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Importance of weighing pros and cons
- water is not unlimited
- only 0.001 percent of the huge amount of water on Earth is good qualit
y, and accessible at not too high a cost
- According to the report The World's Water updated every two years by the
Pacific Institute, just under 65 percent of drinking water is located in just 1
3 countries - Brazil (14.9%), Russia (8.2%), Canada (6%), USA (5.6%), Indonesia
(5.2%), China (5.1%), Colombia (3.9%), India (3.5%), Peru (3.5%), Congo (2.3%),
Venezuela (2.2%), Bangladesh (2.2%), Burma (1.9%). The Philippines is not part o
f this so weighing out the pros and cons is crucial
- demand for water is increasing, especially with the continued growth in popula
tion and urbanization
- mismanagement (waste and misuse), together with pollution, climate change is t
he main cause of decreasing available water that humans can use
Privatization meaning
1. generation of private property rights over water
- this allows the sale of water resources like any other asset, by a private ent
ity which "owns" them
2. choosing to entrust water services to private management
- private operators are involved in handling water in a variety of ways (from ex
traction to collection and distribution), while the water itself remains a commo
n good
3. private financing of infrastructures and services
-allowing private entities to finance these aspects of water management (in exch
ange for the exploitation of the resource, or other benefits) may solve certain
problems (such as lack of funds or difficulties in complying with construction t
imes) related to the typical course of public finance
1. divide maintenance costs of the water mains network between different compani
1. Higher water rates
2. Difficulty in ensuring that the new managers respect their obligation to deve
lop the water supply in poorer areas, where consumption is lower.
*treatment, distribution, and recycling of water
*public:taxpayer-funded service
*private:corporation will take over the system for profitability
1. improve overall water supply
- ensure cleanliness and safety
- because more profit if water is potable
2. more efficient systems
- since more profit could be earned if more people receive water and if water is
- along with other cost-saving measures, would result in lower bills for custome
- better water distribution
3. reduction of mortality rates
*show mortality rates is high if public
- ensure cleanliness of water and provision of monetary source of damages/compen
sation if they are given dirty water
4. time- and monetary-saver for municipalities
- "Chicago [city] has privatized more than 40 city services in the past decade a
nd this has generated more than $3 billion in upfront payments from corporations
to be able to lease any assets"
5. reduction of public sector risks
-reduced amount of worker's compensation risk which means that taxpayers would b
enefit because of this cut in tax fees
6. allows provision of specialized services
- through specialized utilities and employees who are experts/professionals in p
roviding a better water quality
1. It could limit who actually receives water.
2. Low income individuals could be without water.
3. It could lead to higher rates and lower service.
4. National companies don t have a stake in local issues.
5. There is no overall accountability in the quality of services provided.
-include an oversight organization or committee that would monitor the for-profi
t companies that are distributing water to communities
- powers to regulate the rates that can be charged for customers and req
uire low income customers to still receive water despite not being able to pay f
or it
- allows merging of profitability and the public sector need so that eve
ryone can have this basic human need met efficiently.
- innovate

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