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Organ ADORAMUS TE, CHRISTE from Les Sept Paroles du Christ ‘Théodore Dubois (1837-1924) Edited by Richard Proulx We adore vou, O Chriss. and we bless for by your holy cross ro. 12 redecned t contd. Andante kargo p eae = = | pp A> do td-mus te, Chri = ste, et be-ne-df-ci-mus ti - bi, gt ory a = Ee = — -. f 2 Notes: Théodore Dubois was organist at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Paris. “Adoramus Te, Christe” is the concluding chorus of Les Sept Paroles du Christ, first performed on Good Friday, 1867, at Ste-Clothilde in Paris, It was included in the 1920 St. Gregory Hymnal G-5432 (Comight © 2001 iy GLA Pubiations, ne, 7404, Mason Ave Ciceg, I 60638 “emational Copyright Seeued AN Righs Reseed Pinte tS Photocopying ofthis publesion wit pomason of pubiehr sa volstcn ota US, Coda ctw Torch te reaporsbleinauvat er ettsson suas ta cial rssecano> Ne‘ Sos 5 crese. a do-ré-mus te, Chri - ste, et be-ne-di - ci-mus ti - bi, = cresc. oS qui = @ per san-ctam Cru-cem tu - am. de-mf-sti mun - dum; yn = - a - do-ré-mus te, Chri - ste, et be-ne-di- ciemus ti - bis a- do-ré-mus te, Chri - ste! allarg. Pep = P > EP Man, Ped.

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