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Nonparametric Methods in Longitudinal Studies

a b b
Malay Ghosh , James E. Grizzle & Pranab Kumar Sen
Department of Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India
Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., 27514, USA
Published online: 05 Apr 2012.

To cite this article: Malay Ghosh , James E. Grizzle & Pranab Kumar Sen (1973): Nonparametric Methods in Longitudinal Studies,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 68:341, 29-36

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01621459.1973.10481329


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Journal of the American Statistical Association
March 1973, Volume 68, Number 341
Applications Section

Nonparametric Methods in Longitudinal Studies


Inference procedures based on some simple rank statistics are pro- At the end of the period of treatment, the rats were
posed and studied for the statistical analysis of longitudinal data.
sacrificed, and all the soft tissue was removed from the
These robust and asymptotically efficient procedures do not require
the basic assumption of multivariate normality of the underlying dis- leg except the joint capsule and collateral ligaments. The
tributions. The theory is illustrated with two examples. femur was mounted on the movable arm of a goniometer,
and the tibia was maintained in a horizontal position so
1. INTRODUCTION that the force produced by adding weights to the distal
The analysis of data collected in longitudinal studies end of the tibia would always be perpendicular to the
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presents problems due to dependence among succes- horizontal plane. Half gram weights were added every
sive observations made on the same individual. Although ten seconds, and the angle (j between the tibia and the
some problems remain, good statistical methods for the femur was recorded after the addition of each weight.
analysis of continuous variables collected in longitudinal In most cases, a point was reached at which the joint
studies have been developed recently (cf. [12, 4J). How- continued to extend without the addition of more weight.
ever, the assumption of multivariate normality made After the voluntary extension had stopped, addition of
invariably is not always tenable since a continuous weights was resumed until an angle of 135 0 was reached.
variable (vector) may not have the hypothesized mul- A plot of the results for a typical group is shown in
tivariate normal distribution, or a variable may take on Figures A and B. Each line depicts the results for a dif-
discrete values based on some nominal scale such as a ferent animal in the group.
subjective clinical score. The object of the present article
is to present generally applicable rank based statistical A. GROUP /I BEFORE TRANSFORM ATlON OF DATA
methods appropriate when either of these two situations
We shall start with two practical examples in Section 2
for the motivation of the problems, and then develop
statistical methods in Section 3.

The first example is based on an experiment the purpose
of which was to investigate the potentialities of Beta-
amino propionitrile (BAPN) as a preventive of joint
stiffness.' The right knee joints of 250 gram female 100
Sprague-Dawley rats were immobilized in 40 0 flexion
with an internal extra-articular split for two or three
weeks. Five groups of rats were treated as follows:
Group 1: Knees immobilized three weeks-no drug given.
Group 2: Knees immobilized three weeks-drug given all
three weeks.
Group 3: Knees immobilized three weeks-drug given the
first week.
Group 4: Knees immobilized three weeks-drug given the
third week.
Group 5: Knees immobilized two weeks-no drug given. 40
* Malay Ghosh is associate professor, Department of Statistics, Indian Statistical

Institute, Calcutta, India. Both James E. Grizzle and Pranab Kumar Sen are
professors, Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
N.C. 27514. This work was done while Professor Ghosh was also at Chapel Hill and
was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Grant GM-12868. The authors
are grateful to the referees for their useful comments on the article.
I MANOVA for the same data under the classical normal theory model is con-
o 5 10 15 20
sidered in Grizzle, J. E., Essays in Probability Statistitics, R. C. Bose, et al., ed.
University of North Carolina Press, 1966. pp. 311-26. WEIGHT IN GRAMS
30 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1973

B. GROUP II AFTER TRANSFORMA TION OF DATA Two straight lines were fitted to the response curves
for each rat. These curves fit exceedingly well; the per-
cent of the total sum- of squares accounted for by re-
gression was always over 95 percent and usually ex-
! ceeded 98 percent. The estimated regression coefficients
have a physical interpretation. They are the rate of in-
1.0 ! crease of the distance between the point of attachment

.9 p.~_. of the leg to the apparatus and the point of addition of

weight per half gram of weight.

.. .- For an adequate summary of the original data for
each animal, we propose the vector
.7 !I / '
r I,
where -91 and !Xl are the estimated intercept and the
6 a / ~
! I slope of the first component of the response line, while
.5~7 12 and !X2 are those for the second. The statistic s~ax/S~in
(where s~ax and S~in are, respectively, the largest and
.4 smallest estimated variances) showed that the within
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:15 22 May 2013

group variances of the !Xl are not homogeneous even

.3 after making a logarithmic transformation. The esti-
.2 mated parameters of the individual lines are shown in
Table 1. We shall use these datato illustrate the use of

5 10 15 20 Group




0.3113 0.0332 0.7777 0.0092
0.3202 0.0287 0.7438 0.0140
0.3786 0.0219 0.7675 0.0094
The figures show that the first portion of the response 0.3921 0.0270 0.5520 0.0236
curve for each animal was approximately linear while 0.3836 0.0402 0.7800 0.0196
the second portion was often definitely nonlinear. One 0.3869 0.0383 0.7092 0.0174
form of Hooke's law is that the extension of a spring is
proportional to the weight attached to it. The joint and 0.4524 0.1372 0.7487 0.0255
capsule do not behave like a spring since the femur does 0.3634 0.1013 0.8189 0.0162
not resume its original position after the weight is re- 2 0.3734 0.0569 0.7619 0.0165
0.3756 0.0495 0.7598 0.0136
moved, but plastic substances often obey Hooke's law
0.4361 0.0568 0.8174 0.0192
with the exception in behavior noted. The quantity
y = sin 0/2 is proportional to the distance from the point
0.3596 0.0604 0.8521 0.0103
at which the leg is suspended to the point the weight is 0.4001 0.0468 0.8139 0.0106
applied, and thus provides the transformation for chang- 3 0.3861 0.0374 0.6014 0.0229
ing the angular measurement to a linear measurement. 0.3968 0.0412 0.7283 0.0226
Since the points of suspension and the points of addition 0.3963 0.0286 0.7662 0.01l0
of the one-half gram weights were constant among
animals, apart from experimental error in setting up the 0.3603 0.0470 0.6917 0.0437
apparatus, the fact that we do not know the constant of 0.3452 0.0381 0.7473 0.0172
proportionality is no handicap. Plotting the new variable 4 0.3962 0.0407 0.7848 0.0165
y = sin 0/2 against weight resulted in two approxi- 0.3763 0.0434 0.8062 0.0184
mately straight lines for each animal j the first being the 0.3910 0.0406 0.7334 0.0293
response line before the spontaneous movement without
additional weights and the second being the response 0.5005 0.0725 0.7767 0.0355
after the spontaneous movement had taken place and
0.5699 0.0699 0.7391 0.0269
5 0.6ll4 0.0670 0.8009 0.0176
the addition of weights had been resumed. The dis-
0.3803 0.0417 0.7540 0.0270
continuity between the two lines is the point at which the
0.3951 0.9765 0.8518 0.0137
spontaneous movement took place.
Nonparametric Longitudinal Studies 31

nonparametric multivariate procedures for testing ho- by an arbitrary function g('), involving a set of unknown
mogeneity of the five groups. parameters and a set of known factors, such as time and
In the second example, the data were collected in a other accountable variables.
study of two treatments of duodenal ulcer. Each patient's For simplicity of presentation, we shall consider the
clinical status was evaluated and arbitrarily scored as particular model (3.1). LetX i j k = (X i j k(t1), " ' , Xijk(tl'
worse (0), unchanged (1), slightly improved (2), moder- be the observation (vector) for the kth individual in the
ately improved (3) or markedly improved (4) when com- ith block receiving the jth treatment, for k = 1, "', nih
pared to his pretreatment status, or the patient could 1 < i < h, 1 <
j ~ c. Based on X ij k, we estimate
be symptom-free (5) .These patients were evaluated at 'YiJT(1 ~ r ~ d), cr.g) (1 ~ s ~ p) in some convenient way
1, I!, 3, 6, 18 and 24 months after treatment. A cursory and denote these estimates by 'YiJT,k, ag~k(1 ~ i ~ h,
examination of data such as that shown in Table 2 makes 1 ~ j ~ c, 1 ~ s ~ p, k = 1, "', nij). For brevity, let
it clear that the patients are relapsing. We shall be inter- us confine ourselves to the model connected with the
ested in whether one treatment group is relapsing at a second example. Let
faster rate than the other. (1) (p) ,
Patients were randomly assigned to one of the two OI.ijk = (aijk, " ' , aijk) , k = 1, ... ,nij;
treatments within hospital. Thus the design is a ran- j = 1, .. " c; ~ = 1; "', h, (3.2)
domized block design with unequal replication. In this
case also, we have reduced the original data to their where the a's are the coefficients of a p - 1 degree
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:15 22 May 2013

intercept and trend components by fitting orthogonal polynomial. The procedure for estimating OI.ijk'S may be
polynomials to the arbitrary scores. The coefficients quite arbitrary. For example, we may fit a polynomial of
necessary are easily derived even though the spacing is degree p - 1 by the usual least squares principle, or we
unequal. Graphical examination of each patient's re- may use some other robust procedure, such as the one
gression coefficients suggest that, contrary to what one in Sen [14J and Sen and Puri [16J when p = 2, etc.
might expect, their distributions are nonnormal in spite Since we apply the same method of estimation of OI.ij
of each regression coefficient being a linear combination for all the nij vectors X i j k, k = 1, "', nih the estimates
of random variables. The problem is to test for treatment aijk, k = 1, "', nih are all defined by the same func-
differences without assuming multivariate normality. tion of the vector F.ijk, k = 1, "', nij. which are in-
dependent and identically distributed random vectors.
3. STATISTICAL METHODS Hence, aijk, k = 1, "', nih are nij independent and
3.1 The Model identically distributed random vectors, having a p-variate
continuous distribution Gi j (X1, .. " x p ) , for j = 1, .. " c,
Consider a set of q( ~2) distinct time points t 1 , " ' , t q i = 1, .. " h. We adopt the model
(where 0 ~ t1 < iz: .. < t q ) , and let at the time-point
tl, Xijk(tl) be the response on theleth individual receiving Gij(x) = Gi(x - :l..j),
the J'th treatment from the ith block for k = 1, .. " nih (1) (p) ,

i = 1, "', h( ~ 2), j = 1, "', c( ~ 2). Consider the :l..j = (X, , .. " Xj ); j = 1, ... , c; (3.3)
model where G 1, " ' , G h are arbitrary, and :I../s account for the
Xijk(tt) =
LT=l 'YijTgijT + L.=l cr.ij m.(tt)
treatment-effects, i.e., the differences in the true values of
cr.g) - afJ~, 1 ~ j ,e l' ~ c, s = 1, "', p.
+ Eijk(tt),f = 1, "', q, k = 1, "', nih (3.1)

p + d ~ q, where 'YijT( ~ r < d), cr.iS') (1 < s ~ p) are un- 2. CLINICAL EVALUA TlONS (TYPICAL DATA)
known real constants, gijT(1 ~ r ~ d) are known con-
stants, m.(tl) are known functions of tl(l~s~p, l~l~q). Hospital 1 Hospital 2

In the first example, h = 1, d = 2, P = 2, glj1(glj2) = 1, Months after treatment Months after treatment
Patient Patient
if the observation corresponding to the jth treatment is 1'> 3 12 18 24 1'> 12 18 24
associated with the first (second) portion of the curve, Treatment 1
= 0, otherwise; m(l)(tl) (m(2)(tl = time in the first 1 3 5 3 5 0 0 5 0
(second) portion of the curve, = 0, otherwise. In the 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0
second example, h = 2, gijT = 0 (identically) for all
r = 1, 2, d, h.(tl) = ti- 1 (1 < s ~ p, 1 s: ~ q).

We propose to consider the MAN 0 VA tests (as regards 27 o 18 000

the effects of treatments) on 'YijT and cr.g). We assume that
Treatment 2
the error vector F.ijk = (Eijk(t1), " ' , Eijk(t q' has a joint 28 5 5 19
(q-variate) distribution function (d.f.) which is con- 29 o 0 0 o 20
tinuous everywhere. The procedures developed here are
not necessarily restricted to the linear models in (3.1)
but can as well be applied to general models where the
57 o 35 o
first two terms on the right side of (3.1) can be replaced
32 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1973

Our first problem is to test the null hypothesis Then, on denoting by

(1) .
:1.1 = ... = :I.e = 0, (3.4) m, = HNi + 1)(1, ",,1)'; 1, = 1, "', h, (3.12)

without assuming the additivity of the block effects. and following the Chatterjee-Sen [2, 3J rank permuta-
Second, we want to study whether the assumption of tion principle, our statistic i is proposed as
additivity of the block effects can be utilized to provide c - * -
any improvement in the tests for (3.4). Finally, we want .e, = [(N i - l)/NiJ Lj=l ni;(Rij - mi)'Vi(R ij - m.),
to test for no interaction between blocks and treatments. i = 1, .. " h. (3.13)
We define
The permutation distribution theory of i has been
studied in detail by Chatterjee and Sen [3J, and Puri
i = 1, "', h, j = 1, "', c, and Sen [8]. It follows from their results that under
Hbl}, i is asymptotically distributed as a central X2 with
and state the hypotheses of no interaction as p(e - 1) degrees of freedom for each i = 1, 2, "', h.
Since 1, " ' , h are stochastically independent, the
Ho : "(11 = ... = "(he = O. (3.6) distribution of
The tests we develop are based on suitable rank tests
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:15 22 May 2013

for MANOVA considered by Chatterjee and Sen [3J, has asymptotically the chi-square distribution with
Puri and Sen [8J, Sen [13J and others. ph(c - 1) degrees of freedom. Thus, for large samples,
we may proceed as follows:
3.2 Test of Homogeneity of Treatment Effects Without
the Assumption of Additivity of Block Effects 2 . H0
~ XphCc-l).a, reject ,
'" Cs) " ' , UilniIl
",Cs} .<'ICs) ACS}' di if 2 (1)
R an k Uilb " ' , Uiel, " ' , aien" In ascen mg {
< XphCc-l).a, accept H; ,
order of magnitude and let R~jl be the rank of a~jl in this
set; by virtue of the continuity of the joint distribution where x;'a is the upper 100 percent point of the chi-square
of the G:iik'S, the possibility of ties may be neglected, in distribution with t d.f., and o (O < a < 1) is the desired
probability. Note that the ranking is done separately level of significance of the test.
for each block and, also within each block, separately
for each s( = 1, "', p). Thus, corresponding to the 3.3 Test of Homogeneity Under the Assumption of No
vector G:ijk we have a p-vector Block vs Treatment Interaction

(3.7) The method just presented will not be the most efficient
(powerful) that could be used when there is no inter-
whose elements are numbers from 1 to N, = Lf=lnij. action. One can reason heuristically as follows: If there
Hence, the N i observations aijk in the ith block yield the is no interaction, one should be able to devise a test
rank collection matrix statistic based on (c - l)p deprees of freedom by averag-
ing over the h blocks which would have very nearly the
same numerical value. Instead of being compared to the
tabular value of X2 with hp(c - 1) degrees of freedom to
determine its significance level, it would be compared
to the smaller tabular value with p (e - 1) degrees of
(Each row of R i N i consists of a permutation of the num- freedom.
bers 1, 2, .. " N i . ) The classical weighted least squares analysis based on
Our proposed test is based on a statistic = LZ=li, the centered mean rank scores can be used in the present
where i is the multivariate multisample rank sum case. The method proposed can, under the assumption of
statistic for the ith set, considered in detail in [2, 3]. For additivity of block effects, give the best asymptotic
this we consider the average ranks normal estimates of the treatment effects averaged over
_ -1 nij Ck) the blocks when the treatment effects under the alterna-
n., = nij Lk=l R ij for 1 :-s; J :-s; c, 1:-S; i :-s; h, (3.9) tives are "close" (e.g., in the Pitman sense) to the null
and the Spearman rank covariance matrices hypothesis. We want to test the null hypothesis Hb 1}
given in (3.4) against the alternatives
Vi = ((Vi ... ' ...'=l ..... p; i = 1, "', h (3.10)
Gij(X) = Gi(x - 6j ) , Gi(x) = G(x - ~i),
where (3.15)
-1 c nij {e ) c.') i = 1, "', h,
Vi...' = Ni Lj=l Lk=l RijkRijk
where ~l, " ' , ~h are the block effects (nuisance parame-
-t(N i + 1)2; s, s' = 1, "', p; (3.11)
ters), and the treatment effects 6j = (O}l) , "', O}p})' ,
and let V: be a generalized inverse of Vi, i = 1, "', h. (j = 1, "', e), are assumed to have elements "close to
Nonparametric Longitudinal Studies 33

zero." [More precisely, we write OJ = N-l'),.j, j = 1, "', Finally, on defining

C1 where N = ts..
and the x, contain finite elements.] h
V = h- 1 Li=l (N, + 1)-2Vi , (3.28)
Since the R ij - m, defined by (3.9) and (3.12) are
unaffected by the variation of the nuisance parameters where the Vi are defined by (3.10) and (3.11), we have
~1, .. " ~h, we like to consider a linear compound of the h from Chatterjee and Sen [3J that
sets of vectors {R t1
- m J' J' = 1' ...
c } i = 1 , ... 'J
having some desirable properties. For this, we write ;, ~ v, in probability. (3.29)
1 = (1, .. " 1)', and let If we now express Z as a column vector
Zi = ((N i + 1)-lR i1 - !l, (N i + 1)-lRie - !l),
(zi ll , .. " Z{P), .. " Z;l), ... , Z;pY = U', (3.30)
'/, = 1, "', h, (3.16)
r = Be = B(Ol, "', 6e) , say, we can propose our test statistic as
B = Diag(B 1, . ", B p ) ; (3.17)
.c* = U'(;,-l A*)U, (3.31)

B. = L~ g~(x)dx, s = 1, "', p, (3.18) and from the results of Chatterjee and Sen [3J, and Puri
and Sen [8J, it follows that under Hb2 ) : 6 = 0, .c* has
where g.(x) is the marginal density of the sth variate for approximately the chi-square distribution with p(c - 1)
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:15 22 May 2013

the cdf G(x), defined in (3.15). Then, by the same tech- degrees of freedom. The reduction in the degrees of
nique as in [3J and [8J, it follows that when the O~) are freedom, made at the cost of the assumption of additivity
small and the nij are not small, of block effects, usually improves the efficiency of .c*
as compared to that of .c.
E(Zi) ~ rn., = 1, .. ',h,
i We can also take
V (Zi) "-' v Ai, i = 1, "', h,
where Ai = Diag(ni1, .. " nie), '/, = 1, .. " h, (3.32)

D, = ((Oii' - nijN i)) , Ai = ((n:;10ii , - Ni-))' so that on letting nOj = L~=lnij, we have by (3.24),
i = 1, .. " h, (3.21) A* = Diag(nol. "', noe) . (3.33)

Ojj' is the usual Kroneckerdelta, and v is the p X p matrix Consequently, we have

of the grade covariances for the cdf G, i.e., -1
A = ((no; 0"., - N-1)). (3.34)

Vssr = L~ L~ [G[.](x) - n Hence, we may simplify (3.31) as

. [GC"l(Y) - !JdG[, .'J(x, y), (3.22) (3.35)

where G [oj is the marginal cdf of the sth variate and where e- = ;'-1.
Gro,o'] is the bivariate joint cdf of the (s, s'Ith variate;
The test for Hb 1) is based on .c*, using the same rule
note that for s = e', v.. = l2. as in (3.14), with the degrees of freedom adjusted as
If the design is balanced, i.e., nijN j does not depend p(c - 1).
on i and i. an optimal linear compound of the adjusted For certain asymptotic properties of the tests based
rank averages is on .c* and .c, we may refer to Sen [13J, who considered
the special case of c = 2.
3.4 Test for Interaction
and one can then construct a suitable quadratic form in
the elements of Z as a test statistic. In the unbalanced Under the hypothesis of no interaction, for the ith
case, the picture is a bit more complicated and is pre- replicate am, Qi21 - ..i l2 , " aiel - ..i 1e (i = 1,2, .. " h)
sented below. are all identically distributed random variables, where
We denote by A:, a generalized inverse of Ai, i = 1, ..i 1j = '),.j - '),.1 (j = 2,3, .. " c). In other words, ..i l2 , "
.. " h, and let ..i 1e are the alignments needed for the observations cor-
responding to different samples (treatments) to have
identical distributions. Let ..i \t "', ..ii~) denote two-
Then, we take, sample Wilcoxon scores estimators of A l2 , " ' , Ale, re-
- h spectively, based on the data relating to the ith replicate,
Z = (Li~l ZiAi)A. (3.25)
for i = 1, .. " h. Then
Then, by (3.19), (3.20), (3.24), and (3.25), we have

EZ- ~
DiAi)A( =0 when 6 = 0), (3.26)
Var(Z) ~ v A. (3.27) j = 2, .. " c, s = 1, .. " p, '/, = 1, .. " h. (3.36)
34 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1973

3. RANKS AND ADJUSTED RANKS OF DATA estimator of the true ~Oh the difference between the
FOR EXAMPLE 1 aligned Spearman rank correlation matrix and the true
Spearman rank correlation matrix converges in prob-
Yl "'1 Y2 "'2 ability to a null matrix. On the other hand, for linear
Adj. rank statistics, such as the rank averages, using the
rank rank rank rank
recent results of Sen [15J, Koul [6J and Jureckova [5J
1.0 -12.5 5.0 -8.5 17.0 3.5 1.0 -12.5 on the asymptotic linearity in translation parameters, it
2.0 -11.5 4.0 -9.5 8.0 -5.5 8.0 -5.5
10.0 -3.5 1.0 -12.5 15.0 1.5 2.0 -11.5 follows that the rank averages of the aligned observations
-11.5 6.5
&~l in (3.41) can be expressed as a linear function of the
16.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 -12.5 20.0
12.0 -1.5 9.0 -4.5 18.0 4.5 17.0 3.5
14.0 .5 8.0 -5.5 4.0 -9.5 13.0 -.5
rank averages of the af;l - .16j), a linear combination of
Mean 9.17 -4.33 4.83 -8.67 10.50 -3.00 9.17 -3.33
the .16'/ and a residual term which becomes negligible
23.0 9.5 26.0 12.5 10.0 -3.5 21.0 7.5
6.0 -7.5 25.0 11.5 24.0 10.5 9.0 -4.5 (in probability) for large nij. Thus, it follows that . can
7.0 -6.5 19.0 5.5 13.0 -.5 10.5 -3.0
8.0 -5.5 17.0 3.5 12.0 -1.5 6.0 -7.5
be expressed for large sample sizes as a quadratic form
22.0 8.5 18.0 4.5 23.0 9.5 16.0 2.5 in the np (e - 1) estimates Aff), j = 2, "', e, S = 1,
13.20 -.30 21.00 7.50 16.40 2.90 11.5 -1.00
.. " p and i = 1, .. " h. Hence, using the multinormality
4.0 -9.5 20.0 6.5 26.0 12.5 3;0 -10.5
21.0 7.5 15.0 1.5 22.0 8.5 4.0 -9.5 of these estimates, studied by Puri and Sen [9J, it
13.0 -.5 6.0 -7.5 2.0 -11. 5 19.0 5.5 follows that under the hypothesis of no interaction,
20.0 6.5 12.0 -1.5 5.0 -8.5 18.0 4.5
19.0 5.5 3.0 -10.5 14.0 .5 5.0 -8.5 . has approximately the chi-square distribution with
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:15 22 May 2013

Mean 15.40 1.90 11.20 -2.30 13.80 .30 8.80 -3.70 p(e - l)(h - 1) degrees of freedom. Thus, we have a
test for H62 ) , based on ., where we use the same rule as
4 18.0 4.5 11.0 -2.5 19.0 5.5 10.5 -3.0 in (3.14) with the degrees of freedom adjusted as
9.0 -4.5 14.0 .5 21.0 7.5 15.0 1.5
15.0 1.5 10.0 -3.5 6.0 -7.5 24.0 10.5 p(e - l)(h - 1).
Mean 10.00 -3.50 11.60 -1.90 11.60 -1.90 16.5 4.00
24.0 10.5 23.0 9.5 16.0 2.5 25.0 11.5 3.5 Use of General Rank Statistics
25.0 11.5 22.0 8.5 7.0 -6.5 22.0 8.5
7.5 20.0 .5
13.0 -.5 11.0
23.0 9.5
In the same way as Puri and Sen [8J extend the rank
17.0 3.5 24.0 10.5 25.0 11.5 7.0 -6.5 sum test of Chatterjee and Sen [3J to a general class of
Mean 20.60 7.10 20.60 7.10 15.80 2.30 18.2 4.70 rank order tests, we can also extend the statistics , *
and . to a general class of rank order statistics. This ex-
We denote by tension is based on a replacement of the ranks 1, .. " N i


'.': J z = 1, "', h; (3.37)
by rank scores E N; . lI " ' , EN;,Ni/ where EN;,; = EN.(j),
j = 1, "', N i are explicitly known functions of the
Al.}) Al~') ranks 1, .. " N. For example, if
j ~ [tN;J
Di = ((n~l + ~:::)), i, j' = 2, . ", e; j < [tN;J'
i = 1, <:>, h; (3.38)
we are led to the multivariate median tests, considered
where Ojj' is the usual Kronecker delta, and let earlier by Chatterjee and Sen [2]. Similarly, if EN, (J) is
the expected value of the jth smallest observation of a
(3.39) sample of size N; from the standard normal distribution,
A h -1. j = 1, "', N, we have the so called normal scores, and
~O = Do(L;~l D; .1;) the tests based on these were studied earlier by Puri and
Sen [8].
= ((.1.(.) ) .
0j ) J = 2, .. " e; s = 1, "', p, (340)
We need to replace them in (3.9) and (3.10), the ranks
and conventionally, we let ~. = .16~ = 0 for s = 1, .. " by the rank scores, so that mf') = Ni-1L:~lEN~'~, S = 1,
p. Finally, let
(e ) (a) (.)
a;jk = a;jk - .1OJ , k = 1, .. " nih CORRELATIONS FOR EXAMPLE ,.
j = 1, ... I e, S = 1, .. " p, z = 1, ... ,h. (3.41) ~ ~

Coefficient Yl Cl. Y2 Cl.

1 2
We consider these aligned observations, and then pro-
ceeding as in (3.7) through (3.12), but replacing every- Y1 56.25 18.98 1. 75 21.11
where a~jk by &~jL we define .i, i = 1, "', h, and finally, ~

Cl. .34 11. 87

let 1
(3.42) ~

Y2 .03 -29.87

The statistics ;, i = 1, "', h, are based on average Cl.

.38 56.25
ranks of the aligned observations and their Spearman
rank correlation matrix. Since the ..iOj is a consistent Correlations show below the diagonal.
Nonparametric Longitudinal Studies 35

.. " p. The construction of .i and .i remains the same. 6. RANK COVARIANCE AND CORRELATION
The estimates of .1f;), based on general rank scores, are MATRICES FOR EXAMPLE 20.
more complicated, see Puri and Sen [9]. However the Hospital 1 Hospital 2
A '
construction of . rests on the same alignment procedure. Linear Quadratic Linear Quadra tic
Intercept Intercept
term term term term

3.6 Asymptotic Relative Efficency (ARE) Results Intercept 269.15 -0.08 -65.04 101. 61 32.47 -33.74

For testing H6 1) (when h = 1), the classical parametric

Linear term

Quadratic term
test based on the (normal theory) likelihood ratio
criterion is asymptotically equivalent to the alternative The Spearman rank correlations shown below the diagonal are calculated by
criterion based on the Hotelling-Lawley trace. Either of Pi = 12/(N: - nVi.

these statistics has asymptotically a chi-square distribu-

tion with p(c - 1) degrees of freedom when H6 1) holds, = 29.77, where .i is computed by (3.13). Its value
and has a non-central chi-square distribution for local should be compared to the percentage points of the
translation alternatives. Chatterjee and Sen [3J and central x 2 with 16 degrees of freedom. The observed
Puri and Sen [8J have compared the relative perform- value of the test statistic is well beyond the five percent
ances of the proposed rank test and the likelihood ratio critical value.
test when the underlying distribution is not necessarily The basic statistics Wand V can be used to calculate a
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:15 22 May 2013

normal. Since both the statistics have, asymptotically, univariate Kruskal-Wallis test for each of the four
(for local alternatives) noncentral chi-square distribu- variables, and a bivariate test can be made for the
tions with the same degrees of freedom but differing homogeneity of parameters for the five treatments in
only in the noncentrality parameters, the ratio of the each segment of the response curve. These tests yield
non-centrality parameters provide a measure of the freedom for the four univariate K - W tests, and 22.20
ARE. Unlike the univariate case, this ratio depends on and 12.65, each with eight degrees of freedom, for the
the actual shift under the alternative hypotheses; how- bivariate tests of homogeneity within each segment of
ever, certain useful lower and upper bounds are avilable the response line.
in Puri and Sen [10, Chapter 5]. The proposed tests can The two bivariate tests show that the most important
be justified for their robustness for gross errors or out- differences occur within the first segment of the response
liers, and high ARE for distributions with heavy tails. line and that within this segment differences among the
The bounds for the ARE for h = 1 remain good for slopes are the most important. Inspection of the mean
both H6 1) and H6 2) when h ~ 2, but the study of the exact ranks shows that animals kept on BAPN three weeks
ARE becomes more difficult. We may conclude this (Group 3) had the largest slopes, i.e., had the greatest
section by saying that the use of the normal scores leads linear extension with the addition of each weight, or to
us to asymptotically most efficient procedures when the put it more directly had the least stiffness in their joints.
underlying distribution is also multivariate normal. Com- However, one should note that Group 5 which received
putationally, the rank sum statistic appears to be more no BAPN and spent only two weeks in the cast did as
simple, and in many cases, reasonably efficient too. well. All treatments produced a more flexible joint than
those kept for three weeks without treatment.
4. APPLICATIONS All the intercepts should have been the same. How-
ever, the test statistics suggest that this may not be so.
The data used in the first example (Table 1), consist Probably this can be ascribed to those having less joint
of the intercepts and slopes of the two portions of the stiffness, having a spontaneous extension due to the
individual response lines described in the first part of weight of the extended limb in the measuring apparatus.
Section 2. The design used in this study is completely This is further supported by the positive correlations be-
randomized without blocking. The matrix of ranks R, tween the slopes and intercepts of the first portion of the
and its corresponding adjusted rank W, and the means response line (Spearman correlation = .34).
of the adjusted and unadjusted ranks are shown in In the second example, the estimated parameters ob-
Table 3. The rank covariance matrix and the Spearman tained by fitting a second degree polynomial were ranked
rank-correlations are computed by (3.10) and (3.11) across treatments within each hospital. Table 2 shows
and are shown in Table 4. The test statistic . = Li~l.i typical data used in the second example, and the relevant
summary statistics are displayed in Tables 5 and 6. The
test statistic (based on a pooled estimate of the covariance
matrix) has a x 2 distribution with six degrees of freedom
Mean rank Adjusted mean rank under H6 1 ) . The observed value of this statistic is 9.26
Hospital Treatment
Linear Quadratic which does not attain the .05 critical value of 12.59. The
term te re term

27.85 25.39 25.39 -1.15

computation is straightforward except for the block by
-2.00 -3.61
30.03 30.80 32.25 1.03 1.80 3.25 treatment interaction, which is accomplished as follows.
16.89 14.50 18.94 -1.11 -3.58 0.94 Compute all possible nilni2 differences among treat-
19.18 21.11 11.00 1.18 3.71 -1.00 ments for each group (block) and each variable. Then
36 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1973

find the median of the differences for each variable. This out a few facets of the data to emphasize that the physical
yields a 1 X 2 vector since c = 2, p = 2. The matrix D, interpretation of the analysis based on multivariate non-
defined in (3.38) becomes the scalar (llni1) +
(1Ini2), parametric methods is not particularly difficult.
A 5 -1 A -1 5 -1 [Received April 1970. Revised September 1972.J
~o = D o(Li=l D, ~i), Do = Li~l D, .
Now, b.~~ is subtracted from each &gl (k = 1, 2, REFERENCES
.. " ni2), s = 1, 2 to adjust the effects of blocks and treat- [lJ Anderson, T. W., An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical
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i = 1, ",,5; s = 1,2). Note that t:,,~ = 0, s = 1, 2.
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