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Mt Scott Arleta Neighborhood Association April 5, 2017

Board members in attendance: Gus Kroll, Andrew Cecka, John Green, Erika Wilson, Meghan Humphreys,
Jed Roberts

Meeting began at 6:40 p.m.

Tom DeJardin from Mt. Scott Learning Center introduced the space, which is an accredited non-profit
junior and high school for students who have had difficulty with other school environments. The school
is available for evening or weekend events with nonprofits.

City of Portland Sewer Project Matt Goff will be taking over the project in terms of the
communications process. Design for sewer projects are happening now, and construction will begin in
June. There will be weekly or bi-weekly updates as sewer construction begins, and some info is available
online at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/68740. Anyone who wants email updates can subscribe
online at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/70360. There will be phases of work (sometimes
separated by a few weeks) especially on the pipes that are cured-in-place pipe lining type. These types
of projects will not result in any streets being completely repaved. Anytime work is being done on a
property, all residents will get notices on their front doors, not just sent to property owners. Plates will
be placed over any open trenches at days end. Any concerns about signage can be reported to Matt or
the contractor listed on a sign.

Kelly from SE Uplift attended to discuss Communications services we provide and need assistance with.
MSANA gets $920 per year to allocate to Communications projects. This year theyre looking at our
communications needs and seeing where we sit with communications capabilities.

Some of the key items we are doing well is posting meeting minutes and agendas, we have yard signs,
but theyre not 100% accurate since not every meeting is at MSCC. Our social media presence is much
increased and has gained followers.

One of our key missing items that would help is to have a board member assigned to roles (Website
rather than just Communications). Our board titles are extremely broad and not specific to the
activity the person does. Digital newsletter is something we dont have now, so recruiting barriers are
difficult. Andrew is looking to create a Google sign-in for folks that attend the meetings to capture their
information. Kelly is recommending we spend some funds to recruit volunteers for communications
flyers, social media with paid FB ads, website, nextdoor, etc.

The board voted to allocate a maximum of $500 for election flyers and materials for May Erika moved,
John seconded, and the vote in favor was unanimous.

Allen from Foster Business Alliance attended to talk about the Tasting Tour planned for this year to
include more non-food and drink businesses and not necessarily retail businesses. Anyone who has
their passport stamped by visiting businesses get entered into drawings for prizes. Businesses will also
have an opportunity to choose a charity personal to the business owner. There is an idea working now
to engage businesses beyond our neighborhood or street boundaries.

They are considering having each business partner with a nonprofit in the month of July send
suggestions about charities or ways to set this up to Gus Kroll.
Neighborhood Cleanup is coming up on Saturday, May 6th the MSANA is partnered with Foster Powell
NA. To drop off a carload is $10, and trucks are between $20 and $25. Postcards with prohibited
materials will go out after this meeting. There is also an item swap area for quality items. Erika will also
have a PDF on Facebook. Anyone can show up on the day of the event to volunteer, so volunteers have
an open invite (and volunteers get first pick of swappable items!)

May 5th is Jane Jacobs birthday (a neighborhood advocate) and some areas do Janes Walks, where
every walk asks each attendee to bring a question about their neighborhood for the walk group. This
would happen in our area in cooperation with the Holgate Library, with a route on SE Foster. Get details
at: https://multcolib.org/events/janes-walk-residences-restaurants-along-foster-road-corridor/74961

The meeting ended at 8:05 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Meghan Humphreys, Secretary

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