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TASK : You will watch a video about The Crazy Ones .

A- Imagine WHO the Crazy ones may be referring to ?

The Crazy Ones may refer to the people who have made / who do crazy
things / who have accomplished extraordinary things / who are very talented

It may refer to the great men whose inventions have changed the world

It may be referring to the people who imagine / create / explore / invent /

inspire /change things.

B- Now watch the filming with the sound off and check
your predictions. Tick the people who actually appear in
the video. According to you , what do they have all in common

Albert Einstein Bob Dylan Martin Luther King Rosa Parks Jr. Richard
Branson John Lennon (with Yoko Ono) Freddie Mercury
Buckminster Fuller Thomas Edison Nelson Mandela Muhammad Ali
Malcolm X Ted Turner Maria Callas President JF Kennedy Mahatma
Gandhi Amelia Earhart Alfred Hitchcock Martha Graham Jim Henson
(with Kermit the Frog) Frank Lloyd Wright Pablo Picasso Steve Jobs

C- Speculate about the nature and topic of the document

under study. Then check your predictions while listening to it.

The document we have here may be /must be an extract from a movie

an ad a TV commercial an extract from a historical documentary
to pay tribute to iconic figures whose inventions have revolutionized
the world . / whose famous inventions have made a great difference
to the progress of the world.

What looks at first sight as a documentary , is actually a one-minute

TV commercial which / that features black-and-white photos of
historical figures , to be more precise 17 iconic 20th century
personalities. The commercial which is entitled The Crazy Ones
launched a big Apple campaign which / that was aired in 1997 to
promote / advertise brand new products and to introduce Think
Different" as a new slogan for the company. The Think Different campaign ,
which linked Apple to famous social figures , was the advertising slogan
(=catch-phrase) for Apple Computer Inc(orporated) at that
time .The Crazy Ones was another of Steves crazy ideas in the

Listen and tick the verbs you actually hear.

have respect quote agree disagree admire trust glorify hate

vilify ignore change push do celebrate witness hear
see think believe

Fill in the script with the stressed missing words. The

definitions will help you identify the words if you were unable to
identify them while listening.

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the

troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the
ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules,
and they have no respect for the status quo. You can
quote them, disagree with them, glorify = praise or vilify
them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them
because they change things, they push the human race
forward. And while some may see them as the crazy
ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy
enough to think they can change the world, are the ones
who do !

catch phrase

Tick the adjectives that best describe the overall tone.

inspiring (=exaltant/inspirant) positive full of admiration

emotional (= plein dmotion) moving (= mouvant) powerful loving
Tick the adjectives that best apply to the narrators
feelings and point of view .

You will need to justify your choices.

He sounds .. / He is. / He seems to be . /


determined proud (= fier) moved (= mu) supportive (of)(= tre

en faveur de) committed(=engag) nostalgic enthusiastic
understanding (=comprhensif) animated full of admiration
biased (=partial) persuasive(=convaincant)

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