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"Georgaki" Papandreou Sat Aug 12 2006 20:16:41 Europe/Athens

"Georgaki" Papandreou.

"Jews were prominently involved in the Bolshevik Revolution and formed an elite Group in the Soviet Union well
into the post World War II-era. It is interesting that many of the non-Jewish Bolsheviks were members of non-
Russian ethnic groups or ... were married to Jewish women. It was a common perception during the early stages of
the Soviet Union that the government was dominated by 'a small knot of foreigners'... people who are unlikely to
have any allegiance to or identification with their people" (K. MacDonald, The Culture of Critique, 2002, xxxvii).

Allow us to introduce the viewer to our pie-in-the-sky, cosseted from birth, son of a Bulgarian-American, Marxist, radical-
fem mother, and that paradigm of virtue and patriotism, his late ( and unlamented) Polish-Jewish-"Greek" father
(O "CHARISMATIKOS ANDRIKOS" MAS): our very own Minister of the Exterior, comrade "GEORGAKI"
Papandreou. This worthy met in the Summer of '01 with his Turkish-Jewish counterpart, Ismael Tzem Ipekci, and
displayed his undying devotion to eternal "FILIA" between Greece and Turkey by dancing a zeimbekiko while Tzem clapped with glee. How the
Turks must have laughed up their sleeves at this idiot "Greek-Americanaki," the Minister of the Exterior of Greece (equivalent to the U.S.'s
Secretary of State), dancing like a clown as the Turks clapped and kept time. Has the Minister of the Exterior of Spain ever danced the flamenco
for his French counterpart? Has Italy's danced the tarantella for Austria's? We think not. Such an absurdity can only be the product of a mind that
has lost touch with reality.

At a recent (Fall of '03) party held at the home of "Margarita" Papandreou, "Georgaki's radical-fem, Bulgarian-American, Marxist mother, her son
told the following story about his mother: "One day, while sitting around the dinner table when we were children, mom asked us this question:
'Why it is that the Virgin Mary is always depicted in icons as being so sad?' When we gave up and asked her to tell us, she answered: 'Because she
is so disappointed at not having had a daughter!' " With such family conversations as these, is it any wonder "Georgaki" turned out to be an
Helleno-Christian-Hating S.O.B?

According to an item in the Greek daily Eleftherotypia (23 Oct.2003), there was no progress made on the Cyprus question during the meeting in
Athens between Turkish Foreign Minister, Abdullach Gioul, and his "Greek" counterpart, "Georgaki," on 22 October '03, but the meeting wasn't a
total loss -- at least not for the Turks. On the following day, the Turkish press went ballistic with banner headlines screaming about how "for the
first time in 550 years" a Greek politician used the term 'Istanbul' when he referred to the city that Hellenes everywhere -- officially or unofficially
-- continue to call Constantinople." The Turkish daily Hurriet crowed "for the first time, a Greek minister broke the taboo that the Greek people
continue to honor, by using the term 'Istanbul' when referring to our city." The same theme of trumpeting yet another victory for the Turkish side
was carried in a plethora of Turkish papers, such as Cum Hurriet, Rantikal, Sambak, and others. For providing them with so many concessions, the
Turks have become so enamored of "Georgaki" that they regularly refer to him in their press as "Bravo Yiorgo!" .

And to prove just how out-of-touch "Georgaki" is, we quote lawyer, author, and classical scholar Constantinos Plevris who, at a lecture held on the
evening of the18th of June '03 at the President Hotel in Athens, said this about our minister of the exterior (who is so accommodating to the Turks
that he is referred to in their press as "Bravo Yiorgo!"): "The Turks have been demanding of the European Union that the Dardanelles be renamed
'The Turkish Straits.' The Europeans have been resisting the change, but have tentatively agreed to hold discussions about changing the name to
just 'The Straits.' The only European Minister who agreed to the Turkish proposal was our very own 'Georgaki' Papandreou." How's that
for standing up for Greece, dear reader? What we need is a foreign minister who will not only resist changing the name of this vital waterway to
"The Turkish Straits," but will demand that the name be changed back to its original Hellenic name of "The Hellespont" instead.


The current Minister of the Exterior, "Georgaki" Papandreou, who, when he was Minister of Education, made the unbelievable suggestion that
mathematics should be taught in the English language; that Greeks be allowed to grow cannabis on their balconies and in their back yards; and
who, during an official visit to Turkey, not only laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier -- which protocol demands -- but actually
asked to be taken to the tomb of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, where he laid another wreath of honor on the tomb of the genocidal murderer.
An act of groveling, self-serving cowardice unrivalled in Greek political history.


Comrade "Georgaki" Papandreou when asked -- summer of '01 -- by a theatrical committee from Pantion University in Athens, to seek U.N.
permission for them to stage a play in the theater of Salamina (in Turk-controlled Cyprus), said: "I can't do that, there's no theater on Salamina
island" (confusing Salamis island in Greece with the theater of Salamina in Cyprus).


Comrade "Georgaki's" Ministry of the Exterior is comprised of many American-English speaking employees. Many analysts complain that these
yuppie-types have no real love for Greece, and that they have a "we know best what's good for the Greek people" attitude.


On the occasion of the upcoming 2004 Olympic Games (sic), and in sacred Marathon, where the rowing competition is scheduled to take place,
comrade "Georgaki" made the almost unbelievable (even for him) suggestion that Greece erect a commemorative monument in honor of the
Persians who died there!!


One can therefore understand PASOK heavyweight, Theodoros Pangalos' statement (6 Oct.'01), that "Georgaki" is "unfit to be the P.M. of
Greece" (Then kani yia protheepourgos, me kanena tropo). Or that of his own father who is alleged to have said of his son: "George is not fit to
run a newspaper stand" ("Then einai ikanos na diachirisi periptero"). Yet this is the man the Americans are said to be grooming to be the next
prime minister of Greece. Just goes to show you what they must think of us, and just how highly they regard us.


PASOK M.P., and Greek patriot, Stelios Papathemilis, said (11 Oct.'01) that "a high-ranking American official said [to "Georgaki"] 'eh, what the

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"Georgaki" Papandreou Sat Aug 12 2006 20:16:42 Europe/Athens

hell, the name Macedonia is a done deal,' and he ["Georgaki"] just smiled."


Comrade "Georgaki" remarked soon after the September 11th tragedy that "after all that has happened, what is needed is world government."
Which to our mind is exactly like someone saying that he wants to revisit the whore who gave him the clap. Ach "Georgaki," it's nitwits like
you that push otherwise law-abiding citizens over the brink and turn them into revolutionary wannabees.


According to Pantion University professor, Neoclese Sarris, "Georgaki" has given the Turks the impression that Greece would be willing to disarm
her Aegean Islands, and to agree to a "joint exploitation" agreement with them in the Aegean if Turkey would drop her objection to Cyprus joining
the European Union.


"Georgaki" and the "Tsamithes."

"Tsamouria," according to the nationalist Albanian "Tsamithes," is the name of the area which extends from the southern border of Albania to the
Greek city of Ioannina. These Turk-supported Albanian "patriots" want this area annexed to Albania, and have been agitating and demonstrating in
various cities and towns in Epirus of late. In Ioannina, during the summer of '01, the demonstrations got so bad that blood was spilled and property
damage amounting to many millions of drachmas occurred. On June 24th of '01, the demonstrations were particularly violent because this date has
been declared (akouson, akouson) "Remembrance Day" for the "Tsamithes" who were "wiped out" in the "genocide perpetrated against them by
the blood-thirsty Greeks" during the closing days of WWII. They are now agitating the European Union for reparations and the return of their
"illegally confiscated" properties.

For those interested in what really happened, these so-called "Tsamithes" (the word comes from the ancient name of the river Theamis which flows
through the area of Epirus formerly resident to many Albanian Muslims: Theamis > Theamithes > Tsamithes) collaborated with the Nazis during
the 2nd World War. When the German occupiers left Greece in 1944, about 20,000 of these Albanian traitors -- who had joyfully participated in
the slaughter and imprisonment of their former "fellow villagers" and "compatriots" -- voluntarily left with them. Those still alive and the
descendants of those who aren't are now claiming that many of these Nazi-collaborators never left but were annihilated by the Greeks, and are
demanding reparations. As enemies of Greece, their properties were properly confiscated by the State, but now, with the trendy airhead and "lover
of humanity," "Georgaki" Papandreou in office as Minister of the Exterior, these connivers see an opportunity to exert Jesse-Jackson-style
extortion tactics on the "kakazots" who run Greece, because they know that all you have to do to make points nowadays is scream "racism" and
"genocide" and you too can get in on the "diversity" gravy train.

As for our inimitable "Greek" statesman-who-keeps-an-American-passport-in-his-pocket (just in case), "Georgaki" Papandreou, guess, dear viewer,
what he was doing on the above-mentioned "Remembrance Day," when Albanian agitators were illegally demonstrating in Greek cities: Why, he
was planting an "olive tree of peace" in Kusadasi, Turkey, with his good "friend" and Turkish counterpart, Ismael Tzem. He later displayed his
total unsuitability for the job that his name and his friends in Washington and Brussels bestowed upon him by dancing a zeimbekiko like a clown,
while Tzem and his Turk cronies kept time by clapping and (no doubt) laughing up their sleeves.
Turkey, meanwhile, is actively supporting the U. C. C. ("Tsamouthia" Liberation Army) while "Georgaki" is planting trees of "peace." Turkey
helps the U .C. C. and the U. C. K (Kossovo Liberation Army) launder the money they make from their illicit arms and dope sales: money which is
being used against Greece, while "Georgaki" dances for them. Turkey now has two active naval bases leased from Albania and is currently
negotiating (Fall of '01) for a third. This means that Greece is totally surrounded by states that are predominately Muslim, and Turkey now has
Greece in a pincer-like squeeze from the east and the west, and "Georgaki" voluntarily asks to be taken to Mustafa Kemal Attaturk's tomb in
Ankara so that he can lay a wreath in honor of the genocidal murderer. Turkish and Israeli pilots engage in joint exercises in the Southern Aegean,
while Israel enters into an agreement to upgrade the warplanes of their Turkish "allies," and Minister of Culture, Evangelos Venizelos (another
ruthlessly ambitious "comrade"), tells a Jewish gathering in Thessaloniki: "This city belongs to you." One can begin now to understand Pericles'
frustration when he said to his fellow Athenians, just before the start of the Peloponnesian War: "I am not so much afraid of our enemy
(Sparta) as I am of the mistakes we will make." Ach Ellatha me ta megalia sou!
"Georgaki" deals some blows

When questioned about his being too soft in his dealings with the Turks, "Georgaki" answered (June '02): "Diplomacy is not conducted by
blows." In other words, dear friends, our very own "protector of the faith and defender of the fatherland" feels that being touchy-feely and
empathetic with the Turks will work towards Hellas' advantage. "Georgaki" (who is called "Bravo Yiorgo!" by the Turks in appreciation of his
"accommodating attitude" toward them) and his PASOK comrades have been following a "no blows" diplomacy for the past couple of decades;
let's see where it has got us.
For the first time in close to 8 decades, Greek territorial integrity has been seriously challenged worldwide, a Greek flag on a Greek islet was
removed and forbidden by the Turks to be replaced, and the question of "gray zones" in the Aegean has become part of the international language
of diplomacy. All of this happened over the rock islet of Imia, which the Turks suddenly became interested in when it was no longer just
conjecture that there are vast petroleum reserves in the Aegean. When the Greeks sent a helicopter over the islet to reconnoiter the situation, it was
shot down and all three crew members were killed. Comrade Simitis had to ignominiously telephone that moral degenerate, Bill Clinton (to whom
the word "blow" has another connotation), and beg him to intervene. He then called the degenerate back to thank him for stopping the big, bad
Turks from doing "da-da" to Greece, which would have meant that he and his crypto-Marxist comrades would have been out of a job. The Turks
used "blows," they won, we lost.
When Cyprus ordered S-300 defensive missiles from Russia (America wouldn't sell them to us because Turkey said not to), and gave millions of
dollars in deposits, Greece proclaimed a "joint defense policy with Cyprus." In other words: "Don't mess with this deal, Turkey, because we
Greeks are on Cyprus' side. So there on you! " Turkey did not blow off a lot of hot air, she just bided her time and then, when the missiles were
actually on their way from Russia and approaching Cyprus, she simply announced that "should these missiles be delivered, a state of war will exist
between us, Greece and Cyprus." Slam, bam, thank you Mam, the ships carrying the missiles were detoured to Crete, and this defensive weaponry -
- which Cyprus had every legal right to order -- is now rusting away in some secret warehouse in Crete after having been paid for. Another
"blow," by Turkey, they won, we lost.

The invasion of Cyprus was a "blow" from which Hellenism has yet to recover. When Karamanlis (the elder) made the traitorous deal in London
with the English and the Turks wherein he agreed to allowing the Turks to invade and occupy 18% of Cyprus (representing their percentage of the
population) if they -- the English, with American collusion -- implemented his return to power, the Turks screwed him and struck another "blow"
by taking an additional 20%. They now occupy 38% of the island. They won, we lost.

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"Georgaki" Papandreou Sat Aug 12 2006 20:16:42 Europe/Athens

Thrace was disgracefully given back to the Turks in 1923). After living up there for most of the time it took to make the film, and after witnessing
the many diplomatic "blows" against Greece struck by the Ankara-controlled Turkish consulate in Komotini, Kollatos said that he couldn't wait to
get back to Athens so that he could get on some major TV and radio stations in order to announce the following: 1) "George Papandreou is a
traitor!" 2) "The Turkish consulate totally controls Nomos Rodopi (Rodopi prefecture), and 3) "I was told by a visiting high-ranking Turkish
official that 'If Cyprus had not been betrayed so efficiently by you Greeks, we would never have been able to take the island.'" Meanwhile, in
complete violation of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne -- which guaranteed the human and property rights of the close to 200,000 Greeks left in
Constantinople, Imvros, and Tenedos after the war of 1919-22 -- the Greek population in Turkey has been harassed and slaughtered by Turkish
"blows" to the point where there are now no more than 2000 mostly old people left. The Muslim population in Greek Thrace, on the other hand,
having suffered no "blows" by the Greeks, have increased their numbers from 80,000 at the time of the Treaty, to more than 150,000 today. The
Turks won, we lost.

Rauf Denktash's rogue (and unrecognized, except by Turkey) state of "Northern Cyprus" just announced a "blow" against Greece (summer of '02)
by extending its sea borders from 6 to 12 nautical miles. Although Greece has the internationally agreed-upon right to extend its borders to 12
nautical miles, it has not done so because Turkey has belligerently announced that she would declare war on Greece if she does. Meanwhile,
exploration of the Aegean for petroleum is on hold, Greek air space is violated daily by Turkish fighter pilots trained in Israel, and Greece spends
millions for oil which could be supplied by its own resources. No "blows," "Georgaki," just right! They win (again), we lose.

It seems as if "Georgaki" never heard of the old English adage which succinctly explained how it was that the English Empire -- upon which the
sun never set -- was lost. It went something like this: "We began to lose our Empire when we started to believe that there were two sides to
every question." Of course, how could "Georgaki," that New Age exemplar of the "sensitized" and "caring" modern male, fail to see the Turkish
side of every issue? The Turks, on the other hand, having not yet been corrupted by the feminine, feel-good pabulum being spoon-fed our young,
see only one side of every issue: the Turkish side! And one naturally questions whether "Georgaki" is even vaguely aware of that old dictum by
Charles Maurice de Tallyrand -- arguably the best diplomat in modern history -- which is one of the first things taught in International Relations
101, that is: Between nations there can be no friendship only mutual self-interest. But maybe he has, in which case we have to ask ourselves,
whose interests are "Georgaki's" foolish maneuverings furthering? Who are the behind-the-scenes manipulators that are benefiting from
"Georgaki's" unwillingness to deal "blows" for Greece?

But we mustn't be unfair. Our "Georgaki" is quite capable of dealing "blows." Except that this intellectual lightweight who was "educated" in the
Marxist-controlled American university system; who was raised by his Marxist, Bulgarian-American mother, and then handed over to his father -
-"O Andrikos mas"-- to finish the job of training him to sell the collectivist con-job to the boobs; this non-entity who never did an honest day's
work in his traitorous life, and would probably be employed as a hair dresser in some obscure beauty parlor somewhere were it not for his mommy
having made "whoopie" with his daddy, certainly knows how to deal "blows" very well indeed. Except that his "blows" are reserved strictly
for Greece and Hellenism!"

Here are just a few: He struck a "blow" against the Greek language by trying to get mathematics taught in the English language in our schools. He
struck a "blow" against our youth by attempting to make it legal for Greeks to grow marijuana on their balconies and in their back yards. He
struck a "blow" against our race and Orthodox religion by pushing for a law that would remove the religious and ethnic designations from Greek
I.D. cards. He struck a "blow" against our nation and Orthodoxy by ordering (when he was Minister of Education & Religion) that the raising of
the Greek flag at the beginning of the school day be stopped, and that the recitation of morning prayers in our schools be prohibited.

He struck another "blow" against our religion when, while spending the Easter holiday (May '02) at the seaside resort town of Xylocastron, in the
Peloponnesus, he reportedly ordered that the evening service taking place in the church near the villa in which he was residing be stopped. There
was an overflow crowd in attendance, and those who couldn't fit into the church were listening to the service in the courtyard with the aid of
outside loudspeakers. The sound infuriated Papandreou, who, later reports said, "does not like the sound of psalm singing." He was alleged to have
said that he had the service stopped because it "annoyed" him

So you can see, dear reader, that our "Georgaki" is perfectly capable of striking "blows." But fate has a way of dealing with insignificant little
twerps who -- because of their family connections -- are given positions of authority where their imbecility can do much more harm than if they'd
been the progeny of common folk. What is particularly annoying is when these fools actually begin to believe that they are truly deserving of
having been foisted upon an unsuspecting world as "leaders" and "trendsetters." Such, it seems, is the case with our "Georgaki" who recent
headlines (mid-May '02) quoted as saying: "I am ready to assume my historical responsibility." By this he means that he is ready to assume the
"historical responsibility" of becoming the next carrier of water-buckets for the Americans as Prime Minister of Greece.

Now, apropos of "Georgaki's" self-deluded visions of grandeur, we have this to say: The ancient Greeks delineated the path to self-destruction
thusly: Olvos (excessive wealth), Koros (satiety unearned and unappreciated), Hybris (outrage caused by super-inflated egotism), At (self-induced
delusions leading to destruction). It seems that our minister of the exterior, having passed through the first two stages of the Olvos-Koros-Hybris-
At syndrome by virtue of his birth, and having demonstrated severe symptoms of suffering from the third (witness his blasphemous performance
at Xylocastron), has now begun to show signs of that final stage of hallucinatory, self-aggrandizement which -- in an age more just than our own --
would surely have led to his political and even physical demise. But, alas, the Gods who would have punished this no-talent, Polish-Jewish-
Bulgarian-"Greek"-American cipher are sleeping, and we are living in an age that even Hesiod would have had to stretch his fertile imagination to
the limit in order to find a metal base enough to compare it to.

News item concerning "Georgaki" in the Turkish press

The Turkish Daily News of 18 Sept. '02 reprinted this item originally published in the Turkish paper Mllyet: "America is putting pressure on the
European Union in Turkey's favor. U. S. Secretary of Defense Colin Powell and the Deputy Secretary of State, Mark Grossman, have given the
Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou the message, 'Support Turkey!' " (Jump, "Georgaki," jump!)

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