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Works Cited

dceme@student.ccaeagles.org (David Ceme)

Aaron, Henry. The Trailblazer: Jackie Robinson. Time. 14 Jun. 1999: p.104.Jackie Robinson

endured a lot of racial torment from team mates, other teams, and fans. This article is

important because it was written by Hank Aaron, who started playing seven years after

Jackie Robinson. This account and quote from a contemporary and beneficiary of

Jackie Robinson helped the content of the website and can be found on the Baseball

Years Page. This article was very helpful in me finding information about Jackie

Robinson. This gave us specific times in his life where he join the leagues. The website

has different parts and it helps us look deeper into the life of Jackie Robinson. I will

definitely be using this source when Im creating my final project.

Admin. Jackie Robinson 42. 22 Apr. 2013. Breaking Brown, 22 Apr. 2013,


42/. Accessed 27 Mar. 2017.

Biography.com editors. Jackie Robinson. Biography.com, A&E Television Networks,

www.biography.com/people/jackie-robinson-9460813. Accessed 26 Feb. 2017. I used this

source because it gave us great detail on the life of Jackie Robinson. The website gave us

specific dates on when he was born and died. They made detailed remarks on how he

started playing baseball at a very young age.

dizzo95. Jackie Robinson Brooklyn Dodgers 1955. 24 July 2008. YouTube. 30 November

2008<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pf1RVuQaDM>. Jackie Robinson was really

good at playing baseball. The video shows actual footage of him playing baseball and it
talks about what he achieved during his baseball years such as making it to the all star

game and being entered into the hall of fame. We used the video because we thought a

visual and audio aid in the website would be good.

Espn. This day in sports: Jackie Robinson Steals Home for the first time. 24 June 2010. ESPN,

24 June 2010, www.espn.com/blog/sportscenter/post/_/id/61520/this-day-in-sports-

jackie-robinson-steals-home-for-the-first-time. Accessed 27 Mar. 2017.

History.com Staff. Jackie Robinson. History.com, A+E Networks, 2009,

www.history.com/topics/black-history/jackie-robinson. Accessed 25 Feb. 2017.

History.com is a great source for when you are looking for the most accurate dates. This

website gave us a good description of how Jackie Robinson changed the way baseball

was played forever. It gave me good information on how the MLB (Major League

Baseball) was changed because of Jackie Robinson.

Ibis Communications, Inc.Jackie Robinson Breaks Baseballs Color Barrier, 1945.

2005.Eyewitness To History website. 2 November 2008

<http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/robinson.htm>. Jackie Robinson was approached by

Branch Rickey, the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and was asked to

become the first Black player in major league baseball. We chose this article because it

explains why Jackie was chosen to be in Major league baseball in the first place. Also,

a direct quote from Happy Chandler further explains why he was chosen which can be

found on the Baseball Years Page.

LA84 Foundation. Crossing the Color Barrier Jackie Robinson and the men whointegrated

major league baseball. n.d. LA84 Foundation website. 2 November 2008 . Jackie

Robinson enlisted in the Army and faced a court-martial for refusing to move to the
rear of an army bus. This is important because even before he broke the color barrier in

baseball and his years as a civil rights activist, he was discriminated against while serving

his country. The information learned from the article helped the content of our


Letter. 1957. Archives.gov, www.archives.gov/education/lessons/jackie-robinson. Accessed 26

Feb. 2017. these are letters that Jackie Robinson sent to the white house, there are also

letters of people talking about Jackie Robinson. This is a good primary source if you want

to see what they thought of Jackie.

Letter. 13 July 1946. Loc.gov, www.loc.gov/collections/jackie-robinson-baseball/articles-and-


robinson-to-branch-rickey/. Accessed 26 Feb. 2002. This letter is one that Jackie

Robinson sent to Branch Rickey. It talks about how they were talking about his

employment with the Brooklyn dodgers.

New York Times [New York]. 1947, www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0410.html.

Accessed 26 Feb. 2002. This Newspaper is a primary source of when Jackie Robinson

first went into the MLB. It showed how mad the MLB was because they let an African

Amercan play in the big leagues. Intsead of stating him by his forst name, they stated him

as Negro

Robinson, Jackie and Alfred Duckett. I Never Had It Made: An Autobiography of Jackie

Robinson.New York: Harper Collins, 1995.Jackie Robinson endured a lot on his way to

creating his legacy. This book is important because it explains how he did everything

from his own perspective. We used the information from this book to show what Jackie

Robinson thought about his life. This added another dimension to the content on our
website. This book is a really good source because it makes us look at Jackie Robinson in

a different way than we normally look at him. It shows how he handled all the racist

comments from people in the stands. It shows how he dealt with pressure from the

coaches, players, fans, etc. He would try to stay can during all of this ridicule and hate.

imcduffie@student.ccaeagles.org (Eric M)

Gale. Jackie Robinson. Ic.igalegroup.com, Gale, 1994,





d9a612b545d5. I really like this source because they have different sections for different

parts of his life. All the way from his early life to his death. It also talked about how he

became a business man after he retired from playing baseball in the MLB. The article

talked about how he made history and also how he did on the field while playing for the


Getty Images. Jackie Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dogders in 1947. 2 Apr. 2016. Wbur,

www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2016/04/02/ken-burns-jackie-robinson-legacy. Accessed 28

Mar. 2017.

Jackie Robinson interviewed in 1972. Yooutube, uploaded by Pianopappy, 25 Oct. 2016,

www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTHyLsIBI3A. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017. This video is Jackie

Robinson being interviewed. He talks about how they have come a long way every since

he entered the league and how thing have changed ever since. He gives recount on all the
things he has been through with the players and the manager. The interviewer asks if the

players ever told him that they regret not supporting him through his fight against the

racial discrimination they has against black playing Major League baseball

Jackies Diary. rjlafrance.weebly.com/diary-entry.html. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017. This is a part of

Jackie Robinsons diary. He has some really deep parts about racism in the MLB. Then

the last one talks about how he won the world series and went to the all-star game 5 years

in a row.

Obias, Rudie. 42 facts About Jackie Robinson. Mentalfloss.com, 28 Feb. 2017,

mentalfloss.com/article/50059/42-facts-about-jackie-robinson. Accessed 28 Mar. 2017.

This website gave me facts about Jackie Robinson that a lot of people didnt know. This

helps us and gives us more information about Jackie that other websites wouldnt give us.

Such as his full name Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was inspired by President Roosevelt

who died 25 days before Jackie was born.

Robinson, Jackie. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Grolier Online,

gme.grolier.com/article?assetid=0248750-0. Accessed 3 Feb. 2017. Jackie Robinson was

the first African-American to join the Major Leagues in baseball. Jackie was an all

around athlete, he started out playing football and basketball. When Jackie got into the

major leagues he got criticized, spit on, hurt, bur Jackie new if he had fought back then he

would be the one in trouble and get kicked out of the leagues and be sent to jail.

The Sports Fan Journal. Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr, the stress of Revolution. 16 Jan.

2012. The Sports Fan Journal, www.thesportsfanjournal.com/columns/ed-the-sports-

fan/jackie-robinson-martin-luther-king-and-the-stress-of-revolution/. Accessed 28 Mar.

York, Kyle. Jackie Robinson (1919-1972). Georgiaencyclopedia.org, 7 Dec. 2016,


1972. Accessed 9 Mar. 2017. This article is like many other articles. It talks bout Jackies

early life and his MLB career, but this article gives us lot of information. It shows

pictures of his family, him in the MLB etc. This article will be useful for looking at info

into his family and his death.

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