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Year 3 Newsletter April 2017

Welcome back, we have a busy term ahead of us. Our whole school focus this half term is Art Attack and we will
be holding a special art exhibition on Thursday 25th May to celebrate all the wonderful artwork produced by the
children. During this half term we will be studying the following topics.

This half term, we will start by exploring mystery and adventure stories. We will look at
how we can create mystery and suspense in our own writing. After this, we will write non
chronological reports about Egypt. Perhaps you could visit the local library and borrow a
book about Egypt to help you with your report writing. We will also continue to develop
comprehension skills and use of higher level punctuation.
Daily reading is still very important even for fluent readers. Please hear your child read as
often as possible and talk to them about the books they are reading.

We will start this term with multiplication, division and problem solving. We will then
complete a unit of work on addition and subtraction which will involve working out practical
problems related to money and measures. Please help your child reinforce this skill at home
by asking them to pay for things and work out the change needed. Also this term, the
children will develop their knowledge and understanding of data handling and statistics.
We will continue challenge activities on a weekly basis which will encourage children to
develop more open ended problem solving. Look out for photos on our website.
Please continue to help your child learn their tables and practice telling the time at home.

Homework will continue to be set each Friday and is to be completed and returned to school
on or before the following Thursday. Children may be asked to share homework with the
class, on the Thursday or Friday, depending on the task. Please discuss the homework task
with your child. The tasks given, may involve some research linked to our topic work.
Alternatively, it may be additional maths and literacy exercises.

Spellings A new master sheet will be sent home for this half term next week (please keep
somewhere safe to refer to). Each Friday, I will give out the list to be learnt for the following week, your child
should copy each spelling, neatly 3 times, to help them learn them. Children will be tested on these words the
following Friday.
Times tables This half term we will focus on the 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables as well as reinforcing 2s,3s 4s, 5s
and 6s for those children who need to. They will be tested weekly on Thursdays. Week 1 will be 4s and continue in
that order.
Reading should be done at least twice a week and recorded in the reading journal, please sign and date when your
child has read, messages may also be sent in the same book. All children are on class readers now- This means they
choose their own books from the class library; these books are differentiated by colour coding. The children are
encouraged to read a range of genre.
Children in Year 3 will also have the opportunity to visit the school library each Tuesday. Please make sure your
child has their library book in school that day so they can change it if they wish.
Our art work this term will be linked to our history topic: The Ancient Egyptians. The children will have the
opportunity to make their own Egyptian collars, pyramids. Sarcophagus and mummy as well as a range of other
historical artefacts. The children will also have the chance to produce a piece of artwork focusing on Our
Wonderful World. There will be an art exhibition to show their finished work on Thursday 25th May.

History- Ancient Egyptians

This half term the children will be able to develop their knowledge of different aspects of life in Ancient Egypt
with a particular focus on Egyptian tombs, pyramids, burial sites and rituals. There will be a special day, later this
term, when the children will be asked to come in period dress. More details to follow.

Science Helping Plants Grow- Animals including Humans.

The children will continue learning what plants require in order to grow well for the first few weeks. They will also
develop an understanding about the lack of water and light on plants and will be able to describe the functions of
the roots, leaves and stem. They will have responsibility for the school garden this term and will be able to
research what grows well this time of year. After this, they will move on to a unit of work on Animals including
Humans, this unit will continue to be our focus the second half of the summer term.

Year 3 P.E is on Wednesdays and Fridays this term. Kits must be in school on these days. Long hair must be tied
back and earrings removed for these lessons. This term, we will work on our tennis skills each Wednesday and our
basketball skills each Friday. Children should have pumps in school both sessions, as weather permitting, these
sessions will be outside.

R.E and French Mrs. Procter will continue to teach R.E and French each Wednesday morning. This term the R.E
will focus on Islam. The children will look at whether founders of the faith are good role models. In French the
children will develop their knowledge of French vocabulary around a unit of work on colour. They will write simple
sentences in French and link this in with their artwork this term.

In music the children will continue to develop their ability to use the recorder and explore different musical
instruments and musical symbols.

Thank you for your continued support and please dont hesitate to contact me if there is anything you
wish to discuss either in person, by phone or via email at s.garner@harris.lancs.sch.uk
Thank you, Mrs. Garner

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