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Mini Lesson Plan EDU 536 (Based on SIOP Model)

Lesson Plan Title: Retelling a Memory

Scaffolding English Writing

Name: Sandra De Loera Date: March 27 th, 2017

Grade Level: 1st

ELD Objectives: ELA Language Standards for Grade Level

After the mini lesson on Writing, ELL students in grade 1 will ProductionandDistributionofWriting:
be able to understand the concept of writing a story and CCSS.ELALiteracy.W.1.4
create their own story from a story that is retold to them. CCSS.ELALiteracy.W.1.5
Students will use English Academic vocabulary to retell a
story that was told to them from an adult with a 95%
accuracy. questionsandsuggestionsfrompeers,andadddetailstostrengthen
ELD Language Objective: CCSS.ELALiteracy.W.1.6
ELL students in grade 1 will listen actively to spoken Withguidanceandsupportfromadults,useavarietyofdigital
English, gestures, visuals, and demonstrations within an toolstoproduceandpublishwriting,includingincollaboration
academic context. Students will also use precise and withpeers.
domain specific vocabulary to create their memory story.
ELA Content Standards for Grade Level
ELD Content Objective: 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies
ELL students in grade 1 will write about a childhood 1.1 Determine the purpose or purposes of listening (e.g., to
memory they have or that has been told to them by their obtain information, to solve problems, for enjoyment).
family using domain-specific vocabulary context that 1.2 Ask for clarification and explanation of stories and
convey the concept of a story with characters, details, ideas.
beginning, middle, and an end. 1.3 Paraphrase information that has been shared orally by
Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels 1.4 Give and follow three- and four-step oral directions.
Level 1: Define, Label, Recognize
Level 2: Categorize, Organize, Construct ELD Standards (2014) that apply
Level 3: Contrast, Compare, Explain, Differentiate Collaborative
1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through
oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and
academic topics.
5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social
and academic contexts.
12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary
and language structures to effectively convey ideas.

Materials Key Academic Vocabulary Research Based Learning Strategies

Title: name of story
(provide text chapters/reference)
Pencil Scaffolding English Writing(50
Colors Author: Who wrote it Strategies)
Computer Characters: People in story Theory Base of Instruction
Story Worksheet o Provide Comprehensible
Setting: Where and when does it Input
take place o Increase Verbal Interaction
Problem: What goes wrong in the o Contextualize Language
story o Reduce Anxiety
Solution: How is the problem o Provide Active Involvement
solved? Opportunities
Tapping into Prior Knowledge
Theme: What is it about? What is (SDAIE)
the lesson? Contextualize the Lesson Group
Plot: All the events in the story Discussion, Hands on Activities
(Beginning, middle, and end) (SDAIE)
Student to Student Interaction
Visualize-Organize (McEwan-
Adkins) Worksheet to help in
Pre-Assessment: How will you determine Motivation Strategy: How will you catch Real World Connection: How are learning
prior knowledge? attention of students and focus their minds goals relevant to students lives?
on the learning goals?
For a pre-assessment as a class we will read This lesson can be connected to the real
a story and then we will depict the different world because the students will have to ask
I will try to catch the students
parts of the story such as the title, author, an adult or a family member for them to tell
characters, setting, problem, solution, attention by the first day that we them a story about a memory hopefully and
theme, and plot. As a class together we will did the activity as a class then for or any other story that they are able to tell
make an anchor chart to depict the homework they are to ask their their student so they can do their activity.
different elements from a story. This is connected to the real world because
family and or any adult to tell the a
hopefully the story they are telling is
story. It can be about anything but something that really happened so they can
it will have to include the elements relate to things that actually do happen.
of a story in order for students to
be able to use in their project. This
will hopefully motivate students to
do the assignment because they
will be able to do it on anything
they want.

All strategies will be research based and from one of Students: Practice and Application
the texts. Please provide reference for each. Note meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice
and application, feedback in each of the three areas below.
Teacher: Presentation/ Learning Activities (Strategy
Steps) 1. Students will listen and pay attention to the
1. The teacher will explain what there is to do when teacher while she says all the standards and
conducting language experience writing lesson objectives that have to be covered during the
when writing a story. lesson.
2. First the teacher will generally read a book with the 2. Students will listen to the teacher as she is
class and as a class together we are going to depict reading the story to the class and then the
the elements of the story to make sure they students will help the teacher make the
understand them. anchor chart by depicting the different
3. Then, the teacher will explain to the students what elements that are in the story and depicting
their homework assignment is because they have the elements that were found in the story
to go home and tell their parents or any other adult they just read with the class.
to tell them a story that contains the elements. 3. Students will listen to what is to be done for
4. The next day the students will come with the simple homework with their family and what is
worksheet that was sent home with the students in expected of them to bring back tomorrow in
which they will use to retell their story and make it order for them to do the activity.
into a book. 4. Teacher will make sure the students came
5. Students will fill out the story worksheet that is back with the homework that was sent home
given to them in class and fill it out (SAMPLE IS to be done. If the student brought it back
ATTACHED) they will be able to work on the activity and if
6. The students will share with their partner what they the student did not bring it back the students
learned about and what their story will be about is then sat down to make a story up
after doing the worksheet. themselves that consist the elements of a
7. Students will begin to form sentences in the back of story.
their paper. 5. Students are completing the story worksheet.
8. The students will then read out loud their sentences 6. Students will share with their partners their
to a partner as the teacher is going around. story.
9. The students are then getting ready to begin their 7. Students will write their sentences in the
books. back of the worksheet. In which the sentences
10. Students will work on their books will develop into the story outline.
11. Students will then illustrate their books and makes 8. The students then read to each other the
sure it has all the elements. sentence (story) they have developed
12. Students will share their story with a group of 9. Students start their books
students and read it out loud to them. 10. Students are working
11. Students are illustrating
Collaborative (engagement with others) 12. Students are sharing their work with a couple
Through out the project the students are classmates
collaborating and begin engaged because at Collaborative (engagement with others)
first when they have to listen to an adult Through out the project the students are
about a story. Then they are also collaborating and begin engaged because at
collaborating and sharing with their partners first when they have to listen to an adult
about their story when they only have your about a story. Then they are also
thoughts and then the students will also collaborating and sharing with their partners
share again with more classmates not just a about their story when they only have your
partner when they have the finished product. thoughts and then the students will also
Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of share again with more classmates not just a
written and spoken texts) partner when they have the finished product.
The whole activity is written because they are
writing a story and they are developing their Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of
sentences to form their story. written and spoken texts)
The whole activity is written because they are
Productive (creation of oral presentations and writing a story and they are developing their
written texts) sentences to form their story.
The oral part is when the students are
sharing their story with their partner and Productive (creation of oral presentations and
then when they are also sharing their written texts)
completed story that they are retelling from The oral part is when the students are sharing their
what they have heard before. story with their partner and then when they are also
sharing their completed story that they are retelling
from what they have heard before.

Review and Assessment: What specific assessment tools Student Reflection: How will you provide for student
are being used? reflection on learning?
At the end of the activity for the student reflection
The assessment given is when the students are students will get a half sheet and they will do some
reading their final product to their classmates and more writing and explain whether they liked the
they are retelling their story. activity or not and why. The students will also say
what was their favorite part of this activity. Students
will also have to choose three other classmates
story they enjoyed listening too and why is it that
they liked it.

Teacher Reflection Extension:

What do you anticipate to be a problem for specific Based on data/evidence, what are the next steps for
students? future lessons? Provide evidence for your answer.

ELD Objective: I think there might be a conflict

if there is students that do not know any
English Language because they will be unable After students verbally share what they have learned
sto write. I also anticipate that vocabulary will throughout this activity, I will reflect on the responses by
be a big issue in this lesson so there will be a answering the following questions:
lot of errors.
1. How did this lesson help students extend their
Content Objective: I anticipate that there will learning?
also be syntax issues and also comprehension 2. How did this lesson help students develop more of a
issues. Some stories will probably not make language development toward their own learning?
sense because students are barely developing 3. What strategy/strategies helped them? Why?
their vocabulary and language as well. 4. What did they learn from this lesson?
5. What did they learn from other students
What theory or theorists would most strongly
support use of this strategy? Modifications will be made if needed (vocabulary, etc.) in
order to meet the needs of each student
Motivation Research Article: Add growth mindset
to your reflection.


1. What part of your lesson prompted students to

move into a growth mindset toward learning 2nd
The part that students got to choose about
what they can write about.

2. Why do you think this particular activity/or

learning task prompted a GM?
I think it promoted GM because students were exited to
share their stories.
3. Mention students by name and describe specific
demonstrations of growth for language
4. How will you let students know they have
developed more GRIT / GM in learning a new

I will let students know when they are developing good

sentences and when they are doing a good job.
5. What changes overall have you seen in your
class that indicate that a Growth Mindset has
been supported and expanded to this point in
the semester?
Motivating your students is a big deal it is very important.
6. What did not work that you will change for next

7. Next steps based on analysis of this lesson:

Attach copy of student work

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