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Secretary to undertake feasibility stud- the Research and Technical Programs announced that it would reactivate a

ies of large-scale commercial produc- Subcommittee of the House Govern- Washington office (Science, 20 May).
tion of the concentrate and to construct ment Operations Committee. The Com- Last week the opening of an office in
and maintain the experimental plants mittee report, "Federal research and the capital was announced by Associ-
during a 5-year program. Similar mea- development programs: The decision- ated Universities, Inc., the 9-university
sures have been introduced in the making process," stems from hearings consortium that operates the Brook-
House and referred to the Committee presided over in recent months by haven National Laboratory and the Na-
on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, chairman Henry S. Reuss (D-Wis.) tional Radio Astronomy Observatory.
which has not yet scheduled hearings. (Science, 14 January). Other recommen- AUI's Washington staff consists of T.
The Interior Department, whose Bureau dations include the use of cost-benefit Keith Glennan, AUI president; Lloyd
of Commercial Fisheries has conducted analysis for major research and devel- E. Slater, his assistant, and a secretary.
research on fish protein concentrate and opment proposals. Copies of the Reuss Other members of the staff will stay at
submitted a product to challenge FDA's report may be obtained without charge the Brookhaven offices where financial
1962 negative ruling on a commercial from the Research and Technical Pro- administration is centered. A Washing-
product, still awaits approval of its grams Subcommittee, U.S. House of ton office also has been established by
product. FDA has until the last of Representatives, Washington, D.C. the newly organized National Oceanog-
August to hand down a decision on the raphy Association, among whose aims
Interior product. * THE WASHINGTON OFFICE: An it is to "mobilize public support" of
outpost in the Nation's capital is com- oceanography. The 18-member board
* REUSS SUBCOMMITTEE: The ing to be standard equipment for or- of directors is headed by John H. Clot-
publication of an annual Science and ganizations or disciplines that have worthy, vice president, Defense and
Technology Report by the Executive achieved or aspire to significant federal Space Center and general manager,
Office of the President is among a ser- financial support. A few months ago, Underseas Division, Westinghouse Elec-
ies of proposals in a report issued by the Social Science Research Council tric Corporation in Baltimore.

REPORT FROM EUROPE (Ph.D. Toronto, 1943), both of the

Institute of Biochemistry.
An article reviewing the achievement
and, most importantly, giving the meth-
ods for purifying samples and for re-
liably linking the two chains to obtain
Total Synthesis of Insulin full activity did not appear, however,
until April [Scientia Sinica 15, 544
in Red China (1966)]. This article, the latest of 18
which have appeared over the past 6
years in this English-language journal
of the Academia Sinica (the Chinese
London. Western attention is focus- Among the participants in the re- equivalent of the Soviet Academy of
ing, belatedly, on a major scientific search were two scientists listed in a Sciences), is only now reaching Western
project in mainland China: total syn- directory printed at the back of the
thesis of bovine insulin which possesses recent National Science Foundation It is already arousing considerable
the full biological activity of natural publication Scientific and Engineering interest and comment ,among the many
insulin. Manpower in Communist China, 1949- groups of scientists interested in the
The existence of the project, which 1963 (NSF publication 65-14). The structure and function of proteins. The
some Western scientists have visited scientists were Wang Yu, director of article was referred to briefly, for ex-
recently, indicates that China is making the Institute of Organic Chemistry, who ample, on 2 June at a Royal Society
a modest but significant effort in funda- received his doctorate from the Uni- meeting on the structure and activity
mental biochemistry. versity of Munich in the 1930's, and of immunoglobulins.
The synthesis of the two chains of Niu Ching-i, a research associate in the The first notice of this important
which insulin is composed, and their Institute of Biochemistry, who received project to appear in the popular press
successful assembly into a complete his doctorate from the University of was an article in Le Monde, Paris, for
and fully active molecule, was briefly Texas as recently as 1953. 9 June. Although Le Monde did not
reported in English last November Among those whose supervisory help say so, the appearance of the article
[Scientia Sinica 14, 1710 (1965)]. The is acknowledged are a number of sci- was inspired by the presence in France
announcement was signed by Kung entists trained in the West: Wang of a delegation of scientists from main-
Yueh-ting and 20 other research work- Ying-lai, director of the Institute of land China. France and China have an
ers at the institutes of Biochemistry Biochemistry, who received his doc- agreement for the exchange of scien-
and Organic Chemistry, Academia Sin- torate from the University of Cam- tists. One of the scientists in the
ica, Shanghai, and the department of bridge in 1941; Tsao T'ien-chin (Ph.D. Chinese delegation was a member of
chemistry, Peking University. Cambridge, 1951) and Shen Chao-wen the insulin-synthesis group.
15 JULY 1966 281
The Chinese work on insulin is like- reconstitution method of Du, who The paper goes on to quote remarks
ly to arouse controversy because West- worked first, of course, with separated Katsoyannis made about the dangers
ern groups working on the problem- chains of the natural molecule. Du's posed by impure samples and states
such as those of P. G. Katsoyannis, success in regaining some of the normal firmly that Katsoyannis has not pro-
now of Brookhaven National Labora- insulin activity made the Chinese fol- duced any evidence that the traces of
tory, and H. Zahn of the Technical low the same path as Western groups: activity he has found in his complete
University of Aachen in West Germany synthesis of the whole alpha and beta synthetic molecules are really due to
-have had difficulty in restoring the chains first, and then an attempt to insulin.
activity of even natural insulin after combine the chains to obtain full ac- This is confident language, and the
chemical treatment has destroyed the tivity. embarrassment of the Peking regime
disulfide bridges between the two While there will doubtless be con- will be great if the Shanghai and Peking
chains (one, the so-called alpha chain, troversy over questions of method, the groups turn out to be wrong.
is a sequence of 21 amino acids; the April review of the Chinese work on In the rest of the paper there is
other, the beta chain, is a sequence of insulin is also likely to arouse intense evidence that the groups have a sober
30). feeling because of its tone. The article understanding of the significance of
Both groups have reported success not only contains frankly political state- their work, if it proves to be valid.
in synthesizing alpha and beta chains (of ments but also directly attacks Katso- Since the distribution of Scientia Sinica
sheep insulin, in the case of Katso- yannis. is limited, it is worth while to quote
yannis' group), but Katsoyannis reports The opening paragraphs read as fol- a portion of the general discussion from
only slight activity when, using a meth- lows: the April article.
od developed by G. H. Dixon (now of
the University of British Columbia) The first successful total synthesis of a The successful synthesis of insulin has
protein was accomplished in 1965 in the paved the way for the synthesis of larger
and others, he joins the two synthetic proteins and of proteins with multiple
People's Republic of China. Holding aloft
chains. the great red banner of Chairman Mao polypeptide chains linked through disul-
This method, involving reoxidation Tse-tung's thinking and manifesting the phide bonds.
to join the two chains separated by re- superiority of the socialist system, we have Until now the application of structural
achieved, under the correct leadership of variations to structure-function studies has
duction, is apparently broadly similar our party, the total synthesis of bovine been restricted solely within the realm of
to a method developed at about the insulin. peptide hormones and antibodies.
same time in China by Du Yu-cang of The synthetic product was identical For proteins, the most one could do,
the Academia Sinica's Institute of Bio- with natural insulin in respect of crystal- short of cleaving the peptide chains, was
line form, hormonal activity, immuno- to modify the side chains and observe the
chemistry in Shanghai [Dixon and A. chemical characteristics and chemical changes in the properties of the protein.
C. Wardlaw announced their method properties. The successful synthesis of insulin signals
in Nature (188, 72) in 1960, and Du Since F. Engels predicted about ninety that the era of structural variation studies
announced his method, in English, in years ago: "As soon as the composition of of proteins has now begun. This type of
Scientia Sinica (10, 84) in 1961]. the protein bodies becomes known, chem- synthetic approach will undoubtedly be of
istry will be able to set about the prepa- great help in the elucidation of the struc-
The Chinese claim to have refined ration of living protein," it has been man's ture-function relationship of proteins and
these techniques considerably. In the fervent wish to realize this difficult task. in the search for imitation enzymes.
November announcement, Kung and Now that the first synthetic protein has The synthesis of 14C-labeledinsulin pro-
become a reality, it is an important step vides a useful tool for the study of the
his coauthors summarized what they mechanism by which insulin regulates
forward in the long pursuit to synthesize
do after the chains are joined by re- life from organic compounds. metabolism. It seems also possible to syn-
oxidation as follows. thesize the crystalline preparations of in-
Before these paragraphs are dis- sulin containing amino acids labeled with
Taking advantage of the unique parti- suitable heavy atoms, so as to facilitate
missed as adolescent moonshine, it the x-ray analysis of the complete stereo-
tion property of insulin in the sec-butanol-
aqueous acetic acid system, we have suc- should be remembered that their structure of insulin.
ceeded in proving that the oxidation mix- wording commits the prestige of the In this study, we effected for the first
ture can easily be purified by repeated ex- time the successful reconstitution of a
Peking regime. It seems a fair specula-
traction with the upper layer and by re- tion that, in the months between the protein consisting of two peptide chains
extraction into the aqueous layer with the through reoxidation of the reductively
lower layer. first announcement in November and cleaved chains and put an end to the
A 10-50 fold increase in specific activ- the contentious review article in April, hitherto prevailing notion that insulin
ity can thus be achieved. the Shanghai and Peking biochemists could not be reactivated after complete
By taking up the lyophilized sample of inactivation by reduction.
must have made very sure their results We demonstrated, for the first time with
the purified preparation in acetone-citrate
buffer in the presence of Zn+, and clarify- were reproducible. synthetic means, that under favorable con-
ing it by centrifugation after successive This conclusion is reinforced by the ditions, the mode of joining of the disul-
adjustment to pH 8.5 and 6.2, we have polemical tone of the Chinese scien- phide linkage is selective, rather than
succeeded in obtaining on standing the random.
tists' remarks about Katsoyannis. The successes achieved in the synthesis
synthetic protein in crystalline form pos-
sessing an insulin activity greater than 20 of crystalline insulin, first from its natural
I.U. per mg by the mouse convulsion Since 1963, Katsoyannis and his co- chains and subsequently from its syn-
method, workers in the United States of America thetic chains, prove that once the amino
have announced on several occasions the acids are in correct sequence, the for-
These and other refinements made in total synthesis of insulin, but have so far mation of the alpha helix and its coil-
the 7 years of concentrated work on not supplied the necessary data for their ing or folding into the proper conforma-
insulin synthesis by the Chinese groups claims. Their published notes and prelim- tion will follow if suitable conditions are
are described in the April review ar- inary communications provide neither in- provided. In other words, the primary
formation about the experimental condi- structure of a protein is able to deter-
ticle. This and several previous pub- tions chosen nor quantitative data of the mine, to a large extent, its higher-ordered
lications lay great stress on the original activity of their final products. structure.
282 SCIENCE, VOL. 153
The last paragraph of the foregoing broader significance of a technical feat Bibliographical Note
The 18 articles in Scientia Sinica Peking men-
passage echoes remarks made by John of basic research such as the synthesis tioned in this report are as follows: Y. C.
Kendrew, the English student of the of insulin. Du et al. 10, 84 (1961); C. L. Tsou et al.,
structure of whale myoglobin, when he ibid., p. 332; L. T. Ke et al., ibid. 11, 337
Thus, the Chinese work on insulin (1962); W. T. Huang et al., ibid., p. 499; C.
accepted the Nobel prize in Stockholm may be an important indication that I. Niu et al., ibid. 12, 327 (1963); Y. T.
Kung et al., ibid., p. 1321; C. C. Chen et al.,
in 1962. the Chinese scientific effort, which was ibid. 13, 1235 (1964); Y. T. Kung et al.,
This is only one of many pieces of ibid., p. 1245; C. I. Niu et al., ibid., p. 1343;
judged to be mostly one of quantity L. T. Ke et al., ibid., p. 1435; Y. Wang et al.,
evidence in the papers of the Shanghai when it was reviewed at a AAAS sym- ibid., p. 2030; Y. C. Du et al., ibid. 14, 230
and Peking groups that they are fully (1965); Y. Wang et al., ibid., p. 1284; C. I.
posium in New York in 1960, is Niu et al., ibid., p. 1386; Y. T. Kung et al.,
aware of Western thinking on protein achieving quality in a growing number ibid., p. 1710; -, ibid. 15, 221 (1966); C.
I. Niu et al., ibid., p. 231; Y. T. Kung et al.,
structure and function-that is, of the of fields. -VICTOR K. MCELHENY ibid., p. 544.

of criticism now being leveled at nu-

clear physicists for not having resisted
employment of their discoveries by the
Rattray Taylor had launched the dis-
Too Much Silence on the cussion of social issues raised by biology
by asking Calder, whose training was
Potentials of Biology? in science, and Flanagan, who studied
the humanities, how their educations af-
fected their work as science journalists.
Calder said that scientific training
could be a disadvantage. A man could
London. Two leaders in the popu- According to Calder, the scientific know too much to explain a subject
larization of science, one British and community in particular, and the man well to people who know little about
the other American, agreed here, on in the street as well, has a right to it. He and Flanagan said that the ca-
22 May, that they are having difficulty factual expositions which give "reason- reer of scientific journalist is so new
getting biologists to speak out about able extrapolations" of the social and that there is as yet no fixed educational
dangers inherent in several important political effect of biological discoveries pathway. Calder noted that about half
lines of current biological research. that are likely to be made. This is differ- the science journalists in Britain came
Nigel Calder, editor of the London ent from asking biologists to give ad- from science, the other half from com-
weekly New Scientist, and Denis vice or to make the actual choices, pletely different fields. Editing a popu-
Flanagan, editor of the Scientific Calder emphasized. lar scientific journal, said Flanagan, in-
American, spoke on the British Calder added that modern societies volves standing at a gateway between
Broadcasting Corporation television would have to get out of the habit of scientific and literary educations, and
program "Horizon." proceeding automatically with technical "it doesn't matter much whether a sci-
Calder mentioned research in which developments as they became feasible, entist or nonscientist is the gate-
mammalian eggs are "manipulated," but that such an attitude did not imply keeper."
and the possibility that this work will foreclosing lines of research. Both Cal- A popularizer of science today must
lea'd to medical intervention to correct der and Flanagan said they felt all new move beyond the simple task of clear
congenital malformations or even to knowledge, of itself, was good. "The exposition, Calder asserted. He must
enhance intelligence. He also noted the question is what do you do: with it," pick out of the immense "background
extensive studies that are being made Calder said. "There is a rather hazy noise" of scientific publication "clear
on the chemistry of behavior. Flana- line between intervention to forestall signals" that indicate important work.
gan, on the other hand, emphasized the obvious congenital malformations" and Flanagan put it more confidently. He
potential of research on the chemistry more general intervention to enhance said there are a number of well-defined
of the gene, which could open up in- the intelligence of all children, which currents in the ocean of contemporary
dividual choice in such matters as the could produce a dangerous imbalance discoveries; the "hot topics" are pretty
skin color or the intelligence of off- in society between intelligence and well defined, and that, according to
spring (see V. R. Potter, Science, 20 emotion. Flanagan, is just the trouble. Too much
November 1964, for a discussion of Flanagan said that the reluctance of attention can be given to particle phys-
this question). biologists to go into cold print about ics or to nucleic acids.
The editors agreed that these issues the potentials of their work was partly A more pressing matter for the sci-
were as important as those raised by explained by a healthy mistrust, in the entific journalist today, said Flanagan,
the development of nuclear weapons. scientific community, of too much spec- is to be warned about subjects that have
"I hope it doesn't take a biological ulation. But he agreed when interviewer not yet given a clear signal, and to get
Hiroshima to get biologists talking," Gordon Rattray Taylor remarked that scientists to discuss them. This problem
Calder said. biologists might someday face the kind is acute in biology.-V.K.McE.

15 JULY 1966

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