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UNIV 1211: Professional Development and Competencies


Section : XXX





Majors: Mechanical Engineering, Finance, Finance

Assignment 3: Conflict Management (20%)

CRITERIA Assessment Rubric for Group Report & Audio File SCORES
Introduction Contains thesis statement, states why assignment is important, a 3%
reference to justify assignment, outlines the body topics (R)
Conflict management Define what these terms mean, describe how they are related (R) 2%
and negotiation
Importance in Introduce your topic by defining the topic and justifying its 2%
negotiation importance in the field of negotiation (R)

Key terms and Explain the key terms, theories, and concepts in your topic. (R) 3%
Case study Provide a case study which clearly demonstrates the topic being 5%
used (R)
Conclusion Restate the thesis statement, include a summary of the key points 3%
from the body paragraphs, and say how these key points answer
the assignment
Mechanics Punctuation and spelling and capitalization are correct, words are 2%
well chosen, writer uses own words, use of headings, topic
sentences, third person, full sentences, no bullet points, follows
References Contains at least 3 relevant references, references in text of report, 2%
correct referencing rules
Audio File Clear voice, pausing at end of sentences, correct pronunciation 3%


TOTAL SCORE (OUT OF 10%):__________________________________________


Negotiations often differ in power distribution and this imbalance in powers can influence the
interpersonal behavior of any negotiation. Power can be broadly defined as the ability to exert
influence on other people (Bacharach & Lawler, 1981). Every Interactions and social
relationships both inside and outside organization, involve the usage of power. Therefore, the
study of power and its effects is important to fully understand the concept of negotiation and
relationships. This paper will discuss conflict management and negotiation, the importance of
power in negotiation, key terms and concept in effects of power on negotiation and case study
involving effects of power on negotiation.

Conflict Management and Negotiation

Conflict is always accompanied by feelings of anger, frustration, hurt, anxiety, or fear. However,
conflict occurs when two or more people oppose one another due to their needs, wants, goals, or
values are different. On the other hand, negotiation is a dialogue intended to resolve disputes, to
produce an agreement upon courses of action, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests.
Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflict in a sensible, fair, and
efficient manner. Furthermore, Conflict management requires such skills as effective
communicating, problem solving, and negotiating with a focus on interests
(http://en.wikipedia.org). On other words, conflict management and negotiation are the methods
that people learn to reach out for solutions in any manner or problem.

The Importance of Effects of Power on Negotiation

Whenever there are negotiations there are interpersonal powers are being exercised. We use
power to obtain or get our needs and desires. For example, a manager uses his positional powers
to get the desired financial support to achieve his goals. Power is never linked to a price; on the
other hand, it is very valuable asset in every negotiation (Negotiation Power, n.d). Another
example is when an employee is trying to negotiate his salary with his boss. Simply, your
interpersonal negotiation power can be the difference that decides your losses and gains in any
negotiation table (Wolfe & McGinn, n.d).

Key Terms and Concepts in Effects of Power on Negotiation

There are several types of negotiation powers that can be possessed by rivals in every
negotiation. First, Personal power is the power of knowing your strengths and weakness, in
addition to that knowing the other person strengths and weaknesses (Farrington, n.d). Then, the
legitimacy power, a good example of this power is when you see your landlord stepping inside
your apartment without prior notice. The landlord did this because you agreed on this trespass in
the lease agreement (Karrass, n.d). After that you may encounter the positional power which is a
power that can be gained through legitimate position or gained knowledge. For example, PHD
holders vs. BS holders, in this example PHD holders are superior to BS ones because of their
position and knowledge (Corvette, 2007). Moreover, the expertise power which is a power
gained through developing great technical or theoretical skills regarding particular field or
profession (Conflict Resolution, n.d). Alternatively, the reward power, which is the ability to
give someone an incentive, or motivation that cannot be turned down and it can be verbal and
non verbal. For example, you provide eye contact to show approval (Corvette, 2007).
Additionally, you may encounter the coercive power which is the opposite of reward power. For
example, the use of fear or threats over an individual or group (Corvette, 2007). Then, the
referent power is a power that can be derived from your reputation or experience and or charisma
which influence the counterpart to comply with your requests (Corvette, 2007). Sometimes the
individual may experience the situational power which is power that occurs when one of the
parties is way more powerful in many aspects than the other. For example, when you find out
that your manager is using drugs, the fact that you should report him requires consideration of
the advantages and disadvantages of such action, acquiring evidence may motivate you to go
further and report, however, lacking them indicate you should just walk away. In addition to the
previous powers, you may encounter the Identification power which is a power based on the
relationship with the counterpart, if the relationship is good, then the other powers gain more
influence. More to that is the popularity power that is a power derived from your current
reputation or what is known about your behaviors. For example, a landlord will not lease you an
apartment if your credit history is unacceptable. Finally, the persistence power is power of not
giving up to rejection and not accepting the word No.

Case Study involving Effects of Power on Negotiation

Khalid and Turkey are both students at Prince Mohammed University. Additionally, they are
friends and classmates too. One day they were asked by their teacher to set up a team to
participate in the university football contest. The teacher assigned Khalid with leadership and
gave him the authority to approve every detail of the team formation. On the other hand, Turkey
was assigned only to assist in the selection of the players. Once the team members were chosen,
turkey suggested that one of the members should be disqualified because he lacks the skills and
the stamina needed to assure steady and successful team performance during the contest.
However, that member is a close friend of Khalid and he is likely knew these facts and still chose

We noticed in the previous case that Khalid is holding several powers such as the legitimacy,
position, and situational power. As a student of PMU and authorized by his teacher he gained the
legitimacy, and being the leader of the team he gained the positional power. As to his situational
power, Khalid may gain this power when Turkey wants to exercise pressure on him to remove
that unskilled member. In my opinion, Turkey should try to reason with Khalid through
persuasion and exercise his referent power plus the persistence power because the powers
balance will lean to Khalids side being the team leader.


Interpersonal powers can effect negotiation in many ways and these powers are rarely distributed
equally. Negotiation and conflict management involve the exercise of various interpersonal
powers that can affect the outcomes of any conversation, agreement or relationship. Additionally,
conflict management and negotiation are skills that people learn to reach a common ground.
Interpersonal powers, once known and well understood can be a valuable asset in any negotiation
which eventually can lead to the desired outcome. In any negotiation case, many interpersonal
powers occur. Interpersonal powers can affect chances of winning or losing any negotiation.


Bacharach, S., & Lawler, E. (1981). Bargaining: Power, tactics, and outcomes. San Francisco:

Conflict Resolution. (n.d.). Office of Human Resource Development . Retrieved December 31,
2009, from http://www.ohrd.wisc.edu/onlinetraining/resolution/glossary.htm

Corvette, B. A. (2007). Effect of Power on Negotiation. Conflict Management: A Practical Guide

to Developing Negotiation Strategies (pp. 138). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Farrington, J. (n.d.). Negotiation - Understanding The Power That You Have - SalesHQ.
SalesHQ : The Premier Community For Sales Pros. Retrieved December 31, 2009, from

Karrass, D. C. (n.d.). Power Of Legitimacy - Karrass. Negotiation Seminars and Negotiating

Skills Training Programs - Karrass. Retrieved December 31, 2009, from

Negotiation Power. (n.d.). Negotiation Skills. Retrieved December 31, 2009, from

Wolfe, R. J., & McGinn, K. L. (n.d.). What Perceived Power Brings to Negotiations. HBS
Working Knowledge - Faculty Research at Harvard Business School. Retrieved December
31, 2009, from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5013.htm

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