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Rationale & Artifact 3:

Positive Behavior Support Plan

The Positive Behavior Support Plan required me assess student behavior, determine its impact on
school success, and design, implement, and evaluate supports that positively affect student behavior. This
document connects to CEC Standards 1 (Learner development and individual learning differences), 2
(learning environments), and 7 (collaboration).
While completing this artifact, I gained knowledge and skills in the area of learner development
and individual learning differences (CEC Standard 1). Shaun frequently did exhibit maladaptive
behaviors and would try to escape from activities. While tracking data I was able to gauge various times
that would be more challenging behaviorally for Shaun. For example, I frequently saw that before reading
Shaun would display behaviors that would get him out of work. I recognized this pattern and adjusted the
expectations so that Shaun would still be having a challenging learning experience during reading. I
understood that this would be most beneficial for the growth and development of Shaun.
The Positive Behavior Support Plan also enhanced my knowledge in the area of learning
environments. While Shauns 1:1 aide and I collected data we noticed that transitioning from task to task
was common areas of escape or behaviors. I worked with the Behavioral Specialist, SLP, and OT to create
a schedule and expectations that Shaun was to follow. This helped ease the tension while transitioning
because Shaun was able to see the task ahead in the schedule. This created an effective learning
environment, active engagement in learning, and encouraged positive social interactions.
Lastly, I gained knowledge in the area of leadership and collaboration (CEC Standard 7). Much of
my knowledge was gained in the area of collaboration in the section called Positive Supports of this
article. I was able to collaborate with Shauns Occupational Therapist, parents, and Behavioral Specialist
to better help his sensory needs. For example, Shauns Occupational Therapist recommended the use of
Play-doh or silly putty that helped with kinetics stimulation; chewable devices with oral stimulation;
and therapeutic noise blocking with auditory regulation. This form of collaboration with Shauns direct
services helped ensure learners growth across various areas.
In general, the Positive Behavior Support Plan made me grow as a profession in the area of
behavioral interventions which in the long run helped Shaun with actively learning. My mastery of this
document also helped with my development in the area of appropriate data tracking. With proper data
tracking, I was able to better collaborate and address Shauns needs and in the end helped Shaun.

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