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The Dutch Vietnam

Management Supporter
Suffering from Stage Fright?
Are you afraid to speak in public? If so, you are not alone. For
most people who are not delivering presentations as part of their daily
job, addressing a group makes them feel nervous. When they are ex- Prof. Loek Hopstaken
pected to say a few words, they have to force themselves to do so. Email:
Often they leave a bad impression: they appear to be uncertain, and Mobile:
fail to persuade their audience. Both person & content simply don’t 090 888 9450
come across. The result: losing face—in public.
A little known secret of experienced presenters & public speakers is 4th year, no. 3
that they too feel nervous. However, they have learned to control their
July 19, 2010
nervousness. Experience has taught them that in 19 out of 20 times
there is nothing to be afraid of. The difference between them and the This magazine was first pu-
scared ones is a mixture of experience, preparation and know-how. blished in March 2007. It is
digitally distributed among
Very few are born public speakers. And they too need tools! my Vietnamese and Dutch
It is said that those who can deliver a good presentation have business & private associates.
leadership abilities. Fact is, that most successful leaders are also good Purpose: to keep them infor-
presenters. Not surprisingly: leaders must be able to generate follo- med about my activities in
wers. Power alone is insufficient: at best it intimidates, but it doesn’t
inspire or persuade. Loyalty is a gift from those who believe in their This amazingly attractive
and energetic country has
leader. How to generate followers, loyal believers? Right: by giving rapidly conquered my soul,
them something to believe in. Something of value, fit for use. and become my home away
Public Speaking skills are important for 3 categories of people: from home.

1. Those whose job it is to deliver presentations Loek Hopstaken

2. Those who want to become powerful leaders
3. Leaders who feel the need to further improve their skills.
In this issue:
In Vietnam, many presentations are combined with Powerpoint sli-
des. Recently an interesting book was published: Real Leaders Don’t Do
Stage Fright? 1
Powerpoint. They have the power of persuasion, and know how to use From the editor —
their personality to deliver their message. Yet, a good PPT helps. Halfway 2010 2
What do great presenters have in common? They are not preten- Two New HRM Courses 3
ding, they are authentic. Unafraid to show their personality. They belie- Key to Success on VTV1 4
LHR & Royal Updates 5
ve in their message. They make you listen, and willing to take a new
look at an issue. They convince you that you, as a member of their au- Human Resources or 6
dience, are important. And when they use Powerpoint, they know how Human Relations?

to use it. They impress—with the power of their heart & mind. Standing offer: free 7
lecture; List of clients
August 2-6: Presentation Skills at Royal Business School—p. 5
Contact information 8
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Resumé

Willing is not enough; we must do.” Next issue:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe September 2010
4th year, no. 3 2
The Dutch Vietnam Management
Ho Chi Minh City, July 19, 2010 Earn an International Subject
Dear Reader, Certificate
The World Cup is past. The Dutch team became the world’s
(issued from The Netherlands, EU)
second best soccer team. Interesting about the country teams is As Resident Representative of Wittenborg
that initially, the players rarely work as a team. They may excel in University of Applied Sciences (WUAS), The
their home teams, but need to grow into their temporary new Netherlands, I am authorized to
team. That’s why you could see several teams do pretty bad at  deliver training programs & examinations;
first. Cupwinner Spain even lost its first game! They usually  sign certificates and diploma’s.
improve with each game. Some didn’t, like France and Italy. You may earn credits towards a bachelor degree in
Argentina disappointed, despite their legendary coach. International Business Administration. The
How is your team doing? One recipients of such a certificate will be registered at
of the problems resulting from WUAS in The Netherlands.
high personnel turnover is very For details, see page 17-18 of the catalog.
similar: it’s hard to sustain a
team. So, the first problem to
tackle is: How do I keep good
personnel? Recent research in
Vietnam has unearthed some
valuable new insights. I’d be
happy to share these with you, in
the new Recruitment Course at
Royal Busines School (p. 3)
Best regards,
Prof. Loek Hopstaken
Email: loek@hopstaken.com

Halfway 2010: from the Frontlines

June 16: At Nike, the best team receives a reward.
2010 marks the recovery from the recession. You don’t
hear the word ‘crisis’ anymore. Companies have learned a
few valuable lessons. CEO’s shared some of them with me:
1. don’t blindly follow those who claim to know what’s right.
2. after establishing your goals & vision, develop your
Strategic Plan—and use it as a roadmap.
3. investing is not betting; only invest when you have some
certainty about ROI; belief is insufficient.
4. using the USA as a guiding example is no longer wise: the
recession was caused by unethical acts of its entrepreneurs.
5. Vietnamese business culture inhibits internal communica-
tion ‘bottom up’, leading to high personnel turnover.

Halfway 2010 & the Year of the Tiger, we

note that the Vietnamese business world is
once again optimistic—but with more realism
than before. Good feelings are fine, but better
when based on facts & figures. We also value
well-established relations. Only collaboration
based on mutual trust will bear fruit. With Prof. Deelstra, retired President of Dutch Delta University.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
Oprah Winfrey
4th year, no. 3 3
The Dutch Vietnam Management

Two New Specialized HRM Courses

The Specialized HRM Program is on its way, after Prof. Wiles kicked off with his exer-
cise-packed, interactive HR Strategy & Planning, and HR Career Planning & Training
Courses. The program continues in July and August with ‘Recruitment & Career Start’,
and ‘Interpersonal Relations for HR’.
These courses have been developed by Prof. Loek Hopstaken. He also delivers them,
exclusively for Royal Business School.


As there is a constant search for qualified and motivated personnel, recruitment is one of the main
activities of HRM, CEO’s and Top Managers. In fact, recruitment in Vietnam is a daily fight to find the
right people. And as keeping the right people is a second serious issue and another daily worry, it is time
to re-assess the policies and tools currently in use by Vietnamese organizations. In the third course of
the Specialized HRM program, Prof. Loek Hopstaken addresses both issues to find and keep ‘the
company’s Asset Number One’. HR’s know recruitment doesn’t stop on Day One: it ends when the Probation
Period ends. This is why in the new Specialized HRM Course at Royal Business School special attention
will be paid to this aspect. The course concentrates on practical methods and tools.
The course program consists of 5 evenings on 5 consecutive days (July 26—July 30, from 18.00—21.30):
Day 1: Preparation & Planning for Recruitment, First Selection (CV’s, letters) & First Interview
Day 2: Second Selection Interview, Testing Methods, Looking Behind the Applicant’s Mask
Day 3: Final Selection, Final Talk & Negotiation, Advice to the Decision Makers
Day 4: Preparing for Day & Week One, Final Meeting Before Day One, Coaching the Career Start
Day 5: Using the Job Settlement Checksheet, Job Coaching & the First Performance Evaluation


The Human Resources Department is often seen as the ‘internal psychology department’. Whenever
there are problems with people, managers will turn to HR for assistance. These problems can be:
conflicts, lack of motivation, lack of team work, gossip, lack of discipline, lack of cooperation, and lack
of communication between departments. In short, problems dealing with interpersonal relations. HR –
and if an organization has no HR Department, the CEO – is expected to know how to address and
solve these problems. This course focuses on tools to analyze, understand and improve the relations
between employees, staff and management, so their increased cooperation and motivation will result in
better performances. This ‘tool box for people problems’ is vital for HR, but in fact for all those who
manage and deal with people. Human Resources is all about improving & using Human Relations!
The course program consists of 5 evenings on 5 consecutive days (August 23—27, from 18.00—21.30):
Day 1: Trust, or the Power of Agreements; Building & Repairing Relationships; HR Roles
Day 2: Emotion Management; Emotions in the Workplace; EQ; From Resistance to Collaboration
Day 3: Effective Communication Techniques; Handling Upsets, Disagreements & Gossip; HR Talks
Day 4: Conflict Prevention & Resolution; Social & Antisocial Personalities; Mediation Tactics
Day 5: Power Distance & Competences; Intercultural Communication; 360° Feedback
See www.royal.vn for more information. Mail info@royal.vn to enrol.

“When you want to know your past, then research your present state. If you
want to know the future, then research your present activities.”
From an anonymous Buddhist source
4th year, no. 3 4
The Dutch Vietnam Management

Chiakhoathanhcong CEO! Mr. Ngo Quoc Phong, my able

interpreter, at work in the VTV1
Studio in Hanoi.
Late 2009 Mr. Nguyen Manh Duong (Director of Royal Business
School) asked me to represent RBS in VTV1’s famous business game tv
program. End of February 8 programs were recorded. In June, 4 more
followed: the yearly competition for CEO of the Year. It’s an honor to
wear the Examiner’s hat, and great to work with CEO’s & managers from
well-known companies like IBM, ANZ & Intel.
In a few months the 5th season of ‘Chiakhoathanhcong CEO!’ will start.
I have been invited to continue contributing to this valuable program. Holding a degree in English &
studying MBA, he translates all
Vietnamese into English, and
WANTED: THE FEARLESS vice versa. He also gives me tips.

Every season Mr. Hoang Hai Au, the producer of the Key to Success CEO show needs 48 new contes-
tants. Aspiring contestants must be between 24 & 45 years old, and hold a key position in their organization.
If you want to take up the challenge, test your IQ on http://tinyurl.com/27zpfp6. If you know someone
who may qualify, give her or him a hint. See the site for contact information, and to find out more.

3 Values of the Key to Success ‘CEO’ Show

Of course it’s an honor to be invited as Examiner, or ‘Member of the Jury’, in VTV1’s highly acclaimed
business game TV show. In October its 5th season will start. Recently we recorded the Finals: the 4 best
contestants of the 48 who participated during the past season. CEO of the Year 2010. No, I can’t tell who
won. But she (ok, it’s a lady) won a 30 million VND overseas trip for two. And, deservedly!
Q. What is the value of this show for the viewer?
A. Whether you are a CEO or a manager, study business or are just interested in business, the show is a free
‘online’ course. Study the cases and the solutions
provided by the contestants & the examiners, and
develop your own solution.
Q. What is the value of this show for the
A. They all have jobs, many combine work with
study. They are all ambitious, some already
succeeded in establishing their own company, others
dream of being a CEO one day. All of them are
courageous enough to take up the challenge: facing
complicated business cases, and tough examiners.
They have an opportunity to perform under stress,
and show the world what they can do.
Q. What is the value of this program for
Vietnamese society?
A. Besides providing insights in the often complicated problems CEO’s are faced with, it
a. helps generate more and deeper understanding of business reality, and
b. generates many useful ideas business people can use to further develop Vietnam’s economy.
See http://tinyurl.com/22kjtxq for an unedited interview in the VTV1 studio, Hanoi.
“I find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the
world calls success.” Thomas Alva Edison
4th year, no. 3 5
The Dutch Vietnam Management
LH Resources Update
Since my arrival in Vietnam, I am ‘doing my own thing’. Meaning: having a personal mix of activities
I believe are useful for my clients and Vietnamese society. I feel I’m using my talents, and meeting a variety
of challenges that keep me in a permanent state of creativity. A constant factor is meeting many, mainly
Vietnamese, people-in-business: Directors & CEO’s, HR Managers & Executives, Project Managers, and
many people in specialist functions. It’s an on-going research: one discovery leads to the next question, and
its answer links to a new field of interest. It’s a bit like surfing on the internet, but then focused, and in the
real business life. It’s also a bit like 3-dimensional chess: assisting Alliance ITC, delivering training pro-
grams at Royal Business School, for Spectra, at several universities, and contributing thoughts & comments
to several discussion groups on LinkedIn. I’m now finalizing contracts with some major Vietnamese com-
panies. In case everything works out the way it should, it will take some wizardry to fit it all in my agenda.

After a 2-day workshop for Spectra at Tae Kwang Vina (NIKE) in Bien Hoa

Royal Update: the Specialized HRM Program, & more

The Specialized Human Resource Management Program at Royal Business School’s
‘Movie Room’ (186 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, District 3) the next 7 workshops have
been scheduled (see page 3 for information about courses nos. 4 & 5):
4. Recruitment & Career Start: July 26-30 Prof. Loek Hopstaken
5. Interpersonal Relations: August 23-27 Prof. Loek Hopstaken
6. Team Development: Sept. 27-Oct. 2 Prof. Ronald Ainsbury
7. Performance Management: Oct. 11-15 Prof. Jeffrey Mueller
8. Organization & Change: Oct. 18-22 Prof. Jeffrey Mueller
9. Implementation Support: Nov. 22-26 Prof. Loek Hopstaken
Prof. John Wiles delivered two well-received HRM courses in June. Apart from my share in delivery, I co-
ordinate the course content with my colleagues. We focus on practical applications of workable theory.
To enrol, mail info@royal.vn. My other Royal activities:
• Presentation Skills: August 2-6; public course. 5 mornings: 8.30-12.00. An expansion of my RMIT cour-
se, focusing on delivery of various business presentations. Includes presentations during meetings. See p. 1.
• Examiner in the Finals of the ‘Key to Success’ - CEO of the Month business game tv show: VTV1,
Wednesdays 9:20 pm—end of August, through September. See page 4.
All in all, busy days ahead at Royal Business School, and for you: lots to learn! Check www.royal.vn.

“The secret for success in life is to be ready for your opportunity when it comes along.”
after Benjamin Disraeli
4th year, no. 3 6
The Dutch Vietnam Management
HR: Human Resources or Human Relations?
One of the famous teachers in the field of Human Resource Ma-
nagement is the American Professor Dave Ulrich. With books like
Human Resource Champions (1996) he rapidly gained worldwide
recognition & influence. His ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, based on
Dave Ulrich
extensive research, helped to propel his fame. Ulrich’s definition of
the roles of HR, described in ‘HR Champions’, has led to a new ap-
proach. He recently updated his views, based on new findings. His current view on HR roles:
1. Leader: leading HR, and promoting Leadership in the organization.
2. Strategic Partner: HR assists in formulating, and executes the organization’s strategy.
3. Change Agent: HR coaches the organization during organizational change processes.
4. Functional Expert: exerts process control, creates, maintains & improves the HR infrastructure,
and stimulates the use of HR know-how.
5. Human Capital Developer: talent development.
6. Employee Advocate: feeds and uses personnel with know-how and challenges.
In their new book, The Why of Work, Ulrich & his wife Wendy—psychologist—argue that organizations
must enable their personnel to develop their talents. The idea of an ‘abundant organization’ is to ensure
that employees feel ‘at home’; unafraid of being fired because of bad results. Knowing they work for an
employer who cares for their further development. It’s time to look at people as gifted human beings,
instead of programmable & replacable production units. Who would disagree? Still, I miss one essential element.
Employees don’t see themselves as resources. Only employers do. People seek relations. Human relations.
That’s why I tend to replace the word ‘Resources’ by ‘Relations’. People work best when they can use
their innate urge: to seek meaningful relationships to enhance & enrich their life. My observation of organi-
zations during the past 35+ years has taught me this: it’s human relations that make all the difference. Always!

The Dutch & Vietnamese Soccer Supporters

Did you notice? Saigon
was a little more orange
during the World Cup
weeks. Dutch & Vietna-
mese soccer supporters in
the middle of the night
racing to & from Bar No.
5, 44 Pasteur, HCMC.
The Dutch team made
some new friends, but also
enemies. Those who pla-
ced their bets on the
Dutch team made good
money. Those who belie-
ved in Slowakija, Brazil &
Uruguay lost—big time.
Dutch & Vietnamese
supporters of the Orange
Hurricane enjoyed a great
& noisy time in Bar No.
5—up to the very end.

“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the

impossible.” Miguel de Cervantes
4th year, no. 3 7
The Dutch Vietnam Management Supporter
A training serves its purpose when it deepens your understanding, but also MINI-CATALOG
increases your practical skills. The English say: ‘The proof of the pudding is in the Overview of Prof. Loek’s services
eating’. There is one way to get to know my training style: by experiencing it.
One way of getting this experience is to invite me to deliver a A workshop is a 2-4 day group activity
FREE LECTURE (1—1,5 hours) in your company. You choose the with a defined purpose, where theory,
topic. For ideas, see the mini-catalog (right). Three conditions: practical exercise and exchange of
1. the participants (max. 40) should be able to understand English, experiences are the main ingredients.
2. in case the distance from my home to your location or venue is Areas: HRM, PR, Communication,
and Management.
>15 km, you take care of transportation, and  Team Engineering
3. your company provides a lecture space, projector and screen.  Communication
Interested? Drop me an email or sms. Name the topic and the period  Commercial Communication
in which it will be feasible for you and your team to attend the lecture.  Public Relations
Then we can start scheduling.  Effective Meetings
 Organizational Design
Till soon!
 Intercultural Communication
Prof. Loek Hopstaken For contact information, see page 6.  Time Management/Efficiency
 Personnel Selection
Prof. Loek Hopstaken has delivered services to / with: Consulting
in Vietnam: a.o. business field Consulting is any specified expert
 Tan Thuan IPC (HCMC) Industrial development activity to help solve a defined
 HCMC University of Technology MBA program problem. This can take the form of
 RMIT (HCMC campus) B. of Comm. program coaching, but also, conducting a
 HCMC University of Industry (NCU) BBA program research. By definition, it is tailor
 Spectra (VSIP; Petronas; Nike) Training made. Areas: HRM, Strategy, PR.
 Management Coach
 Le & Associates Training & consultancy
 Corporate Strategy
 NutriWay Vietnam Animal food
 Personal Coach
 Training House Vietnam (Sacombank) Training & consultancy
 Mediation
 Royal Business School (Ministry of LISA) Seminars & courses
 Executive Selection
 PACE Education Seminars & courses
 In- & External Surveys (360°)
 Alliance ITC—IEM Training programs
 Hoanggia Media Group Key to Success TV Show
A seminar is a 3-4 hour interactive
 Fresh Green Earth Hi-tech agriculture transference of core know-how, often
in The Netherlands, a.o. including practical assignments.
 ING Bank (workshops, seminars) Financial services  People Management
 Philips (workshops) Electronics  Emotions in the Workplace
 Heineken (workshops) Brewery  Strategic Thinking
 Yamaha (workshops, consultancy) Musical instruments  Business Ethics
 Voerman International (workshops, etc.) International relocations  The Allround Manager™
 Campagne (workshops, consultancy, etc.) Advertising, promotion  The Allround
 Damen Shipyards (consultancy, coaching) Ship & ship repair wharfs
 The Soft Skills Program
 Dutch Delta University (teaching, seminars)IBA—BBA, MBA
Investments (ex. 10% VAT)
 Wittenborg University (teaching, seminars) IBA—BBA, MBA
Workshops: US$ 1,000 per team/day.
 Royal Van Zanten (workshops) Pot plants, cut flowers Consulting / Coaching: US$ 90 per hr.
 WVL Staalbouwers (workshops) Steel construction Seminars: US$ 550 per seminar
 G&D Promotions (workshops, coaching) Billboarding (except the ‘Allround’ / Soft Skills
 Eurograss (workshops, consultancy) Lawns; grass seeds programs). US$ 250 per lecture.
 City of Boarnsterhiem (workshops) Municipality (Friesland) Train the Trainer: US$ 1,200 per day.
 Market Vision Hospitality marketresearch Contact me for longterm conditions.
4th year, no. 3 8
The Dutch Vietnam Management

This newsletter is written & published by Loek Hopstaken.

Office: 83/1 Pham Van Bach, P.15, Q. Tan Binh, HCMC
Email: loek@hopstaken.com or loek.hopstaken@gmail.com
Mobile: 090 888 9450
Assistant: Ms. Vo Ngoc Lien Huong
Email: jane.hopstaken@gmail.com
Mobile: 090 888 9451
Website: www.intalli.com
Loek Hopstaken’s company in The Netherlands:
Hopstaken Bedrijfsadvies
Address: Gouden Leeuw 628, 1103 KN
Amsterdam ZO. Website: www.hopstaken.com
Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/loekhopstaken

Tomorrow’s A peak achievement Who is Loek Hopstaken?

One of the most interesting 1951: born in Haarlem, Netherlands
battle is won projects in Ho Chi Minh
1971: Near & Middle East travels
1972-1975: Amsterdam University
during today’s City is the construction of its tallest 1976-1977: North & South America
building: the Bitexco Financial 1977-1993: career in banking: NCB,
practice. Tower. Now & then I stop by to Postgiro, Postbank, NMB Postbank
take a picture. After installation of Group, ING Group, ING Bank
Japanese wisdom the helicopter platform frame you
1979-1982: BA studies
1983-1988: project manager
could see the privatization process Postgiro to
sky through it. Postbank (field: P&O / HRM)
A few days 1989-1993: project manager
later, the ‘heli- formation NMB Postbank Group &
ING Group (fields: PR and TQM)
pad’ was filled 1991: founding of Hopstaken
with concrete. Bedrijfsadvies as a side-activity
June 13 the 1993: left ING Bank; started career in
tower reached its training and consultancy
peak: 262 m. 1996-2000: business club MC
2001: started mediation career
2003-2008: combining training &
Off’ event was consultancy for companies with
extensively cove- teaching at international
red on 5 TV management schools (IBA—MBA)
channels. With 2005 + 2007: Professor appointments
the lotus flower 2006: starting to explore the
Vietnamese market
as inspiration, 2007: first 3 visits to Vietnam
designer archi- 2008: 4th & 5th extended stays in
tect Carlos Za- Vietnam: lecturing, consulting, sur-
pata & Bitexco veying, delivering workshops at 2
have truly enri- universities; establishment in HCMC
2009-p.t.: delivering lectures, semi-
ched HCMC’s nars, coaching, workshops & training
skyline. Grand courses, mediation; 4 business visits
Opening: mid to The Netherlands, 1 to Russia
October 2010. Full Curriculum Vitae available.

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