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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2015, Article ID 521584, 6 pages

Review Article
Resistance to Antibiotics and Antifungal Medicinal Products:
Can Complementary and Alternative Medicine Help Solve the
Problem in Common Infection Diseases? The Introduction of
a Dutch Research Consortium

Esther T. Kok,1,2 Miek C. Jong,3,4,5 Barbara Gravendeel,1,6

Willem B. Van Leeuwen,1 and Erik W. Baars1,3
University of Applied Sciences, 2333 CK Leiden, Netherlands
Centre for Academic Primary Care, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2PS, UK
Department of Healthcare and Nutrition, Louis Bolk Institute, 2972 LA Driebergen, Netherlands
Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, 871 31 Sundsvall, Sweden
National Information and Knowledge Centre on Integrative Medicine (NIKIM), Amsterdam, Netherlands
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands

Correspondence should be addressed to Esther T. Kok; esther.kok@bristol.ac.uk

Received 29 June 2015; Accepted 25 August 2015

Academic Editor: Cheryl Hawk

Copyright 2015 Esther T. Kok et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The increase of antibiotic resistance worldwide, rising numbers of deaths and costs associated with this, and the fact that hardly
any new antimicrobial drugs have been developed during the last decade have increased the interest in Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapeutic interventions, if proven safe and effective. Observational studies on clinical CAM practices
demonstrate positive effects of treatment of infections with CAM therapies (clinical effects, patient satisfaction) in combination with
small percentages of antibiotics prescription. However, Cochrane reviews and other studies demonstrate that in most instances the
quality of clinical trials on CAM treatment of infections is currently too low to provide sufficient evidence. Therefore a Dutch
consortium on (in vitro and clinical) scientific research on CAM and antibiotic resistance has been formed. The aim and objective
of the consortium is to establish an enduring partnership and to develop expertise to further develop and investigate safe and
effective CAM treatments for infectious diseases of humans (and animals). A first ongoing project on the development of safe and
effective biobased CAM antimycotics in women with (recurrent) vaginal candidiasis infection is introduced.

1. Introduction The development of generations of antibiotic-resistant

microbes and their distribution are the result of many years
The discovery of antibiotics was one of the most significant of underuse, overuse, and misuse of antibiotics by human
events in medical history and is said to have added a decade to applications (weak or no antibiotic policy and poor infection
the life expectancy of humans [1]. Together with vaccination control). For more than five decades the problem of how to
and public health measures (e.g., clean water, invention, and contain antimicrobial resistance (AMR) persists and due to
introduction of drainage systems and the fridge), antibiotics the low chance of success we are now, in the early decades
were responsible for a dramatic reduction of the mortality of the 21st century, facing a global issue of concern with
rate from infectious diseases. Regrettably, it seems that the serious consequences: Drug-resistant infections already kill
successful use of any therapeutic agent is compromised by hundreds of thousands a year globally, and by 2050 that
the potential development of tolerance or resistance to that figure could be more than 10 million. The economic cost
compound from the time it is first employed. will also be significant, with the world economy being hit
2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

by up to $100 trillion by 2050 if we do not take action [2]. new antimicrobial agents are listed [13, 14]. One of these
Therefore, worldwide actions are established to disprove the recommendations is to increase the cooperation between
hypothesis of Felix Marti-Ibanezin, already stated in 1955: academia and industry for identifying potential targets.
Antibiotic therapy, if indiscriminately used, may turn out to Potential targets might be vaccination, surgical interventions,
be a medicinal flood that temporarily cleans and heals, but awareness, and control of environmental risk factors, as well
ultimately destroy life itself [3]. as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) [15].
The fact that hardly any new antimicrobial drugs have
been developed during the last decade has increased the 3. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
interest in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
therapeutic interventions, if proven safe and effective. CAM Consumer interest in CAM has increased over the past
interventions can contribute to a reduction in antibiotic use decade. Recent data indicate that a large proportion of the
by (1) strengthening the self-healing capacities of the individ- population of developed countries, including Australia (52
ual and/or (2) providing an alternative treatment which has 69% of those surveyed), Canada (59-60%), the United States
its own antimicrobial effect [4, 5]. (62%), Singapore (76%), and Japan (50%), has used CAM at
In this paper the introduction of CAM in the future least once over a twelve-month period [16]. Between 20% and
control of AMR and examples of the evidence on CAM 80% of citizens in different EU countries have used CAM in
alternatives are presented. A Dutch consortium of research their healthcare [17]. In the Netherlands 15 percent of the total
partners is initiated to (further) develop safe and effective population visits a CAM therapist yearly [18].
CAM alternatives to antibiotics. There are several explanations for the increasing use of
CAM services across the world. Earlier studies have suggested
2. Future Control of AMR that consumer dissatisfaction with conventional medication
may be a leading reason for CAM use [16]; however, more
The environmental and policy factors that contribute to recent reports indicate that an aspiration for active health-
resistance require regulatory and governmental intervention. care participation, greater disease chronicity and severity,
Therefore actions for future control are being taken to deter- holistic healthcare beliefs, and increase in health awareness
mine (research) and promote (education) appropriate use of behaviour are more likely to be associated with CAM use [19
antimicrobial drugs on national and international basis. 21]. This suggests that complementary medicine is addressing
Ongoing research is being performed to obtain evidence unmet needs in healthcare.
for sophisticated molecular, immunologic, and microbial Due to the worldwide increasing use of CAM services,
techniques that will change the way infectious diseases are the attention for safety, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of
diagnosed in the hope to reduce diagnostic uncertainty in CAM grows. A previous review [22] reported that some CAM
the next 2 decades [6]. Furthermore the development of new therapies are cost-effective compared with usual care for
vaccines might contribute to a decreased transmission and various conditions. More recent results of two Dutch studies
impact of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the near future demonstrated that patients whose general practitioner (GP)
as these vaccines might have the potential to effectively con- practices CAM tend to have lower costs (10.1%) [23, 24].
trol infectious agents [7]. However, vaccine escape mecha- The effectiveness of many CAM therapies has not been
nisms for bacteria have already been reported [8]. Variability proven in clinical trials yet [25]. Randomized controlled trials
in parts of the genome coding for antigenic determinants, (RCTs) are still considered and applied as the golden standard
such as in Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough), may lead to for evaluation of effectiveness. However, RCTs may not
a vaccine escape. In this way, despite vaccination, this DNA always be suitable for the evaluation of CAM, in particular,
variability contributed to reemergence of whooping cough in to investigate the individual response treatment. The descrip-
the Netherlands. tion of individual cases is probably the most important tool
National and international antimicrobial drug policies for teaching in medicine, especially in CAM. However, most
and guidelines on infection control have been developed and of the times the information provided in single case reports
implemented resulting in a decrease of the volume of anti- is not sufficient to provide sufficient evidence for effective-
microbials over the past 10 years [9, 10]. Besides, national ness [26]. Development of other methods for evaluation of
campaigns to educate physicians and patients about the individual response instead of RCTs or adapted in RCTs is
appropriate use of antibiotics have been launched resulting in necessary as it is essential that scientific evidence for CAM
promising changes in attitude among the public and health- will be established. In the best case, once scientific evidence
care professionals [11]. is there to prove a CAM therapy safe and effective and when
Whether the current epidemic of AMR is sustainable there is a clear working mechanism, the status can change
or will succumb to the current efforts will also depend on from CAM into conventional medicine.
the worldwide healthcare regulation, as antimicrobial use is Between January 2010 and December 2012, the CAM-
affected by reimbursement policies, financial incentives, and brella consortium has been looking into the current status of
healthcare regulation [12]. CAM in Europe from different angles. Their findings stated
However, even if the use of antibiotics was entirely appro- that future research methods must reflect the real-world
priate resistance would still occur. Hence, the develop- settings of healthcare in Europe and that everyone needs to
ment of new pharmaceuticals and antimicrobial agents is know in what situation CAM is a reasonable choice [27].
essential and recommendations to facilitate development of Therefore they recommend a clear emphasis on concurrent
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3

evaluation of CAM as an additional or alternative treatment effects, patient satisfaction) in combination with small per-
strategy in real-world settings. The strategy for the investiga- centages of antibiotics prescription [28].
tion of CAM should include a broad range of mixed-method With regard to positive reviews, Echinacea is one of the
research strategies including comparative effectiveness most widely used botanical supplements in North America
research and qualitative and quantitative designs. Stakehold- in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. One
ers such as citizens, patients, and providers should be closely review of 34 studies using Echinacea for the prevention of
involved to ensure real-world relevance for the research [27]. upper respiratory tract infections showed that 22 had positive
outcomes [33]. Another review of nine RCTs showed that 8
4. CAM Alternatives to Antibiotics reported some benefit of Echinacea in the early treatment of
upper respiratory infections [34].
CAM can contribute to a reduction in antibiotic use. On The good antimicrobial properties of Abrus precatorius,
the one hand, CAM therapies, which are proven safe, can be Terminalia phanerophlebia, Indigofera arrecta, and Pentanisia
used to strengthen the self-healing capacities of the organism prunelloides authenticate their traditional use in treatment of
(preventive and curative health promotion) [4]. Here CAM is respiratory diseases [35].
an alternative for antibiotics but is not directly based on the The increasing prevalence of isolates of Escherichia coli
antimicrobial properties of the product itself. For example, (the most prevalent uropathogen) that are resistant to antimi-
compared to conventional treatment, anthroposophic treat- crobial agents has stimulated interest in novel nonantibiotic
ment of primary care patients with acute respiratory and ear methods for prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs).
symptoms had more favourable outcomes, lower antibiotic Cranberries have been used in the prevention of UTIs for
prescription rates, less adverse drug reactions, and higher many years. A meta-analysis of the results of two well-
patient satisfaction [28]. Moreover, the introduction of CAM performed RCTs showed that, in women with recurrent UTIs,
medicinal products might overcome the related side effects of cranberry products reduced the incidence of recurrences at 12
antibiotic use in childhood as several studies show that both months by 39% compared with placebo or control interven-
maternal and childs use of antibiotics were associated with an tions [36]. Beerepoot et al. reported that in premenopausal
increased risk of eczema or asthma [2931]. women the use of antibiotics (TMP-SMX) is more effective
On the other hand, several (natural) medicinal products than cranberry capsules to prevent recurrent UTIs. However,
as used in CAM can act as an alternative (fighting disease the use of TMP-SMX resulted in a considerable increase in
strategies) to control infectious diseases based on their own antibiotic resistance [37].
(bactericide or bacteriostatic) antimicrobial properties [5]. Another example is found in tackling antibiotic-resistant
The development of conventional medicinal products and strains of pathogens as Candida albicans. Candidiasis is a
CAM medicinal products such as those used in anthro- benign mycosis resulting from a yeast infection caused by
posophic medicine, homeopathy, and traditional Chinese Candida albicans. Candida albicans develops resistance to
medicine follow different pathways. Conventional medicinal regularly applied, standard antimycotic drugs such as clotri-
products are developed in the laboratory and subsequently mazole, nystatin, fluconazole, and ketoconazole [38], and, as
tested in preclinical studies, phases 13 clinical studies, and a consequence, demand for prevention is high. Worldwide
finally in clinical practice. They are mostly used according several plant extracts have traditionally been used to prevent
to a fixed schedule and for one indication. Conversely, CAM Candidiasis [39]. The drawback with these treatments is that
medicinal products are developed in clinical practice with they might interact with other medications if taken together
regard to the principles of the respective medical system, through changes in drug solubility and uptake, metabolism,
mostly have a long tradition of use, are often selected indi- and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract [40]. This results
vidually to address the needs of each patient on the basis in adverse drug reactions such as allergic reactions, reduced
of trained judgment skills of the health practitioner, and effects of contraceptives, and stomach damage [41]. Therefore
are often used in combination with other (conventional) research to profile, detect, and screen alternatives among, for
medicinal products or nonpharmacological therapies. As a example, plant compounds, which are effective in preventing
result, CAM usually has multiple therapy options for each Candidiasis without these shortcomings, is needed.
indication [32].
Overall, there is much expert knowledge on CAM treat- 5. Scientific Evidence as Key
ment of infectious diseases but little scientific evidence based
on clinical trials. Currently there are 61 Cochrane reviews on Worldwide research in CAM is seriously hampered by a
CAM treatments of specific infections (e.g., 29 on respiratory lack of research infrastructure and funding, lack of research
tract infections). However, in most instances the quality of expertise among CAM practitioners, lack of appropriate
clinical trials on CAM treatment of infections reviewed is research models and strategies, and the scepticism of the
currently too low to provide sufficient evidence. Nevertheless, conventional scientific community. In the USA, the national
some reviews and observational studies do demonstrate authorities have taken the growing demand for CAM seri-
positive and promising results. ously. The established National Centre for Complementary
For example, an observational study on anthroposophic and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in 1998 has already
clinical practice demonstrates positive effects of treatment of funded 57 university based centres for research on CAM,
acute middle ear and upper respiratory infections (clinical in contrast to Europe where only some western countries
4 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

(Denmark, Germany, Norway, the UK, and the Netherlands) (2) Extracts of living accessions from the profiled species
have granted some money for research projects in CAM [42]. are being tested in antifungal and cellular assays.
CAM research might contribute to controlling AMR and (3) The most promising extract will be added to a regis-
in broader context to improving health, reducing disease, tered medical device (using good manufacturing
and reducing healthcare related costs. However, the CAM practice guidelines) and will after ethics approval be
industry alone cannot be expected to support all research tested on safety and efficacy using a double blind-
activities in these areas. At the moment there is huge disparity placebo controlled trial design in clinical practice.
between public funding for conventional drug research and
that for CAM research.
Nowadays, national health authorities are asking for 8. Conclusion
effective actions to control AMR, and therefore the need for
The increasing incidence of drug-resistant pathogens has
sound clinical research (methods) to test the efficacy for CAM
drawn the attention of the pharmaceutical and scientific com-
strategies becomes more important. Clinicians using CAM in
munities towards studies on the potential antimicrobial activ-
daily routine practice, often resulting in nonuse or extended
ity of CAM products and therapies. The aim of the introduced
use of antibiotics, are convinced about the effectiveness
Dutch CAM consortium is to provide evidence of safety, effi-
of their services. However, before general acceptation and
cacy, cost (effects), and modes of actions of CAM therapies,
introduction of these specific CAM alternatives first scientific
which are useful as alternative strategies to control infectious
evidence is needed. Clearly, scientific evidence of CAM based
diseases and can become useful therapeutic tools in clinical
on sound clinical research methodology is the key to action.
practice. The Dutch consortium will serve as a starting point
for further international collaboration with stakeholders
6. The Introduction of a Consortium involved and/or interested in the study of CAM contributions
The Professorships of Anthroposophic Healthcare, Biodiver- to the treatment of infections and the reduction of AMR.
sity, and Innovative Molecular Diagnostics of the University
of Applied Services of Leiden and the Louis Bolk Institute in Appendix
the Netherlands have taken the initiative to form a consor-
tium on scientific research on CAM and antibiotic resistance Composition of the Consortium
(see Appendix). The aim and objective of the consortium is to
establish an enduring partnership and to develop expertise The consortium consists of the following parties:
to further develop and investigate safe and effective CAM (1) University of Applied Sciences Leiden (Hogeschool Lei-
treatments for infectious diseases of humans (and animals). den) participates with three professorships as follows:
The knowledge generated will lead to (1) evidence-based
CAM alternatives to antibiotics that can be used in clinical (i) Anthroposophic Healthcare (Professor Dr. E. W.
practice and (2) guidelines for CAM treatments for infectious Baars and Dr. E. T. Kok): it is able to cooperate
diseases in human and veterinary clinical practice. with the Louis Bolk Institute to perform clinical
studies to the safety and effects of (new) CAM
7. Description of First Project treatments in patients with infectious diseases.
The research group also has a large network
A first project to find close relatives of species traditionally with anthroposophic care professionals includ-
used to prevent Candidiasis that could serve as safe biobased ing doctors and nurses.
antimycotics to be applied in registered medical sprays has (ii) Biodiversity (Professor Dr. B. Gravendeel) and
started (granted by the Naturalis tender application-oriented Innovative Molecular Diagnostics (Professor Dr.
research 2013). In short the study exists out of the following W. van Leeuwen): both research groups are able
activities: to investigate the in vitro effects and safety of
(1) Instead of using random screening, a multistep tar- (new) CAM treatments for infectious diseases.
geted approach is used that incorporates information
retrieved from museum collection labels to optimize (2) Louis Bolk Institute (Dr. M. C. Jong): it is able to
efficient species selection. collaborate with the professorship of Anthroposophic
Healthcare to perform clinical studies to the safety
(a) Species across the angiosperms that have and effects of CAM treatments in patients with infec-
uncomplicated European Medicines Agency tious diseases. The institute also has a large network
(EMA) regulations will be selected. with CAM practitioners in the Netherlands.
(b) Phylogenetic prospecting will be applied to
identify closely related species of interest.
(c) Crucial information of commercial interest, that
is, cultivation requirements and traditional use, AHI: Animal Health Institute
will be retrieved from metadata attached to AMR: Antimicrobial resistance
specimens, screened for legal constraints, and CAHCIM: Consortium of Academic Health Centres for
applied in the prospecting. Integrative Medicine
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5

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