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8 Hidden Food Sensitivities You Might Not

Know You Have (And How To Find

M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 6 | A U T O I M M U N E , F O O D I N T O L E R A N C E , F U N C T I O N A L
F O O D , I B S , I N F L A M M ATI O N , L E A K Y G U T , U N C ATE G O R I Z E D
by Dr. Will Cole
When it comes to chronic health problems, I believe that the foods we eat are some of the
biggest pieces of the puzzle. After all, food is medicine: Our bodies are alive because of
brilliant biochemistry, and the foods we eat will either help feed health or disease.
Most people know to avoid sugar and junk food, but beyond that, I believe were all different.
I have seen the healthiest foods flare up one person, contributing to inflammation in their
muscles and joints, digestive problems, and brain fog, among other symptoms. But that
same food can also be a great food medicine for the next person.
Whats going on? Well, it can be one of three things:
Food allergies: These involve the immune system and are the more immediate and
more severe response. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include rashes, itching,
hives, and swelling, or even anaphylaxis, which involves serious difficulty breathing and can
be fatal.
Food intolerances: Unlike allergies, these do not directly involve the immune system.
Instead, intolerances occur when your body is unable to digest certain foods (such as dairy)
or when your digestive system becomes irritated by them. These are usually the result of
enzyme deficiencies.
Food sensitivities: These are similar to intolerances, but its often less clear why
someone reacts poorly to a certain food. Food sensitivities also may result in a more delayed
reaction, and you might be able to digest a small amount of the food without issues.
The symptoms for intolerances and sensitivities might include:
Runny nose
Brain fog
Flu-like symptoms
Irritable bowel syndrome
Here are the foods that I find most commonly cause problems:
1. Gluten-containing grains: wheat, rye, barley
Gluten, the protein thats found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley, is probably one of the
most common food intolerances and sensitivities that I see.
While most of us have heard of celiac disease, the reality is that celiac disease is the
end stage of a whole autoimmune spectrum of gluten sensitivity and intolerance. In other
words, there can also be less serious reactions to gluten. If you believe you might have a
sensitivity to gluten, there are some tests you can consider, but this is also an area where
diet can be helpful.
2. Gluten-free grains: corn, rice, buckwheat
Many of you who are reading this are health conscious, and some of you probably already
avoid gluten. But if youve gone gluten-free and still have symptoms, gluten-free grains could
also be a potential problem.
There are two possible ways you could be sensitive to gluten-free grains. One is a regular
sensitivity, like anything else. A second, often overlooked area of food intolerance is cross-
reactivity. The proteins in grains such as rice and corn can be similar enough in structure to
gluten, and it can cross-react as gluten, a theory called molecular mimicry. Its sort of like a
case of mistaken identity.
Many of my patients have sensitivities to some gluten-free grains, although not all.
3. Nightshades
A plant group that consists of tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, goji berries, and some
spices containing alkaloids, which can be inflammatory for some people.
4. Legumes
Legumes include all types of beans (kidney, garbanzo, black, fava,) lentils, peanuts,
edamame, and soy products (tofu, miso.)
Many of these foods are staples for people who are trying to eat more plant-based, with
great intentions. But the lectins and phytate proteins of legumes can be hard for some
people to digest. The carbohydrates are also yummy food for your gut bacteria, releasing
gas as they consume the legume starches.
Even if you dont get gas from legumes, they could cause undue stress to your
gastrointestinal and immune system. Peanuts might also contain aflatoxin (toxins produced
by a mold) while soy has phytoestrogens. Ive found that out of all the legumes, these two
foods typically cause the most issues for people.
5. Eggs
The incredible egg has many nutrients, mainly in the yolk but it can be an issue for some
I find that its actually the egg white that is typically more immunoreactive for people. The
protein in the white, albumin, could pass through the intestinal lining if you have leaky gut
syndrome, contributing to inflammation.
The yolks are generally better tolerated. Although its important to note that some people
cant even handle the yolk.
This strange sounding acronym stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides,
Monosaccharides, and Polyols. In short: fermentable sugars. These short-chain sugars are
not fully digested in your gut and can be excessively fermented by your gut bacteria.
This fermentation releases hydrogen gas that could lead to distension of the intestines
which can cause major IBS symptoms in some people like pain, gas, bloating, constipation,
and diarrhea. This would be considered aFODMAP intolerance, mainly due to
functional issues like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO.)
Most of the high-FODMAP foods are actually healthy, real foods. But even when it comes to
natural foods, what works for one person may not be right for everyone. Here are the foods
that should be avoided or severely limited if you have IBS symptoms while you heal your gut:
Artichokes, asparagus, beetroot, celery, garlic, onions, leek bulb, legumes, pulses, Savoy
cabbage, sugar snap peas, sweet corn
Apples, mango, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, watermelon
Milk, cream, custard, ice cream, soft cheeses, yogurt
Rye, wheat-containing breads, cereals, crackers, pasta
Cashews, pistachios
Fructose, one FODMAP sugar, is one of the more common intolerances. Fructose
intolerance is often found in people with recurring stomach pain and bloating.
The goal with treating a FODMAP intolerance is not to remove the foods forever but to heal
the gut so that you can eventually increase your intake of these foods, especially the high-
FODMAP fruits and vegetables.
7. Dairy
Casein, the protein found in dairy, is another common sensitivity.
On top of this, cows on most major dairy farms are given hormones and antibiotics, live in
unhealthy conditions, and are fed corn instead of grass. Their milk is then typically
pasteurized and homogenized and the fat is removed. To make up for it having little nutrition,
synthetic vitamins are injected into the milk, trying to simulate what nature had already
included in the whole-food form.
I find that fermented dairy, such as grass-fed kefir and yogurt, mitigates some of the
problems people have with casein sensitivity so is usually better tolerated. They also offer
beneficial bacteria for the microbiome.
8. Nuts and seeds
The roughage of nuts, as well as the protein lectins and phytates, can irritate some people.
Plus, most nuts sold in stores are typically coated in inflammatory industrial seed oils, like
soybean or canola oil. They could also contain partially hydrogenated trans-fats, which can
contribute to problems as well. I find that people who are intolerant to nuts typically do better
buying them raw, lightly toasting them at home, and enjoying them sparingly.
How to discover your food sensitivities:
There are many labs I run to help pinpoint which foods might be causing someone issues.
But you can also find out which foods arent working for your body on your own by following
the eliminationdiet.
In my video course with mindbodygreen, Ill teach you exactly how to use the elimination
diet. By temporarily removing the foods that are most likely to cause reactions, you give your
gut time to heal and help bring down inflammation levels.
Then, when you bring those foods back in systematically, youll be able to see which foods
your body loves and which ones it has trouble with. By doing the elimination diet myself, I
found that I couldnt tolerate certain sugars, dairy, and gluten. What foods are not working for
I originally wrote this article for mindbodygreen.
If you want to learn more about your own health case please check out
ourfree health evaluation. We offer in person as well as phone and
webcam consultations for people
The Little-Known Food Intolerance That
Could Be Harming Your Health (Hint: Its
Not Gluten)
by Dr. Will Cole
Gluten has become a household name, and not for good reasons. The protein thats found in
many grains, such as wheat, rye and barley, isconsidered to be a triggering factor for
many health problems affecting thebrain, thyroid and skin, as well as autoimmune
Studies have also linked gluten intolerance to digestive problems. Irritable Bowel
Syndrome (IBS) alone affects as many as 15% of Americans. It can come with debilitating
stomach pain and times of diarrhea or constipation.
IBS often goes beyond bathroom problems, though. Because of the
connection, as many as 90% of people with IBS also have psychiatric disorders,
including panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and major depression.
Millions more Americans live with undiagnosed bouts of bloating, constipation and diarrhea
and consider it normal.
But what happens when going gluten-free, as is often recommended, doesnt solve your
digestive problems? What happens when its not glutens fault?
In my practice, I find that a major culprit in many of my patients is an intolerance to a class of
foods known as FODMAPS.

W H AT I S A F O D M A P ?
This funny sounding acronym stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides,
Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols. In other words: fermentable
sugars. These short-chain sugars are not fully digested in your gut and can be
excessively fermented by your gut bacteria.
This fermentation releases hydrogen gas that causes distension of the intestines which
can cause major IBS symptoms like pain, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
The good news is that research suggests that around 75% of people struggling with IBS
symptoms will improve with a low-FODMAP diet. I find that people struggling with acid
reflux or GERD can also benefit from a low-FODMAP approach to eating.
Even if you simply have some bloating, this can be an effective tool to manage your
gastrointestinal symptoms.

W H A T A R E H I G H - F O D M A P F O O D S T O AV O I D ?
Most of the high-FODMAP foods are actually healthy, real foods. But even when it comes to
natural foods, what works for one person may not be right for everyone. Here are the foods
that should be avoided or severely limited on a low-FODMAP diet:
Artichokes, asparagus, beetroot, celery, garlic, onions, leek bulb, legumes, pulses, Savoy
cabbage, sugar snap peas, sweet corn
Apples, mango, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, watermelon
Milk, cream, custard, ice cream, soft cheeses, yogurt
Rye, wheat-containing breads, cereals, crackers, pasta
Cashews, pistachios

W H AT S H O U L D I D O N O W ?
If youre struggling with gut problems like IBS, here are some practical ways to start taking
1. Try out a low-FODMAP diet.
Focus on eating the vegetables, fruits and clean meats that are not on the high-FODMAP
list, and see if your symptoms improve. The good news is that with time, many people can
slowly start increasing the high-FODMAP foods as they heal their gut and decrease their
FODMAP intolerance.
2. Consider comprehensive GI labs.
Lactulose breath test: FODMAP intolerance is linked to SIBO, or small intestinal
bacterial overgrowth. This lab measures the gases, methane and hydrogen, released by the
bacterial overgrowth.
Microbiome stool test: IBS is associated with an increase in pathogenic (bad)
bacteria. By measuring the levels of good and bad bacteria, this will help you understand
your unique microbiome issues.
Leaky gut blood lab: By measuring the antibodies to occludin and zonulin, the
proteins that control gut lining permeability, we can rule in leaky gut syndrome, which is
common with IBS.
3. Consider food intolerance labs.
If youre having an intolerance to FODMAPS, other underlying food immune reactivities
should be checked out as well. Blood tests for these intolerances can be helpful for people
who are having gastrointestinal symptoms.
4. Manage stress.
Ever wondered why people often have gut problems when they are nervous or stressed? Its
the gut-brain axis at work. Research suggests that stress can lead to an overgrowth of
certain types of bacteria and decrease the diversity in the microbiome.
My favorite stress reducers: yoga, mindfulness meditation, tai chi, and spending time in
5. Try taking probiotics.
A combination of Bifidobacteria, Enterococcus and Lactobacillus has been shown to be
effective in improving irritable bowel syndrome.
6. Consider functional medicine.
In functional medicine, we realize that everyone is different. Healing the gut is a journey
and troubleshooting what works for you can be overwhelming. Consider a free webcam or
phone health evaluation to get a functional medicine perspective on gut health.
I originally wrote this article for mindbodygreen.

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