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Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits 7th Grade Science - NGSS


MS-LS3-1 Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful,
beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and funciton of the organism.
LS3-A Genes are located in the chromosomes of cells, with each chromosome pair containing two variatnst of each of many distinct genes. Each distinct gene chiefly controls
the production of specific proteins, which in turn affects the traits of the individual. Changes (mutations) to genes can result in changes to proteins, which can affect the
structures and functions of the organism, and thereby change traits.
LS3-B In addition to variations that arrise from sexual reroduction, genetic information can be altered because of mutations. Through rare, mutations may result in changes ot
the structure and function of proteins. Some changes are beneficial, others harmful, and some neutral ot the organism.
MS-LS3-2 Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in
offspring with genetic variation.
LS3-A Variations of inherited traits between parent and offspring arise from genetic differences that result from the subset of chromosomes (and therefore genes) inherited.


The smallest change can have the largest effects. Definitions of the following terms: Identify and describe the relationship between gene structure
DNA, RNA, genes, proteins, mutation, heredity, allele, and protein structure and how a change in protein structure
Understanding the past allows us to predict our future. genetics, dominant, recessive, punnett square, genotype, influences protein function, resulting in a change in organism
phenotype, homozygous, heterozygous, Gregor Mendel, traits.
incomplete dominance, co-dominance, polygenetic inheritance,
We are much more alike than it may seem. sex-linked trait, multiple alleles, pedigree, genetic engineering. Analyze trait changes using a pedigree of a population to
determine whether the changes were beneficial, harmful, or
neutral for the organisms.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS The following concepts: Use a punnett square to predict the genotype and phenotype
of offspring over several generations. Create a pedigree chart
How does studying past genetic lines lead to changes DNA-RNA-Protein Synthesis, Mutations are permanent
to track changes and mutations among a family.
throughout generations? changes (good, bad, neutral), Mendelian Inheritance, Dominant
and Recessive Factors in inheritance, how to use a punnett
Is it ethical to intentionally change nature? square, other modes of inheritance (incomplete and co- Argue the pros and cons of genetic engineering.
Do structures determine ability? dominance, polygenetic inheritance, multiple alleles), genetic
Are we defined by our genetics? disorders and mutations, principles of heredity, using pedigrees
to trace traits.
Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits 7th Grade Science - NGSS
Snorks (DNA-RNA-Protein):
Given a DNA code for an imaginary creature (snork) students will translate the DNA to RNA and then use a codon chart to code for proteins determining a specific
trait. They will then sketch the creature using the determined features.
Human Bingo: Students will play bingo to find common inherited traits among their classmates (rolled tongue, attached earlobes, hitchikers thumb, etc.)
Probability Game: To learn probability in genetics, students will play a variety of games to see how probability plays a role in inheritance of traits.
Makin Monsters: Combining Probability and Punnett Square practice, students will flip coins to determine traits of parent and offspring Monsters.
Handspan Graphs: Students measure and graph handspans of classmates, looking for a trend as to what type of inheritance pattern handspan is.
Hemophilia Case Study:
Using a pedigree chart of the royal family of Queen Victoria, students trace one mutation through generations of a family to see how one change has lasting impacts.
Generation Pedigree: using punnett squares, students create a pedigree chart tracing traits along several generations of a family.
Genetic Engineering: Seeing the impact small changes have; students have a discussion on the impacts and policies surrounding genetic engineering and research.
DNA-RNA-Protein WS: Are students able to translate DNA-RNA-Protein on their own without their group?
Makin Monsters Activity: Are students able to determine dominant versus recessive traits impact on expressed traits and use a punnett square to determine?
Types of Inheritance WS: Can students differentiate between simple and complex inheritance patterns and recognize traits of them?
Hemophilia Case Study: Can students understand how to read a pedigree chart and trace a trait through it. Can they predict where the trait will show next?
Generation Pedigree: Can students combine the use of punnett squares and identify traits throughout a family pedigree.
Authentic Assessment - Creation of a New Dog Breed
Students will use their knowledge of dominant and recessive trait patterns in combination with punnett squares (probability) and pedigree charts to
create a new breed of dog. They need to use their knowledge of how a mutation or specific inheritance pattern will determine the physical characteristics
of the new breed. They will then need to utilize this knowlege to "breed" several generations of dogs to get their new breed.
The students at Saint Andrew come from very diverse backgrounds. Although mostly organized within groups by gender, ethnicity variations are very present among the
groups as well. My overall understanding that we are much more alike than we seem gives a community context that in the end, we're all made of the same base pairs and
have no control over certain aspects about ourselves and those around us. The learning activities are very group based and focus on working together. As an overarching
theme for this unit, I want the idea of community and alikeness to carry out to make the students feel connected to one another. The essential question of are we defined
by our genetics connects to this community aspect to show that regardless of inherited traits, we have choices and power of how to utilize them best.

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