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Cornell Notes
Reduce & then Recite Record for Review

* past tense used to express events in the past that were
habitual actions, went on for an imprecise amount of time, or
was ongoing in relation to another event in the past
Je travaillais =I was working, I used to work
Elles chantaient=they were singing, they used to sing
On comprenait=we understood back then

Stem: take the present tense 'nous' form of the verb and take
off the ons
Endings: ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient
p.ex. tudier (nous tudions in the present)
J'tudiais Nous tudiions
Tu tudiais Vous tudiiez
Il tudiait Ils tudiaient

* tre (irregular): tais, tais, tait, tions, tiez, taient

* you must soften g and c before the a endings: il mangeait

Je marchais la maison quand j'ai vu la voiture. La voiture

roulait trs vite et j'avais peur. Tout coup, un chien est
arriv au coin de la rue. Il a essay de traverser mais la
voiture l'a frapp. Le chien est mort.

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