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Schools : SMK Negeri 3 Kupang

Subject : Server Administration
Grade / Semester : XI / 3
Time Allocation : 32 MT [8 x (4 x 45)]

A. Main Competency
KI 1. Being able to appreciate and learn about their religion teaching.
KI 2. Being able to develop the behavior (honest, discipline, responsible, care, polite,
friendly toward the society, helping each other, solidarity, peace, responsive, and
proactive) and showing an attitude to the nations problems in making the interaction
effectively with the society and nature also managing self as the nation reflection in the
world society.
KI 3. Being able to understand, apply, analyze factual knowledge, conceptual,
procedural based on curiosity about science, technology, arts and culture, and the
Humanities with insight into humanity, nationality, State of the Union, and civilization-
related phenomena and events, as well as implementing the procedural knowledge in a
specific field of study in accordance with their aptitude and interest in solving problems.
KI 4. Processing, reasoning, presenting and creating in the realm of the concrete and the
abstract associated with the development of self-learned in school independently, and
able to use the method according to the rules of science.

B. Basic Competency
3.1. Analyzing the need for traffic server and computer network applications
3.2. Understanding the duties and responsibilities of the Server Administrator
3.3. Understand the working principles of client server communication
3.4. Understand the operating system installation to a server
3.5. Understand the file system administration and user access on linux
3.6. Understanding the various network services
3.7. Understanding the management of backup and recovery on linux
3.8. Understanding the management of remote access
4.1. Presenting the results of a needs analysis for the purposes of traffic server and computer
network applications
4.2. Make sense of duty and responsibility of the Admin Server
4.3. Make sense of the working principles of client server communication
4.4. Presenting the results to the server operating system installation
4.5. Presenting the results of file system administration and user access on linux
4.6. Presenting a variety of network services
4.7. Presenting the management of backup and recovery on linux
4.8. Presenting the results of remote access management
C. Indicators
1. Analysis the need for the server traffic and computer network applications
2. Writing down the results of a needs analysis for the purposes of traffic server and
computer network applications
3. Presenting the working principle of client communications server
4. Installation of operating systems for servers
5. Perform system administration and user files access on linux
6. Perform backup and recovery management on linux
7. Perform remote management access

D. Learning Objectives
1. During and after the learning process, students can appreciate the grace of God will be
the relationship order and complexity of nature and the universe and use them to develop
information technology and science to the intellectual life of the nation.
2. During and after the learning process, students have and show an attitude of
responsibility, caring, responsive, and courteous in performing and reporting the results
of the experiment.
3. Students can analyze the need for traffic server and computer network applications
4. Students can Presenting the results of a needs analysis for the purposes of traffic server
and computer network applications
5. Students being able to do the installation of operating systems for servers
6. Students being able to Perform system administration and user files access on linux
7. Students being able to Perform backup and recovery management on linux
8. Students being able to remote management options access

E. Materi Pembelajaran
Analyzing Server Needs
Speaking of the server, may be found in the
minds of our mind is that the server is a computer
that has a very high specification.
The assumption is not wrong, since servers
generally work with weight.
To build a server, we need to analyze some of the
factors that I think we have to do before building
a server. Here are some things we need to
analysis before building the server:

1. Business Activities Undertaken

The first thing we need is the analysis of business activities to be performed server. We
must first determine how severe the activities to be performed server.
Is the server will work heavy, medium or light?
If we have determined that the business activity will be conducted servers, we can determine
the hardware requirements needed by the server easily.
2. Selection of Hardware
Selection of the appropriate hardware is one of the key building optimum server. We
should really be wise in choosing hardware that will be used on a server that we are building.
Make sure you choose the appropriate hardware to business activities that will be done
Very unfortunate if we spend a lot of money to build a server with a very high specification
servers when they are used for business activities is very mild.
In this case, we should really be careful in choosing the hardware because the hardware is
less precise election will have an impact on server performance.
3. Number of Users
How many users are very influential in the development of optimal server. Lightweight
business activity may be offset by low server specs, but what if the numbers of users?
In this case, use the following formula to solve the problem:
Optimal = (Number of Users x Ratio of business activity) x number of users
In the following formula is explained that to obtain the appropriate specifications and optimal
server, the number of users multiplied by the ratio of business activity is needed, then
multiplied by the number of users.
The number of users and business activity is a factor that can not be separated side by side
and to make the margin between the minimum specifications and average operational.
4. Scalability
A server must still evolve to follow the technological developments that will come.
Therefore, the determination of the network scheme, proper distribution of resources and the
allocation of an appropriate backup is needed to support the development of server that we
are building.
5. Spread Point
If the location of the user accessing the server is only found in one location, possibly one
server is enough.
But what if the user is accessing a server locations scattered in different locations not
reachable by the server?
To anticipate this, the secondary server is required. By making the secondary server, delivery
of information / data on the user are located very far from the main server will be more
Another alternative could be done to overcome this is to increase the data transmission
medium such as using high-speed media, for example: fiber optic cable.
6. Software
As we know that the hardware and software are two things that cannot be separated.
Hardware cannot work without the software, and vice versa. Selection of the appropriate
software is very influential on the performance of the server that we will wake up later.
Choose software that offers a guarantee, reliability and safety are adequate. It was a big
disaster if the server that serves thousands or even millions of users down or die. Therefore,
it is necessary to minimize the software that actually qualified.
In essence, the analysis of the server needs to be done before we are to build a server. To
establish an appropriate and optimal server, the server must be adapted to several factors
such as business activity, the number of users, and other factors discussed above.
F. Learning Method and Model
Approach : Scientific (Scientific)
Method: Lecture, discussion. Searching on the Internet
Learning model
1. The first meeting
The learning method used is the Think-Pair and Share with a scientific approach to the steps
1. The teacher conveys the content and competencies to be achieved
2. Students are asked to think about the material / problems submitted by teachers
3. Students are asked to pair up with a friend to the next (group 2) and express the ideas of
4. The teacher leads the small plenary discussions, each group put forward the results of
their discussions
5. Starting from these activities, Teacher steer the conversation to the subject matter and add
material that has not been disclosed students
6. Teachers conclusions
7. Cover
2. Meeting of 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
The learning method used is STAD with a scientific approach to the steps of:
1. Form a group of 3-4 members are heterogeneous (mixed by achievement, gender,
ethnicity, etc.)
2. The teacher presents a lesson
3. The teacher gave the task to the group to be done by the group members. Members who
already understand to explain to other members until all members of the group
4. The teacher gives a quiz / questions to all students. At the time of answering the quiz
should not help each other
5. Give evaluation
6. Conclusion
3. Meeting 7 & 8
The learning method used is the Problem Base Instruction (PBI) with a scientific approach to
the steps:
1. Teacher explains the competency and mention the means or support tools required.
Motivating students to engage in problem-solving activity selected
2. Teachers help students define and organize learning tasks related to the issue (specifying
topics, tasks, schedules, etc.).
3. The teacher encourages students to collect appropriate information, experiment to get an
explanation and problem solving, data collection, hypothesis, problem solving.
4. Teachers assist students in preparing a work plan that is suitable as a report and help them
share the task with friends
5. Teachers help students to reflection or evaluation of their experiments and the processes
they use
G. Learning Activities
1th Meeting
Introduction / Initial Activity ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / picture of the needs and specifications of minimal Server
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the needs Server
Identifying the minimum requirement of hardware and software for the needs of
the server.
Exploring the minimal server requirements Server
Grouping parts Server
Analyzing the results of the identification of needs minimal Server
Present the results of the analysis in the form of a report on the minimal server requirements
Cover ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

2nd Meeting
Introduction / Initial Activity ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images about the duties and responsibilities of the Admin Server
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the duties and
responsibilities of the Admin Server
Identifying tasks and responsibilities admin server
Identify security threats to a server
Exploring the duties and responsibilities of the Admin Server
Explore security threats server
Grouping tasks and responsibilities admin server
Analyze the results of security threat identification server
Present the results of the analysis in the form of a report on the duties and responsibilities
admin server
Presenting an analysis of the security threats server
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

3rd Meeting
Initial activities ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images on the working principles of client server communication
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the client server
identify block diagram of client server
Explore the client-server communication model
exploring protocol client server communication
Analyzing the client-server communication model
analyze protocol client server communication
Present the results of the analysis in the form of reports on client server communication
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

4th Meeting
Initial activities ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images about the installation of operating system for servers
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the operating system
Identify the hardware and software needed
Explore methods installation system operation
Exploring installation system operation to server
Analyze hardware and software for servers
Analyzing methods installation system operation
Analyzing installation system operation to server
Present the results of the analysis in the form of a report on the installation of operating
system for servers
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

5th Meeting
Initial activities ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images on file system administration and user access
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the file system and
user administration
Identify the file system system Linux operating
Exploring the file system on system operation linux
exploring administration file system
Exploring user access
Analyzing the file system on system operation linux
Analyzing administration the file system system operation linux
Analyzing user access

Present the results of the analysis in the form of a report on file system administration and
user access
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

6th Meeting
Initial activities ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images on network services
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text learning about network services
Identify function service network
Explores the basics of DHCP, DNS, FTP, NTP, Mail, Web Mail, Proxy
Analyze function service network
Analyzing DHCP, DNS, FTP, NTP, Mail, Web Mail, Proxy
Present the results of the analysis in the form of reports on network services
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

7th Meeting
Initial activities ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images about the management of backup and recovery
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the management of
backup and recovery
Identify function backup and recovery services
exploring the function backup and recovery services
Analyze function backup and recovery services
Present the results of the analysis in the form of a report on backup and recovery
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

8th Meeting
Initial activities ( 10% of the total time of meeting)
Teachers give greetings followed by introductions and absenteeism.
The teacher gives an overview of analysis and review of the field analysis of needs analysis
and device resource requirements in telecommunications
Core Activities ( 75% of the total time of meeting)
Impressions / images on remote access
Ask questions related to the display / graphics or text to learning about the remote desktop
and remote access
Identify function remote access and remote desktop
Exploring remote desktop and remote access
Analyzing the function of remote access and remote desktop
Analyzing remote desktop environment and remote access
Present the results of the analysis in the form of reports on remote desktop and remote access
End Activity ( 15% of the total time of meeting)
Summing up the matter in accordance with the competencies and indicators. Which is
commonly used in computer networks. Teachers evaluate the material that has been given

H. Post Activities
Concluding the lesson
Giving homework
Praying to end the class

I. Assesment
1. Instruments & Mechanical Rating : Observations, Performance, and the written test
2. Evaluation procedure
Performance assessment
Rated aspect
No Name Attitud Knowl
e edge
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Scoring criteria: 1 = Less Ethan, 2 = Enough, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good

Criteria Rating: Total score < 3 :D
4 < Total score < 6 :C
7 < Total score < 9 :B
10 < Total score < 12 :A

Performance Assessment Rubric :

No. Rated aspect Information
1 = Not active in learning
2 = Quite active in learning
1. Attitude
3 = Active in learning
4 = Very active in learning
1 = Not understanding the concept of problem-solving
2 = Quite understand the concept of problem-solving
2. Knowledge
3 = Understanding the concept of problem-solving
4 = Highly understand the concept of problem-solving
1 = Not skillfully carry out troubleshooting procedures
2 = Quite skillfully carry out troubleshooting procedures
3. Skill
3 = Skilled applies new troubleshooting procedures
4 = Highly skilled implement the troubleshooting procedures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools:

Written test
Scoring guidelines:
No. commentary Score
1. Answer Key Problem Description
Answer Key Problem No. 01 20
Answer Key Problem No. 02 20
Answer Key Problem No. 03 20
Answer Key Problem No. 04 20
Answer Key Problem No. 05 20
The maximum score for a description about: 100
b b24 ac

Score = Score obtained x 100

Maximal Score (100)

J. Media / Equipment, Materials and Learning Resources

1. Media: power presentation file point
2. Tools: Software applications Power Point, MS Word, etc.
3. Materials: Paper, Books, etc.
4. Learning resources: Joobsheet, Textbooks
5. References:
Siyamta, Server Administration, XI Semester 1, Kemdikbud RI, Jakarta, in 2013

Legalized By Kupang, August 2016

SMK 3 Principal, Subject Teacher,

Jeni J. P. Bhasarie, S.E., M.Par Wahyudi Rahmat, S.T

Nip. 19690608 199203 2 014

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