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Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

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Ecological Indicators
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Applying ecosystem services indicators in landscape planning and

management: The ES-in-Planning framework
Christian Albert a,b, , Carolin Galler a , Johannes Hermes a , Felix Neuendorf a ,
Christina von Haaren a , Andrew Lovett c
Leibniz Universitt Hannover, Institute of Environmental Planning, Herrenhuser Str. 2, 30419 Hanover, Germany
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Department Environmental Politics, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
University of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Applying ecosystem services (ES) concepts and indicators in landscape planning requires them to be
Received 7 November 2014 linked with models for decision-making by practitioners. The objective of this paper is to introduce an
Received in revised form 28 February 2015 ES-in-Planning framework, which combines ES assessment and valuation indicators with the widely
Accepted 19 March 2015
used Driving Forces, Pressures, State, Impacts and Responses (DPSIR) model. Within this framework, ES
Available online 21 April 2015
indicators become part of landscape planning as a means of assessing the current state of the environment
and for determining how it might change in the future. The implementation and added value of the
framework is illustrated in a case study of planning issues in the Mardorf community bordering the
Ecosystem functions
Ecosystem services
Steinhuder Meer Lake, Northern Germany. Two scenarios of potential landscape changes and possible
Indicators response measures are considered in terms of alterations in a set of ES indicators. The ES examined are
Landscape planning food production (a provisioning ES), climate mitigation (a regulation ES), landscape esthetics (as the
DPSIR basis for many cultural ES), and biodiversity. The ES indicators employed distinguish between services
Decision support valued by humans and those which are actually utilized. Valuation of changes in ES has shown to reect
Landscape societal objectives (as institutionalized in legal requirements) and expert-based estimates. However,
these valuations could be further validated by including economic and social valuation of impacts. The
added value of applying ES in the planning process lies in improved opportunities for developing targeted
response measures, for communicating trade-offs between planning options, and for facilitating joint
implementation by partners.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2013a; Mascarenhas et al., 2014), case study applications (Frank

et al., 2014; Kopperoinen et al., 2014; Palacios-Agundez et al., 2014),
Both scientists and policy makers are increasingly interested and examinations of the effects of such integration on knowledge
in applying ecosystem services (ES) concepts and indicators to generation and cooperation among relevant actors (Frst et al.,
support sustainable landscape development. Scientic interest is 2014; Hatton MacDonald et al., 2014; Opdam et al., in press). Policy
reected in the growing number of publications utilizing ES con- makers, on the other hand, increasingly call for a mainstreaming
cepts (Albert et al., 2014a), ranging from conceptual challenges of the ES concept at all levels of policy making (Maes et al., 2012)
(Cowling et al., 2008; Daily et al., 2009; de Groot et al., 2010b), to in expectation of additional insights into the importance of biodi-
explorations of user requirements (Albert et al., 2014b; Hauck et al., versity and ES for society, and thus greater support for strategies
and measures for sustainable landscape development (Hauck et al.,
Corresponding author at: Leibniz Universitt Hannover, Institute of ES models and indicators to relate to the existing planning and
Environmental Planning, Herrenhuser Str. 2, 30419 Hanover, Germany. governance frameworks in order to be applied in landscape man-
Tel.: +49 511 726 17949. agement. An effective integration of ES models and indicators in
E-mail addresses: christian.albert@ufz.de, albert@umwelt.uni-hannover.de planning requires recognition of democratically legitimized envi-
(C. Albert), galler@umwelt.uni-hannover.de (C. Galler),
ronmental objectives at all relevant levels, providing the means
hermes@umwelt.uni-hannover.de (J. Hermes),
neuendorf@umwelt.uni-hannover.de (F. Neuendorf),
to evaluate anthropogenic pressures and impacts, and to identify
haaren@umwelt.uni-hannover.de (C. von Haaren), A.Lovett@uea.ac.uk (A. Lovett). locations where response measures are likely to be most benecial.

1470-160X/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113 101

Most importantly, the application of ES models, indicators, and

evaluation approaches needs to link to a comprehensive frame-
work of intentional landscape change. One of the most widely used
frameworks for landscape planning is the Driving forces, Pressures,
State, Impacts and Responses (DPSIR) model originally proposed by
Smeets and Weterings (1999) in a report to the EEA. DPSIR repre-
sents a framework for studying cause-effect relationships between
socio-economic activities and the environment (Tscherning et al.,
2012). Environmental indicators are required for all elements of
this causal chain in order to meet the information needs of policy
makers (Smeets and Weterings, 1999). Suggestions of how links
between the DPSIR model and ES concepts could be made were
proposed by Mller and Burkhard (2012) in the context of adaptive
management cycles for humanenvironmental systems and by van
Oudenhoven et al. (2012) regarding the effects of land management
on ES. Scher et al. (2010) suggest a model for linking typical ana-
lytical steps of ES analysis to the elements of the DPSIR approach
and Helming et al. (2013) provide a way of linking the ES concept
with impact assessment steps via DPSIR. Spangenberg et al. (2014)
Fig. 1. The DPSIR model (Smeets and Weterings, 1999, adapted). The gray arrows
apply the ES concept in a DPSIR-based analysis of rice plantation
represent the potential paths of inuence by planning.
management. Although these models and applications have made
important contributions to the intellectual debate, they do not fully
explore the potential of such integration in the context of landscape
planning. change. Following the DPSIR model (see Fig. 1), landscape plan-
The objective of this paper is to integrate the denition, assess- ners rst identify the social and economic driving forces that exert
ment, and valuation of ES indicators into landscape planning based pressures on the environment, thus causing changes in its state.
on the DPSIR model. The paper addresses three research ques- The resulting alterations in the state of the environment over time
tions: (i) How could ES assessments and valuation be integrated (i.e. state(t) state(t+1) ) can have impacts on human well-being
in a DPSIR-based ES-in-Planning framework? (ii) Which indica- or implications for societal objectives (e.g. sustainable develop-
tors are most suitable for applying the framework in practice? (iii) ment). Information on such changes also provides the basis for
What is the added-value of such integration for planning, decision- designing responses, for instance new measures or management
making, and implementation? strategies. These responses may seek to reduce negative drivers
The rst research question is addressed by revisiting the rele- or pressures, safeguarding or enhancing the state, or mitigating
vant literature on DPSIR and ES evaluation models, and by bringing impacts.
the two approaches together in the form of an ES-in-Planning The second key model employed in this paper is an adapted
framework. The second research question is answered by reecting version of the Practice-Oriented Ecosystem Services Evaluation
upon indicators proposed in relevant literature from the Ger- (PRESET) framework (von Haaren et al., 2014) which is, in turn,
man planning context (in particular Bastian and Schreiber, 1994; based on the popular ES cascade originally proposed by Haines-
Gruehn, 2005; Jessel and Tobias, 2002; Mengel, 2011; von Haaren, Young and Potschin (2010) and further developed by de Groot et al.
2004; von Haaren et al., 2008) and in discussions of ES concepts. (2010a) and Potschin and Haines-Young (2011). The adapted model
To illustrate the added-value benets mentioned in the third ques- is specically suited to the requirements of local and regional plan-
tion, a landscape-level case study is presented concerning planning ning in Europe. It consists of ve components as shown in Fig. 2.
issues in the Mardorf community bordering the Steinhuder Meer At the center are ES, understood as the direct and indirect contrib-
Lake, Northern Germany. utions of ecosystems to human well-being (TEEB, 2010; UK NEA,
The next section of this paper introduces an ES-in-Planning 2011), consisting of both those offered by ecosystems and those
framework as an integration of DPSIR and a recently proposed, actually utilized by humans. The offered ES represent the totality
practice-oriented ES evaluation model (von Haaren et al., 2014). of ecosystem contributions that may provide benets to humans
Subsequently, a list of suitable indicators is proposed including today or in the future (but need not necessarily be used today).
references to relevant legislation, which is particularly important This provision is dependent on appropriate ecosystem elements
for planning practice. The following section describes methods (termed here Natural Capital), including relevant elements, pro-
and results of the case study in order to illustrate a conventional cesses, and structures as well as geo- and biodiversity. The utilized
approach to landscape planning, and how ES assessment and val- ES are those that are actually turned into goods or directly con-
uation can be integrated in this process. Finally, the effects of such sumed by humans. This transformation often requires human input
integration are critically discussed and conclusions drawn concern- (UK NEA, 2011), with examples being fertilizer, energy, pesticide,
ing future applications and research needs. labor, or knowledge (cf. Burkhard et al., 2014). The resulting bene-
ts are positive changes in human well-being stemming from the
direct or indirect contributions of offered and/or utilized ES. von
2. Combining DPSIR and ES evaluation in the Haaren et al. (2014) argue that distinguishing offered ES, utilized ES,
ES-in-Planning framework for landscape planning goods and benets presents different and complementary perspec-
tives about planning and decision-making objectives, the choice
We propose to integrate an evaluation of ES into the DPSIR of appropriate landscape development strategies and implemen-
model in order to provide a generic structure for a landscape plan- tation that each can usefully inform plan- and decision-making (as
ning process. A range of different framework methods for landscape represented in the lower box).
planning exist (e.g. Kato and Ahern, 2008; Steiner, 2000; Steinitz, An important addition of the adapted model is the linkage of
1993; von Haaren et al., 2008) but all relate more or less obviously ES evaluation to both shared values (as expressed in legislation)
to the general DPSIR model for assessing intentional landscape and individual values and preferences (as reected in actual uses
102 C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

Fig. 2. Further development of the Practice-Oriented ES Evaluation Model (adapted from von Haaren et al., 2014), based on Haines-Young and Potschin (2010), de Groot
et al. (2010a), Potschin and Haines-Young (2011), and UK NEA (2011).

and demand, among others; see the upper box of the model). 3. Suitable indicators for ES valuation within a DPSIR-based
Shared values refer primarily to offered ES and are usually rep- Planning approach
resented in objectives and standards as described in legislation
and interpreted and concretized by planners. Explicitly referring In order to be applicable in DPSIR-based landscape planning
to this legal valuation basis is essential for applications in planning practice, ES indicators need to fulll several requirements: Indi-
and decision-processes in order to ensure transparency and a fair cators need to relate to the different components of the DPSIR
balancing of public and private/individual interests. Individual val- framework and recognize existing democratically legitimized envi-
ues and preferences can be captured through economic valuation ronmental development objectives as these are currently the key
approaches that employ preferences-based methods and primarily basis for planning instruments and decision making processes. The
relate to actually utilized ES and benets. environmental development objectives for each region and site can
We suggest integrating the DPSIR framework and the adapted ES be derived from legislation on various governance levels, including
evaluation model within the new ES-in-Planning framework by local protected areas and the need for protecting certain species
using the latter to further differentiate the state conditions within and habitats listed in the EU Natura 2000 directives. Suitable indi-
the DPSIR model as shown in Fig. 3. In this view, pressures can be cators should at best consider a broad range of different ES in order
either supportive by helping to sustain, enhance or restore ecosys- to account for trade-offs between ES provision in different land
tems and their services, or of negative nature in leading to the use options. Furthermore, different indicators are needed to assess
deterioration of ecosystems. Historic, current or future state condi- the relevant DPSIR elements of pressures, different aspects of ES
tions can then be described in terms of sensitivities, natural capital, state (i.e. sensitivity to pressures, offered ES, human inputs, and
offered and utilized ES. Impacts refer to changes in ecosystem ser- utilized ES), and impacts in terms of changes in ES and human
vices, or to changes in human well-being. This interpretation of well-being. Finally, suitable indicators should allow for providing
impacts deviates from suggestions by Scher et al. (2010) and sufciently reliable, spatially explicit information that is appropri-
Helming et al. (2013) who have continued to consider changes of ately detailed for decision-support at landscape scale (Niemeijer
ES as parts of the state, and have evaluated impacts only in terms and de Groot, 2008), while acknowledging limited resources for
of changes in human well-being. We argue, however, that ES are empirical sampling and modeling in practice and thus necessar-
intrinsically dened as contributions to human well-being, and ily relying on existing, or easily to generate, data. Several lists of
changes of these ES can therefore be best assessed as parts of the ES indicators have already been proposed in the literature (e.g. de
impacts component. Groot et al., 2010b; Kandziora et al., 2013), but are not yet differenti-
The formation of responses, in our context the process of plan- ated between offered and utilized ES and linked to democratically
and decision-making, is based on information generated in each legitimated values as suggested here. Employing the ES concept
analytic component of the ES-in-Planning framework. However, can help to amend, inform, and rene the list of indicators which
the most valuable information is derived from the impact eval- in conventional landscape planning would only consider indica-
uation as the key basis for developing and choosing appropriate tors for pressures, sensitivities, and state in terms of offered ES.
response options. The results of the differentiated evaluation of the Furthermore, the application of the differentiated ES model intro-
pressure, state, and impacts components within the ES-in-Planning duces the aspects of human inputs, utilized ES and impacts in terms
framework tap into new sources of information that provide sig- of changes in ES and human well-being which provide important
nicant added value for plan- and decision making. information for planning, especially in efforts to convey trade-offs,
C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113 103

Fig. 3. The ecosystem services in planning (ES-in-Planning) framework.

conicts and synergies of different management options to diverse pressures for land use intensication due to an increased demand
stakeholders. for bio-energy from wood and maize. The regulated scenario com-
An overview of ES indicators that fulll these requirements and prises of response measures both for safeguarding against negative
address pressures, sensitivities, different ES aspects and benets impacts of other development options and for enhancing ES pro-
for humans is provided in Table 1. The table additionally provides vision in comparison with the status quo situation. Both scenarios
links to relevant legislations and directives. The list of indicators is consider only non-settlement land use changes for reasons of clar-
based on research work on landscape functions analysis (in partic- ication. The land use data for the status quo map is derived and
ular Bastian and Schreiber, 1994; Gruehn, 2005; Jessel and Tobias, synthesized from a detailed habitat map of the region of Hannover
2002; von Haaren, 2004; von Haaren et al., 2008), and recent ES (Region Hannover, 2013). Land uses in the unregulated and regu-
indicator lists (de Groot et al., 2010b; Kandziora et al., 2013; von lated scenarios are simulated by using Table 2 to look-up proposed
Haaren et al., 2014). The table presents an overview from which landscape changes in different land plot types. The suggested time
appropriate indicators for applying the ES-in-Planning framework scale is 15 years.
can be selected and provides a wider context for those indicators Four ES are considered that relate to the Common International
whose application is illustrated in this paper. Classication of Ecosystem Services (CICES, see Haines-Young and
Potschin, 2013). These ES have been selected in order to reect
4. Case study exploration representatives from each of the key ES categories for provision-
ing services, regulation and maintenance services, cultural services,
4.1. Case study area as well as for biodiversity. The considered ES are food production
potential, climate mitigation with respect to carbon storage in soils,
The case study areas encompasses the Greater Mardorf area, landscape esthetics as the basis for many cultural ES, and biodiver-
consisting of the communities of Mardorf and Schneeren with sity in terms of habitats. Suitable indicators were selected from
about 3350 inhabitants and its surrounding landscape of about Table 1 and relate to the policy objectives as outlined in Section 3.
6200 ha. Mardorf is situated at the northern shore of the Steinhuder
Meer Lake, a major tourist attraction in the Hannover region, North- 4.2.2. Methods used for applying the conventional DPSIR-based
ern Germany. The case study area is dominated by grasslands and approach
forests (about 1350 ha), elds and moorlands. About a third of the The DPSIR-based landscape planning process consists of
soils are degenerated peats. assessing pressures, sensitivities, and the current state of the land-
scape. This is done with respect to the provision of different ES,
4.2. Case study methods by exploring potential threats through assuming, simulating and
evaluating the impacts of a scenario of how existing pressures will
4.2.1. Case study research design most likely affect landscape change, and developing appropriate
The case study research design involves conducting a scenario- response measures. Potential impacts are evaluated by compar-
based landscape planning process in two ways: First, we ing maps of the provision of offered ES in the current state, the
demonstrate how landscape planning would usually proceed when hypothetical future scenario, and the responses scenario. These
following the conventional DPSIR-based approach. Second, we outcomes are described in Section 4.3.1. For reasons of illustration,
explore potential procedures and outcomes of amending the this procedure diverts partially from planning practice where due
conventional approach with the more differentiated analysis as to resource constraints often only the status quo is evaluated con-
suggested by the ES-in-Planning framework. Comparing the out- cerning pressures and the state of the environment as the basis for
comes of both approaches provides us with a better understanding developing response measures.
of the added value of further developing conventional landscape Pressures and sensitivities are assessed for the example of car-
planning with reference to the ES-in-Planning framework. bon storage of soils. We mapped the areas potentially affected by
Two scenarios are considered. One Scenario, termed unreg- pressures of all current grassland areas as they could potentially be
ulated, assumes likely future landscape development according converted to elds. Sensitivities were mapped as only those areas
to market forces without further policy and planning interven- where transitions to elds would have a climate-relevant impact
tion (see Table 2 for details). This rst scenario thus represents (namely the elds on hydromorphic or organic soils).
increased pressures according to the DPSIR framework. The other The state of the current situation, as well as that of the two
scenario, termed regulated, assumes the selection and allocation scenarios, is assessed by evaluating the respective land use con-
of responses in terms of measures to address current and poten- gurations according to the delivery of offered ES. To this end,
tial future challenges for sustainable landscape development. The we select appropriate indicators and conduct a spatial and semi-
unregulated scenario is considered plausible given the current quantitative evaluation by representing in a map the relative
Table 1
Proposed indicators for assessing pressures, sensitivities and diverse ES state indicators, focus only on public services addressed by planning.

ES category Driving forces and State indicators Impact indicators Legitimating political
pressures indicators decision (cf. references)

Sensitivities Offered ES Utilized ES Human inputs

Biodiversity - Land use change - Areas with special Safeguarding Safeguarding of natural - n.a. - Loss or impairments At international level:
Changes of site biotope development biodiversity/habitats heritage of habitats - CBD
conditions resp. habitat potential extreme function* Indicators of superior Fragmentation of - Ramsar Convention
conditions through locations for plant and - Occurrence of habitats, levels (e.g. biodiversity habitats, populations - Bern Convention
land use change or animal species bioscenosis and species. strategy) need to be - Bonn Convention
intensication - Areas with specic Criteria or endangerment further rened for At EU level:
habitats or biotope and responsibility, e.g. application at local - EU Biodiversity
network functions species and LRT according level Strategy
to the FFH-directive, - Natura 2000 Network,

C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

Europe-wide protective Habitats Directive,
birds after the Birds Birds Directive
directive, Natura 2000 EAFRD Implementing
management plans, Regulation (Regulation
habitats mapping as part of No. 1974/2006/EC)
landscape and
environmental planning,
species surveys programs,
High Nature Value
Farmland indicator (EAFRD
Implementing Regulation)
Food and ber - EU Common - Susceptibility to wind Natural yields Quantity of yields - Fertilizer input, Loss of soil fertility Soil Thematic Strategy
provision Agricultural Policy or water erosion; bI for - Natural yield - Producible energy tillage, pests - Farmland impacted Soil Protection
(CAP) wind erosion on potential/capacity; bI: (J/ha) management by erosion Directive (did not
- Policies supporting mineral soils: soil type, permeability for roots, Quantity and quality of - Farmland impacted become applicable so
bioenergy moisture/humus Moisture and nutrients producible food and by compaction far)
- Market for content, land cover; bI retention material
agricultural products for water erosion: Food production -, E.g. of winter barley
(food, fodder, rainfall, soil type, potentials* produced, Quantity of
materials, bioenergy) humus content, fodder produced
- Agricultural land use skeleton fraction in - Quantity of domestic
management with topsoil, steepness of animals; quantity of
relevant periods of the slope, slope length, animal products
uncovered soil land cover; bI for - Of bers and wood
- Agricultural land use erosion by oods (e.g. rotation coppice),
with heavy farm location within quantity of goods
machinery oodplains, land cover produced that fulll
- Extensication and - Susceptibility to the organic farming
abandonment of compaction; bI: soil standards
agricultural land use type/carbon content,
carbon content, coarse
pores fraction, soil
Freshwater Relevant for quality: - Susceptibility to Groundwater resource Quantity and quality of Measures for reducing Impacts on water Water Framework
provision - Diffuse sources: leaching of nutrient - Groundwater recharge; provided water e.g. for surface run-off, e.g. quantity Directive (WFD) as well
fertilizer use/pesticide and other substances; bI: soil type, depth of drinking water supply unsealing of paved - Lowering of the as included directives
use in the cause of bI: Type and height of groundwater table, relief or irrigation surfaces, increasing aquifer due to such as Nitrates
agricultural land use covering soil and energy/steepness of slopes, - Provided water ood plains. extensive water Directive, Drinking
(diffuse source) subsoil horizons rainfall, land cover (m3 /l), keeping balance Management that extraction/proportion Water Directive
- Point sources: e.g. - Ground water bodies, between abstraction inuences water between abstraction
industrial plants, waste their chemical status and recharge of quality such as and recharge of
water treatment plants according to WFD (e.g. groundwater fertilizer and pesticide groundwater according
Relevant for quantity: nitrates, pesticides, priority - Quality of provided use to WFD
Groundwater substances) water, e.g. suitability Impacts on water
extraction, e.g. for for drinking water use quality
irrigation, for industry (content of pollutants, - Nitrate pollution
nitrate, minerals) - Pollution by other
substances (e.g.

C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

Surface water - Pollution of surface Susceptibility for Surface water resources Quantity and quality of - Measures for Impacts on water Water Framework
provision water (through nutrient input, e.g. - Natural self-purication provided water reducing surface quality Directive (WFD) and
erosion, esp. caused by erosion; bI: and dynamics of surface - Provided water (m3 /l) run-off, e.g. unsealing - Water pollution included directives
phosphorus, solid e.g. presence/absence waters; e.g. naturalness of with reference to of paved surfaces, (nutrients, chemical such as Nitrates
matters) of buffer strips rivers different quality levels increasing ood plains. substances) Directive, Bathing
- Water extraction - Bio-chemical, chemical, (for drinking, - Management that Impacts on water Water Directive
and hydromorphological irrigation, etc.) inuences water quantity International
indicators quality such as - Drying up of surface agreements on the
fertilizer and pesticide water due to excessive protections of rivers,
use extraction e.g. Convention for the
protection of the Rhine
Flood control - Soil sealing - Natural oodplains Retention function/ood Reduction of frequency - Measures for - Loss of natural ood Floods Directive
- Waterway (according to Floods prevention and severity of oods, reducing surface plains (especially
construction/river Directive) - Floodplains (e.g. 100-year precautionary ood run-off, e.g. unsealing caused by
regulation - Flood formation areas ood inundation areas) protection of paved surfaces, development)
- Removal of structural (as specic parts of a - Surface runoff in the - Reduction of damage increasing ood plains. - Impairments of water
elements that decrease catchment, according catchment basin from ooding retention in the
discharge to Floods Directive) catchment/increased
surface runoff
Climate protection - Cultivation/drying out - Area with organic or Climate protection/carbon - n.a. - n.a. Reduction of carbon United Nations
of fens/moors, drainage hydromorphic soils retention and storage sinks and storages in Framework Convention
and agriculture of with permanent function* the soil (in particular on Climate
hydromorphic soils, in grasslands* - Carbon storage and organic and Change/Kyoto Protocol
particular organic soils, retention potential of soils; hydromorphic soils) on climate change
plowing up of bI: soil type, soil water through land use European Strategy on
grassland retention, depth of changes into climate change
groundwater table, soil croplands*
water regime, land use
- GHG retention potential
of ecosystems (no
applicable methods
available so far)

Table 1 (Continued)

ES category Driving forces and State indicators Impact indicators Legitimating political
pressures indicators decision (cf. references)

Sensitivities Offered ES Utilized ES Human inputs

Local climate - Land use change in Areas with bioclimatic Bioclimatic and air quality - Temperature - n.a. - Loss of areas with SEA Directive, EIA
areas of cold or fresh or air quality functions function equalization/cooling of bioclimatic or air Directive
air production - Areas of cold and fresh air settlement areas ( K) quality functions
(reduction of forest and production in proximity - Air quality through land use
agricultural land) to/within impacted Amplitudes changes and barrier
- Development of linear settlement areas - Air quality standards effects within fresh air
structures as barrier - Forests with emission deviation corridors
within air corridors in control functions - Level of Pollutants in - Changes of air quality
areas of importance for - Fresh air corridors the air in used areas
air circulation - bI: relief, land use, area
size, surface structure, soil
type and moisture,
vegetation, exposition,
spatial proximity to
impacted areas

C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

- Leaf area index
Renewable energy Usability of renewable - Provided energy United Nations
energy (kW/h) Framework Convention
- Potentials for the use of - Saving fossil fuels on Climate
renewable energy (e.g. (barrel of oil, m3 Change/Kyoto Protocol
wind conditions, avg. natural gas) on climate change;
number of sunshine hours) - Reduction of European Strategy on
CO2 -emissions (t CO2 ) climate change
Recreation, - Increased - (Unique) natural and - Natural and cultural Recreational use Presence of human - Impairments of UNESCO World
tourism, . . . harmonization of cultural landscapes and landscapes and landscape - E.g. distance to infrastructures with characteristics, esthetic Heritage Convention
landscapes components of components of importance residential areas * relevance for and cultural value UNESCO MAB-
- Loss of landscape landscape with for the natural or cultural - E.g. based on recreation and - Impairments or loss Program/Biosphere
elements and character importance for natural heritage valuations by citizens information such as of natural or cultural reserves
- Impairments through and cultural heritage - General suitability of (surveys) or frequency signposts, trails, and heritage European Landscape
visual, acoustic or - Areas of importance landscapes for recreational of use activities such as Convention (ELC)
olfactory disturbances for landscape-related use based on their Tourism walking, biking,
recreational use or character, diversity and - Touristically climbing*
tourism esthetic quality (landscape used/frequented areas,
- Areas and objects of character assessment)* results from
spiritual value - Specic landscape Questionnaire
- Areas and objects of structures and components - Turnover from
educational or of importance for different Tourism
scientic value landscape-related - Number of visitors of
recreation (e.g. bike paths Spiritual performance
and bathing lakes)* of rituals
- Spiritual or emotional - Education/Science
aspects that people attach
to local environments or
due to spiritual experience
Altering of soils - Geological objects Archive function of Safeguarding of natural Information provisions - Changes in the Soil Thematic Strategy
through land uses and soil characteristics soils/Geotopes and cultural heritage morphology of Soil Protection
of specic importance (Geodiversity) - Educational facilities geological objects or of Directive (did not
as documents for - Rare geotopes, soil types soil conditions become applicable so
natural and cultural and soil forms as - Erosion on sites with far)
history documents of natural and importance for archive
cultural history function

Sources: Review of indicators for landscape function analysis (in particular Bastian and Schreiber, 1994; Gruehn, 2005; Jessel and Tobias, 2002; von Haaren, 2004; von Haaren et al., 2008), recent ecosystem services indicator
lists (de Groot et al., 2010b; Kandziora et al., 2013; von Haaren et al., 2014), and further suggestions. Please note: bI stands for basic indicators. Indicators which have been exemplarily applied in the case study are noted with
C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113 107

Table 2
Land use change assumptions for scenarios.

Soil types Scenarios

Status Quo Unregulated Regulated

[State t] [State t + 1 assuming a [State t + 1 assuming targeted
market-driven development] response measures]

All soil types Forest (intensively managed) Forests (intensively managed) Forests (extensively managed)
All soil types Forest (extensively managed) Forests (intensively managed) Forests (extensively managed)
Non-peat, Grasslands (intensively or 38.2 ha conversion to elds, Grassland (extensively
non-hydromorphic soils extensively managed) rest intensication managed)
Non-peat, Fields Fields Fields (eventually organic)
non-hydromorphic soils
Hydromorphic soils Grasslands (intensively or 22.5 ha conversion to elds, Grassland (extensively
extensively managed) rest intensication managed)
Peat soils Bog (degenerated) Bog (degenerated) Moor
Peat soils Grassland 189.1 ha conversion to elds, Degraded bog
rest intensication
Peat soils Fields Fields Grassland (extensively

importance of each plot of land for the provision of the respective negative for climate protection and where response measures for
ES on a ve-step Likert scale. The method used for assessing offered conserving grasslands or restoring grasslands should be prioritized.
ES uses a robust and empirically founded look-up table (Table 3): The simulated land use changes of the Unregulated and Regu-
Food production is estimated based on the production potential of lated scenarios show signicant differences compared to the status
different land use types and management intensities. The assess- quo (Fig. 5). In accordance to the scenario assumptions, land in the
ment of carbon storage of soils is based on a method suggested Unregulated scenario is generally more intensively used. Field-
by Saathoff et al. (2013), and landscape esthetics are examined to-grassland conversions continue and bogs remain exploited or
based on the method of Khler and Prei (2000) and data from in a degraded state. In the Regulated scenario, grasslands and
the regional landscape plan (Region Hannover, 2013). Biodiversity forests are used more extensively. Formerly exploited bogs are
is assessed in terms of an expert-based valuation of habitat values restored and specic measures are taken to enhance recreational
derived from an evaluation of rareness and endangerment on the value within areas identied as having particular demand (please
level of the federal state of Lower Saxony (based on Bierhals et al., see section on cultural ES below for explanation).
2004; Bredemeier et al., 2014). The ES evaluation maps (Fig. 6) illustrate the spatial effects of the
alternative scenarios for each ES. It is obvious that the Regulated
4.2.3. Additional methods used for implementing the scenario could prevent many of the negative effects of the Unreg-
ESin-Planning framework ulated scenario and even improve the ability of the landscape to
Implementing the ES-in-Planning framework extends the infor- provide different ES compared to the status quo. An exception if
mation generated according to the conventional approach outlined food production which decreased in the regulated scenario in line
above with a semi-quantitative analysis of ES trade-offs, the con- with the scenario assumptions. A comparison of the maps for sta-
sideration of human inputs and utilized ES as well as an estimation tus quo and unregulated scenario also allows identication of the
of impacts for human well-being. The analysis of semi-quantitative areas in which changes occur and thus provides a useful basis for
trade-offs between scenarios in terms of effects on different ES allocating response options as reected in the Regulated scenario.
considered the share of case study area for each level of signi- However, trade-off analyses across the different scenarios remain
cance. These were determined by calculating the respective areas difcult as no cumulative accounts are provided of the share of land
for each level of signicance based on GIS data. Human inputs were associated with each level of importance.
exemplarily evaluated with reference to recreation by mapping the
recreational infrastructure such as designated trails, lookout tow- 4.3.2. Results of implementing the ESin-Planning framework
ers, and information signs as extracted from OpenStreetMap.org. The semi-quantitative evaluation of offered ES, in terms of the
The utilized ES for recreation were mapped as the areas within share of case study area covered by the ve levels of signicance
a buffer of 300 m around settlements and trails as these areas are for different ES (Fig. 7), allows a much better evaluation of trade-
likely to be most frequently used for recreation purposes (cf. Albert offs across different scenarios compared with the option of only
et al., in press). Quantitative and economic valuation conducted for comparing maps as in conventional DPSIR-based planning. In this
the example of carbon storage in soils calculated the approximate illustration, the differences in impacts between the situation in the
amounts of CO2 emissions as derived from Saathoff et al. (2013) and status quo (State 0) and the different scenarios (State 1a or State 1b)
avoided societal costs of CO2 emissions based on German Federal is represented by the differences between the respective evaluation
Environmental Agency (2008). bars. Areas of high biodiversity and of high cultural value decrease
slightly in the unregulated scenario but increase strongly in the
4.3. Case study results regulated scenario. Concerning climate mitigation, no effects can
be detected in comparison of the status quo and unregulated, but
4.3.1. Results of the conventional DPSIR-based approach great improvements can be seen in the Regulated scenario. While
The illustration of an approach for mapping pressures and sen- the Regulated scenarios thus is benecial for biodiversity, climate
sitivities using the example of climate protection shows that some mitigation and cultural services, it has negative trade-offs for food
(although in this case study only a few) sites, where pressures for production with signicant decreases in areas of very high, high,
grassland conversion could become active, are not sensitive to such and medium production potential.
conversion in terms of relevance for climate protection (Fig. 4). The differentiated analysis of ES for recreation results in addi-
More importantly, the evaluation of sensitivity allows an identi- tional maps illustrating relevant human inputs and the areas of
cation of those areas where grassland conversion would be most particular importance for recreation (Fig. 8). The maps show that
Table 3
Look-up table for evaluating offered ES.

Biodiversity Food production Climate (carbon storage of soils) Cultural

Very high Bog Intensively used Very high retention 26001700 t of Highly structured grassland; lake landscapes; highly structured deciduous or mixed forest
Forest (extensive, elds potential CO2
deciduous) retention per

C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

High Grasslands Extensively used High retention 16070 t of Diversied moorlands; highly structured arable land or
(extensive) elds potential CO2 grassland; old, highly structured deciduous or mixed forest
Forest (extensive, retention per
mixed) hectare
Medium Forest (extensive, n.a. Moderate retention No CO2 retention Young deciduous or mixed forest; moderately structured arable land or grassland
coniferous), Forest or emission
mainly coniferous),
Low Fields Intensively used No retention or 70160 t of Poorly structured arable land; poorly structured coniferous forest
grasslands emission potential CO2
emission per
Very low Bog (degenerated) Extensively used Moderate retention 26001700 t of Peat-exhausted moorland
grasslands potential CO2
emission per
Simplied n.a. Adapted approach, Khler & Prei
approach, based on based on Saathoff (2000), adapted
Bierhals et al. et al. (2013).
(2004) and
Bredemeier et al.

Note: the allocation of some land use types to the different levels of signicance for providing an esthetic landscape as the basis for cultural ecosystem services is dependent upon additional information on the condition. Therefore
some land use types appear in multiple categories.
C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113 109

Fig. 4. Illustration of areas for pressures, sensitivities, and areas of potential changes of the state for the ES climate protection of soils.

Fig. 5. Comparison of the status quo and two land use change scenarios. Unregulated describes plausible future developments without planning interventions; Regulated
incorporates response measures to the identied challenges.
110 C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

Fig. 6. Differentiated ES state evaluation maps.

only certain areas are currently equipped with infrastructure for explicit information is helpful in allocating response measures into
recreation purposes (in particular along the Steinhuder Meer lake the most appropriate areas, as done in the Regulated scenario
shore) but that the sites actually utilized for recreation are more where recreational measures are proposed for areas of actual recre-
extensive, though do not cover the entire study area. This spatially ational use.
C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113 111

Fig. 7. Semi-quantitative trade-off analysis results of scenario effects on different ES in terms of share of case study area for each level of signicance.

Fig. 8. Exemplary maps of human inputs and areas utilized for recreational ES.

The quantitative analysis of ES benets exemplarily conducted in a DPSIR-based approach to landscape planning. The framework
for climate mitigation goes one step further than the semi- builds upon prior suggestions for integrating the two concepts by
quantitative analysis (described above) in providing insights into van Oudenhoven et al. (2012), Mller and Burkhard (2012), Scher
the overall amount of CO2 emitted or retained by agricultural areas et al. (2010), and Helming et al. (2013), but differs in linking ES
and respective economic values (Fig. 9). It shows a slight increase of
CO2 emissions for the Unregulated scenario, and a strong increase
of retained CO2 emissions and economic benets for the Regu-
lated scenario. Such quantitative and economic evaluation data
seems promising as benchmark values for monitoring landscape
change and its impacts, and also as input for political decision mak-
ing. However, it should only be used as a supplement (and not
replacement) of the more qualitative or semi-quantitative evalu-
ation approaches described above that better capture the diverse
trade-offs and the in-commensurability of different ES and biodi-
versity (von Haaren et al., 2014).

5. Discussion and conclusions

5.1. Framework for integrating ES in landscape planning

Fig. 9. Quantitative and economic trade-off estimation of ES benets concerning
This paper has introduced the ES-in-Planning framework as an climate mitigation ES of agricultural soils, values based on Saathoff et al. (2013) and
approach for integrating ES indicators assessment and evaluation German Federal Environmental Agency (2008).
112 C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113

analysis and evaluation more closely with established procedures considered and the role of human intervention in actually provid-
in existing landscape planning instruments. As such, the suggested ing usable ES is exemplied (for an example of benets ot assessing
framework method provides an improved entry point for actually offered ES and actually utilized ES, see e.g. Casado-Arzuaga et al.,
applying ES in the specic eld of landscape planning practice. In 2014). Further innovations for planning stemming from the inte-
particular, the framework method differs from earlier suggestions gration of ES indicators lie in providing a better basis for trade-off
in two ways: First, we adopt a differentiated ES evaluation model analysis (be it semi-quantitatively, quantitatively, or economically)
that employs separate indicators for offered ES, human inputs, and as illustrated in the case study. In addition, planning could bene-
utilized ES in response torecent suggestions from the perspective t from closer linkage to human well-being that could possibly be
of ES indicator application (Albert et al., in press; Burkhard et al., attained by evaluating the benets provided by offered and uti-
2014; von Haaren et al., 2014). This differentiated approach is bet- lized ES (see e.g. Liu and Opdam, 2014) an issue that the case
ter suited to established planning as it shows that ES analyses partly study could not address in greater detail.
consists of evaluations that have already been included in planning In taking the innovations together, the ES-in-Planning frame-
(namely the assessment of many offered ES), and at the same work allows for combining the benets of ES analysis and planning
time extends existing evaluations with new and complementary in new and very promising ways: The consideration of pressures
considerations of human inputs, utilized ES and ES benets. Sec- and sensitivities and linking within legislative development objec-
ond, it considers impacts in terms of changes of ES and changes of tives allows for ES arguments to nd an entry point into established
respective human well-being. While this conception deviates from decision-making procedures and thus a way of actually being con-
prior suggestions by Scher et al. (2010) and Helming et al. (2013) sidered in practice. Emerging challenges from landscape change
who understand impact solely in terms of changes of human well- can be better detected. Most importantly, it allows for response
being, its application in the case study demonstrates that it aligns options to be allocated in ways that specically target the sites in
well with the established procedure of landscape planning. In this greatest need. From a planning perspective, the application of the
way, both the state and impacts can be described in several dif- ES concept and ES indicators allows for more direct links to human
ferent terms, i.e. in changes of land uses, changes of the provision well-being and, hence, provides pathways for communicating with
of offered ES, changes of human inputs, utilized ES, or ES-induced stakeholder and decision-makers that can help gaining support for
effects on human well-being. the identied response measures (Galler et al., in review). Further-
more, benchmark values and quantitative accounting can enhance
5.2. Indicators proposed for ES assessment and evaluation objectivity, comparability and transparency of evaluations. More-
over, integrating ES can contribute to a systematic approach in
The proposed indicators for assessment and evaluation provide quantifying trade-offs and synergies and their consequences for
examples of how the ES-in-Planning framework method can be effectiveness and efciency of response options.
implemented in practice. At rst sight, the various indicators for
assessing pressures, offered and utilized ES, and human benets,
5.4. Remaining challenges and research gaps
may seem more complicated than the original categories in CICIES
(Haines-Young and Potschin, 2013). However, planning applica-
Despite these potential benets, important challenges remain
tions (especially on regional and local scale) require a greater level
that need to be considered and addressed if ES are to be fully inte-
of detail in order to best identify the place-specic situations and
grated in landscape planning. First, given the limited temporal,
management needs. CICES, in contrast, was developed for account-
nancial and data resources available in planning practice (Albert
ing efforts where several of the difculties of its application in
et al., 2014b), a true integration of ES in practice would require
planning do not play a role. For example, national accounting does
formal changes of existing planning instruments. While efforts
not need to consider if an ES is provided by the ecosystem alone or
are currently underway to integrate ES in Environmental Impact
if substantial human inputs were required in order to generate the
Regulation, it seems unlikely that the concept of ES will be fully
mainstreamed in suites of planning instruments in the short term.
The list of proposed ES indicators shows how ES can be assessed
Depending on national contexts and legislation, mainstreaming of
and evaluated with respect to legislation and directives. Estab-
ES in planning could follow four distinct models (as put forward
lishing this link is an important requirement for application of ES
by the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow On Project): (i)
indicators in planning and management, as it justies accord-
retrotting existing plans and programs with considerations of ES,
ing to existing planning instruments and procedures why the
(ii) incrementally integrating assessments of ES in existing planning
consideration of each ES is needed in decision making. There are
procedures, (iii) an ES-led approach that embeds ES considerations
of course a broad range of environmental development objectives
at early stages of planning, and (iv) an ecosystem approach-based
and societal preferences that cannot be simply derived from legisla-
model that fundamentally alters planning procedures toward bet-
tion, but that can become apparent through various social science
ter considering ES and their values in decisions. Which of these
methods (i.e. social and economic values). These additional val-
models will eventually be adopted in each country and in which
ues provide further justication for the relevance of ES in planning
decision-making context, remains an open question. Second, it is
decision-making, and that legislative objectives do remain of prime
not yet clear if investing more resources in acquiring additional
ES information will actually yield a better consideration of envi-
ronmental aspects in planning. Investigating this issue will require
5.3. Application of selected ES indicators in the case study
more case studies, more knowledge exchange with practitioners,
and critical evaluations of the actual inuence of ES information in
The case study focuses on illustrating innovations in integrat-
different contexts of decision-making practice.
ing ES indicators in planning practice rather than comprehensively
considering the whole range of ES and potential indicators, which
was not possible in the scope of this paper. The case study shows Acknowledgements
how planning can benet from differentiating between offered ES,
human inputs, and utilized ES. Key benets of these amendments The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
to existing approaches lie in providing a better basis for account- their very helpful feedback which has greatly improved the quality
ing and subsequent decision-making, as the current pressures are of the paper. We thank Louise von Falkenhayn for polishing the
C. Albert et al. / Ecological Indicators 61 (2016) 100113 113

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