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What Happens When We Die

According to Buddhism

What Happens When We Die, According to Buddhism

If you grew up in the west, you were probably taught that when we die we will either go
to heaven or hell. Buddhism, however, offers a different view to what happens after we

The Buddhist View of Death

Buddhism says that when we die the mind that has been developed and conditioned for
this life re-establishes itself in a new being. The new individual will then grow a new
personality that is conditioned by those life circumstances. This process of dying and re-
establishing itself continue until one reaches Nirvana a state of enlightenment that does
not desire or crave but simply lives in peace and with love.

How does the mind go from one body to another?

When one is dying, they will lose control of their mental processes. During this time, the
actions and habits in their memories are released. Depending on this persons karma, they
will begin to see images, which will either be frightening images, or images of loved ones
or scenic beauty. Even though the physical body is weak, they may cry out these visions.

When the body breaks down at the point of death, these energies are released as mental
energy. Energy cannot be destroyed and therefore, this energy has to re-establish itself in
a new body.

Its almost like radio waves which are made of energy at different frequencies, which
travel through space to be picked up by a suitable receiver.

Is one always reborn as a human being?

According to Buddhism, there are several different realms one can be transported to.
Some may be reborn as animals, while others humans. Nothing in the universe is
permanent, and therefore this state of existence cannot last forever and rebirth occurs
over and over again.

What decides where we will be reborn?

The most important factor, according to Buddhist texts, is karma. Karma is more complex
than simply you reap what you sow. There are 12 little laws of karma (see end of
Article) that go through different factors such as your effort, your kindness to others and
your intention. Thus, the gentle, loving type of person shall be reborn in a heavenly realm
or as a human being in a comfortable environment.

There may actually be some scientific evidence to support the Buddhism view of death.
During the last 30 years parapsychologists have been studying reports that some people
have vivid memories of their former lives. Professor Ian Stevenson of the University of
Virginias Department of Psychology has described dozens of cases of this type in his

books. He is an accredited scientist whose 25 year study of people who remember former
lives is very strong evidence for rebirth.

12 Little Laws of Kamma

1) The Great Law.

This is also known as the Law of Cause and Effect. The main crux of this law is that to
receive happiness and love, one must act happy, peaceful and loving.

2) The Law of Creation.

This principle says that life requires our participation to happen. Nothing happens by
itself. In other words, if you want to achieve your goals, whatever they may be, then you
need to take appropriate actions.

3) The Law of Humility.

This law is all about acceptance. If you want to change something, then first you must
accept it. If all one sees is negativity, then its difficult for them to reach a higher level of

4) The Law of Growth.

If we want to achieve our goals, then its not the environment that must change, but
ourselves. When we change who we are and our perspective on life, then our lives will
follow suit.

5) The Law of Responsibility.

Whatever happens to our lives, one must take responsibility. We mirror what surrounds
us, and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth.

6) The Law of Connection.

Everything in the universe is connected. It is undeniable. Past, present, and future are
connected. Everything is needed to accomplish tasks.

7) The Law of Focus.

Its impossible to do two tasks at once. Its important to focus on spiritual values, and
leave lower thoughts like greed or anger to the side.

8) The Law of Giving and Hospitality.

Its important to be kind and compassionate to others, and then people will do the same
for you.

9) The Law of Here and Now.

The only thing that exists is the present moment. Its important to realize this and focus
your mind on the present moment. Old patterns of behaviour prevent us from having new

10) The Law of Change.

History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.

11) The Law of Patience and Reward.

All rewards require initial toil and true joy comes from working hard and achieving your
goals, in your own time.

12) The Law of significance and Inspiration.

One gets back from something whatever they put into it. The true value of something is a
direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it.

From Hack Spirit,


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