in the students ability to work alone is key
o Keeps learners involved in worthwhile independent activities
o Shows variety and challenge: the assignment is interesting and
motivating enough for the students to actually independently work on, yet
shows some challenge that will help alter their thinking.
Good Independent Study
o Preparation: determine purpose and the assignment type
o Delivery: making the study assignment and guiding it to a satisfactory
o Closure
When Independent Study Should Be Used
1. when learners need to rehearse or practice information or a skill to get it
into long-term memory
2. when learners need to learn how to learn independently.
Limitations of Independent Study
o intentions , conducts, assessments
o They assignment must mean value to the students or they will not work on
it at all
Making Good Homework Assignments
Let learners, parents, and caregivers know when and how often
assignments will be made and approximately how long they will be.
Make sure that assignments serve a good purpose.
Make certain that learners understand the good purpose and meaning of
the assignment and that they have resources necessary to succeed.
Ensure that the assignment is clear and that learners know both what is to
be accomplished and how.
Summary on Independent Study
o The teachers role is to facilitate and guide learning.

Individualized or Differentiated Instruction: Tailoring Teaching

What Is Individualized Instruction?
o This is instruction re-tailored by the teacher in order to address each
students specific laerning needs
Purpose and Characteristics of Individualized Instruction
o Students are autonomous and differ from each other in learning styles.
o Individualized instruction may range from toggling the curriculum or the
class environment itself.
Types of Individualized Instruction
o Contracts: signed agreements in which learners promise to perform
specific academic work
o Programmed and Computer-Assisted Instruction
o Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI)
o Individually Guided Education (IGE)
o Tutoring
o Distance Learning
o Project Method: Self-directed learning
Good Users of Individualized Instruction
Good Individualized Education Programs
When Individualized Instruction Should Be Used
Limitations of Individualized Instruction
o Very very time consuming
Summary on Individualized Instruction: can meet a great many personal,
professional, and educational needs for teachers and students.

Matching Instructional Alternatives to Learners

Overview of 31 Instructional Alternatives
Using Technology in Teaching
Selecting Quality Software and Websites
Utilizing Digital Content
Get Better Prepared for the Digital Age
Act of Teaching Chapter 8

1. Discovery Learning: Figuring things out for yourself

What Is Discovery Learning?
Purposes and Characteristics of Discovery Learning
When Discovery Learning Should Be Used
Limitations of Discovery Learning
Summary on Discovery Learning

2. Constructivist Teaching and learning: Problem Solving under Teacher Guidance

What Is Constructivism?
Purposes and Characteristics of Constructivism
When Constructivism Should Be Used
Limitations of Constructivism
Is There a Single Best Instructional Alternative?

Discovery Learning: Figuring things out for yourself

What Is Discovery Learning?
o Discovery or inquiry learning refers to learning that takes place when
students are asked to find out or figure out something for themselves
Purposes and Characteristics of Discovery Learning
o Discovery learning will give the students more freedom in their learning,
whilst still within the range of the learning boundaries that the teacher
should have provided.
When Discovery Learning Should Be Used
1. To get students to think for themselves
2. To help them discover how knowledge is created
3. Should be used only when you have developed the qualities of a good
facilitator and you know and can follow the regimen for good discovery
Limitations of Discovery Learning
o some teachers simply do not have the experience or aptitude for this
o discovery learning allows students to make errors. Unless these errors are
corrected, serious confusion can result.
Summary on Discovery Learning

Constructivist Teaching and learning: Problem Solving under Teacher Guidance

What Is Constructivism?
o a way of teaching and learning that intends to maximize student
Purposes and Characteristics of Constructivism
o The purpose of constructivist teaching and learning is to help students to
acquire information in ways that make that information readily understood
and usable.
When Constructivism Should Be Used
o Ensuring student understanding
Limitations of Constructivism
o It would be difficult for novices to learn how to do something if they do
not have the needed prior knowledge.
o Teachers would need to be able to monitor and guide often freeflowing
activity and to provide scaffolding or help momentarily.
Is There a Single Best Instructional Alternative?
These chapter of the book The Act of Teaching by Cruickshank introduces several
instructional modes and gives examples of when and how to use them. At the end, however, no
best method for teaching named. Rather, all these are to be used depending on their purpose.
This challenges me as a teacher to be creative in choosing which mode of instruction I will be
using in my future lessons.

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