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Resurrection Remix Nougat Ver 5.8.

2 Changelog


project frameworks/base/
53b0441 Automatic translation import
a574543 Automatic translation import
d5dc2ce Automatic translation import
1e21950 Smarbar Pixel Navbar Animation Duration Settings [1/3]
e021aa8 LTE Tile: Make it Visible for Msim As well
project packages/apps/DUI/
13279b3 Make Smartbar Pixel Animation Durations Customizable [2/3]
6f4e145 Unlock Home and Back Buttons from Smartbar
project packages/apps/Settings/
71552ce Automatic translation import
d8db799 Automatic translation import
f996487 Update rr_strings.xml
fce0d71 Add more j5 models (#734)
f11b1ba Automatic translation import
07ed706 Settings: Make Smartbar Pixel Animation Durations Customizable [3/3]
project packages/providers/CalendarProvider/
94029d1 New Material icon
project packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
059380f TelephonyProvider: Update icon to Material
project packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
bf06fdf New Material icon

project android/
bf14f32 Revert "cm: Remove ahbottomnavigation library"
project frameworks/base/
05a13f1 Better QS detail clip animation
project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
ab780a8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.14' into cm-14.1-caf-
project hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/
d062bdc Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BF64.1.2.3_rb1.9' into cm-14.1-caf
project kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/
d8958fb [dnm]: Merge dtsi changes from latest miui
project packages/apps/CMParts/
780f4ad CMParts:Make Button Settings and Hardware Key Settings Non Searchable
project packages/apps/DUI/
84da14e SmartBar: show arrows for next/previous track when playing audio [1/2]
project packages/apps/Dialer/
95ac186 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
86af05f Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/
65a06bb Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
3131d3c Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Settings/
2903195 SmartBar: show arrows for next/previous track when playing audio [2/2]
27cc5fe Fix Strings and whitespaces
0341a61 Add Maintainer for Vibe P1a42 (#733)
project packages/resources/devicesettings/
a765ae0 Add strings for fingerprint pocketmode
project vendor/cm/
05d7713 Update Prebuilts
project vendor/xiaomi/
8221713 kenzo: Remove unused cnss blob

project build/
190f2fe Revert "ota: Remove cruft we don't care about"
fae00af Avoid adding an extra slash if OUT_DIR_COMMON_BASE ends in a slash
project device/xiaomi/kenzo/
8f857c6 kenzo: Remove unused cnss blobs
project device/xiaomi/msm8956-common/
702499e msm8956: Remove unused cnss
ed19344 msm8956: Fox fingerprintd denial
29e7cd0 msm8956-common: Disable Link Layer Statistics
project external/DUtils/
93cc06a DUI: validate image size before attempting to set as icon [1/2]
52f7f6d Kill App action: remove the killed app from Recents list
project frameworks/base/
42b1343 Themes: Expose Keyboard Shortcuts Dialog
9080b84 Statusbar Weather Image: Make it update when iconpacks are changed
abdfead BatteryTile: make the icon apply
ac183ba base: Apply roaming indicator changes instantly
8e802de Allow to set a different battery style for tile and statusbar [1/2]
61d4294 QS:Re-Enable Night Display Tile for devices that support it
7d73fb8 Suspend Actions Qs Tile
project kernel/xiaomi/msm8956/
65c6eae kenzo: Use caf hall driver
a490919 kenzo: enable_spk_ext_pa STFU!!
4903bf1 kenzo: Remove useless charging debugging
81f8f20 kenzo: Enable cpuset
96115e6 cpuset: Make cpusets restore on hotplug
418925c cpuset: Add allow_attach hook for cpusets on android.
ffe3477 kenzo: Disable goodix
0e5ec81 include/linux/compiler-gcc.h: improve __visible documentation
699e818 include/linux/compiler-gcc.h: hide assume_aligned attribute from sparse
31c0384 compiler.h: add support for function attribute assume_aligned
cead8e1 compiler-gcc: disable -ftracer for __noclone functions
c606956 compiler-gcc: integrate the various compiler-gcc[345].h files
6b67509 media: Use balika code to support kate cam sensor
d70de33 derp
efd353b Revert "fingerprint: Initial Goodix Support"
659ef6e media: Add support for s5k5e8_yx13 sensor
0f8b2c8 input: Handle an additional framebuffer hint
79eb0c6 fix base path
6db12d4 defconfig: Change Stack Protector to 'REGULAR'
project packages/apps/DUI/
b9c7e39 SmartBar editor: Let's use the blue!
67522d0 Smartbar: expose SmartButton ripple color
project packages/apps/Settings/
5875669 Fix Magisk and re-arrange themes and Magisk settings shortcut to be bel
ow RR configuration.
44aca00 String Updates
a5e2537 Also Update RR dashboard theme icon
3e2370d StorageSettings: Fix Color derp
ca04793 DUI: validate image size before attempting to set as icon [2/2]
f2c4953 Allow to set a different battery style for tile and statusbar [2/2]
project packages/apps/ThemeInterfacer/
ae4821c Fix failed authorization toast on restartService
project packages/services/OmniJaws/
79faaf8 Build as privileged and "fix" applying icon packs
48ac8bd OmniJaws: Clean up unused imports, simpify few things
1c052e1 OmniJaws: Add menu item to search for Chronus icons
38f509f Fix potential actionbar npe
303eae1 OmniJaws: manifest add DEFAULT category to activities
960d49f Revert "Remove Weather icon pack pref"

project frameworks/base/
360e3fe Automatic translation import
1ed9957 DocumentsUI: make shapes great again
5e038ca Revert "[1/2] base: support separate encryption/lockscreen passwords"
c895580 MountService: Don't run benchmarks after trimming
4c1bf3c BatteryService: add dash charging support
0b7f30e Fw_base - Night auto brightness: restore user brightness values also af
ter reboot
46aba72 Fw_base - Night Light brightness mode options [1/2]
c3c55c5 Fix NPE while performing NetworkStatsService.removeUidsLocked()
6151c0b4 Fix potential NULL dereference errors.
f85af0b Frameworks/base: Fix old code in MediaPlayer
1e35ea2 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/AudioFX/
2cd4a6e Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
f4196b3 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/CMBugReport/
c3b040e Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Calendar/
918bd81 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Camera2/
e96a1aa Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
17e633f Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Dialer/
6dbeeee Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Eleven/
3f8bab8 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Email/
92c2de4 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/FMRadio/
bd6dd73 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Gello/
a80d06a Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
39d506d Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Profiles/
2a86c63 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Recorder/
b427c2f Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/
772235a Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
f96984b Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Settings/
bcf2a23 Themes: Expose SmartBar Dialogs from manifest
27f2caa Redesigned Substratum icon
3827d80 Expose styles in the manifest for themes
79d3b9b Expose "ALL" hardcoded and @android colors
c52bbe4 Suspend Actions as an Activity
cb0a91c Revert "[2/2] settings: support setting a separate encryption password"
314bc9e Settings - Night Light brightness mode options [2/2]
c7d0663 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/SetupWizard/
cd33504 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Snap/
13d43d7 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Terminal/
44781da Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
39343e1 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
defe11d Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/TvSettings/
952bf19 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
251c7bd Automatic translation import
project packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
53836b2 Automatic translation import
project packages/providers/DataUsageProvider/
149eb22 Automatic translation import
project packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
4f6cf59 Automatic translation import
project packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
6d5910a Automatic translation import
project packages/providers/WeatherProvider/
fd0d410 Automatic translation import
project packages/resources/devicesettings/
d653283 Automatic translation import
project vendor/cm/
b73b386 Fix APNs for Cyprus
089838d extract_utils: support extracting directly from an ota zip
9fa9f1f cm: remove special access to unused cmfm
12011bf cm: allow apps to find profile manager service
815c85a cm: build: Don't convert patchset to int if it's None
2b4fe98 cm: build: Fix cherry picking specific patchsets
58e0449 Make a data only config
ecdbb93 APN: Fix TalkTalk
02ddc58 apn: Updating TelkomSA from 8ta South Africa APN
3e253ac repopick: encode commit subjects in utf-8 for printing
b6087b8 overlay: Disable recovery updates
e8f46e3 apns: Remove proxy for the "TIM WAP" APN
f4c483e Add TvSettings to common tv config.
739b20c vendor: Add templates for proprietary extraction scripts
efc99d4 extract_utils: Fix locale issue with sort
b93ec4c vendor_cm : update Fastweb apn
04ffdec apns: Add Perfectum
3c2dada cm: build: tasks: Remove BUILD_TINY_ANDROID check
9184dd3 extract-utils: Fix handling of pulling src:dest pairs from dumps
project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/WundergroundWeatherProvider
77358cc Automatic translation import
project vendor/cmsdk/samples/weatherproviderservice/YahooWeatherProvider/
7c8a02e Automatic translation import

project android/
79626b1 manifest: show download stats
3b9d716 manifest: show how much % localization is done!
project bionic/
5848aaf libc: memcpy_base: Disable opt for certain targets
project frameworks/base/
8f68368 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/DUI/
d2872b6 DUI: SmartBar Color: Custom app color filter switch (2/3)
project packages/apps/Dialer/
5c9a353 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
0a83aa9 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionOTA/
9e1b4b4 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
60aa1d2 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Settings/
49bc1cc Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ThemeInterfacer/
0f51d79 JobService: Fix inital font application
bed5f44 JobService: fix initial theme dir creation

project android/
0bcf782 crowdin: track the manifest
23bb331 manifest: add in a crowdin.xml
9f86f8b manifest: delete unnecessary file.
project frameworks/base/
2da0591 FWB: SmartBar Color: Custom app color filter switch (1/3)
37e82fc Automatic translation import
293d63a Automatic translation import
c1391e8 Automatic translation import
4442f2c Automatic translation import
62535b2 Automatic translation import
55241a8 Core: Make tethering notifications fully translatable
918f9ba Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Dialer/
9272e56 Automatic translation import
4562381 Revert "Revert "Use TabLayout for DSDA tabs.""
project packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
32a6bd4 Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/ResurrectionStats/
e78c53a Automatic translation import
project packages/apps/Settings/
3df288e Settings: SmartBar Color: Custom app color filter switch (3/3)
d63bec1 Automatic translation import
dc2e3e4 Automatic translation import
146385a Settings: fix build
febccd5 Add VEGA Sky A910 (#729)
ccfbedc1 Automatic translation import
3feebfe Fix zen mode allowed event preference summary.
c9c382a Settings: Fix AOSP WiFi AP translations
f1567f0 Settings: Fix german string
5f20a95 Automatic translation import
22b073d Automatic translation import
984ddc2 Automatic translation import
5a9c6e3 Automatic translation import

project hardware/ti/omap4/
71be556 Include common omap4 vendor repo if available.
02837a7 libEGL_POWERVR: Replace remaining LOCAL_LDLIBS (KK compatibility)
115c4a4 pvrsrvinit/libEGL_POWERVR: Actually ready needed vendor libraries
aff0723 pvrsrvinit/libEGL_POWERVR: Link against generic library symlinks
b132a61 pvrsrvinit: PVRScopeServices symlink lives in vendor/ti now
3c61176 pvrsrvinit: define the libraries to link against in LOCAL_LDFLAGS
ca79788 symlinks: Move Gralloc's to vendor/ti (together with processing)
project packages/apps/Settings/
74cd539 Automatic translation import
42a60ea Automatic translation import
a0124fc Add j5 (#728)
project packages/apps/Trebuchet/
315b2f9 Moving a few testing classes to a separate package
3c58753 Trebuchet: Remove ambient SDK leftover

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