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Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus

from Egypt 15
James K. Hoffmeier

Early Egyptologists were steeped in interest in biblical history and in
particular the Hebrew exodus story. Edouard Naville and W.M.F. Petrie
were among the early pioneers. Of interest to early Egyptologists was the
geography of the exodus and the route of the Hebrew departure from
Egypt. By the mid-twentieth century, Egyptologys love affair with Old
Testament matters had soured, but this allowed the discipline to develop
as its own science.
Over the past decades, Biblical scholars have largely been swept into
the current of historical minimalism, leaving Israels origin story on the
dust heap of history. This development serves as a pressing call for
Egyptologists to return to the debate to bring data from Egypt to bear on
historical and geographical matters. Indeed some have responded in
constructive ways.
This chapter examines interaction between Egyptology and the exodus
narratives and then reviews some of the newer archaeological, toponymical,
and geological data from Northeastern frontier of Egypt that shed new light
on the biblical narratives.

The Egyptian Origins of Israel: Recent the leadership of Moses was largely viewed as
Developments in Historiography reflecting historical reality in the field of biblical
scholarship through much of the twentieth
The Bibles portrayal of the children of Israel century. While biblical scholars debated the
entering Egypt during a time of famine in particular written sources behind the tradition
Canaan, followed by a period of enslavement, and their reliability, the general picture was
and then a glorious exodus from Egypt under accepted as accurate.
In North America, the influence of W.F.
Albright and his students, especially G. Ernest
Wright and John Bright, contributed to this
J.K. Hoffmeier (*)
consensus. Not only did these scholars affirm
Divinity School, Trinity International University,
Deerfield, IL, USA the historicity of the sojournexodus tradition,
e-mail: jhoffmei@tiu.edu but they also were convinced that the footsteps

T.E. Levy et al. (eds.), Israels Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective, 197

Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-04768-3_15,
# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
198 J.K. Hoffmeier

of Joshua and the conquering Israelites could be It is fair to say that these statements of biblical
traced through numerous archaeological sites in scholars reflect a general skepticism of the last
Israel. From the 1930s to 1970s AlbrightWright 25 years towards the Israelite origins as a people
synthesis dominated the English-speaking in Egypt.
academy. This solid superstructure began to The purpose of this chapter is not to further
experience fissures when Thomas Thompson review the recent scholarly trends in the field of
(1974) and John Van Seters (1975) authored Old Testament studies, but rather to examine
influential studies that weakened the scholarly how Egyptologists have regarded the sojourn
foundations for historicity of the Genesis and exodus tradition. From the outset allow me
Patriarchal narratives established by the Albright to observe that I have not found the same level of
school. Thompson and Van Seters were skepticism among present-day Egyptologists
dismissive of the parallels drawn between Near towards the Egyptian origin traditions of the
Eastern social and legal texts and the Genesis Bible as there is among Old Testament scholars
narratives. And so began the slide down the and Syro-Palestinian/biblical archaeologists.
slippery slope towards historical minimalism Before examining the current situation, let us
with the redefining of historiography that review the history of Egyptology and its
continued in the following decades until it relationship to Old Testament studies,
reached the court of David and Solomon.1 The particularly, the question of the historicity of
1980s saw the rise of skepticism towards the the Israelite sojournexodus narratives.
Israelite conquest of Canaan and a dismissive
rejection of the Torahs stance that the Hebrews
came from Egypt. In place of the traditional
Early Egyptology and the Hebrew
view, new models began to appear that explained
Sojourn/Exodus Tradition
Israels origins as an indigenous development in
the land. Some of the chief proponents of these
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,
views are Niels Peter Lemche (1985), Gosta
Egyptology was considered by many to be the
Ahlstrom (1986), Giovanni Garbini (1988:
handmaiden of biblical studies, especially as it
127132), Israel Finkelstein (1988, 2006:
related to the stories in the Pentateuch.
4165), and William Dever (2003: 174).2 If
Abrahams encounter with a pharaoh in Genesis
there is no evidence of a new people who
12, Josephs service in the court of pharaoh, and
conquered the land coming from outside of
the narratives about Moses and the exodus were
Canaan, they reasoned, then it seems unlikely
subjects of scholarly interest. It was certainly the
that Israel originated in Egypt as the Pentateuch
hope of many that excavations in Egypt might
would have us believe. Consequently, Robert
provide direct or background information on the
Coote (1990: 3) declared concerning the exodus
times, locations, events, and historical figures
and conquest, these periods never existed. For
involved in the biblical narratives.
Lemche, the lack of evidence of the Israelites in
The Egypt Exploration Fund (now Society),
Egypt was enough reason for him to jettison the
that publishes the Journal of Egyptian Archaeol-
biblical tradition. He has opined that the silence
ogy, was founded in 1882. In the Memorandum of
in the Egyptian sources as to the presence of
Association, the EEF actually stated that one of its
Israel in the country is an obstacle to the notion
purposes was to make surveys, explorations . . .
of Israels 400 year sojourn (Lemche 1988: 31).
for the purpose of elucidating or illustrating the Old
Testament narrative, or any part thereof, insofar as
the same is in any way connected with Egypt.3
Regarding the skepticism of the historicity of the biblical
accounts of David and Solomon, see Miller (1987, 1991:
2831) and Garbini (1988: 2132). 3
I am grateful to the secretary of the EES, Dr. Patricia
For a critique of these various positions see Hoffmeier Spencer, for providing me a copy of the original founding
(1997: chapters 1 and 2). charter.
15 Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus from Egypt 199

Because of the prominence of the Delta in the the Israelite sojourn and exodus as reflected in
Pentateuchal stories, it was the focus of some of the title of an article published in the Irish
the early surveys and excavations. Two of the early Church Quarterly in 1908 by L.E. Steele, viz.,
Egyptologists to excavate under the auspices of the The Exodus and the Egyptologist.
EEF were Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie and In 1922, Sir Alan Gardiner, the renowned
Edouard Naville. The lesser known Naville was Oxford Egyptologist, wrote a very sharply
Swiss and a professor at the University of Geneva worded critique of Naville and others that he
(Lesko 1997: 113). The interest of these scholars in thought were navely using the Bible to find the
the biblical history is well reflected in the titles of Delta sites associated with the exodus story
some of their early excavation report. Two of (Gardiner 1922: 203215), followed by another
Navilles earliest ones were The Store-City of in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (Gardiner
Pithom and the Route of the Exodus (1885) 1924: 8796) that was a response to an article
which dealt with his excavations at Tell el- by Naville in the same volume of JEA (Naville
Maskhuta and The Shrine of Saft El Henneh and 1924: 1839). T.E. Peet, who was Brunner
the Land of Goshen (1887). The latter excavations Professor of Egyptology at University of
were undertaken in 1885 at several sites: Saft el- Liverpool, likewise rebuked Egyptologists
Henneh, Khataanah-Kantir, and Tell el-Retabeh, whom he accused of being unduly influenced
all located in the eastern Delta and the Wadi by the Bible in their Egyptological research or
Tumilat (Naville 1887). Meanwhile, Petries early who were overly zealous to prove the historicity
work took him to San el-Hagar (biblical Tanis), of the Old Testament narratives based upon
Tell el-Yehudiah, and Tell el-Retabeh (20 years questionable evidence (Peet 1922: 57). Naville
after Naville) (Petrie 1888). His interests in biblical took umbrage at Peets charge that his suggestion
history are also seen in the title of one of his that Tell el-Maskhuta was Pithom was the result
publications, Hyksos and Israelite Cities (Petrie of guesses of early explorers, bent on finding
1906a). The same year Petrie published a major biblical sites at any cost (Naville 1924: 18).
monograph on his explorations in Sinai called Additionally Naville demurred with Gardiners
Researches in Sinai and devoted chapter XIV to classification of the Exodus narratives being no
Conditions of the Exodus (Petrie 1906b). In the less mythical than the details of creation recorded
same volume, two chapters (XVI and XVII) were in Genesis. At all events our first task must be to
written by C.T. Currelly of the Royal Ontario attempt to interpret those details on the supposi-
Museum in which some possible locations for Mt. tion that they are a legend (Gardiner 1922: 205).
Sinai are examined. Five years later Petrie (1911) The comparison of Genesis 13 with the Exodus
published his Egypt and Israel, which devoted two narratives, Naville thought, was an invalid one
chapters to the sojourn and exodus. and that they were not of the same literary type.
Also during the first two decades of the In his rejoinder to Naville, Gardiner pointed out
twentieth century, the French Egyptologist Jean that he was misquoted, noting that he never used
Cledat conducted surveys and some excavations the phrase all the story of the Exodus (Gardiner
in North Sinai and along the Isthmus of Suez 1924: 87). As it turns out this phrase had been
during the second decade of the twentieth accidentally or intentionally added by Naville.
century (Cledat 1919: 210228; Cledat 1920: Thus Gardiner was not claiming that the entire
203215). While his surveys and excavations Exodus narratives should be written off as
were primarily Egyptological in nature, his legendary, although some elements in them
publications reflected his interest in the exodus appeared fanciful to him. Naville further took
story. A section of one article is called on le exception to Gardiner claiming that religious
passage de la mer rouge where he attempted to conservatism was compromising scholarly
identify the toponyms of Exodus 14:2 (Cledat research (Gardiner 1922: 203204). Naville
1919: 201228). Clearly many of the early charged that it was Gardiner who introduces
Egyptologists were interested in the problem of the religious element, which should be entirely
200 J.K. Hoffmeier

left aside. He is strongly biased, not by religious forum where Egyptologists and biblical scholars
conservatism, but by the opposite tendency and could meet to discuss matters of mutual interest.
its conclusions (Naville 1924: 18). One important question that emerges from
With the work of these pioneer Egyptologists, this discussion is why have Egyptologists had
the search was on for the Biblical cities so little to say on the subject of Israels origin
associated with the exodus. Unfortunately, as presented in the Bible? In a sense, the rather
Gardiners strong condemnation of those whom harsh debate of Gardiner and Peet with Naville,
we might call Biblical Egyptologists, I believe, I believe, had a chilling effect on scholarly
cast a pall for decades over serious investigation integration of Egyptology and biblical studies
of biblical history by Egyptologists. Since the for several generations of Egyptologists.
1930s there have been only a few Egyptologists Gardiner cast a giant shadow over the field
in Great Britain who actually integrated their of Egyptology for more than five decades.
work with biblical studies in general and in Who then would dare enter the arena of
particular with the exodus tradition. One notable Hebrew-Egyptological investigation for fear of
exception to this trend was a small book written being criticized by him or to be accused of
by Alfred Lucas in 1938 called The Route of the having a religious agenda by other scholars.
Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Best known There is, of course, a positive side to
for his classic book, Ancient Egyptian Materials this debate from the 1920s and that is that
and Industries (1926), Lucass book is still Egyptology was able to emerge as a discipline
available in print in the fourth edition, revised of its own, independent of the limited interests of
by J.R. Harris (1962/1989). Although Lucas the biblical historian. A perusal of major
spent most of his career analyzing artifacts and Egyptological journals shows that articles are
materials from which they were made, he scarcely found that deal with the Bible in general
believed that his 40 years in Egypt gave him a or the sojournexodus in particular.
basis to offer some insights into the biblical In a sense, Gardiner and Peet did for
exodus story. Quite aware of the harsh tone of Egyptology what William Dever did for Syro-
the debate about the location of the cities of the Palestinian archaeology in the 1970s and 1980s
Exodus, Lucas pledged to follow the dictum of by establishing it as a discipline in its own right
the chemist Robert Boyle who said: a man may apart from the interests and limitations of biblical
be a champion for truth without being an archaeology (Dever 1992: 354367). Devers
enemy of civility: and may confute an more recent proposal that there be a dialogue
opinion without railing at them that hold it between Syro-Palestinian Archaeology and
(Lucas 1938: 8). biblical studies to produce a new biblical
It seems that the heated debate of the 1920s archaeology is a model that would work well,
has been ignited once again in the past few I believe, for the disciplines of Egyptology and
decades as more recent archaeological biblical studies.4 As such, Old Testament
discoveries are being scrutinized along with scholarship could utilize Egyptian material
even greater skepticism towards the Bible. The where appropriate without hijacking the
sage advice followed by Lucas is certainly discipline. Unfortunately, there has been too
appropriate today in the polarizing debate little dialogue between the two disciplines for
between historical minimalists and maximalists reasons that will be explored below. If those
over the origins of Israel. In this dispute, who are trained in the various specializations of
Egyptologists, whom one would expect to have Egyptology are not a part of the conversation,
something to say on the subject, for the most part
have been strangely silent. In fact, it was the
intent of the Egyptology and Ancient Israel 4
He speaks of a dialogue between Bible and archaeo-
section of Society of Biblical Literature, which logical data (Dever 1992: 358359) and elaborates it in
I established in the early 1990s, to provide a more detail recently (Dever 2001: chapter 3).
15 Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus from Egypt 201

then, regrettably, biblical scholars who are not These European scholars, however, were
qualified to use Egyptian data will do so (as primarily Hebrew Bible scholars who had some
sometimes happens) in a way that will not do training in Egyptology and used the materials in
justice to Egyptian sources, resulting in poor a responsible way, but they would not identify
integration with the Bible. themselves as Egyptologists.
In Germany the kind of acrimony witnessed The late Manfred Gorg (d. 9/2012) who was
in Briton among Egyptology and biblical studies trained in Hebrew exegesis and Egyptology was
in the early twentieth century did not occur. the most prolific German scholar of our time to
There were some Old Testament scholars who deal with Egyptian sources and the Old
worked Egyptological materials. Albrecht Alt Testament. He has penned scores of articles
(18831956) is a leading example. His doctoral dealing with Hebrew words that might be of
dissertation from 1909 bore the title Israel und Egyptian etymology and connecting Egyptian
A gypten (Fritz 1997: 79). Although he is toponyms to biblical place names. Many of
generally recognized as a Hebrew Bible scholar, these articles are published in Biblische Notizen
his work on historical geography demanded that and in the monograph series, Agypten und Altes
he work with Egyptian toponym lists and other Testament, both of which Gorg edited. This
Egyptian sources. In his article on the Die series has been one venue where biblical issues
Deltaresidenz der Ramessiden (Alt 1954: and Egyptology have been discussed. In
113) he was one of the first continental scholars neighboring Switzerland, Othmar Keel has
to recognize Qantir as the location of ancient successfully employed Egyptian (along with
Pi-Ramesses (see Chap. 8). He wrote a mono- other Near Eastern) iconography in his studies
graph on the Hyksos Die Herkunft in neuer Sicht of Hebrew symbolism, but his studies tend to
in 1954. avoid historical questions (Keel 1978; Keel and
Uelinger 1998).
Pierre Montet, the French excavator of San el-
Egyptologists and the Exodus: 1930s Hagar from 1928 to 1956, believed that he had
to the Present discovered both Zoan/Tanis and Rameses of
Exodus 1:11 and the Ramesside capital, Pi-
To be sure, there were Egyptologists who Ramesses. He authored a book entitled, Egypt
occasionally wrote on the problem of the Israelite and the Bible, in which he presented his
sojourn and exodus from the 1930s to the end of understanding of Egyptian data bearing on the
the twentieth century. Alfred Lucas has already Hebrew Scriptures and devotes a chapter to
been mentioned. Moses and the exodus (Montet 1968: 1634).
In Germany Wolfgang Helck produced a Bernard Couroyer and Henri Cazelles were
major work on the interconnections between also French biblical scholars who were well
Egypt and the Near East in the third and second versed in Egyptology. They wrote on the exodus
millennium (Helck 1971), but this does not deal traditions as well as some other topics where
directly with the exodus. He did write an Egyptian sources were brought to bear on the
important article that argued that Hebrew writing Bible. In addition to teaching Hebrew and Old
Rameses corresponds to the Egyptian (Pi-) Testament, Couroyer taught Coptic and Egyptian
Ramesses (Helck 1965: 3548) in response to for more than 30 years (Puech 1997: 10),5 and he
the linguistic problems raised by Donald Redford wrote a number of articles dealing with the book
on the correlation (Redford 1963: 408418). of Exodus including La residence ramesside du
Siegfried Herrmann who authored Israel in Delta et la Ramse`s biblique (Couroyer 1946:
Egypt (1973), a small monograph dealing with
the sojourn and exodus, is another German
scholar of our times who has used Egyptian 5
For a complete bibliography of Couroyer, see Marcel
sources to explicate the narratives in Exodus. Sigrist (1997: 2028).
202 J.K. Hoffmeier

7598), Quelques egyptianismes dan lExode that was applied to the Israelites. The linguistic,
(Couroyer 1956: 209219), and Un textual, and archaeological questions he has
egyptianisme biblique: Depuis la fondation de raised have not been ignored by Egyptologists,
lEgypt (Exode, IX, 18) (Couroyer 1960: 4248). but have been thoughtfully answered (Helck
An acknowledgement of his contributions in 1965: 3548; Kitchen 1998: 65131; Hoffmeier
Egyptian-Hebrew studies, a memorial volume 1997, 2005). The works of Williams and Redford
in his honor, was published under the title Etudes have left their impact on the field of Hebrew
Egyptologiques et Bibliques (Sigrist 1997). Bible and Israelite history, and their careful and
Cazelles worked competently with Egyptian critical use of Egyptian materials has influenced
materials. His most important contribution to the me greatly.
exodus tradition is his article Les Localizations Another distinguished Egyptologist who has
De Lexode et La Critique Litteraire (Cazelles written on matters related to the Israelite sojourn
1955: 346358). It offers an excellent analysis of and exodus over the past 50 years is Kenneth
the toponym cluster in Exodus 14:2 and the Kitchen, a lonely voice among British
Egyptian geographical names found in Pap. Egyptologists. He is known in Egyptological
Anatasi III that describes the marshy areas on circles as the leading Ramesside Period expert
the eastern frontier. due to his seven-volume compilation of
Also in recent decades, my own mentors from Ramesside Inscriptions (Blackwell), along with
the University of Toronto, the late Ronald the Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and
Williams and Donald Redford, have included in Annotated: Notes and Comments (Blackwell)
their publication dossiers a number of important that is still in progress. Drawing decades of
articles, dictionary entries, and books on Egypt work with Ramesside Period materials, Kitchen
and the Bible, some of which deal with the has written extensively on the Hebrew sojourn
Exodus. One of Williams seminal studies is and exodus in his books (Kitchen 1966: 5772,
A People Come Out of Egypt: An Egyptolo- 1977: 7591, 2003: 241312) and countless
gist Looks at the Old Testament (Williams articles dealing with questions related to
1975: 231252). Williams wrote a number of background, chronology, and authenticity. He
articles in the Hastings Dictionary of the Bible sees the setting of the exodus narratives as
including entries touching subjects in Genesis being the Ramesside Era. Although too many to
and Exodus, i.e., Asenath, Nile, On, cite, several of his articles stand out and are
Pharaoh, Plagues of Egypt, and Raamses, worthy of mention, such as the Exodus in
Rameses (for his complete bibliography, see the Anchor Bible Dictionary 2 (1992), The
V. Williams 1983: 127). Tabernaclea Bronze Age Artifact (Kitchen
Redford has been even more prolific over the 1993: 119129), and Ancient Near Eastern
past 50 years on integrating Egyptian data with Studies: Egypt, in The Oxford Handbook of
matters related to Israels origins. His mono- Biblical Studies (2006). In collaboration with
graph on the Joseph story remains a standard Paul Lawrence, Kitchen has recently produced a
work on Genesis 3950 after 40 years (Redford magisterial three-volume magnum opus, Treaty,
1970), and Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East
Times (1992) includes a major treatment of (Kitchen and Lawrence 2012). Exceeding 1,000
Israels origins. His essays related to the Israelite pages in length, Volume 1 offers transcriptions
sojourn and exodus have been very influential and translations of every known law code and
(Redford 1963, 1987, 1997, 2009), especially treaty text from the third through the first
among minimalist leaning biblical scholars as millenniums B.C., be they Sumerian, Eblaite,
he has argued that the geographical terms in the Akkadian, Hittite, Egyptian, Hebrew, or
Exodus narratives point to the Saite Period Aramean. The texts serve as the database for
(seventh century) and that the exodus story may comparative study of biblical law and treaty
be an adaptation of the Hyksos expulsion story texts (Volumes 2 and 3). Setting aside theories
15 Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus from Egypt 203

about the biblical text such as sources and their attempts at interpretation. Rainey, though
dating, Kitchen rather compares the ANE data primarily known as a Semitist, an expert in the
directly to the biblical forms and concludes that Amarna Letters, and a specialist in historical
the thirteenth century form of treaty texts best geography was trained in Egyptology by
compares with the legal materials of Exodus and H. J. Polotsky. Rainey periodically entered the
Deuteronomy. debate about the origins of early Israel, which
My study, Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for included his analysis of the Merneptah reliefs at
the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition Karnak that presents a pictorial counterpart to
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), military campaigns recorded on the Israel
was written from an Egyptological perspective Stela (Rainey 2001: 5775). Raineys recent
to address the origins of Israel debate of the Bible atlas, already a classic, contains excellent
1980s and 1990s since the historical minimalists treatment of the New Kingdom, in particular
who were setting the agenda were biblical the Amarna Age and Ramesside Periods, as
scholars, biblical historians, and Syro-Palestinian background to the origins of Israel, and his
archaeologists. Egyptologists, for the most part, transcriptions, transliterations, and translations
have not been heard from in the 1980s and 1990s. of Egyptian execration texts and toponymic lists
There are a few exceptions. Unfortunately, by are foundational to the understanding of the
avoiding this interdisciplinary discussion, geopolitics of the Late Bronze and Iron Age
Egyptologists have allowed biblical scholars when the Israelites first appear in Canaan
who are not trained to work with Egyptian texts (Rainey and Notley 2006: 58121). He also
to do so, often resulting in unwarranted investigates the toponyms of Egypt and Sinai
conclusions. For example, Gosta Ahlstrom from the Bible, which he maintained were
(1986: 40),6 the biblical scholar, proposed that based on collective memories and legendary
the hieroglyphic writing of Israel in the elaborations . . . but that such a powerful folk
Merneptah Steladespite the use of the people memory with so many ramifications can hardly
determinativeshould refer to a geographical be a strictly pure invention (Rainey and Notley
entity, not an ethnic group. Subsequently, 2006: 118). He concluded by remarking that
Lemche (1998: 37) has expressed that it is the geographical data in the exodus and wilder-
remarkable that other scholars have not taken ness traditions does embody considerable
up Ahltroms interpretation. There is good rea- geographic information (Rainey and Notley
son why this interpretation was not embraced by 2006: 118).
scholars familiar with Egyptian orthography. No While it is my contention in this chapter that
Egyptologists would ever read the signs of a Egyptologists have been for the most part silent
foreign ethnic entity ( ) as indicating a foreign during the debate of the 1980s and 1990s, some
land, but a people group. Ahlstrom is forced to have engaged in the discussion in several multi-
propose an error in the text and then emend it to authored books which have included some
fit his theory! Egyptological perspective on the exodus (some
One critic of Ahltroms theory, the late Anson discussed already above). A seminar was held at
Rainey (1991: 93), pointed out that this simply Brown University in 1992, and its proceedings
demonstrated that Biblical scholars untrained in were published as Exodus: The Egyptian
Egyptian epigraphy should not make amateurish Evidence in 1997. This 112-page book contained
the papers of the six participants, only three of
whom were Egyptologists: Frank Yurco, James
Weinstein, and Donald Redford. Yurco was the
only one to present a positive case for using
This suggestion was first proposed by Ahlstrom a year
Egyptian evidence in understanding the origins
earlier in an article which was coauthored by another
Hebrew Bible scholar, Diana Edleman (Ahlstrom and of Israel, even proposing that Amun-her-khepsh-
Edelman 1985: 5961). ef, the eldest son of Ramesses II and Queen
204 J.K. Hoffmeier

Nefertari, might have been the crown prince who Gurion University (Beer Sheva), did not attract
died in connection with tenth plague (Yurco any of the fine Israeli Egyptologists.8
1997: 5775). He believes that this princes Finally, a collection of essays called Ancient
death can be fixed to the period between 1259 Israel was published in 1998 by Biblical Archae-
and 1249 B.C., a date for the exodus within the ology Society and edited by Hershel Shanks.
thirteenth century B.C. as proposed by Kitchen. This book was revised and updated by different
In the new Oxford History of the Biblical authors in 1999. It has a chapter on the sojourn
World (1998), Carol Redmount, an Egyptologist and exodus that was originally written by Nahum
from University of California at Berkeley, wrote Sarna, an excellent commentator on the book of
the chapter on the sojourn and exodus. Exodus (but not an Egyptologist), and was
Unfortunately, she uncritically accepts the updated by Shanks.9 These recent studies illus-
views of historical minimalists about the nature trate how Egyptologists, in my judgment, have
and dating of the biblical materials to the late not been sufficiently engaged in the origins of
monarchy or exilic and postexilic periods Israel debate even though Egypt does play a
(Redmount 1998: 79121). Contrary to the crucial role according to the biblical tradition.
views of many scholars who have examined the
Egyptian backgrounds of the Exodus 114,
Redmount claims What is immediately striking What Do Egyptologists Really Think
about the earlier portions of the Exodus saga is About the Exodus?
the lack of distinctively Egyptian content and
flavor, despite the Egyptian (Redmount 1998: Despite these studies, the reality is that
87). Had Redmount consulted the works of Egyptologists seem to show little interest in
Williams, Kitchen, and Hermann cited here, not integrating their materials with biblical studies
to mention my Israel in Egypt, she would have in general or with the exodus narratives in
been introduced to a wealth of Egyptian particular. In response to a rather negative
background data.7 seminar paper of Redfords in 1986, Manfred
1998 also saw the appearance of a volume Bietak, the Austrian excavator of Tell el-Daba
from the Irene Levi-Sala Annual Research (Egypt), made a remarkable and telling rejoinder.
Seminar held the preceding year. It was called He said, Being an Egyptologist I feel somehow
The Origin of Early IsraelCurrent Debate and embarrassed to comment on problems
was organized by Eliezer Oren who also surrounding the theme of the Exodus and
edited the volume. The ten participants then he proceeded to say, I do not necessarily
included eight biblical scholars and Syro- share Professor Redfords pessimism (Bietak
Palestinian Archaeologists, a classicist, and a 1987: 163). So, what is behind this
lone Egyptologists, Kenneth Kitchen. It is embarrassment?10
curious that this seminar, usually held at Ben

Surprisingly, Israeli Egyptologists have had little to say
about the sojournexodus traditions. In a search of the
Egyptological Bibliography (18221997), I found only a
(Hoffmeier 1997: 138140). Interestingly, my book is few articles by Israeli Egyptologists that dealt with the
listed in a Select Bibliography at the end of the chapter, sojournexodus narratives. One important contribution is
and it offers the following annotation: A detailed exami- by Sarah Israelit-Groll, The Historical Background to the
nation of the biblical account of the Exodus incorporating Exodus: Papyrus Anastasi VIII (Groll 1997: 109115).
recent textual, historical, and archaeological scholarship, For some reason, all the other chapters in this book are
which concludes that the main points of the narratives are updated by leading scholars in their respective fields,
plausible (120). It is not clear whether this is the conclu- while the Exodus chapter is revised by the editor!
sion of the author or the editor. Regardless, nowhere in I point the readers to Bietaks paper in this volume. It is
Redmounts chapter is there evidence that Israel in Egypt evident from his presentation at this conference on May
was considered in drawing her minimalist conclusions. 31, 2013, that his work in the NE Delta and particularly at
15 Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus from Egypt 205

No doubt the fact that the Hebrew Bible NO, and I was able to place their reasons in
remains the Scriptures of Jews and Christians four different categories:
alike automatically casts a pall of suspicion (a) No expertise in biblical studies or
over it as a source for historical research. My Hebrew: 8 1/2
own curiosity about this matter motivated me to (b) No interest in the subject 4 1/2
investigate this question. In order to get some (c) Specialization in Egyptology too narrow
fresh data, I conducted a small, unscientific to venture into another field: 6
survey among members of the International (d) To avoid the intensity of the debate about
Association of Egyptologists. Working from the the Bible: 1
IAE directory, I randomly selected 125 scholars 2. Do you think the early Israelites lived in Egypt
from which to conduct a survey to gauge current and that there was some sort of exodus?
attitudes among Egyptologists. I received 25 Nineteen answered YES. None said NO, but
responses, a 20 % return. The only criteria I four indicated that it possibly happened or that
used in the selection process were not to include they were unsure. Only one who described
scholars whose views I already knew through himself as unsure had some 30 years before
personal communication or from their writings, written positively about the exodus, but had
and secondly, I attempted to cast my net wide so grown skeptical in the intervening years. The
as to include scholars from a wide range of strongest negative statement was that it was
countries. Although I intentionally did not send unlikely. Interestingly, that opinion came
the survey to Egyptian Egyptologists as the lines from Oxford, Gardiners old stomping grounds.
too often blur between academic study of ancient And one chose not to answer the question.
Israel and modern politics, making Egyptians Some who affirmed the historicity of an
reluctant to discuss the Bible,11 I received exodus from Egypt added interesting comments
responses from Egyptologists in the following like I dont think there is any doubt about it. Or
countries: the United States (12), Great Britain I see no reason why the Israelite sojourn in
(4), Germany (2), Belgium (2), and one each Egypt should have been fabricated. By the same
from Australia, France, Canada, Holland, Russia, token, I see no fundamental reason why an
Latvia, and Uruguay. eventual exodus of the Israelites people could
Four questions were posed: not have occurred.
1. Have you published any studies that deal with I must admit to being surprised by the largely
the Israelite/biblical sojourn and exodus positive response to the question of the historicity
story? Followed by if not why not? Five of the sojournexodus story, but most gave no
indicated that they had addressed the question evidence of any knowledge of the debates of the
in some manner, either in an article, section of past 30 years among Old Testament scholars and
a book, or book review, though none had biblical archaeologists on the origins of Israel.
engaged in a major project. Twenty answered The two final questions allowed opportunities for
the respondents to give their reasons for their
positions and to share any ideas or theories they
Tell el-Daba have provided extremely valuable informa- had. These answers were not possible to quantify,
tion about the Semitic-speaking population (including the and many left these questions blank. Those who
Hyksos) living in the Delta, which could well have offered additional thoughts indicated that given
included the Hebrews among them.
the regularity of Asiatics, to use the Egyptian
The late Habachi Labib (2001: 119127) wrote at some
length on the sojournexodus in his publication of
term, entering Egypt during the days of famine
materials from his excavations in Qantir (Pi-Ramesses) or draught in the Levant it was likely that the
in the 1950s, but his work only appeared in 2001, over biblical Hebrews were one such group. Several
15 years after his death in 1984. Clearly in this chapter he sought to associate the expulsion of the Hyksos
demonstrates a rare interest among Egyptian
with the Israelite exodus.
Egyptologists in biblical history and the sojournexodus
tradition, but that may be due to the fact that he was a
Coptic Christian.
206 J.K. Hoffmeier

Another theme that came up with some credibility as a scholar. These two quotes
frequency was the recognition that Egypt may perhaps offer the best testimony of what
never be able to produce positive archaeological might be behind Bietaks reference to it
evidence for the Hebrews in Egypt because being an embarrassment for an Egyptologist
there were large numbers of Semites in Egypt at to discuss the exodus.
various times during the second millennium B.C. Thus I see a kind of disconnect. Egyptologists,
and it would be impossible to distinguish one on the one hand, seem to accept the historicity of
group from another. the biblical sojourn and exodus narratives, but on
I have already acknowledged that this was not the other hand either have no interest in
a scientific survey; however, I think that it does investigating it using their discipline, or feel
offer some interesting insights which are offered that it is a subject to be investigated by people
here. with a religious agenda. This sounds like we
1. 80 % were either not interested in matters of remain stuck in the quagmire of the debates of
biblical history or felt that they lacked the the 1920s of Gardiner and Peet against Naville.
expertise to offer anything concrete to the But contrary to Gardiner (1922, 1924), who did
origins of Israel debate. Those who had write on the sojournexodus traditions, and Peet
written on the subject have produced very who authored Egypt and the Old Testament
little. (1922), more recent Egyptologists have avoided
2. There was an important undercurrent I picked the topic altogether.
up from some of the respondents. Despite the Gardiner and Peet, it seems to me, were
fact that most felt that the exodus was a concerned with a critical approach to the use of
historical event, there was a feeling that this Egyptology in studying the Bible rather than a
debate has such heavy religious implications simplistic and literalistic hermeneutic. It may
that, as one Egyptologist admitted, I have well be that due to acrimonious feuds of the
found it difficult to have unbiased 1920s and the antireligious bias that pervades
discussions, and then he/she said, I believe the western academy, and a long a history of
religion to be a private matter. Another anti-Semitism in the Middle East, for the present
scholar said, Like most Egyptologists I sus- and the near future only a few Egyptologists will
pect, I dont regard the whole Exodus thing as intentionally design research and excavation
really relevant to us in a historical sense; projects in an effort to answer questions of
I think it says more about the beliefs of those biblical history. This is regrettable since Egyp-
who are interested in it today than in ancient tology is a cognate field to Hebrew studies and
times. My survey, however, suggests has much to contribute, offering both
otherwise. In fact there seems to be the background and contextual data, and it can
attitude that the exodus is a religious matter, serve an important check and balance
not one for real Egyptologists to investigate. against the excesses of biblical scholarship that
This disposition came through very clearly in uncritically uses Egyptian sources.
a statement by another scholar who protested: It is my hope that Egyptologists will take a
The absence of Egyptologists from the greater interest in bringing their expertise to the
exodus debate is indeed a conundrum. I am dialogue with Old Testament studies and that
detecting almost an aversion in some circles Hebrew Bible scholars will engage in a careful
to even discussing the exodus as a serious study of Egyptian history and archaeology before
historical event, as if to discuss it seriously articulating rash conclusions about biblical
somehow leads people to question your history.
15 Egyptologists and the Israelite Exodus from Egypt 207

Memoire De Jean-Francois Champollion a

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Thomas E. Levy Thomas Schneider
William H.C. Propp

Israels Exodus in
Text, Archaeology, Culture, and

Managing Editor: Brad C. Sparks

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