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FREE AGAIN ®x..ccsisie French Lyric by Michel Jourdan a English Lyric and Musical Adaptation by Robert Colby Music by Armand Canfora and doss Baselli Recorded by BARBRA STREISAND onCOLUMBIA RECORDS SS EMANUEL MUSIC CORP. 611 Lexington Avenue NEW YORK, N. Y. 04832 and BEAUJOLAIS MUSIC CO. 75C Recorded by Barbra Streisand on Columbia Records 2 FREE AGAIN English Lyric and Musical Adaptation (Non..Cest Rien) Music by ARMAND CANFORA by ROBERT COLBY (A.S.C.A.P.) and JOSS BASELLI Slowly French Lyric by MICHEL JOURDAN @ anne VOICE (ad ib with much feeling) aH iE = ee 1. Free A-gain, back to be-ing Free A~gain. Back tobe ~ ing 2. Lack-y me, ———— take a look at luck - y me. Take a look and Fa oe ¥ oF with all my pre-cious free-dom, my pre-cious, pre-cious free-dom. — how much I love my free-dom, my pre-cious, pre-cious free-dom. —— + On my own, back to be- ing on my own. Back to live the Sim-ple me, com-pli- cat-ed sim - ple me. Back to where I +e Vay Copyright © 1965 by Editions Musicales Comtesse and Editions Sugar Music Copyright © 1966 English lyric version and musical adaptation by Emanuel Music Corp. and Beaujolais Music Co, , New York, N.Y, All rights controlled by Emanuel Music Corp. , 641 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. and Beaujolais Music Co, for the United States, its territories and possessions, and Canada; all rights controlled for the United Kingdom and all other English speaking countries by JEMB Music Company, London, England benfore 1 or=ar inew{ti} —ectore 1 v-er new {i} A i FR A, (Somewhat Broader) aa iti Free A= gain. Time to call__up Free A - gain. Back _in_cir~ cu all the crowd — raise the roof and shout out loud Time to have a par - ty! Iaztion now, —— time for cel-e - bra-tion now, ‘Time to have a par- ty! aera 2 Free A - gain, tie up all the crowd — raise the roof and shout out loud = ae Luck-y me, Take a look at luck-y, luck=y me. back to where 1 ee back towhere I used to be, LR/1166 12612 English Lyric and Musical Adaptation Music by ARMAND CANFORA by ROBERT COLBY (A.S.C.A.P.) and JOSS BASELLI eres French Lyric by MICHEL JOURDAN Gu si peu eroyez le bien, Ca ira mieux des demain. Avec le temps qui passe, Dans la vie tout s'efface Non, c'est rien A quoi bon tendre vos mains. Je n'ai pas tant de chagrin C'est vous qul etes tristes Mes amis partez vite Laissezmoi Cette nuit sortez. ‘Mais sans mol, ‘Allez boire a ma sante Rompértez vetre pitie, Vous me faites rire, Bien rive. Non, c'est rien (Ou si peu croyer le bien, Cet amour n’etait plus rien D'autre qu'une habitude, Ben ai Ia certitude Non, c'est rien Ce garcon moi je le plains Ne croyez pas que demain Une seule seconde Je serai seule au monde Laissezmoi Cette nuit sortez. Mais sans moi, Allez boire a mes amous A tous mes futurs amoure Mes prochains "Je t'aime” "Je t'aime" Laissezmot Et ne croyez pas, Sartout pas, Que je vais pleurer pour ca Seul mon coeurn'y comprends rien Mais a part ca rien Non, c'est rien Ou si pew croyez le bien. Je nai pas tant de chagrin Je nal pas tant de chagrin Non, c'est Non, c'est rien Copyright © 1965 by Editions Musicales Comtesse and Editions Sugar Music Copyright © 1966 English lyric version and musical adaptation by Emanuel Musi and Beaujolais Music Co. , New York,N. Y. All rights controlled by Emanuel Music Corp..,641 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. and Beaujolais Music Co. for the United States, its territories and possessions, and Canada; all rights controlled for the United Kingdom and all other English speaking countries by JEMB Music Company, London, England International Copyright Secured Made in U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Corp.

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