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Bullying is on the rise

Michelle Mlupi
What is bullying?
According to Psychology Today, bullying is the distinctive pattern of
deliberately harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are in
some way more vulnerable than the bully, themself.

Many kids today experience a slightly different approach than the traditional
schoolyard bullying. Much of the hostility they face is targeted from online
sources, where it is common for peers to play bully, victim, and witness
simultaneously. Research has shown that, unlike its traditional counterpart,
cyberbullying is rarely premeditated. Rather, it is an act of impulse.
Image 1:

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What for?
Physical appearance, race
and ethnicity, various
disabilities, religious
beliefs, and sexual Image:
orientation are among the hpapp01/95/questionnaire-results-9-638.jpg?cb=1382329796

highest targeting reasons

for bullies.
Why it happens.
A lot of the time,
bullies have been
role-modeled for in
their own homes or
they come from
homes where they
experience bullying or
neglect, themselves,
in some form or
Bullying today
Due to the advancement in technology and its prevalence in our lives, the internet
has become a hotspot for bullies to target their victims. This has increased the
frequency in cases of bullying.

At least 52 percent of teens have been bullied online according to the iSafe
Foundation (2014).

In a study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research Center in 2014, about 10 to 20

percent of young teens confessed to being bullied on a regular basis.
One-million children on Facebook alone were harassed in 2011 as reported by
Consumer Reports.

DoSomething.org suggests that 90 percent of children in grades 4 through 8 have

been bullied at some point.

iSafe Foundation reports that 35% of children have actually been threatened online,
some more than once.
*Image: (https://nobullying.com/bullying-statistics/)
The effects
80% of youth who committed suicide did so as a result to bullying
they experienced from peers, according to a JAMA Pediatrics
network study in 2013.
What we can do
Speak Up
We cannot afford to let the actions
and words of bullies slide. No more
bystanding. If you see something
wrong, report it.

Working Together
Building a community that is
actively looking out for one
another will help decrease the
instances of bullying.
Using Our Resources
Many programs have been implemented
in order to combat the social issue
of bullying. It is up to all of us
Image: http://www.slalom.com/sites/default/files/community-pillar-600x600.jpg to reinforce them.
Work cited
Slide 2: Understanding Bullying. Psychology Today, Psychology Today, www.psychologytoday.com/basics/bullying. Accessed 12
Mar. 2017.

Lohmann, Raychelle Cassada. Cyberbullying versus Traditional Bullying. Psychology Today, Psychology Today, 14 May 2012,
www.psychologytoday.com/blog/teen-angst/201205/cyberbullying-versus-traditional-bullying. Accessed 12 Mar. 2017.

Slide 4: Fanning, Laura. Questionnaire Results. LinkedIn SlideShare, LinkedIn SlideShare, 21 Oct. 2013,
www.slideshare.net/lauraf1996/questionnaire-results-27403735. Accessed 12 Mar. 2017.

Slides 5: Label, Ditch the. A Pie Chart to Reveal the Real Reasons Why People Get Bullied Pic.twitter.com/q8QNb6Prvr. Twitter,
Twitter, 23 Feb. 2016, twitter.com/ditchthelabel/status/702076574179454976. Accessed 12 Mar. 2017.

Slides 6 & 8: Was Your Visit to NoBullying.com Helpful? Bullying Statistics: The Ultimate Guide, NoBullying.com, 23 Oct. 2016,
nobullying.com/bullying-statistics/. Accessed 12 Mar. 2017.

Slide 7: Whiteman, Emily Miles. SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and Controversy.SiOWfa15 Science in Our World
Certainty and Controversy, Sites at Penn State, 3 Sept. 2015,
sites.psu.edu/siowfa15/2015/09/03/are-school-enforced-anti-bullying-policies-enough/. Accessed 12 Mar. 2017.

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