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Supreme Court Cases Test

1. The Supreme Court asserted which of the following principles in Marbury v. Madison?
a. The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees all individual freedoms under state laws
b. Freedom of religion is guaranteed but some religious practices may violate the establishment clause
c. Under the Tenth Amendment, the federal government can regulate commerce among the states
d. The exclusionary rule must be upheld in all state court trials
e. The Supreme Court has the power to declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional

2. In Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court ruled that persons accused of a crime
a. cannot be denied bail b. have the right to a fair trial
c. have rights during police questioning d. have equal protection under the law
e. cannot be searched illegally

3. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke is a Supreme Court case that addressed
a. affirmative action b. prayer in school c. the rights of the accused
d. right of privacy e. desegregation through busing

4. According to the Supreme Courts decision in Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971), which of the following is true
about public aid to church-related schools?
a. Any use of public funds for church-related schools violates the separation of church and state
b. Only local governments may allocate public money to church-related schools
c. Public aid to church-related schools must be matched by an equal amount of privately raised funds
d. Public aid to church-related schools must have a primary effect that neither effects nor inhibits
e. Religious schools are not allowed to receive any public funds

5. In Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court determined that

a. the drawing of unreasonable school district lines cannot be used as a means of integrating schools
b. symbolic speech is protected under the First Amendment
c. affirmative action quotas are unconstitutional
d. the death penalty is not a form of cruel and unusual punishment
e. obscenity is not protected under the First Amendment

6. Protection against self-incrimination was applied to the states in

a. Miranda v. Arizona b. Mapp v. Ohio c. Gideon v. Wainwright
d. Gitlow v. New York e. Loving v. Virginia

7. In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court decided for the first time that
a. judicial review was a power of the court
b. state contracts took precedence over federal law
c. Congress had the exclusive right to regulate interstate commerce
d. intrastate commerce was a legitimate federal function
e. states could not tax the federal government
8. The aim of the exclusionary rule as defined by Mapp v. Ohio is to
a. encourage police to knock before entering a suspected crime scene
b. prevent law enforcement officials from stopping and frisking suspects
c. deny the media access to places where police are conducting an investigation
d. force police to get search warrants for evidence in plain view
e. not allow illegally obtained evidence to be admitted into a court proceeding

9. In which case did the US Supreme Court uphold the necessary and proper clause?
a. Marbury v. Madison b. McCulloch v. Maryland c. Gibbons v. Ogden
d. United States v. Lopez e. Dred Scot v. Sandford

10. The US Supreme Court declared in Schenk v. United States that government can curb speech that
a. is lewd and offensive b. is expressed in public schools c. is religious in nature
d. causes a clear and present danger e. misleads consumers

11. In the Engel v. Vitale cause of 1962, the Supreme Court that that __________ was (were)
a. the Connecticut statute barring the distribution of birth control information
b. segregation
c. police search or seizure without an authorized warrant
d. prior restraint
e. prayers done as classroom exercises in public schools

12. In what case did the Supreme Court rule that the protection against unreasonable search and seizure
applied to the state and local governments, as well as the national government, thus nationalizing the
exclusionary rule?
a. United States v. New York b. Miranda v. Arizona c. Mapp v. Ohio
d. Gideon v. Wainwright e. Roth v. United States

13. In this 1963 Supreme Court Case, the court ruled that defendants in all felony cases had the right to
counsel, and if they could not afford to hire a lawyer, one must be provided.
a. Mapp v. Ohio b. National Bar Assoc v. United States c. Miranda v. Arizona
d. Engel v. Vitale e. Gideon v. Wainwright

14. The Supreme Court case that overturned a state law allowing high school students read a prayer before
athletic events was
a. Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe b. Lee v. Weisman c. Edwards v. Aguillard
d. Lemon v. Kurtzman e. Wallace v. Jaffree

15. The Supreme Court case of Gideon v. Wainwright was a significant case in that it
A. caused law enforcement officers to advise the criminally accused of their rights
B. called for attorney rights to be applied at the state level as well as at the federal level
C. called for the accused to be confronted by the witnesses against them
D. stated that search warrants were constitutionally required under all circumstances
E. allowed judges to determine what constitutes double jeopardy in a case
16. The Court precedent of "clear and present danger" was set by which famous case?
a. Rostner v. Goldberg b. Schenck v. U.S
c. Roe v. Wade d. Mapp v. Ohio
e.Griswold v. Connecticut

17. All of the following were important milestones in bringing about the end of de jure segregation EXCEPT:
a. the establishment of the Office of Economic Opportunity b. Brown v. Topeka

c. the Civil Rights Act of l964 d. the Voting Rights Act of 1965
e. Plessy v. Ferguson

18. Which Supreme Court case ruled that flag burning is a protected form of symbolic speech?
A. Tinker v. Des Moines B. Reno v. ACLU C. Millier v. California
D. Texas v. Johnson E. Texas v. White

19. The pivotal Supreme Court case that ruled that the wearing of black armbands in school to protest the
Vietnam War was symbolic speech and protected by the First Amendment was
A. Gitlow v. New York B. Texas v. Johnson C. Reno v. ACLU
D. Brandenburg v. Ohio E. Tinker v. Des Moines

20. Which Supreme Court case legalized abortion in the United States and reaffirmed the right to privacy?
a. Rostner v. Goldberg b. Schenck v. U.S c. Roe v. Wade
d. Mapp v. Ohio e.Griswold v. Connecticut

Next to each Supreme Court below, indicate the amendment that was addressed in the Courts ruling.

__________ 21. Wolf v. Colorado __________ 30. Dred Scott v. Sanford

__________ 22. Mapp v. Ohio __________ 31. Brown v. Board of Ed.

__________ 23. Escobedo v. Illinois __________ 32. Miranda v. Arizona

__________ 24. Engel v. Vitale __________ 33. Roe v. Wade

__________ 25. Wisconsin v. Yoder __________ 34. Plessy v. Ferguson

__________ 26. New York Times v. US __________ 35. Schenk v. United States

__________ 27. Texas v. Johnson

__________ 28. Gregg v. Georgia

__________ 29. Gideon v. Wainwright

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